OCaml understanding begin and end - if-statement

So I am currently writing a function to draw a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) by modifying an image, which stores its with, height and a 2d array of pxiels.
let drawLine image colour start finish =
match (image, start, finish) with
|(Image ((w,h), pixels),(x0, y0), (x1, y1)) ->
let dx = abs(x1 - x0) in
let dy = abs(y1 - y0) in
let sx = Bool.to_int (x0 < x1) in
let sy = Bool.to_int (y0 < y1) in
let err = (dx - dy) in
let rec inner x y myErr =
let xx = ref x in
let yy = ref y in
let ERR = ref myErr in
pixels.(!yy).(!xx) <- colour;
if not (xx = x1 && yy = y1) then begin
if (!ERR * 2 > -dy) then begin
ERR := !ERR - dy
xx := !xx + sx
if (!ERR * 2 < dx) then begin
ERR := !ERR + dx;
yy := !yy + sy
inner !xx !yy !ERR
in inner x0 y0 err
Now I am certain that there are better ways of doing this but the main thing I am concerned about is the if ... then begin ... end blocks. I'm not used to using them and they seem to be causing me some trouble. When I run the program as above I get the following errors. I have tried adding semicolons after the ends but then new errors pop up, I just want to know how to fix my syntax

Your begin/end pairs look OK to me. In OCaml, begin/end is more or less identical to ( / ) (open/close parentheses), if this makes them any easier to relate to.
The most obvious problem is that you have a variable named ERR. Variables in OCaml have to start with a lower-case letter.
Since you don't give a self-contained example, I can't easily tell if this is the only problem. But I would suggest renaming ERR to err (or similar) and trying again.


