Binding a class method to a method of another class - c++

I have two classes where one is logic and one is the model. After initializing both, I would like to bind a b.funB()to a.funA() where A a; B b;.
class A{
bool funA() { doStuff(); }
class B{
bool funB();
Template<class T>
void bindBtoA((bool (B::*fun2)(), bool (T::*fun1)(), T *t){
funB=std::bind( ?);
// (fun1, t), (&T::fun1, &t), (T::fun1, t), ... ?
How do I bind these correctly and get rid of "can't convert" errors (I did use typedef in my actual code)
An answer using lambda is acceptable. But, funB needs to be a callable as another engine needs to grab this (hint: Q_INVOKABLE), so using std::function for A::funA might not work for my case.

You can achieve this via the magic of std::function, which would be hidden inside class B and type-erases the function to be called, thereby giving you the generality you seek.
Here's a fully-worked example:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class A
bool funA () { std::cout << "funA\n"; return true; }
class B
bool funB ()
return f ();
template <class T>
void bindBtoA (bool (T::*fun1) (), T *t)
f = [t, fun1] { return (t->*fun1) (); };
std::function <bool ()> f;
int main()
A a;
B b;
b.bindBtoA <A> (&A::funA, &a);
std::cout << b.funB ();
Live demo
I would think this would work with Q_INVOKABLE, but I don't actually know anything about it so you'd have to try it. But if it does work, it's a good way to do it.
Note: With the code as posted, you are responsible for keeping a alive for as long as b is alive. If you can't guarantee that, a better bet would be to use a std::shared_ptr instead. Or copy a inside bindBtoA if that is a practical solution for you (which I'm guessing it isn't).


Automatic generate member functions depending on inherited class template

I am just thinking about a way to check an object to be valid in a automated way.
I have a couple of hardware related objects (like class A), which can be deleted by external (physical) events.
To detect this I have used shared/weak pointer. But now I am struggling with the checking of the weak pointer. Since this is done in the same way for each member function for many objects, I am currently searching for a way to do this with less redundant code.
In addition I am writing a library and do not want the user to handle this (simply return the weak pointer to the user to handle it by himself is therefor no option)
My best guess is shown below. My problem is, I could not find a way to generate the member functions (func1, and many more ...) automatically within the template. Doing it by myself would result in lot of redundant code for every member function to be validated (and there are a lot)
Each member function of A (and many more other objects) shall be wrapped by a function doing the validation shown below. This is same for all member functions and done for many classes which can be used as type for the Validator.
Does anyone has an idea how to solve this? Maybe there are other (better) ways to solve this.
Many thanks for your help.
Some constraints:
Only C++11 possible,
No exceptions
class A {
void func1() {}
//many more functions
template<typename T>
class Validator
//has to be done for all functions of A
void func1()
if (!wptr.expired())
std::weak_ptr<T> wptr;
void errorHandling() {}
I would protect the full user function call:
class A {
void func1() {}
//many more functions
template <typename T>
class Validator
#if 1 // template way, but no-expressive signature
template <typename F>
void do_job(F f)
#else // type-erasure way, expressive, but with some overhead
void do_job(std::function<void (T&)> f)
auto t = wptr.lock();
if (t) {
} else {
void errorHandling();
std::weak_ptr<T> wptr;
So user might chain call:
Validator<A> val;
val.do_job([](A& a)
If the caller can live with clunky syntax you can use member function pointers:
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
class A {
void func1() {
std::cout << "hello func1\n";
template<typename T>
class Validator
Validator(std::shared_ptr<T> p) : wptr(p) {}
template <typename MemFun>
void call(MemFun mf) {
if (!wptr.expired())
std::weak_ptr<T> wptr;
void errorHandling() {}
int main() {
auto x = std::make_shared<A>();
Validator<A> v{x};;

