Does LLVM ever care about the difference between opaque types? - llvm

According to
Opaque structure types are used to represent structure types that do not have a body specified. This corresponds (for example) to the C notion of a forward declared structure. They can be named (%X) or unnamed (%52).
Seems straightforward enough, but one thing I'm trying to figure out is this. Suppose we have two opaque types:
%X = type opaque
%Y = type opaque
Does LLVM ever care about the fact that these are two different types? Is there any scenario in which substituting X for Y would cause different code to be generated? One possibility that comes to mind is type-based alias analysis, but then, it is not possible to dereference an opaque type, so it looks like there is no way for it to make a difference. Am I missing anything?


What does vk::DeviceQueueCreateFlags() actually do?

The C like way to initialize this structure is:
VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo queueCreateInfo = {};
queueCreateInfo.queueFamilyIndex = queueFamily;
queueCreateInfo.queueCount = 1;
queueCreateInfo.pQueuePriorities = &queuePriority;
The C++ way, using and abusing the vulkan.hpp header, is:
vk::DeviceQueueCreateInfo deviceQueueCreateInfo(vk::DeviceQueueCreateFlags(), static_cast<uint32_t>(graphicsQueueFamilyIndex), 1, &queuePriority);
It seems that a lot of work is encapsulated in the function vk::DeviceQueueCreateFlags().
However looking through the source with my editor is not revealing anything useful. I was hoping someone with more experience could provide some information as to what the function is doing.
It's an alias for vk::Flags, which is a template for dealing with Vulkan bitfields in a type-safe manor.
You want enumerations to be type-safe; you don't want implicit conversions to/from integers. So in C++, you do this by defining the enumeration to be an enum class.
That's fine for regular enumerations. But bitfields are special; they're combinations of enumerators from a specific enumeration. The typical post-C++11 solution is to just give the enumeration type overloaded operators, so that you can apply & and | to the enumeration type itself.
Personally, this solution always rubbed me the wrong way. To me, a strong enumeration type should hold one of the enum values, not several of them. So using operator overloading to effectively allow an enumeration value to lie didn't sit well with me.
Apparently I'm not alone in that, because the writers of vulkan.hpp opted for a different solution. They created a template class vk::Flags, which takes two template parameters. One of them is the enumeration that contains all of the valid bitflags. The second parameter is the "enumeration" that represents the concatenation of multiple flags. Which is something that the vulkan.xml specification file actually understands: the difference between the field containing the possible bits and the field which is an aggregation of bits.
vk::Flags can be given bits from the bitfield, and you can manipulate it with bits from that bitfield via some of the bitwise operators. And it is implicitly convertible to the type that represents the aggregation of bits.
So DeviceQueueCreateInfo is just an alias for Flags<DeviceQueueCreateFlagBits, VkDeviceQueueCreateFlags>, which is a bitfield that takes device creation bits and aggregates them into the flags aggregate.