Calculate intersection of two lines using integers only

I can quite easily calculate the point of intersection given two lines. If I start with two vertices:
I can calculate the slope by doing (y1-y2)/(x1-x2), and then calculating the intercept
y1 - slope * x1
Then do that again, so I have to sets of slope and intercept, then just do:
x = (intercept2 - intercept1) / (slope1 - slope2)
y = slope1 * x + intercept1
(disclaimer: this might not even work, but i've gotten something very close to it to work, and it illustrates my general technique)
BUT that only works with data types with decimals, or non integral. Say the vertices are:
To calculate the slope would result in (1-2)/(0-10), which is -1/-10 which is not 1/10, it is 0.
How can I get code that yields a valid result using only integers?
Edit: I can't use floats AT ALL!. No casting, no nothing. Also, values are capped at 65535. And everything is unsigned.
In high school when subtracting fractions, our teachers taught us to find a common denominator
So 1/4 - 1/6 = 3/12 - 2/12 = 1/12
So do the same with your slopes.
int slope1 = n1 / d1; // numerator / denominator
int slope2 = n2 / d2;
// All divisions below should have 0 for remainder
int g = gcd( d1, d2 ); // gcd( 4, 6 ) = 2
int d = d1 * d2 / g; // common denominator (12 above)
int n = (d/d1) * n1 - (d/d2) * n2; // (1 in 1/12 above)
// n1/d1 - n2/d2 == n/d
I hope I got that right.
and (y1-y2)/(x1-x2). Well, this is the description of one line, not the intersection of two lines.
As far as I remember lines are described in the form of x * v with x an skalar and v be a vector. Then it's
x * (0,1) = v2 and
x * (10, 2) = v2.
therefore the lines only intersect if exactly one solution to both equitions exist, overlap when there are infinitive numbers of solutions and don't intersect when they are parallel.
explains the calcuclation based on the dot - product.
Input: line L passing thru (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), and line M passing thru (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2)
Output: (x, y) of the intersecting point of two lines L and M
Tell Wolfram Alpha to solve y = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*(x-x1)+y1 and y = (Y1-Y2)/(X1-X2)*(x-X1)+Y1 for x, y to get this solution:
But I have no idea on how to write a program to implement the above solution for your calculator with only uint16_t ALU.
Thanks to Graham Toal's answer, below is a primitive Rust implementation of the linked C code in their answer, modified to return the point of intersection for the complete line, as opposed to the line segment. It doesn't use much Rust-specific magic so should be reasonably easy to port to other languages.
The function returns a Point where the Lines intersect, if at all, and a flag denoting whether the intersection point lies on both intersected lines (true) or not (false).
/// 2D integer point
struct Point {
/// The x coordinate.
pub x: i32,
/// The y coordinate.
pub y: i32,
/// Line primitive
struct Line {
/// Start point
pub start: Point,
/// End point
pub end: Point,
/// Check signs of two signed numbers
/// Fastest ASM output compared to other methods. See: https://godbolt.org/z/zVx9cD
fn same_signs(a: i32, b: i32) -> bool {
a ^ b >= 0
/// Integer-only line segment intersection
/// If the point lies on both line segments, the second tuple argument will return `true`.
/// Inspired from https://stackoverflow.com/a/61485959/383609, which links to
/// https://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~graphics/books/GraphicsGems/gemsii/xlines.c
fn intersection(l1: &Line, l2: &Line) -> Option<(Point, bool)> {
let Point { x: x1, y: y1 } = l1.start;
let Point { x: x2, y: y2 } = l1.end;
let Point { x: x3, y: y3 } = l2.start;
let Point { x: x4, y: y4 } = l2.end;
// First line coefficients where "a1 x + b1 y + c1 = 0"
let a1 = y2 - y1;
let b1 = x1 - x2;
let c1 = x2 * y1 - x1 * y2;
// Second line coefficients
let a2 = y4 - y3;
let b2 = x3 - x4;
let c2 = x4 * y3 - x3 * y4;
let denom = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1;
// Lines are colinear
if denom == 0 {
return None;
// Compute sign values
let r3 = a1 * x3 + b1 * y3 + c1;
let r4 = a1 * x4 + b1 * y4 + c1;
// Sign values for second line
let r1 = a2 * x1 + b2 * y1 + c2;
let r2 = a2 * x2 + b2 * y2 + c2;
// Flag denoting whether intersection point is on passed line segments. If this is false,
// the intersection occurs somewhere along the two mathematical, infinite lines instead.
// Check signs of r3 and r4. If both point 3 and point 4 lie on same side of line 1, the
// line segments do not intersect.
// Check signs of r1 and r2. If both point 1 and point 2 lie on same side of second line
// segment, the line segments do not intersect.
let is_on_segments = (r3 != 0 && r4 != 0 && same_signs(r3, r4))
|| (r1 != 0 && r2 != 0 && same_signs(r1, r2));
// If we got here, line segments intersect. Compute intersection point using method similar
// to that described here: http://paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/#i2l
// The denom/2 is to get rounding instead of truncating. It is added or subtracted to the
// numerator, depending upon the sign of the numerator.
let offset = if denom < 0 { -denom / 2 } else { denom / 2 };
let num = b1 * c2 - b2 * c1;
let x = if num < 0 { num - offset } else { num + offset } / denom;
let num = a2 * c1 - a1 * c2;
let y = if num < 0 { num - offset } else { num + offset } / denom;
Some((Point::new(x, y), is_on_segments))