Create a smart-pointer-to-base-class from a reference

I have a container which store a vector of smart-pointer-to-base-class, and I'd like to populate it via a method without requiring my users to also create that smart pointer:
class Base {
// ...
class Derived: public Base {
// ...
class Collection {
vector<unique_ptr<Base>> pointers;
void add(Base&& value) // #1
void add<typename T>(T&& value) // #2
int main() {
Collection collection;
collection.add(Derived("Data")); // #3
What's the correct way to do this, if at all? It's clear that I could use make_unique and emplacement, except that I'm concerned that the derived content won't be moved correctly.
It's possible I've spent too much time in Rust land, where moves of this kind are pretty commonplace, so let me know if I'm way off base here. Ideally, the interface looks like my #3 point up there, where the function can be called with a literal of the derived type without any extra boilerplate related to allocation or anything. I'd be find if the solution ends up being to make Collection::add generic.
You should probably stick to the template, yes. You then get
class Collection {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Base>> pointers;
template<typename T>
void add(T &&value) {
int main() {
Collection c;
Derived d;
c.add(d); // works with lvalues (copying)
c.add(std::move(d)); // or rvalues (moving)
Base b;
However, it might be more useful to provide an "emplace", which constructs an object out of arbitrary arguments (as provided by all the standard containers)
class Collection {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Base>> pointers;
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
void emplace(Ts&&... args) {
template<typename T> // still useful for conciseness (don't have to specify T)
void add(T &&value) {
So you can further do
int main() {
Collection c;
Derived d;
c.add(d); // works with lvalues
c.add(std::move(d)); // or rvalues
c.emplace<Derived>(); // or can give arguments directly (assuming a default constructor, in this case)
Base b;
A complete example on Godbolt.

Is there a way to reference the class of the current object

I'm making a class which has a method that launches some threads of member functions in the same class. I'm quite new to threads in c++, especially when classes are involved but this is what iv'e come up with.
class A
void StartThreads()
std::thread fooThread(&A::FooFunc, this);
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
My question is, if i can get the name of the current object, because now if i create a class B which inherits from A but overwrites FooFunc, FooFunc from class A will be called when i do:
B b;
So i'm looking for a way to replace std::thread fooThread(&A::FooFunc, this) with something like std::thread fooThread(&this->GetClass()::FooFunc, this). I could just make StartThreads virtual and overwrite it in derived classes, but It would be better just to write it once and being done with it. Is there a way to do this or something that results in the same thing?
In case of that your this is known at compile-time then static metaprogramming to the rescue.
C++, Swift and Rust (and now Scala also) are static languages that has a lot of compile time tricks to do for problems like that.
How? In your case templates could help you.
Also, you don't need it to be a member function, it can be a friend function (so that you can easily use templates).
class A
template<typename T>
friend void StartThreads(const T& obj);
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
template<typename T>
void StartThreads(const T& obj) {
std::thread fooThread(&T::FooFunc, obj);
WARNING: This ONLY works if the class is known at compile time, i.e.
class B: public A {
B b;
A &a = b;
StartThreads(a); // Will call it AS IF IT IS A, NOT B
Another solution:
Functional programming to the rescue, you can use lambdas (or functors using structs if you are on C++ prior to C++11)
void StartThreads()
std::thread fooThread([=](){ this->FooFunc(); });
// Forward declaration
class A;
// The functor class (the functor is an object that is callable (i.e. has the operator (), which is the call operator overloaded))
struct ThreadContainer {
A &f;
ThreadContainer(A &f): f(f) {}
void operator() ();
class A
// To allow access of the protected FooFunc function
friend void ThreadContainer::operator() ();
void StartThreads()
// Create the functor
ThreadContainer a(*this);
// Start the thread with the "call" operator, the implementation of the constructor tries to "call" the operand, which here is a
std::thread fooThread(a);
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
class B: public A {
virtual void FooFunc() {
std::cout << "overridden\n";
void ThreadContainer::operator() () {
You've looked at using a virtual FooFunc() directly, and somehow surmised that it doesn't work. (I won't address the accuracy of that here, as that is being brought up in the question's comments.) You don't like the idea of moving the virtual function earlier in the process. So why not move it later? There is a somewhat-common paradigm out there that uses non-virtual wrappers to virtual functions. (Usually the wrapper is public while the virtual function is protected or private.) So, something like:
class A
void StartThreads()
std::thread fooThread(&A::FooFuncCaller, this); // <-- call the new function
void FooFuncCaller() // <-- new function layer
virtual void FooFunc()
while (true)
std::cout << "hello\n";
Of course, if the direct call to the virtual Foofunc works, might as well use that. Still, this is simpler than using templates or custom functor classes. A lambda is a reasonable alternative, with the benefit of not changing your class' interface (header file).
Thanks for all of your answers, it turned out that my question was unrelated and that i messed up some other members in the class.
Thanks for your answers giving me some insight into other ways you can do the same thing using different methods. (

