Why doesn't C++ automatically throw an exception on arithmetic overflow? - c++

The C++ Standard at some point states that:
5 Expressions [expr]
If during the evaluation of an expression, the result is not mathematically defined or not in the range of representable values for its type, the behavior is undefined. [ Note: most existing implementations of C++ ignore integer overflows...]
I'm trying to understand why most(all?) implementations choose to ignore overflows rather than doing something like throwing an std::overflow_error exception. Is it not to incur any additional runtime cost? If that's the case, can't the underlying arithmetic processing hardware be used to do that check for free?

If that's the case, can't the underlying arithmetic processing hardware be used to do that check for free?
Raising an exception always has a cost. But perhaps some architectures can guarantee that when an exception is not raised, then the check is free.
However, C++ is designed to be efficiently implementable on a wide range of architectures. It would violate the design principles of C++ to mandate checking for integer overflow, unless all architectures could support such checks with zero cost in all cases where overflow does not occur. This is not the case.


number divide by zero is hardware exception

I have learnt during C++ exceptional handling that number divide by zero is a hardware exception. Can anybody explain it why it is called hardware exception
Because it is not an exception in the C++ sense. Usually, in the C++ world, we use the word "hardware trap", to avoid any ambiguity, but "hardware exception" can also be used. Basically, the hardware triggers something which will cause you to land in the OS.
And not all systems will generate a hardware trap for divide by 0. I've worked on one where you just got the largest possible value as a result, and kept on.
The C++ Standard itself considers divide by zero to be Undefined Behaviour, but as usual an implementation can provide Implementation Defined Behaviour if it likes.
C++20 stipulations:
7.1.4 If during the evaluation of an expression, the result is not mathematically defined or not in the range of representable values for its type, the behavior is undefined. [Note: Treatment of division by zero, forming a remainder using a zero divisor, and all floating-point exceptions varies among machines, and is sometimes adjustable by a library function.— end note
Typically in practice, your CPU will check for divide by zero, and historically different CPU manufacturers have used different terminology for the CPU behaviour that results: some call it an "interrupt", others a "trap", or "signal", or "exception", or "fault", or "abort". CPU designers don't tend to care about - or avoid clashes with - anything but their hardware and assembly language terminology....
Regardless, even if called a "hardware exception", it's nothing to do with C++ exceptions in the try/catch sense.
On an Intel for example, a divide by zero will result in the CPU spontaneously saving a minimum of registers on the stack, then calling a function whose address must have been placed in a specific memory address beforehand.
It's up to the OS/executable to pick/override with some useful behaviour, and while some C++ compilers do specifically support interception of these events and generation of C++ Exceptions, it's not a feature mentioned by the C++ Standard, nor widely portable. The general expectation is that you'll either write a class that checks consistently, or perform ad-hoc checks before divisions that might fail.
This is a hardware exception because it's detected by CPU.
Your code in c/c++ or any other language is converted to CPU commands and then executed by CPU. So only CPU can find out you divided by zero
It depends on your processor if you get an exception or not. Fixed point and floating point also are different or can be. The floating point spec, to be compliant, has both an exception and non-exception solution for devide by zero. If the fpu has that exception disabled then you would get the "properly signed infinity" otherwise you get an exception and the result is instead a nan or something like that I dont have the spec handy.
The programmers reference manual for a particular processor should hopefully discuss fixed point divide by zero behavior if the processor has a divide at all. If not then it is a soft divide and then it is up to the compiler library as to what it does (calls a divide by zero handler for example).
It would be called a hardware exception in general because the hardware is detecting the problem, and the hardware does something as a result. Same thing when you have other problems like mmu access faults, data aborts, prefetch aborts, etc. hardware exception because it is an exception handled by hardware, generally...
Because, if it is checked, then it is checked and raised by the hardware. Specifically, the Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU) of your CPU will check for 0 as divider and generate an appropriate interrupt to signal the exception.
Otherwise, you would have to explicitely check for 0 in the assembler source code.
Edit: Note that this apply to integer division only, since floating point division has specific states to signal a division by zero.

Is it possible to access the overflow flag register in a CPU with C++?