Flex/Bison: cannot use semantic_type

I try to create a c++ flex/bison parser. I used this tutorial as a starting point and did not change any bison/flex configurations. I am stuck now to the point of trying to unit test the lexer.
I have a function in my unit tests that directly calls yylex, and checks the result of it:
private: static void checkIntToken(MyScanner &scanner, Compiler *comp, unsigned long expected, unsigned char size, char isUnsigned, unsigned int line, const std::string &label) {
yy::MyParser::location_type loc;
yy::MyParser::semantic_type semantic; // <---- is seems like the destructor of this variable causes the crash
int type = scanner.yylex(&semantic, &loc, comp);
Assert::equals(yy::MyParser::token::INT, type, label + "__1");
MyIntToken* token =<MyIntToken*>();
Assert::equals(expected, token->value, label + "__2");
Assert::equals(size, token->size, label + "__3");
Assert::equals(isUnsigned, token->isUnsigned, label + "__4");
Assert::equals(line, loc.begin.line, label + "__5");
//execution comes to this point, and then, program crashes
The error message is:
program: ../src/__autoGenerated__/ yy::variant<32>::~variant() [S = 32]: Assertion `!yytypeid_' failed.
I have tried to follow the logic in the auto-generated bison files, and make some sense out of it. But I did not succeed on that and ultimately gave up. I searched then for any advice on the web about this error message but did not find any.
The location indicated by the error has the following code:
~variant (){
YYASSERT (!yytypeid_);
EDIT: The problem disappears only if I remove the
%define parse.assert
option from the bison file. But I am not sure if this is a good idea...
What is the proper way to obtain the value of the token generated by flex, for unit testing purposes?
Note: I've tried to explain bison variant types to the best of my knowledge. I hope it is accurate but I haven't used them aside from some toy experiments. It would be an error to assume that this explanation in any way implies an endorsement of the interface.
The so-called "variant" type provided by bison's C++ interface is not a general-purpose variant type. That was a deliberate decision based on the fact that the parser is always able to figure out the semantic type associated with a semantic value on the parser stack. (This fact also allows a C union to be used safely within the parser.) Recording type information within the "variant" would therefore be redundant. So they don't. In that sense, it is not really a discriminated union, despite what one might expect of a type named "variant".
(The bison variant type is a template with an integer (non-type) template argument. That argument is the size in bytes of the largest type which is allowed in the variant; it does not in any other way specify the possible types. The semantic_type alias serves to ensure that the same template argument is used for every bison variant object in the parser code.)
Because it is not a discriminated union, its destructor cannot destruct the current value; it has no way to know how to do that.
This design decision is actually mentioned in the (lamentably insufficient) documentation for the Bison "variant" type. (When reading this, remember that it was originally written before std::variant existed. These days, it would be std::variant which was being rejected as "redundant", although it is also possible that the existence of std::variant might have had the happy result of revisiting this design decision). In the chapter on C++ Variant Types, we read:
Warning: We do not use Boost.Variant, for two reasons. First, it appeared unacceptable to require Boost on the user’s machine (i.e., the machine on which the generated parser will be compiled, not the machine on which bison was run). Second, for each possible semantic value, Boost.Variant not only stores the value, but also a tag specifying its type. But the parser already “knows” the type of the semantic value, so that would be duplicating the information.
Therefore we developed light-weight variants whose type tag is external (so they are really like unions for C++ actually).
And indeed they are. So any use of a bison "variant" must have a definite type:
You can build a variant with an argument of the type to build. (This is the only case where you don't need a template parameter, because the type is deduced from the argument. You would have to use an explicit template parameter only if the argument were not of the precise type; for example, an integer of lesser rank.)
You can get a reference to the value of known type T with as<T>. (This is undefined behaviour if the value has a different type.)
You can destruct the value of known type T with destroy<T>.
You can copy or move the value from another variant of known type T with copy<T> or move<T>. (move<T> involves constructing and then destructing a T(), so you might not want to do it if T had an expensive default constructor. On the whole, I'm not convinced by the semantics of the move method. And its name conflicts semantically with std::move, but again it came first.)
You can swap the values of two variants which both have the same known type T with swap<T>.
Now, the generated parser understands all these restrictions, and it always knows the real types of the "variants" it has at its disposal. But you might come along and try to do something with one of these objects in a way that violates a constraint. Since the object really doesn't have any way to check the constraint, you'll end up with undefined behaviour which will probably have some disastrous eventual consequence.
So they also implemented an option which allows the "variant" to check the constraints. Unsurprisingly, this consists of adding a discriminator. But since the discriminator is only used to validate and not to modify behaviour, it is not a small integer which chooses between a small number of known alternatives, but rather a pointer to a std::typeid (or NULL if the variant does not yet contain a value.) (To be fair, in most cases alignment constraints mean that using a pointer for this purpose is no more expensive than using a small enum. All the same...)
So that's what you're running into. You enabled assertions with %define parse.assert; that option was provided specifically to prevent you from doing what you are trying to do, which is let the variant object's destructor run before the variant's value is explicitly destructed.
So the "correct" way to avoid the problem is to insert an explicit call at the end of the scope:
// execution comes to this point, and then, without the following
// call, the program will fail on an assertion
With the parse assertion enabled, the variant object will be able to verify that the types specified as template parameters to<T> and semantic.destroy<T> are the same types as the value stored in the object. (Without parse.assert, that too is your responsibility.)
Warning: opinion follows.
In case anyone reading this cares, my preference for using real std::variant types comes from the fact that it is actually quite common for the semantic value of an AST node to require a discriminated union. The usual solution (in C++) is to construct a type hierarchy which is, in some ways, entirely artificial, and it is quite possible that std::variant can better express the semantics.
In practice, I use the C interface and my own discriminated union implementation.

Memory management for types in complex languages

I've come across a slight problem for writing memory management with regard to the internal representation of types in a compiler for statically typed, complex languages. Consider a simple snippet in C++ which easily demonstrates a type that refers to itself.
class X {
void f(const X&) {}
Types can have nearly infinitely complex relationships to each other. So, as a compiler process, how do you make sure that they are properly collected?
So far, I've decided that garbage collection might be the right way to go, which I wouldn't be too happy with because I want to write the compiler in C++, or alternatively, just leave them and never collect them for the life of the compile phase for which they are needed (which has a very fixed lifetime) and then collect them all afterwards. The problem with that is that if you had a lot of complex types, you could lose a lot of memory that way.
Memory management is easy, just have some table type-name -> type-descriptor for each declaration scopes. Types are uniquely identified by name, no matter how complex the nesting is. Even a recursive type is still only a single type. As tp1 says correctly, you typically perform multiple passes to fill in all blanks. For instance, you might check that a type name is known in the first pass and then compute all links, later on, you compute the type.
Keep in mind that languages like C don't have a really complex type system -- even though they have pointers (which allow for recursive types), there is not much type computation going on.
I think you can remove the cycles from the dependency graph by using separate objects to represent declarations and definitions. Assuming a type system similar to C++, you will then have a hierarchical dependency:
Function definitions depend on type definitions and function declarations
Type definitions depend on function and type declarations (and definitions of contained types)
Function declarations depend on type declarations
In your example, the dependency graph is f_def -> X_def -> f_decl -> X_decl.
With no cycles in the graph, you can manage objects using simple reference counting.

what is a type in C++?