The use case of 'this' pointer in C++

I understand the meaning of 'this', but I can't see the use case of it.
For the following example, I should teach the compiler if the parameter is the same as member variable, and I need this pointer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class AAA {
int x;
int hello(int x) { this->x = x;}
int hello2(int y) {x = y;} // same as this->x = y
int getx() {return x;}
int main()
AAA a;
a.hello(10); // x <- 10
cout << a.getx();
a.hello2(20); // x <- 20
cout << a.getx();
What would be the use case for 'this' pointer other than this (contrived) example?
Thanks for all the answers. Even though I make orangeoctopus' answer as accepted one, it's just because he got the most vote. I must say that all the answers are pretty useful, and give me better understanding.
Sometimes you want to return yourself from an operator, such as operator=
MyClass& operator=(const MyClass &rhs) {
// assign rhs into myself
return *this;
The 'this' pointer is useful if a method of the class needs to pass the instance (this) to another function.
It's useful if you need to pass a pointer to the current object to another function, or return it. The latter is used to allow stringing functions together:
Obj* Obj::addProperty(std::string str) {
// do stuff
return this;
In C++ it is not used very often. However, a very common use is for example in Qt, where you create a widget which has the current object as parent. For example, a window creates a button as its child:
QButton *button = new QButton(this);
When passing a reference to an object within one of its methods. For instance:
struct Event
EventProducer* source;
class SomeContrivedClass : public EventProducer
void CreateEvent()
Event event;
event.source = this;
Besides obtaining a pointer to your own object to pass (or return) to other functions, and resolving that an identifier is a member even if it is hidden by a local variable, there is an really contrived usage to this in template programming. That use is converting a non-dependent name into a dependent name. Templates are verified in two passes, first before actual type substitution and then again after the type substitution.
If you declare a template class that derives from one of its type parameters you need to qualify access to the base class members so that the compiler bypasses the verification in the first pass and leaves the check for the second pass:
template <typename T>
struct test : T {
void f() {
// print(); // 1st pass Error, print is undefined
this->print(); // 1st pass Ok, print is dependent on T
struct printer {
void print() { std::cout << "print"; }
struct painter {
void paint() { std::cout << "paint"; }
int main() {
test<printer> t; // Instantiation, 2nd pass verifies that test<printer>::print is callable
//test<painter> ouch; // 2nd pass error, test<painter>::print does not exist
The important bit is that since test inherits from T all references to this are dependent on the template argument T and as such the compiler assumes that it is correct and leaves the actual verification to the second stage. There are other solutions, like actually qualifying with the type that implements the method, as in:
template <typename T>
struct test2 : T {
void f() {
T::print(); // 1st pass Ok, print is dependent on T
But this can have the unwanted side effect that the compiler will statically dispatch the call to printer::print regardless of whether printer is a virtual method or not. So with printer::print being declared virtual, if a class derives from test<print> and implements print then that final overrider will be called, while if the same class derived from test2<print> the code would call printer::print.
// assumes printer::print is virtual
struct most_derived1 : test<printer> {
void print() { std::cout << "most derived"; }
struct most_derived2 : test2<printer> {
void print() { std::cout << "most derived"; }
int main() {
most_derived1 d1;
d1.f(); // "most derived"
most_derived2 d2;
d2.f(); // "print"
You can delete a dynamically created object by calling delete this from one of its member functions.
The this pointer is the pointer to the object itself. Consider for example the following method:
class AAA {
int x;
int hello(int x) { some_method(this, x);}
void somefunc(AAA* a_p)
class AAA {
int x;
int hello(int x) { this->x = x;}
int hello2(int y) {x = y;} // same as this.x = y
int getx() {return x;}
void DoSomething() { somefunc(this); }
this is implicit whenever you use a member function or variable without specifying it. Other than that, there are many, many situations in which you'll want to pass the current object to another function, or as a return value.
So, yeah, it's quite useful.
Sometimes you need to refer to "this" object itself, and sometimes you may need to disambiguate in cases where a local variable or a function parameter shadows a class member:
class Foo {
int i;
Foo* f() {
return this; // return the 'this' pointer
void g(){
j(this); // pass the 'this' pointer to some function j
void h(int i) {
this->i = i; // need to distinguish between class member 'i' and function parameter 'i'
The two first cases (f() and g() are the most meaningful cases. The third one could be avoided just by renaming the class member variable, but there's no way around using this in the first two cases.
Another possible use case of this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
void foo()
cout << "foo() of A\n";
class B : A
void foo()
((A *)this)->foo(); // Same as A::foo();
cout << "foo() of B\n";
int main()
B b;;
return 0;
g++ this.cpp -o this
foo() of A
foo() of B
One more use of this is to prevent crashes if a method is called on a method is called on a NULL pointer (similar to the NULL object pattern):
class Foo
void Fn()
if (!this)
void UseFoo(Foo* something)
something->Fn(); // will not crash if Foo == NULL
If this is useful or not depends on the context, but I've seen it occasionally and used it myself, too.
self-assignment protection

