How to add custom number to shape in draw io - drawing

Does anyone know how to add below number(10) in draw io? thank you very much.

You can use number plugin as described here:
If this doesn't suit your needs, just add circle with the number, click Ctrl+e on the circle, add "" resizeWidth=0;resizeHeight=0;"
and then group shapes. This is not a perfect solution but it might help.

There are 4 options.
Option 1: Use the existing shapes (1) to (9)
Just search for "number" and you'll get 9 prepared shapes which you can drag-and-drop.
Option 2: Create the shape yourself
Just use a circle, double-click on it and enter your number. You'll need to make the font size bigger and the circle a bit smaller for it to look nice. Then, you can copy-paste that shape to create further numbers.
Option 3: Use the enumeration feature
Enable the Enumerate property and set the value for Enumerate value.
It'll look like this.
Here is a blog post:
Option 4: Use the plugin
Here is a blog post:
This option seems obsolete since the feature is built in to See option 3 above.


Y axis bar values are overlapping with each other in apache superset bar chart

When I try to show the bar value in the bar chart of apache superset, y axis bar values overlap with each other.
To fix this issue, I want to rotate the y-axis values with 45 degree so that those values will look vertically and won't overlap with each other, just like it is there in x-axis values.
Do you prefer grouped or stacked bars. Using stacked bars would be a shortcut to solving this.
I don't have an easy but bad answer for you, and a more difficult but rational answer.
The bad/easy answer: You might be able to do this with CSS, at least in any given dashboard. For that, you'd want to take your Dashboard into Edit mode, and pick "Edit CSS" from the "..." menu in the top right. There, you should have access to write some clever CSS selectors (let me know if you need help) and tweak CSS properties of the SVG text element (i.e. text-anchor, transform). That said I think you're going to have a bad time with this approach, since you don't have access in CSS to the values you might need for `translate(x, y). So, that brings us to...
The better/harder answer: You could edit the plugin! One caveat is that we'll be replacing some visualizations in the near future (including the Bar Chart) with ones based on Apache ECharts. Meanwhile, you could open up a PR on the Superset-ui repo at The NVD3-based plugin lies in there, as do the controls, where you might be able to add additional controls for rotation.
Door #3, of course, would be to write your own visualization plugin (or help us with the ECharts refactor!) but that's another conversation entirely.
Sorry this isn't more directly helpful, but I hope it gives you more avenues to explore.

hide vtkBoxWidget2 handles

I have a vtkboxWidget2, all I want to do is to hide the handles of two opposite sides (any 2 circles of the same color in the attached photo).
I've looked but didn't find a way to do so, I can either hide or show all handles without the ability of specifying a certain one.
is there a way to do so ?
Set this

Qt custom delegates

I have custom model with different data types like string (file path) or double which should be edited using combobox with a few items.
It is not clear for me why delegates should be applied to views and not to models...
So, should I pass some kind of flag from my model and then use different delegates for those items according to those flags?
What is the best practice to make it?
EDIT: I'll try to clarify my question:
I have model with the map (key - value (structure that can contain different types like QVariant)) and it's necessary to set different delegates for each row of my, say, QTableView.
What is the best way to pass some "flag" for every item from my model and then handle this flag to set appropriate delegate for the given row?
This model-view pair is for storage and editing software options with different types.
From the docs:
Unlike the Model-View-Controller pattern, the model/view design does not include a completely separate component for managing interaction with the user.
Delegates are supposed to tackle the "how" in "how should users interact with my data" (that's why I highlighted "interaction").
For your case, that very "double" field you provided, depending on it's interpretation, we could use a line edit (eg exact toleration), spinbox, or even some sort of color select (interpret the value as a color). Even more, one could use a line edit with some sort of color scale for the widget to make it more clear what consequence that value may have.
Correct way? They're tools, not one better than other but rather "one to tackle a specific problem". Can't tell what's the correct way from the info provided.
I suggest re-asking the question with much more info if you still have doubts.

CTreeCtrl - only use checkboxes for certain rows/children

I have a CTreeCtrl and I filled it with content. Now I wanted to add checkboxes but JUST for certain ones. I've found the possibilty to activate checkboxes on the TreeCtrl with m_Tree.ModifyStyle(0, TVS_CHECKBOXES), but this adds a checkbox on each node/child on the whole Ctrl. Is it possible to turn this feature on, but just for certain ones?
All I found is the possibility to add three different pictures, catch the clickevent on a node and change the image. Is there an easier way? Let me know.
Thanks a lot,
I don't think that CTreeCtrl provide any method to add check boxes at specified node only.
Easiest way to do this is explain in following link.
please go through and let me know if you are facing problem.
You may be able to accomplish what you want with a custom draw tree control. But, you'll need to render the image states yourself. That could get messy because you'll need to account for all of the possible different states.

Create interactive cartesian grid in django

I have a question regarding a platform I'm developing called e-cidadania (GPL). One of the applications will be something like a blackboard where you can put messages. I've been requested to do it like a cartesian grid (p.e. x = good/bad, y = expensive/cheap). My question is, does anybody know about an application like that for django? Or in case that there isn't, how can I do it? I have no idea where to start.
I'll explain a use case, if someone didn't understand: You are in a classroom, the teacher draws on the blackboard the axis and tells the students to write a note. After that every student will put his note according to the axis.
I am not sure if I completely understand your question, but if I'm correct you want the user to input text (name of restaurant or something like that) and instead of showing 2 sliders or dropdown boxes for rating and price, you want to show a cartesian chart where the user can click somewhere, thus entering the 2 values with one click.
This has nothing to do with Django or Python, this is pure client side. Think javascript. One way is to show an image with the cartesian grid, set an onclick handler and see where in the image the click was made. Showing the selected point could be done simply by setting a colored div with an absolute position (relative on the position of the image).
I don't know any plug-and-play solutions, but building this shouldn't be too hard.
On a separate note: I doubt this will actually be more userfriendly for the user then simply using two sliders.
Or if you want to show a big cartesian chart where the user actually has to input the text on the correct position, this can be done with the same idea: create the text-input, but hide it (display:none). Then when the user clicks somewhere on the chart, move the text-input to the correct position and show it.
This may be a little far fetched, but instead of doing this with django alone, why dont u do this client side using javascript?
Hear me out here.
The highcharts graphing plugin has an option that allows u to add points on a (cartesian) graph. Check this example. The plugin also allows you to display custom messages when hovering on points, so you could use that to display the actual message, and you could handle the actual saving of the new message by submitting the newly added message via Ajax.