How to partition AWS lambda invocations to independent processing tasks - amazon-web-services

I am looking for some best practice advice on AWS, and hoping this question won't immediately be closed as too open to opinion.
I am working on a conversion of a windows server application to AWS lambda.
The server runs every 5 minutes and grabs all the files that have been uploaded to various FTP locations.
These files must be processed in a specific order, which might not be the order they arrive in, so it then sorts them and processes accordingly.
It interacts with a database to validate the files against information from previous files.
It then sends the relevant information on, and records new information in the database.
Errors are flagged, and logged in the database, to be dealt with manually.
Note that currently there is no parallel processing going on. This would be difficult because of the need to sort the files and process them in the correct order.
I have therefore been assuming the lambda will have to run as a single invocation on a schedule.
However, I have realised that the files can be partitioned according to where they come from, and those locations can be processed independantly.
So I could have a certain amount of parallelism.
My question is what is the correct way to manage that limited parallelism in AWS?
A clunky way of doing it would be through the database, something like this:
A lambda spins up and reads a particular table in the database
This table has a list of independant processing areas, and the columns: "Status", "StartTime".
The lambda finds the oldest one not currently
being processed, registers it as "processing" and updates the
After processing the status is set to "done" or some such.
I think this would work, but it doesn't feel quite right to be managing such things through the database.
Can someone suggest a pattern that my problem fits into, and the correct AWS way of doing this?

if you really want to do this with parallel lambda invocations, then yes, you should absolutely use a database to coordinate their work.
The protocol you're thinking about seems reasonable. You need to use the transactional capabilities of the database to ensure that the parallel invocations don't interfere with each other, and you need to make sure that the system is resilient to lambda invocations that don't happen.
When your lambda is invoked to handle the event, it should decide how many additional parallel invocations are required, and then make asynchronous lambda calls to run those additional instances. Those instances should recognize that they were invoked directly and skip that part.
After that, all of the parallel lambda invocations should do exactly the same thing. Make sure that none of them are special in any way, so you don't need to rely on any particular one completing without error. They should each pull work from a work queue in the DB until all the work is done.
BUT NOTE: Usually the kind of tasks you're talking about are not CPU-bound. If that is the case then running multiple parallel tasks inside the same lambda invocation will make better use of your resources. You can do both, of course.


Best way to store one variable in AWS?

I have an interesting problem where I have a job processing architecture that has a limit on how many jobs can be processed at once. When another job is about to start, it needs to check how many jobs are being processed, and if it is at the threshold, add the job to a queue.
What has stumped me is the best way to implement a "counter" that tracks the number of jobs running at once? This counter needs to be accessed and incremented up and down from different lambda functions.
My first thought was a CloudWatch custom high latency metric, but 1 second is not quick enough, as the system breaks if too many jobs are submitted. Additionally, I'm not sure if the metric can be incremented up or down only through code. The only thing I can think of now is an entire separate DB or EC2 instance, but that seems like complete overkill for just ONE number. We are not using a DB for data storage, it is in another cloud platform, only S3.
Any suggestions on what to do next? Thank you so much :)
You could use a DynamoDB table to hold your counter as a document. However, keep in mind that some operations in DynamoDB could lead to race conditions, so you might want to “lock” your table.
Depending on your load, this could potentially be free, given the Free Tier.

Is SQS better than DynamoDB for peak loads?