Object-Oriented Callbacks for C++?

Is there some library that allows me to easily and conveniently create Object-Oriented callbacks in c++?
the language Eiffel for example has the concept of "agents" which more or less work like this:
class Foo{
Bar* bar;
bar = new Bar();
bar->publisher.extend(agent say(?,"Hi from Foo!", ?));
say(string strA, string strB, int number){
print(strA + " " + strB + " " + number.out);
class Bar{
ActionSequence<string, int> publisher;
invokeCallback(){"Hi from Bar!", 3);
output will be:
Hi from Bar! 3 Hi from Foo!
So - the agent allows to to capsule a memberfunction into an object, give it along some predefined calling parameters (Hi from Foo), specify the open parameters (?), and pass it to some other object which can then invoke it later.
Since c++ doesn't allow to create function pointers on non-static member functions, it seems not that trivial to implement something as easy to use in c++. i found some articles with google on object oriented callbacks in c++, however, actually i'm looking for some library or header files i simply can import which allow me to use some similarily elegant syntax.
Anyone has some tips for me?
The most OO way to use Callbacks in C++ is to call a function of an interface and then pass an implementation of that interface.
#include <iostream>
class Interface
virtual void callback() = 0;
class Impl : public Interface
virtual void callback() { std::cout << "Hi from Impl\n"; }
class User
User(Interface& newCallback) : myCallback(newCallback) { }
void DoSomething() { myCallback.callback(); }
Interface& myCallback;
int main()
Impl cb;
User user(cb);
People typically use one of several patterns:
Inheritance. That is, you define an abstract class which contains the callback. Then you take a pointer/reference to it. That means that anyone can inherit and provide this callback.
class Foo {
virtual void MyCallback(...) = 0;
virtual ~Foo();
class Base {
std::auto_ptr<Foo> ptr;
void something(...) {
Base& SetCallback(Foo* newfoo) { ptr = newfoo; return *this; }
Foo* GetCallback() { return ptr; }
Inheritance again. That is, your root class is abstract, and the user inherits from it and defines the callbacks, rather than having a concrete class and dedicated callback objects.
class Foo {
virtual void MyCallback(...) = 0;
class RealFoo : Foo {
virtual void MyCallback(...) { ... }
Even more inheritance- static. This way, you can use templates to change the behaviour of an object. It's similar to the second option but works at compile time instead of at run time, which can yield various benefits and downsides, depending on the context.
template<typename T> class Foo {
void MyCallback(...) {
class RealFoo : Foo<RealFoo> {
void MyCallback(...) {
You can take and use member function pointers or regular function pointers
class Foo {
void (*callback)(...);
void something(...) { callback(...); }
Foo& SetCallback( void(*newcallback)(...) ) { callback = newcallback; return *this; }
void (*)(...) GetCallback() { return callback; }
