I am unable to make Post API call in ALB - amazon-web-services

I have created an API that has two endpoints. I containerized that API and deployed that into the ECS Fargate container behind the Application Load Balancer.
End Points.
Get = Return the status of the API
Post = Insert data into the RDS.
api/v1/healthcheck is working
api/v1/insertRecord is not working => 502 bad Gateway
The problem I am running into is that I am able to get the HealthCheck response but I am not able to make the Post API call I am getting 502 Bad Gateway error
Target Group
My target group is directed to the healthcheck endPoint so my ecs stays up. Can someone plz tell me where am I making mistake?

The 502 (Bad Gateway) status code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an inbound server it accessed while attempting to fulfill the request. if the service returns an invalid or malformed response, instead of returning that nonsensical information to the client.
Possible causes: taken from
check protocol and port number during REST call
The load balancer received a TCP RST from the target when attempting
to establish a connection.
The load balancer received an unexpected response from the target,
such as "ICMP Destination unreachable (Host unreachable)", when
attempting to establish a connection.
The target response is malformed or contains HTTP headers that are
not valid.
The target closed the connection with a TCP RST or a TCP FIN while
the load balancer had an outstanding request to the target.
you can enable cloudWatch log for further debugging.


GCP external http load balancer 502 server error:"failed_to_connect_to_backend"

I have configured a http external load balancer on GCP and all my vm instances are healthy in backend.
But when i am trying to access my server(installed on VM) from frontend static IP that is reserved at load balancer it is giving me 502 status error.
As a result of which i am unable to launch my application server using load balancer. Help me fix this issue.
Thanking you in advance.
To troubleshoot 502 response from the Load Balancer due to "failed_to_connect_to_backend." I would check the followings:
Usually, "failed_to_connect_to_backend" error message indicates that the load balancer is failing to connect to backends, investigating URL map rules is also a good point to start. I would also suggest reviewing your Load Balancer's URL map to make sure that Host rules, Path matcher, and Path rules are correctly defined and comply with descriptions in this article.
Also check if the backend instances are exhausting their resources, If a backend server is overwhelmed, it will refuse incoming requests, potentially causing the load balancer to give up on it and return the specific 502 error you're experiencing. Also, check the output on how many established connections are present at any one time using 'netstat' and watch command.
I would also recommend testing again with the HTTP(S) request directly to the instance, request the same URL that reporting 502. You might do this test in another VM instance in your VPC network.
maybe you should check if the time taken for the API to return the response is exceeded the timeout that will trigger the 502. The default value is 30 seconds.
Ref: https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/backend-service#timeout-setting

AWS Loadbalancer terminating http call before complete http response is sent

We are making a REST call to a spring boot application hosted in PCF environment. There is an AWS load balancer in front of our application to handle traffic management.
We are consuming the http request in a streaming manner using apache file upload library [https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-fileupload/]. On processing the request, we are immediately sending the response back without waiting for the whole request to arrive. The size of the http request is normally large in the range of 100 MB.
This implementation works fine without AWS load balancer in between. When AWS load balancer is present, it terminates the http call after few bytes of response has been sent.
If we defer the response sending till whole request is received in the server side, request go through without any failures.
If the size of the http request is small, then also implementation works fine.
Any idea why AWS load balancer terminates the http call, if we start sending the http response before receiving full http request.
I assume in your case you are using an application load balancer, however I'd recommend in your case is to use network load balancer, classic may work too as they provide more transparency to your requests than application locad balancer, also its recommended for API implementations
if this is still not solving your case, consider implementing HA proxy LB

Does Google Cloud HTTPS load balancer log back end errors?