A service runs on ECS and writes the requested URL to a DynamoDB. Dynamic scaling was activated to keep the costs for DynamoDB from becoming too high. DynamoDB scales slower than requests are coming in at any given time, so some calls are not logged. My question now is whether writing to an SQS would be the better way here, because the documentation says:
Standard queues support a nearly unlimited number of API calls per second, per API action (SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, or DeleteMessage).
Of course, the messages would then have to be written back to DynamoDB, but another service can then do that.
Is the throughput of messages per second to SQS really unlimited, so it's definitely cheaper to send messages to SQS instead of increasing DynamoDB's writes per second?
I don't know if this qualifies for a good answer. But remembering a discussion with my architect at the time, we concluded that to have a queue for precisely this problem seems good practice, regardless of load. It keeps requests even if services go down, so there is an added benefit.
SQS and Dynamo fit two very different use cases. Its not so much which is better, its which is right for what you need.
Dynamodb is a NoSQL Document based Database. This is best for when you have known access patterns to data that needs to persist over time, that you need to access quickly, but probably are not making many changes too (or at least the changes do not have to be absolutely immediately, sub 5 ms accessible). Each document in a dynamodb is similar (but also very different) to a row in a standard SQL table, in that it will have attributes (columns) keys (Partition and Sort Key) and be retrievable through a query (though dynamic on the fly queries are NOT good for Dynamo)
SQS is a Queue system. It has no persistence. Payloads of JSON objects are dropped into the Queue and then processed by some end point - either a Lambda, or put into a dynamo, or something else entirely depending on your products use case. It is perfect for when you often receive bursts of data but your system needs some time to handle each individual payload - such as it is waiting on other systems to finish before it can handle the next one - so instead of scaling horizontally (by just handling all the payloads in parallel) you have to scale vertically (be able to handle more payloads at once through a single or only a few threads). You cannot access the data coming in while it is waiting in the queue, no queries on said data, only wait until that data pops/pushes off the queue and into processing by whatever system you have set up to receive it.
The answer to your question is entirely dependent on your use case and your system - something we here at SO will never really understand or know simply because we will always be hearing about it through you and never really experiencing it. As such, to answer it, you need to understand the capabilities of both Dynamo and SQS, the pros and cons for each, and then determine which is best for your product.

Is an SQS needed with a Lambda in this use case?

I'm trying to build a flow that allows a user to enter data and it's being stored in RDS. My question is do I need to go from USER -> SQS -> Lambda -> RDS to or is it better to go straight from USER -> Lambda -> RDS which skips the queue entirely. Are there going to be scalability issues with the latter?
I do like that the SQS can retry a large number of times to guarantee the data, but is there a similar way to retry with a lambda alone? It's important that all of the data is stored and done so in a timely manner. I'm struggling to see the tradeoffs of the two scenarios.
If anyone has any input on the situation, that would be amazing.
Are there going to be scalability issues with the latter?
It depends on multiple metrics including traffic, spikes, size of the database, rpm etc.
Putting SQS before lambda provides you to manage number of database queries in t time according to your needs. It is a "queue" and you are consuming that queue. In some business cases it may not be useful(banking transactions etc) but in some cases(analytic calculations) it may be helpful. Instead of making a single insert whenever lambda is invoked, you can set batch size and insert in batch(10 records at once) which reduces the number of queries.
Also you can define dead letter queue to push your problematic data(couldn't make it to database). It will be another queue that you to check later to identify problematic inputs. The document can be found here