There are function objects- they overload operator(). You will want to use or write a functional wrapper- currently provided in std::/boost:: function, but I'll also demonstrate a simple one here. It's similar to the first concept, but hides the implementation and accepts a vast array of other solutions. I personally normally use this as my callback method of choice.
class Foo {
virtual ... Call(...) = 0;
virtual ~Foo();
class Base {
std::auto_ptr<Foo> callback;
template<typename T> Base& SetCallback(T t) {
struct NewFoo : Foo {
T t;
NewFoo(T newt) : t(newt) {}
... Call(...) { return t(...); }
callback = new NewFoo<T>(t);
return this;
Foo* GetCallback() { return callback; }
void dosomething() { callback->Call(...); }
The right solution mainly depends on the context. If you need to expose a C-style API then function pointers is the only way to go (remember void* for user arguments). If you need to vary at runtime (for example, exposing code in a precompiled library) then static inheritance can't be used here.
Just a quick note: I hand whipped up that code, so it won't be perfect (like access modifiers for functions, etc) and may have a couple of bugs in. It's an example.
C++ allows function pointers on member objects.
See here for more details.
You can also use boost.signals or boost.signals2 (depanding if your program is multithreaded or not).
There are various libraries that let you do that. Check out boost::function.
Or try your own simple implementation:
template <typename ClassType, typename Result>
class Functor
typedef typename Result (ClassType::*FunctionType)();
ClassType* obj;
FunctionType fn;
Functor(ClassType& object, FunctionType method): obj(&object), fn(method) {}
Result Invoke()
return (*obj.*fn)();
Result operator()()
return Invoke();
class A
int value;
A(int v): value(v) {}
int getValue() { return value; }
int main()
A a(2);
Functor<A, int> fn(a, &A::getValue);
cout << fn();
Joining the idea of functors - use std::tr1::function and boost::bind to build the arguments into it before registering it.
There are many possibilities in C++, the issue generally being one of syntax.
You can use pointer to functions when you don't require state, but the syntax is really horrid. This can be combined with boost::bind for an even more... interesting... syntax (*)
I correct your false assumption, it is indeed feasible to have pointer to a member function, the syntax is just so awkward you'll run away (*)
You can use Functor objects, basically a Functor is an object which overloads the () operator, for example void Functor::operator()(int a) const;, because it's an object it has state and may derive from a common interface
You can simply create your own hierarchy, with a nicer name for the callback function if you don't want to go the operator overloading road
Finally, you can take advantage of C++0x facilities: std::function + the lambda functions are truly awesome when it comes to expressiveness.
I would appreciate a review on lambda syntax ;)
Foo foo;
std::function<void(std::string const&,int)> func =
[&foo](std::string const& s, int i) {
return foo.say(s,"Hi from Foo",i);
func("Hi from Bar", 2);
func("Hi from FooBar", 3);
Of course, func is only viable while foo is viable (scope issue), you could copy foo using [=foo] to indicate pass by value instead of pass by reference.
(*) Mandatory Tutorial on Function Pointers