Looking for way to debug why backend for NIFI is failing. I created a NIFI cluster (verison 1.9.0, HDF, AMBARI 2.7.3) on Google cloud. Created HTTPS load balancer terminating https front end, and back end is the instance group for SSL enabled NIFI cluster. Getting a 502 back end error in the browser when I hit the url for the load balancer. Is there a way for Google Cloud to log the error ? There must be an error returned somewhere to troubleshoot the root cause. I don't see messages in the nifi log or the vm instance /var/log/messages. Stackdriver hasn't shown me errors. I created the keystore and truststore and followed the NIFI SSL enable instructions. It might be related to the SSL configs, or possibly firewall rules are not correct. But I am looking for some more helpful information to find the error.
If I am understanding the question properly, you are looking for a way to get HTTPS load balancer logs due to back end errors and your intention is to find out the root cause.Load balancer basically return 502 error due to unhealthy backend services or for unhealthy backend VM 's.If your stackdriver logging is enabled, you might get this log using advanced filter or can search by selecting the load balancer name and look for/search 502:
Advanced filter for 502 responses due to failures to connect to backends:
resource.labels.url_map_name="[URL Map]"
Advanced filter for 502 responses due to backend timeouts:
resource.labels.url_map_name="[URL Map]"
Advanced filter for 502 responses due to prematurely closed connections:
resource.labels.url_map_name="[URL Map]"
The URL Map is same as the name of the load balancer for HTTP(S) for cloud console.If we create the various components of the load balancer manually, need to use the URL Map for advanced filter.
Most common root causes for "failed_to_connect_to_backend" are: 1. Firewall blocking traffic, 2. Web server software not running on backend instance, 3. Web server software misconfigured on backend instance, 4. Server resources exhausted and not accepting connections (CPU usage too high to respond, Memory usage too high, process killed ,the maximum amount of workers spawned and all are busy, Maximum established TCP connections), 5. Poorly written server implementation struggling under load or non-standard behavior.
Most common root causes for “backend_timeout” are 1. the backend instance took longer than the Backend Service timeout to respond, meaning either the application is overloaded or the Backend Service Timeout is set too low, 2. The backend instance didn't respond at all (Crashing during a request).
Most Common Root causes for” backend_connection_closed_before_data_sent_to_client” is usually caused because the keepalive configuration parameter for the web server software running on the backend instance is less than the fixed (10 minute) keepalive (HTTP idle) timeout of the GFE. There are some situations where the backend may close a connection too soon while the GFE is still sending the HTTP request.
The previous response was spot on. The nifi ssl configuration is misconfigured, causing the backend health check to fail with a bad certificate. I will open a new question to address the nifi ssl configuration.

AWS: Using the application load balancer with ECS - Requests not reaching tasks

When I send requests using the ALB's DNS host, the listener's path, and the web services endpoint path, I don't get a response within the expected timeframe, which I've determined by successfully sending
requests directly to each of the tasks using their public ip addresses, they return successful responses.
For example:
The ALB's DNS entry: http://myapp-alb-11111111.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com
The web app, "abc", listens on port 80 for requests on "/api/health".
The web app is using "abc-svc/*" as the path in the listener.
The web app was assigned a public ip address of
Sending a GET request to '' is successful.
Sending a GET request to 'http://myapp-alb-11111111.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com/abc-svc/api/health' does not return within several minutes, which is not expected behavior.
I've looked through the logs, but cannot find anything that is amiss. I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions...
I have three docker images that are running in ECS. Each image is assigned to a separate service. Each service has a single task. Port 80 is open in the security group from the Internet to the ALB. Port 80 is open from the ALB to each task. The ALB's listener for port 80 is using path-based routing. There is a separate, unique path for each service. Each task contains a docker linux, spring boot 2, web service. Each web service's router has a "/api/health" route that expects a GET request with no parameters and returns a simple string. We are not using HTTP or SSL at this time.
Thank you for your time and interest.
There is a different reason for that but some of the common issues that you can debug
Check health check for each target group under LB target group, if its unhealthy LB will never route the traffic
Verify the target port is correct
Verify Target group associated properly with LB and is not showing unused.
Verify LB security group
Check the response from LB is it gateway timeout or service unavailbe if gateway timeout its not reachable if service unavailable probably restarting
Services Event logs, check that service is in steady-state or not, if not its mean restarting again and again
Check deployment logs of service, if you see unhealthy target group message then update the target group health path with status code

AWS ELB - will it retry request if node fails?

I have an ELB and 3 nodes behind it.
Can someone please explain me what will ELB do in these scenarios:
Client Request -> ELB -> Node1 fails in the middle of the request (ELB timeout)
Client Request -> ELB -> Node1 timeouts (Server timeout and health check haven't kicked in yet)
Particularly I'm wondering if ELB retries the request to another node?
I made a test and it doesn't seem to, but maybe there's a setting that I've missed.
This may have been a matter of passage of time, but these days ELBs do retry requests that abort:
Either because of an Idle Timeout (60s by default);
Or because the instance went unhealthy due to failing health checks, with Connection Draining disabled (default is enabled)
However, this holds only if you haven't sent any response bytes yet. If you have sent incomplete headers, you will get a 408 Request Timeout. If you have sent full headers (but didn't send a body or got halfway through the body) the client will get the incomplete response as-is.
The experiments I've performed were all with a single HTTP request per connection. If you use Keep-Alive connections, the behavior might be different.
The AWS Elastic Load Balancing service uses Health Checks to identify healthy/unhealthy Amazon EC2 instances. If an instance is marked as Unhealthy, then no new traffic will be sent to that server. Once it is identified as Heathy, traffic will once again be sent to the instance.
If a request is sent to an instance and no response is received (either because the app fails or a timeout is triggered), the request will not be resent nor sent to another server. It would be up to the originator (eg a user or an app) to resend the request.