Capella links inside descriptions of elements - m2doc

In Capella, in the descriptions of my model elements, I am using hypertext links towards other elements of the model. When I generate a document with M2Doc, these links are not properly transformed/interpreted.
Example: a Capella hypertext link towards the "Cabin Screen" model element...
<p>Cabin Screen</p>
... becomes an hypertext link with the following address in the generated Word document:
But there is no way to "follow this link":
Resulting link in Word & Impossible navigation
What I need to achieve is to have the original link transformed in a bookmark reference (I have a bookmark for this element somewhere else in my document)
{REF 11e922f1-192b-43a5-9060-f935c26998a5 \h }
I was wondering whether one service allows to automatically transform these links in bookmark references (BookmarkRef)? If not, has this request been raised already?

This replacement depend on the way you are creating your bookmark IDs. If you are using the same way as the sample templates provided with the M2Doc IFE project, you can use the replaceLink() service. This service is only available if you install M2Doc Capella extensions. You can use it like this:
Otherwise you can have a look at the implementation to implement your own version.


Add link to attachment in external ERP

We have an ERP where scanned documents are stored.
The link to a documents comes in the format localhost:8080/doc/PONo=121212
We would like this link to be dynamically used on Navision in a Purchase Order workflow. For example when the document is attached to the ERP using the PO No. 121212 and the same number is filled as a field in Navision, then a link with the format localhost:8080/doc/PONo={PONo} should take you to the ERP; where {PONo} is selected from Navision.
Not quite sure that I understood your requirement. But from what if the goal is to Navigate from NAV to that external ERP it can be achieved.
Just create a text variable or read from a setup(if any) the general link to your ERP.
So you will get a link in the following format localhost:8080/doc/PONo=%1.
On validate of a required field or OnAction use STRSUBSTNO to substitute %1 with your PO number.
After the link is ready and updated you can use something like HYPERLINK(STRSUBSTNO(LinkTxt,PurchaseHeader."External Document No.")) or whatever field contains the Document No. in your other ERP.

Why is Visible controlled by

In my home page I have the following snippet that fetches all blog posts:
var docs = CurrentPage.Children.Where("Visible")
What I don't understand is that Visible is controlled by a property in the document named umbracoNaviHide. Setting it to true on the document excludes the page from the list above.
How is umbracoNaviHide translated to Visible? I have no macros or XSLT (none actually) that is doing anything funny...
umbracoNaviHide is one of umbraco's internal property implementations.
We used to have to check the property explicitly in xslt but nowadays it is used as you are using it here.
Here is a more complete explanation from the Umbraco wiki
The "umbracoNaviHide" is an Umbraco convention for marking nodes which
should not show up in a navigational context. It is normally added (or
inherited) on every Document Type with a Data Type of "True/false".
NOTE: This property is not added by default on new installations,
meaning you need to add it manually
There are a number of other useful properties that everybody should know about:
We always insert these properties on a master page doctype so that all other doc types that represent data on web page content nodes inherit them

What would be the SQL script to generate Sitecore Broken Link Report

I'm helping our Editors to clean up broken links and have been looking for answers to the following:
The Broken Link Report cannot be exported or sorted so it's not very useful (we have many broken links ~2000). Is there a SQL script that I can run to create the same report?
If an Editor fix a link, Rerun the report doesn't seem to take the item off the report. Does she have to Rebuild Link Database every time?
The Links button in the menu is helpful, but it is listing All Versions of referrers. Is there a SQL script to find only the lastest version?
When delete or archive an item and let Sitecore remove broke links, will all the affected items be published?
We are dealing with a large report (~2000 items) due to not maintaining it diligently. The goal is to reduce the number to 100~200 and keep it under control from now on. Any general advice on how to clean up broken links report is appreciated.
For your first (and partly third) questions:
In the Core database you can check what gets executed on the click of the Broken Link Report (the item that defines it is located in : /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start menu/Right/Reporting Tools/Scan for Broken Links.
The application that gets started is /Applications/Tools/Broken Links.aspx, so if we look at *webroot*/sitecore/shell/Applications/Tools/Broken Links/Broken links.xml, we can see that the code used for it is Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Tools.BrokenLinks.BrokenLinksForm in the Sitecore.Client assembly.
Using Reflector you can see what it's executing. For your requirements, what I would say would be the easiest is to create your own version of the BrokenLinksForm, possibly simply adding an export functionality on it, or modify the code so it only takes the latest version. From looking at it very quickly I think the code to change (which is actually in the nested Scanner class) is:
foreach (ItemLink link in Globals.LinkDatabase.GetBrokenLinks(database))
You could possibly check whether the link item is the latest version, possibly by using something like
var version = link.GetSourceItem();
if (version.Versions.GetLatestVersion().Version == link.SourceItemVersion)
While you're at it you could of course also put in some sorting functionality :-)
It doesn't translate 1-on-1 with the Links button in the menu, but it should give you some pointers in the right direction.
As to your 2nd question: I believe that yes, the Link database does need to be rebuilt. I don't know if Sitecore has a schedule set up by default, but you could create your own agent in the <scheduling> node in the web.config to do this after X time.
Your last question: If you delete or archive an item and have Sitecore remove the broken links the affected items will, by default, not be published. If you have an auto-publish set up it'll show up of course.

