My orange 3 doesn't launch and through the following error,
AttributeError: module 'PyQt5.QtCore' has no attribute 'Signal'
please let me know how to resolve this. Python version 3.7, anaconda nevigator version 4.11.0
In Anaconda command prompt run
pip install orange3
This should show the dependency, and that the you have the wrong version of PyQt5 along with which version you need. My experience with Orange3 so far is that the PyQt5 version I have is too high (find the version list here . Install the correct version with
pip install PyQt5=={version number}
That should correct the issue
I would like to install an older (but stable) version of NLTK for python2.7.
I tried to run the command: pip install nltk===x.x.x but the terminal reports many errors.
I was wondering if there's a repository where nltk can be downloaded or whether there are some other ways to solve the problem.
From , v3.4.5 should be the last version for Python 2 support.
pip install nltk==3.4.5
Note: However, it is strongly recommended to use NLTK with Python 3.
I am trying to install xhtml2pdf>=0.0.6 and reportlab>=2.7,<3 for rendering PDF file but while installation getting below error:Microsoft Visual c++ 14.0 required.I f any one knows about this error please let me know Thanks in advance
If you are using python 3.6, reportlab did not release a binary wheel distribution for windows yet. Get one from here instead.
If you are using an older python, make sure you are using the latest pip by running:
pip install -U pip
From the past two days, I've been trying to install scipy from the wheel file available from in my windows laptop 64 bit built and running Python 2.7.3. I tried running pip install scipy in the command window, it didn't work and the following error popped up in command prompt
I also tried typing
pip install scipy-version.whl
That didn't work too! and the same error popped up. I even updated my pip.
I read in some comments that pip doesn't work well for scipy installation. If so, what alternatives can you suggest? If not can you tell me the way to install using wheel scripts?
There are some issue while installing scipy using pip, please try using Anaconda python version which comes with all the libraries you can ever need instead of your default python.
Still if you want to use the default python refer here, as already answered here.
Using pip with different Python version is a common problem, as I see when I search the Internet. There are a lot of answers around, also in this forum. However nobody seems to encounter the same problem that I have:
I use Canopy python most and it was installed first. Later I installed Anaconda. Now when I try to install a program with pip it always install it in Canopy (or refuse to install it because it is already installed in Canopy.
for example:
$ pip install ipython
Requirement already satisfied...
but there are no ipython in my Anaconda-folder, it is in the /Enthought/Canopy_64bit/... folder
How can I overcome this problem?
Both versions are 2.7 and even if one is 2.7.11 and the other 2.7.12, it did not work to distinguish between the two by this.
Maybe you can try the following.
Find where both pip-s reside (whereis pip, I have it on ~/anaconda2/bin), then cd to the pip directory of the python version you want, and execute it from there.
I manage with the help of J. Corson comment:
When you want to use a particular Python installation, activate the desired environment. In my chase
source /home/per/anaconda_ete/bin/activate
then using pip made the installation in the anaconda python and I could install ipython and other stuff there... fine, thanks!
I am trying to install some additional packages that do not come with Anaconda. All of these packages can be installed using pip install PackageName. However, when I type this command at the Anaconda Command Prompt, I get the following error:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Python27\python.exe
" "C:\python27\scripts\pip.exe" install MechanicalSoup'
I also tried to run the command from the python interpreter after import pip but that also did not work (I got a SyntaxError: invalid syntax).
I am a noob and understand that this might be a very basic question so thanks for your help in advance!
PS: I am using Windows 7, 64 bit, conda version: 3.7.1 and python version: 2.7.6.
When installing anaconda, you are asked if you want to include the installed python to your system PATH variable. Make sure you have it in your PATH. If everything is set up correct, you can run pip from your regular command prompt aswell.
Using #heinzchr's and #mmann's suggestions I was able to piece together the problem. I already had a version of Python 2.7 saved at C:\Python27 and I had to remove this from the Path (My Computer's properties> Advanced system settings> System variables> Path). I can now use pip install from the command line.
There is a way around the use of pip
From the anaconda terminal window you can run:
conda install PackageName
Because MechanicalSoup isn't in one of anaconda's package channels you will have to do a bit of editing
See instructions near the bottom on their blog
For those looking for Python packages not added to current channels in anaconda, try For example, if you want to install MechanicalSoup you'll find it at and use the -c option to tell conda the channel to use:
conda install -c conda-forge mechanicalsoup