What all constructs(class,struct,union) classify as types in C++? Can anyone explain the rationale behind calling and qualifying certain C++ constructs as a 'type'.
$3.9/1 - "There are two kinds of
types: fundamental types and compound
types. Types describe objects (1.8),
references (8.3.2), or functions
(8.3.5). ]"
Fundamental types are char, int, bool and so on.
Compound types are arrays, enums, classes, references, unions etc
A variable contains a value.
A type is a specification of the value. (eg, number, text, date, person, truck)
All variables must have a type, because they must hold strictly defined values.
Types can be built-in primitives (such as int), custom types (such as enums and classes), or some other things.
Other answers address the kinds of types C++ makes available, so I'll address the motivation part. Note that C++ didn't invent the notion of a data type. Quoting from the Wikipedia entry on Type system.
a type system may be defined as "a
tractable syntactic framework for
classifying phrases according to the
kinds of values they compute"
Another interesting definition from the Data Type page:
a data type (or datatype) is a
classification identifying one of
various types of data, such as
floating-point, integer, or Boolean,
stating the possible values for that
type, the operations that can be done
on that type, and the way the values
of that type are stored
Note that this last one is very close to what C++ means by "type". Perhaps obvious for the built-in (fundamental) types like bool:
possible values are true and false
operations - per definition of arithmetic operators that can accept bool as argument
the way it's stored - actually not mandated by the C++ standard, but one can guess that on some systems a type requiring only a single bit can be stored efficiently (although I think most C++ systems don't do this optimization).
For more complex, user created, types, the situation is more difficult. Consider enum types: you know exactly the range of values a variable of an enum type can get. What about struct and class? There, also, your type declaration tells the compiler what possible values the struct can have, what operations you can do on it (operator overloading and functions accepting objects of this type), and it will even infer how to store it.
Re range of values, although huge, remember it's finite. Even a struct with N 32-bit integers has a finite range of possible values, which is 2^(32N).
Cite from the book "Bjarne Stroustrup - Programming Principles and Practice Using C++", page 77, chapter 3.8:
A type defines a set of possible values and a set of operations (for an object).
An object is some memory that holds a value of a given type.
A value is a set of bits in memory interpreted according to a type.
A variable is a named object.
A declaration is a statement that gives a name to an object.
A definition is a declaration that sets aside memory for an object.
Sounds like a matter of semantics to me...A type refers to something with a construct that can be used to describe it in a away that conforms to traditional Object Oriented concepts(properties and methods). Anything that isn't called a type is probably created with a less robust construct.

What type can hold member-function-pointers of difference classes in C++?

I need an array to hold member-function-pointers of different classes. How can I define the array?
The code should look like this:
arr[0] = &CMyClass::FuncX;
arr[1] = &CYourClass::FuncY;
arr[2] = &CHerClass::FuncZ;
I tried void*, but it doesn't work.
You can't; they are all different types and arrays are homogeneous.
Regardless what the arguments are or what the return value is, there is an implicit this which is unique to the class type. The type of a class member pointer is:
return_value (class_type::*)(parameters);
As you can see, because they belong to different classes they will always be a different type. Even if it were the same class, the return_value and parameters would have to be consistent to create an array, otherwise you'd still have different types.
What's the bigger picture? Boost.Bind with Boost.Function comes to mind. Also, virtual functions may solve your problem.
As others have pointed out, you can't store pointers to different kinds of functions directly. You might want to look at the Command template, e.g., from Modern C++ Design, which at least lets you put different invokable "things" (pointers or smart pointers to functions, functors, member functions) into a single thing.
On its own, that probably won't be sufficient -- you'll (apparently) end up with the template instantiated over different types, which produces different types. Those types will all use the same syntax, but won't all go into an array (which demands a single type).
Depending on your constraints, (compile-time vs. run-time indexing, in particular) you may be able to use a Boost::tuple to store a collection of command objects. You can treat that a bit like an array, using numeric indexing to get to an individual item. Unlike a normal array, however:
the syntax is a bit ugly, and
The indexing has to be done at compile-time (using compile-time constants).
Without know the parameters or return types of the function its hard to define them for you look at this page to get the gist of it or post the declaration of the functions.
Others have noted why you can't do this. But even if you could, what would you be able to do with it. In order to call a member function pointer, you need to an object of the appropriate type to call it on. So you would need to know the type of each of the member function pointers. You need to take a step back and figure out what it is that you are trying to accomplish.