AWS Lambda - Store state of a queue

I'm currently tasked with building a serverless architecture for communication between government agencies and citizens, and a main component is some form of queue that contains some form of object/pointer to each citizens request, sorted by priority. The government workers can then process an element when available. As Lambda is stateless, I need to save the queue outside in some manner.
For saving state I've gathered that you can use DynamoDB or S3 Buckets and use event triggers to invoke related Lambda methods. Some also suggest using Parameter Store to save some state variables. Storing things globally has also come up, though as you can't guarantee that the Lambda doesn't terminate, it doesn't seem like a good idea.
Finally, I've also read a bit about SQS, though I have no idea if it is at all applicable to this case.
What is the best-practice / suggested approach when working with Lambda in this way? I'm leaning towards S3 Buckets, due to event triggering, and not using DynamoDB as our DB.
Storing things globally has also come up, though as you can't guarantee that the Lambda doesn't terminate, it doesn't seem like a good idea.
Correct -- this is not viable at all. Note that what you are actually referring to when you say "the Lambda" is the process inside the container... and any time your Lambda function is handling more than one invocation concurrently, you are guaranteed that they will not be running in the same container -- so "global" variables are only useful for optimization, not state. Any two concurrent invocations of the same function have two entirely different global environments.
Forgetting all about Lambda for a moment -- I am not saying don't use Lambda; I'm saying that whether or not you use Lambda isn't relevant to the rest of what is written, below -- I would suggest that parallel/concurrent actions in general are perhaps one of the most important factors that many developers tend to overlook when trying to design something like you are describing.
How you will assign work from this work "queue" is extremely important to consider. You can't just "find the next item" and display it to a worker.
You must have a way to do all of these things:
finding the next item that appears to be available
verify that it is indeed available
assign it to a specific worker
mark it as unavailable for assignment
Not only that, but you have to be able to do all of these things atomically -- as a single logical action -- and without collisions.
A naïve implementation runs the risk of assigning the same work item to two or more people, with the first assignment being blindly and silently overwritten by subsequent assignments that happen at almost the same time.
DynamoDB allows conditional updates -- update a record if and only if a certain condition is true. This is a critical piece of functionality that your solution needs to accommodate -- for example, assign work item x to user y if and only if item x is currently unassigned. A conditional update will fail, and changes nothing, if the condition is not true at the instant the update happens and therein lies the power of the feature.
S3 does not support conditional updates, because unlike DynamoDB, S3 operates only on an eventual-consistency model in most cases. After an object in S3 is updated or deleted, there is no guarantee that the next request to S3 will return the most recent version or that S3 will not return an item that has recently been deleted. This is not a defect in S3 -- it's an optimization -- but it makes S3 unsuited to the "work queue" aspect.
Skip this consideration and you will have a system that appears to work, and works correctly much of the time... but at other times, it "mysteriously" behaves wrongly.
Of course, if your work items have accompanying documents (scanned images, PDF, etc.), it's quite correct to store them in S3... but S3 is the wrong tool for storing "state." SSM Parameter Store is the wrong tool, for the same reason -- there is no way for two actions to work cooperatively when they both need to modify the "state" at the same time.
"Event triggers" are useful, of course, but from your description, the most notable "event" is not from the data, or the creation of the work item, but rather it is when the worker says "I'm ready for my next work item." It is at that point -- triggered by the web site/application code -- when the steps above are executed to select an item and assign it to a worker. (In practice, this could be browser → API Gateway → Lambda). From your description, there may be no need for the creation of a new work item to trigger an "event," or if there is, it is not the most significant among the events.
You will need a proper database for this. DynamoDB is a candidate, as is RDS.
The queues provided by SQS are designed to decouple two parts of your application -- when two processes run at different speeds, SQS is used as a buffer, allowing X to safely store the work needing to be done and then continue with something else until Y is able to do the work. SQS queues are opaque -- you can't introspect what's in the queue, you just take the next message and are responsible for handling it. On its face, that seems to partially describe what you need, but it is not a clean match for this use case. Queues are limited in how long messages can be retained, and once a message is successfully processed, it is completely gone.
Note also that SQS is only a match to your use case with the FIFO queue feature enabled, which guarantees perfect in-order delivery and exactly-once delivery -- standard SQS queues, for performance optimization reasons, do not guarantee perfect in-order delivery and may under certain conditions deliver the same message more than once, to the same consumer or a different consumer. But the SQS FIFO queue feature does not coexist with event triggers, which require standard queues.
So SQS may have a role, but you need an authoritative database to store the work and the results of the business process.
If you need to store the message, then SQS is not the best tool here, because your Lambda function would then need to process the message and finally store it somewhere, making SQS nothing but a broker.
The S3 approach gives what you need out of the box, considering you can store the files (messages) in an S3 bucket and then have one Lambda consume its event. Your Lambda would then process this event and the file would remain safe and sound on S3.
If you eventually need multiple consumers for this message, then you can send the S3 event to SNS instead and finally you could subscribe N Lambda Functions to a given SNS topic.
You appear to be worrying too much about the infrastructure at this stage and not enough on the application design. The fact that it will be serverless does not change the basic functionality of the application — it will still present a UI to users, they will still choose options that must trigger some business logic and information will still be stored in a database.
The queue you describe is merely a datastore of messages that are in a particular state. The application will have some form of business logic for determining the next message to handle, which could be based on creation timestamp, priority, location, category, user (eg VIP users who get faster response), specialization of the staff member asking for the next message, etc. This is not a "queue" but rather a calculation to be performed against all 'unresolved' messages to determine the next message to assign.
If you wish to go serverless, then the back-end will certainly be using Lambda and a database (eg DynamoDB or Amazon RDS). The application should store everything in the database so that data is available for the application's business logic. There is no need to use SQS since there really isn't a "queue", and Parameter Store is merely a way of sharing parameters amongst application components — it is not meant for core data storage.
Determine the application functionality first, then determine the appropriate architecture to make it happen.