Yahoo Pipes and Website Name

How do I fetch Page Name with Yahoo Pipes?
I'm making a news / blog aggregator, and need to know the name of the site where the info is coming from (bbc, cnn, fox, etc).
Do I need to do this with REGEX?
Anyone that can help?
You can fetch the page using the XPath Fetch Page or Fetch Feed modules in the Sources menu. Maybe with others too.
After that you can extract the page name itself using the various operators, possibly Regex, or others, depending on the source page you are using and the output you want to get.
In general your question is too broad and difficult to answer. To get you started, I created an example pipe that extracts the title of your question from this post, which is basically the "page name" of the current page.
I used the XPath Fetch Page with parameters:
URL = this page
Extract using XPath = //div[#id="question-header"]
I got that div path by inspecting the source code of this page, where I saw that div#question-header is the container of a question. I could have selected a deeper inner container or a higher level container. It all depends on the amount of other information you need. The more information you want to you from the page, the higher level container you select.
Next, I used the Create RSS operator to create a proper RSS feed, with parameters:
Title = h1.a
Link = h1.a.href
I chose these elements because in the container I extracted with xpath, the page name is inside h1 a. In Yahoo Pipes you use a dot as the path separator.
I found this sample pipe The page title included the name of the site too. I am not sure if this what you are looking for.

Multi language website, how to approach this?

I have a website (Coldfusion) on which I want to offer multi language, but no idea what is the best way to do this.
There 2 plans I have:
Of course all content (text) is in a database.
If a user would want a different language, the user would click on a link/flag, this would put the requested language in a session variable, for example: session.language = "es"
In the database I would have 2 columns (every language has 1 column) and then select the text which belongs to 'es'
Every page would then do a request to the database to get the text beloging to the session.language.
PROS: Relatively simple to implement
CONS: SEO wise I don't think this could be very good. http:// would give an english text or spanish text (or other language). Google will not add duplicate URL's
Do something with http:// for english and http:// for english.
With a URL rewrite rule the language value in the URL http:// would actually be a page http://
The url.language variable will then select the correct language from the database.
PROS: Unique URL for each language. Good for SEO and Google indexing.
CONS: A bit more difficult to implement. (I think)
Or does anyone have other / better ideas?
You should always first check the browser header "Accept-Language" for the default language(s) (the correct standard way to do it), and offer links (the intuitively seemingly right way) only as an alternative.
Doing it in a database doesn't seem very standard. Let's assume you would like to use MVC architecture (model-view-controller). Most software uses keys in the presentation layer (view) (eg. html) and along with the presentation layer, you have language files (in Java, this is typically properties files) which are mapped simply by their filenames, and can be modified by regular users, without any special skills, such as professional translators with no computer skills. Certainly you could put it in a database, but then it is just more work, and moves the information out of the presentation layer.
There are various libraries for doing this. You should find the normal one for your application. Please edit your question to include what you are using to develop the application. (eg. JSP, Tapestry, Wicket, ASP, PHP, etc.) So for example, if you wanted to use JSPs, I would then suggest you use the JSTL tag library's language support. Or if you were using Tapestry, I would point you to or
To look it up, you can look for the terms "internationalization" aka "i18n", or "localization". (The terms don't mean the same thing, but few use them correctly, so either works.
I would go for option 2. Every translation should have its own url. Links to your website will already be in the intended translation.
To store translations in a database, I wouldn't put every translation in a seperate column, but rather put them in a seperate table:
Table Posts:
- id
- title_id
- ...
Table Translations:
- label_id
- value
- country_code
- language_code
Where title_id matches label_id
This way you won't have to alter your table structure when a new translation is added. This allows you to have infinite translations for any label or text.
To effectively do a multi-lingual site then you need set a rule for yourself that NO TEXT is ever put in the source as hard coded. It either needs to come from the database and / or a Resource Bundle.
Text from the database
You need to make sure that the column you are storing your data in is unicode otherwise you'll have issues with accented character. Also don't have a column per language as this is not scalable, do what #jan suggests and have a translations table where the items are keyed on a reference as well as a language.
Resource bundles
You are not going to want to get every last little bit of text from the database so for those you can utilise a resource bundle. This is an, admittedly old, link from Paul Hastings's blog about some solutions to resource bundles. To be honest his blog is an excellent resource on this very subject.
With regards to how you handle the URLs do not do option 1 as you quite rightly identified you will cause issues the SEO rankings of the page and it will mean that users cannot correctly share or return to the page.
Two approaches are having the language code in the URL as you identified in option 1.
Simpler to configure
You have one application which means that as you add more languages you add more complexity and weight on the memory of that app
Or you can have a different sub domain or domain per application e.g. or they can all be the same codebase
Each language is a standalone application meaning it has it's own memory
more effort to configure has a download for i18n. It can be used to make sure that all string labels match. That way if some one wants to change "Save" to "Update", it can all be done in one spot.
It is also important to consider the technical background of those that will being doing the translation. It is often easier to get the translation team to edit files in notepad as opposed to updating a db. Text files work well with version control.
The best way i found is to use an XML to hold just that pages language stuff, one xml to cover each page, and you then vary it for language. when the page loads, just load a different XML from the database or files... many ways to do this. all other methods i have tried have their issues, and at least this one allows you to take a language XML, hand it to someone who will copy it, and then change the boxes... you put it in the DB to serve it.
one can also do this for text, and have the DB make the XML for just the text for that page by using a list of items to include in the XML for the page.
once you get the idea, the rest becomes very easy...
and given CF ways of accessing such data with dot notation, easy peasy to us
say you have "Load Images"
in english xml it may be <LoadIMGS>Load Images</LoadIMGS>
in chinese it may be <LoadIMGS>加载图像</LoadIMGS>
or <LoadIMGS>Jiā zǎi túxiàng</LoadIMGS>
regardless, in your CFM code you would just put #variablename.LoadIMGS# in the place... i would also suggest putting in the loadimages tag the size the font should be adjusted to if not normal size. that way, when translations are too large, you can shrink that font there for that... etc.