Can Django fixtures be used for production? - django

I have a Django application that reads different CSV files and saves them to the same model/table in the DB.
While fixtures are certainly used for setting up a test environment quickly, I used the fixture to configure the different CSV Schemata that is subsequently parsed by the Django application.
So each of the data provider has their own distinct schema which is a different row in the CsvSchema table.
During code review it came up that this is bad style because --
It leads to duplication of data. I found it useful to pass such configurations via a fixture and treated it like a configuration file.
To further treat the fixture like a configuration file, I even put it inside the git repository, which is again somethong the reviewer agrees with.
The reviewer also claimed that fixtures should be use only once in the lifetime of the application, while setting it up initially.
To me, the fixtures are just a tool that Django provides us. I can play around with the schema details in my development machine, and then dump them into a fixture, effectively using it as configuration. Am I playing too hard and fast with the rules here?


Django multiple Project using same database tables

I've been reading through related articles regarding using same database for multiple django projects however, I have not been able to come up with a fix yet.
I've tried relative and absolute pathing when importing but it gives "attempted relative import beyond top-level package" error when I try to access parent directory.
Project 1 gets the users to write to database by filling in a form and Project 2 retrieves data written in by users from database.
I'm using Postgresql for database. I've tried writing exactly same for both projects but it seems like in database they appear as separate relations/tables. E.g. for table named school in both, it would look like project1_school and project2_school in Postgres database.
Is there a way to write to and read from same tables of same database?
Thank you so much in advance.
I think that you might be confuse with the difference between Projects and Applications.
Projects vs. apps
What’s the difference between a project and an app? An app is a Web application that does something – e.g., a Weblog system, a database of public records or a small poll app. A project is a collection of configuration and apps for a particular website. A project can contain multiple apps. An app can be in multiple projects.
Writing your first Django app, part 1
So in you particular case, I would say that your actual projects, both of them, could be applications of one project. The main reason, why I think this is a better approach, is that both are gonna use the same data, one application writes while the other retrieve it. One could even argue that they actually could be the same application. But this may depend on many factors of your business.
BTW, is really hard for me to imagine a situation where it would be a good idea to have two projects using the same database. Even if both projects need to share data, I would not think in using on database. I would try to solve it at an application level. But I you need for some reason to share information at database level, there are tools to connect both databases.

Migrations Plugin for CakePHP

I have few questions about this plugin.
1- what does it do?
Is it for exchanging databases between teams or changing their schema or creating tables based on models or something else?
2- if it is not meant to create tables based on models where can I find a script that does this?
3-can it work under windows?
The Migrations plugin allows versioning of your db changes. Much like is available in other PHP frameworks and Rails.
You essentially start with your original schema and create the initial migration. Each time you make a change you generate a 'diff' that gets stored in the filesystem.
When you run a migration, the database is updated with the changes you made. Think deployment to a staging or production server where you want the structure to be the same as your code is moved from environment to environment.
We are starting to look at this plugin so we can automate our deployments, as the DB changes are done manually right now.

How to keep the Django project database and it's contents in sync using GIT

I have setup a git repository and cloned open source code which I am planning on modifying from github to start development. I committed the codebase in our repository.
I now have added few users and posts and other "stuff" into database.
I want to commit this change as well so that my teammate can check out and we have same settings and database throughout.
Is this possible by using south migrations? i.e will database bot contents and schema be in sync as well?
I have the project where I am writing the code as well the actual app. Should I commit both of them.
What should the github repository look like after doing the "right" thing
Data and database structure
This is possible using south migrations, data migrations and fixtures.
The easiest way for development is to just use a SQLite database, which is a binary file that you can commit. The test_project of django-autocomplete-light demonstrates such a possibility:
you must use south anyway !
Apps in the project repo
I think you should keep apps as small and loosely coupled as possible.
If sound, make another repository and python package for the app:
In some cases it makes sense at the beginning, ie. a "blog" app that you know you will reuse,
In some cases it makes sense later, ie. you tought your app was really project specific but then you want to reuse it in another project,
In some cases it never makes sense (ie. the app is only useful to that particular project).
Best practice
As for best practices, there is, and pinax projects which are really interresting.
If you're going to reuse and extend external apps, then maybe this article on best practice reusing apps can help.
If there is data that every developer needs, these can be provided by initial_fixtures. I have just begun to use south, but I think it is mainly for migrations, (changing your models, without having to delete your data, and resync) not for sharing data. Schema should always be in sync using south, because a developer can pull the south migration, and apply it.

How to specify custom database-connection parameters for testing purposes in Play Framework v2?

I want to run my tests against a distinct PostgreSQL database, as opposed to the in-memory database option or the default database configured for the local application setup (via the db.default.url configuration variable). I tried using the %test.db and related configuration variables (as seen here), but that didn't seem to work; I think those instructions are intended for Play Framework v1.
FYI, the test database will have it's schema pre-defined and will not need to be created and destroyed with each test run. (Though, I don't mind if it is re-created and destroyed with each test run, but I don't want to use "evolutions" to do so; I have a single SQL schema file I'm using at this point.)
Use alternative configuration files while local development to override DB credentials (and other settings) ie. like described in the other answer (Update 1).
Tip: using different kinds of databases in development and production leads fast to errors and bugs, so it's better to install the same DB locally for development and testing.
We were able to implement Play 1.x style configs on top of Play 2.x - though I bet the creators of Play will cringe when they hear this.
The code is not quite shareable, but basically, you just have to override the "configuration" method in your GlobalSettings:
You can check for some system of conf setting like "environment.tag=%test" then override all configs of for "" into "foo=bar".

How do I test a Django site that uses UDFs in the database?

I have a django project that uses a postgres db with a number of UDFs. The UDFs are written in plpythonu. Since plpyhtonu is an untrusted language, only database super users can use it to to create UDFs. This poses a serious problem in that I have no way of programmatically creating them within the test suite. Right now I see two options:
Modify django.db.backends.creation._create_test_db to create the test db from a template, which has my UDFs already loaded. This seems hacky and laborious to maintain.
Create a super user with MD5 authentication and load the UDFs in the test suite with psycopg2. This seems unsecure.
Are there less terrible ways I can do this?
I don't know the PG UDF model, only the MySQL and SQLite ones. A few other work-arounds might be:
Create a PG instance which you use just for testing, isolated so that potential security problems won't be a concern. Databases are cheap after all.
If the UDFs are simple (or the test data size makes them simple) then recreate them in SQLite and use that database for testing. This assumes that you don't need to test the plpython functionality as part of the project.
If the UDF functionality is much more stable than the rest of the project, then split the UDF code into its own subproject, and for the rest of the code assume the UDFs will be present. At the very least this will make it so most of the code can be automated, and only the UDF code needs manual intervention to specify the password.
I went with #1. It's not ideal but it works ok.