Suitability of app with long running tasks for AWS Lambda or AWS Step Functions

I have an application on an AWS EC2 instance that runs once daily. The application fetches some files from a web service, parses the files line by line, updates a database, updates S3 files based on changes in the database, sends notification emails to customers as well as a few other tasks.
This is a series of logical tasks that must take place in sequence, although some of the tasks can be thought of as sub-tasks that can be executed in parallel. All tasks are a combination of Perl scripts and Java programs, with a single Perl script acting as the manager that executes each in turn. Some tasks can take as long as 45 minutes to complete, and the whole process can take up to 3 hours in total.
I'd like to make this whole process serverless. My initial idea was to use AWS Lambda, whereby each task would execute as a Lambda function, until I discovered Lambda functions impose a 5 minute execution timeout. It seems like the AWS Step Functions service is actually a better fit for my use case, but my understanding is that this service is backed by Lambda, so the tasks will still have the 5 min execution limitation.
(I'm also aware that I would have to re-write my Perl scripts to a language supported by Lambda).
I assume that I can work around the execution time limit by refactoring my code into smaller functions that will guarantee to complete in under 5 minutes. In my particular situation though, this seems inefficient.
Currently the database update task processes lines from a file one at a time. For this to work with Lambda, a Lambda function would need to handle only a single line from the file (or a very small number of lines) in order to guarantee not spilling over 5 minutes execution time. This would involve opening and closing a connection with the database on every invocation of the Lambda function. Also, each line processed should result in an entry written to a file, to be stored in S3. Right now, I just keep a file handle in memory and write the file to S3 when all lines are processed, but with Lambda I would need to keep reading the file, updating it and writing it back to S3.
What I'm asking is:
Is my use case a bad fit for AWS Lambda and/or AWS Step Functions?
Have I misunderstood how these services work?
Is there another AWS service that would be a better fit for my use case?
After further research, I think AWS Batch might be a good idea.
What you want are called Activity Workers. Tl;dr: You register "activities" and each gets an ARN. Then you can put that ARN in the resource field of Task states and then you run some code (the "worker") somewhere (in a Lambda, on EC2, in your basement, wherever) that polls for tasks identified by that ARN, then calls back to report success or failure. Activity Workers can run for up to a year.
Step-by-step details at the AWS docs
In response to RTF's comment, here's a deeper dive: Suppose you have code to color turtles in So what you do is call the CreateActivity API - see - giving the name "ColorTurtles" and it'll give you back an ARN, a string beginning arn:aws... Then in your state machine you make a Task state with that ARN as the value of the resource field. Then you add code to to poll the service with - whenever a machine you're running gets to that task, it'll go look for activity workers polling. It'll give your polling worker the input for the task, then you process the input and generate some output, and call SendTaskSuccess or SendTaskFailure. All these are just REST HTTP calls, so you can run them anywhere and I mean anywhere; in a Lambda, on an EC2 instance, or on some computer anywhere on the Internet.
So to answer your questions:
1) Yeah, if you've got something that'll run for around 45 minutes, whilst you could engineer it with Lambda/Step functions you're probably better off getting a EC2 micro instance.
2)Nope you've pretty much got it.
3) As above you want to go with EC2 for this, there's a good article on using Data Pipelines to start / stop an EC2 instance here that way by starting instance only when you need it the cost(if any) is negligible.
I have jobs that run in this fashion normally you can get away with with a t2.micro instance which is free tier eligible.
You can also run your perl scripts on an EC2 instance so no need to rewrite them!
I will start with that it seems you are looking for workflow solutions on AWS. SWF and Step functions are the two most popular ones. Steps function is more recent offering and encouraged by AWS more than SWF.
SWF has native capability to handle long-running tasks, the downside is that you have to provide your own execution environment for deciders (can't use lambda).
With step functions, you can do this in two different ways. One of the approaches is suggested by Tim in his answer. There is an alternative way to achieve the same which is using job poller in step functions. Job pollers have the ability to call (poll) your resource and find out if the task is done and if not you can send execution in wait mode for the specified time. As mentioned above maximum execution time allowed currently for any workflow is 1 year. In case you have tasks which may take longer than 1 year, you can't use step functions in its current form.