Distance between 2 hexagons on hexagon grid

I have a hexagon grid:
with template type coordinates T. How I can calculate distance between two hexagons?
For example:
dist((3,3), (5,5)) = 3
dist((1,2), (1,4)) = 2
First apply the transform (y, x) |-> (u, v) = (x, y + floor(x / 2)).
Now the facial adjacency looks like
0 1 2 3
Let the points be (u1, v1) and (u2, v2). Let du = u2 - u1 and dv = v2 - v1. The distance is
if du and dv have the same sign: max(|du|, |dv|), by using the diagonals
if du and dv have different signs: |du| + |dv|, because the diagonals are unproductive
In Python:
def dist(p1, p2):
y1, x1 = p1
y2, x2 = p2
du = x2 - x1
dv = (y2 + x2 // 2) - (y1 + x1 // 2)
return max(abs(du), abs(dv)) if ((du >= 0 and dv >= 0) or (du < 0 and dv < 0)) else abs(du) + abs(dv)
Posting here after I saw a blog post of mine had gotten referral traffic from another answer here. It got voted down, rightly so, because it was incorrect; but it was a mischaracterization of the solution put forth in my post.
Your 'squiggly' axis - in terms of your x coordinate being displaced every other row - is going to cause you all sorts of headaches with trying to determine distances or doing pathfinding later on, if this is for a game of some sort. Hexagon grids lend themselves to three axes naturally, and a 'squared off' grid of hexagons will optimally have some negative coordinates, which allows for simpler math around distances.
Here's a grid with (x,y) mapped out, with x increasing to the lower right, and y increasing upwards.
By straightening things out, the third axis becomes obvious.
The neat thing about this, is that the three coordinates become interlinked - the sum of all three coordinates will always be 0.
With such a consistent coordinate system, the atomic distance between any two hexes is the largest change between the three coordinates, or:
d = max( abs(x1 - x2), abs(y1 -y2), abs( (-x1 + -y1) - (-x2 + -y2) )
Pretty straightforward. But you must fix your grid first!
The correct explicit formula for the distance, with your coordinate system, is given by:
d((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = max( abs(x1 - x2),
abs((y1 + floor(x1/2)) - (y2 + floor(x2/2)))
Here is what a did:
Taking one cell as center (it is easy to see if you choose 0,0), cells at distance dY form a big hexagon (with “radius” dY). One vertices of this hexagon is (dY2,dY). If dX<=dY2 the path is a zig-zag to the ram of the big hexagon with a distance dY. If not, then the path is the “diagonal” to the vertices, plus an vertical path from the vertices to the second cell, with add dX-dY2 cells.
Maybe better to understand: led:
dX = abs(x1 - x2);
dY = abs(y1 - y2);
dY2= floor((abs(y1 - y2) + (y1+1)%2 ) / 2);
d = d((x1,y1),(x2,y2))
= dX < dY2 ? dY : dY + dX-dY2 + y1%2 * dY%2
First, you need to transform your coordinates to a "mathematical" coordinate system. Every two columns you shift your coordinates by 1 unit in the y-direction. The "mathamatical" coordinates (s, t) can be calculated from your coordinates (u,v) as follows:
s = u + floor(v/2)
t = v
If you call one side of your hexagons a, the basis vectors of your coordinate system are (0, -sqrt(3)a) and (3a/2, sqrt(3)a/2). To find the minimum distance between your points, you need to calculate the manhattan distance in your coordinate system, which is given by |s1-s2|+|t1-t2| where s and t are the coordinates in your system. The manhattan distance only covers walking in the direction of your basis vectors so it only covers walking like that: |/ but not walking like that: |\. You need to transform your vectors into another coordinate system with basis vectors (0, -sqrt(3)a) and (3a/2, -sqrt(3)a/2). The coordinates in this system are given by s'=s-t and t'=t so the manhattan distance in this coordinate system is given by |s1'-s2'|+|t1'-t2'|. The distance you are looking for is the minimum of the two calculated manhattan distances. Your code would look like this:
struct point
int u;
int v;
int dist(point const & p, point const & q)
int const ps = p.u + (p.v / 2); // integer division!
int const pt = p.v;
int const qs = q.u + (q.v / 2);
int const qt = q.v;
int const dist1 = abs(ps - qs) + abs(pt - qt);
int const dist2 = abs((ps - pt) - (qs - qt)) + abs(pt - qt);
return std::min(dist1, dist2);
(odd-r)(without z, only x,y)
I saw some problems with realizations above. Sorry, I didn't check it all but. But maybe my solution will be helpful for someone and maybe it's a bad and not optimized solution.
The main idea to go by diagonal and then by horizontal. But for that we need to note:
1) For example, we have 0;3 (x1=0;y1=3) and to go to the y2=6 we can handle within 6 steps to each point (0-6;6)
so: 0-left_border , 6-right_border
2)Calculate some offsets
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main()
int x1,y1,x2,y2;
int diff_y=y2-y1; //only up-> bottom no need abs
int left_x,right_x;
int path;
if( y1>y2 ) { // if Down->Up then swap
int temp_y=y1;
int temp_x=x1;
} // so now we have Up->Down
// Note that it's odd-r horizontal layout
//OF - Offset Line (y%2==1)
//NOF -Not Offset Line (y%2==0)
if( y1%2==1 && y2%2==0 ){ //OF ->NOF
left_x = x1 - ( (y2 - y1 + 1)/2 -1 ); //UP->DOWN no need abs
right_x = x1 + (y2 - y1 + 1)/2; //UP->DOWN no need abs
else if( y1%2==0 && y2%2==1 ){ // OF->NOF
left_x = x1 - (y2 - y1 + 1)/2; //UP->DOWN no need abs
right_x = x1 + ( (y2 - y1 + 1)/2 -1 ); //UP->DOWN no need abs
left_x = x1 - (y2 - y1 + 1)/2; //UP->DOWN no need abs
right_x = x1 + (y2 - y1 + 1)/2; //UP->DOWN no need abs
if( x2>=left_x && x2<=right_x ){
path = y2 - y1;
else {
int min_1 = std::abs( left_x - x2 );
int min_2 = std::abs( right_x - x2 );
path = y2 - y1 + std::min(min_1, min_2);
std::cout<<"Path: "<<path<<"\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n";
return 0;
I believe the answer you seek is:
You can find a good explanation on hexagonal grid coordinate-system/distances here:

Given two points, find a third point on the line

I have two points A (x1,y1) and B (x2,y2) that are given as an input to the program. I have to find a third point C that lies on the line AB and is at a distance 10 away from the point A.
I can easily get the slope of the line but that doesn't give me the full equation for the line. Even if I get the full equation, I am not sure using this equation, how would I find out a point that is x distance away from A.
Any suggestions on how to approach this?
There are always two points on each line:
get the vector from A to B (subtract the coordinates)
normalize the vector (divide by its length; pythagorean theorem)
multiply the vector by 10 or -10
add the vector to A to get C
Note that if A==B, the line is not defined, and this algorithm causes a division by zero. You may want to add a test for equality at the beginning.
You can use the sine or the cosine (times 10) of the angle of the line to get the horizontal or vertical distance of the point that is a distance of 10 from a given point. A shortcut is to use the horizontal or vertical distance divided by the direct distance between the points to get the sine or cosine.
You can do it using vectors like this:
Let D = the difference between B and A (D = B - A)
Then any point on the line can be described by this formula:
point = A + Dt
where t is a real number.
So just plug in any value for t to get another point. For example if you let t == 1 then the equation above reduces to point = B. If you let t = 0 then it reduces to point = A. So you can see that you can use this to find a point between A and B simply by let t range from 0 to 1. Additionally if you let t > 1, you will find a point past B.
You can see from the image that your given points are x1,y1 and x2,y2. You need to find an intermediate point at a distance 'R' from point x1,y1.
All you need to do is to find θ using
Tan θ = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
Then you can get the intermediate point as (R * cos θ),(R * Sin θ)
I have drawn this assuming positive slope.
Going on similar lines you can seek a solution for other special cases lile:
i. Horizontal line
ii. Vertical line
iii. Negative slope
Hope it clarifies.
I have done the calculation in Andengine using a Sprite object. I have two Array List x coordinates and y coordinates. Here i am just calculating using the last two values from these two array list to calculate the third point 800 pixel distant from Your point B. you can modify it using different values other than 800. Hope it will work.The coordinate system here is a little different where (0,0) on the top left corner of the screen. Thanks
private void addExtraCoordinate(CarSprite s) {
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
float x = 0f, y = 0f;
x0 = Math.round(xCoordinates.get(xCoordinates.size() - 2));
x1 = Math.round(xCoordinates.get(xCoordinates.size() - 1));
y0 = Math.round(yCoordinates.get(yCoordinates.size() - 2)) * (-1);
y1 = Math.round(yCoordinates.get(yCoordinates.size() - 1)) * (-1);
if (x1 == x0 && y1 == y0) {
} else if (y1 == y0 && x1 != x0) {
if (x1 > x0) {
x = (float) x1 + 800f;
} else
x = (float) x1 - 800f;
y = Math.round(yCoordinates.get(yCoordinates.size() - 1));
} else if (y1 != y0 && x1 == x0) {
if (y1 > y0) {
y = (float) Math.abs(y1) - 800f;
} else
y = (float) Math.abs(y1) + 800f;
x = Math.round(xCoordinates.get(xCoordinates.size() - 1));
} else {
float m = (float) (yCoordinates.get(yCoordinates.size() - 1) * (-1) - yCoordinates
.get(yCoordinates.size() - 2) * (-1))
/ (float) (xCoordinates.get(xCoordinates.size() - 1) - xCoordinates
.get(xCoordinates.size() - 2));
if (x1 > x0) {
x = (float) ((float) x1 + 800f / (float) Math
.sqrt((double) ((double) 1f + (double) (m * m))));
} else
x = (float) ((float) x1 - 800f / (float) Math
.sqrt((double) ((double) 1f + (double) (m * m))));
if (y0 > y1) {
y = (float) ((float) Math.abs(y1) + 800f / (float) Math
.sqrt((double) (((double) 1f / (double) (m * m)) + (double) 1f)));
} else
y = (float) ((float) Math.abs(y1) - 800f / (float) Math
.sqrt((double) (((double) 1f / (double) (m * m)) + (double) 1f)));

Efficient way to get the angle between two vectors in a single plane?

If I know for a fact that the x and z values of the vectors will be identical,
therefore im only concerned in measuring the 'vertical' angle of from the differences in the y plane, is there a more efficient method to do this compared to computing the dot product?
My current code using the dot product method is as follows:
float a_mag = a.magnitude();
float b_mag = b.magnitude();
float ab_dot = a.dot(b);
float c = ab_dot / (a_mag * b_mag);
// clamp d to from going beyond +/- 1 as acos(+1/-1) results in infinity
if (c > 1.0f) {
c = 1.0;
} else if (c < -1.0) {
c = -1.0;
return acos(c);
I would love to be able to get rid of these square roots
Suppose that your two vectors live at u = (x, y1, z) and v = (x, y2, z), and you're interested in the planar angle between the two along the plane spanned by the two vectors. You'd have to compute the dot product and the magnitude, but you can save a few operations:
u.v = x.x + y1.y2 + z.z
u^2 = x.x + y1.y1 + z.z
v^2 = x.x + y2.y2 + z.z
So we should precompute:
float xz = x*x + z*z, y11 = y1*y1, y12 = y1*y2, y22 = y2*y2;
float cosangle = (xz + y12) / sqrt((xz + y11) * (xz + y22));
float angle = acos(cosangle);
If the values of x and z are unchanged, then the calculation is very easy: just use basic trigonometry.
Let the points be (x, y1, z) and (x, y2, z). You can find out the angle a vector makes with the ZX-plane. Let the angles be t1 and t2 respectively. Then:
w = sqrt(x^2 + z^2)
tan(t1) = y1 / w
So t1 = atan(y1 / w)
Similarly t2 = atan(y2 / w)
The angle is (t2 - t1)
There's one pitfall: When both x and z are zero, the tans are undefined... but such a trivial case can easily be handled separately.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to avoid the square root.

The Maths for 2D Collision Detection between an OBB and a Circle

I'm creating a 2D game and want to test for collision between an OBB (Oriented Bounding Box) and a Circle. I'm unsure of the maths and code to do this. I'm creating the game in c++ and opengl.
Since both your shapes are convex, you can use the Separating Axis Theorem. Here's a tutorial on how to implement an algorithm to do this.
Essentially, you try to find if it's possible to put a line somewhere that's between the two shapes and if you can't find one, then you know they're colliding.
References and general answer taken from this question.
Here's what I would do, in pseudocode:
function does_line_go_through_circle (original_line, circle_centerpoint, radius):
original_slope = get_slope_of_line (original_line)
perpendicular_slope = 1/original_slope
perpendicular_line = create_line_with_slope_through_point (perpendicular_slope, circle_centerpoint)
intersect_point = intersection_of_infinite_lines (perpendicular_line, original_line)
if point_is_on_line (intersect_point, original_line):
finite_line_along_radius = create_finite_line_between_points (circle_centerpoint, intersect_point)
if length_of_line (finite_line_along_radius) < length_of_line (radius):
return true
return false
function does_box_intersect_with_circle (bounding_box, circle):
for each side in bounding_box:
if does_line_go_through_circle (side, circle.center, circle.radius):
return true
return false
Keep in mind, I'm a little rusty on this stuff, I might be wrong.
Anyway, it should be trivial to implement this in C++.
We will divide the rectangle into 4 finite lines.
We can construct the line equation ax + by + c = 0 connecting the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as follows:
mx - y + c = 0
where m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
Shortest (perpendicular) distance from a line ax + by + c = 0 to a point (xc, yc) is given by the expression:
d = (a*xc + b*yc + c) / sqrt(a*a + b*b)
or d = (m*xc - yc + c) / sqrt(m*m + 1) according the the above equation
For infinite lines, you can check if 'd' is less than the radius of the circle.
But for finite lines, you'd also have to make sure whether the point of contact is within the line.
Now m = tan(angle). You can have
cos = 1 / sqrt(m*m + 1); sin = m / sqrt(m*m + 1)
Then you can calculate the point of contact as
xp = xc + d*cos; yp = yc + d*sin
And to check whether (xp, yp) lies in between the points connecting line, you can do a simple check as
if(x1 < xp < x2 && y1 < yp < y2)
return true
depending upon which is greater among x1 x2 and y1 y2.
You can repeat the same algorithm for all the four lines of a rectangle by passing the points.
Please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.