After performing a mathematical operation, for say, multiplying two integers, is it possible to access the overflow flag register in a CPU with C++ ? If not what are other fast ways to check for an overflow ?
No, generally it's impossible. Some CPUs don't even have such a flag (e.g. MIPS).
The link provided in one of the comments will give you ideas on how you can do overflow checks.
Remember that in C and C++ signed integer overflows cause undefined behavior and legally you cannot perform overflow checks after the fact. You either need to use unsigned arithmetic or do the checks before arithmetic operations.
I recommend this reading in every appropriate case. From Optimizing software in C++ -
Integer overflow is another security problem. The official C standard
says that the behavior of signed integers in case of overflow is
"undefined". This allows the compiler to ignore overflow or assume
that it doesn't occur. In the case of the Gnu compiler, the assumption
that signed integer overflow doesn't occur has the unfortunate
consequence that it allows the compiler to optimize away an overflow
check. There are a number of possible remedies against this problem:
(1) check for overflow before it occurs, (2) use unsigned integers -
they are guaranteed to wrap around, (3) trap integer overflow with the
option -ftrapv, but this is extremely inefficient, (4) get a compiler
warning for such optimizations with option
-Wstrict-overflow=2, or (5) make the overflow behavior well-defined with option
-fwrapv or -fno-strict-overflow.
You'd have to do the operation and check the overflow bit in inline assembly. You could do that and jump to a label on overflow, or (more generally but less efficiently) set a variable if it overflowed.
No. Best approach to check in advance as here
If not what are other fast ways to check for an overflow ?
If you need to test after operation you can use floating point representation (double precision) - every 32-bit integer can be represented exactly as floating point number.
If all of the machines you target support IEEE (which is probably the case if you don't have to consider mainframes), you can just do the operations, then use isfinite or isinf on the results.
Fast (in terms of programmer's efforts) way is: The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) defines five exceptions, each of which returns a default value and has a corresponding status flag that (except in certain cases of underflow) is raised when the exception occurs.
The five possible exceptions are:
Invalid operation: mathematically undefined, e.g., the square root of a negative number. By default, returns qNaN.
Division by zero: an operation on finite operands gives an exact infinite result, e.g., 1/0 or log(0). By default, returns ±infinity.
Overflow: a result is too large to be represented correctly (i.e., its exponent with an unbounded exponent range would be larger than emax). By default, returns ±infinity for the round-to-nearest modes (and follows the rounding rules for the directed rounding modes).
Underflow: a result is very small (outside the normal range) and is inexact. By default, returns a subnormal or zero (following the rounding rules).
Inexact: the exact (i.e., unrounded) result is not representable exactly. By default, returns the correctly rounded result.
This is probably not what you want to do for two reasons:
not every CPU has an overflow flag
using C++ there is actually no way to access the overflow flag
the overflow checking tips that people have posted before might be useful.
if you really want to very write fast code that multiplies two integers and checks the overflow flag, you will have to use assembly. if you want some examples for x86, then do ask

automatic overflow detection in C++? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Best way to detect integer overflow in C/C++
Oftentimes when I've coded something in C++ using large numbers I can't tell when overflow is occurring, even if I am using something like a long long or other 64-bit data type. Is there an effective way to detect when overflow is occurring than witnessing erroneous values?
There may not be much that you would get from standard C++:
5 Expressions
4 If during the evaluation of an expression, the result is not
mathematically defined or not in the range of representable values for
its type, the behavior is undefined. [ Note: most existing
implementations of C++ ignore integer overflows. Treatment of division
by zero, forming a remainder using a zero divisor, and all floating
point exceptions vary among machines, and is usually adjustable by a
library function. —end note ]
Your best bet is to probably use the standard fixed width integer types defined in <cstdint> such as uint32_t.
Take a look at the <cerrno> header too for error codes such as EOVERFLOW. There are then the overflow_error/underflow_error classes from <stdexcept>.
Actually you can't even reliably detect overflow after the fact because overflow in signed integer operations results in undefined behaviour. If the compiler can see that a code path is only reached in the event of an overflow, it's allowed to optimise it out entirely (since in the undefined behaviour case it can do anything at all). Unsigned types are different in that they have defined overflow characteristics (they perform modulus arithmetic).
So the only way to detect overflow with signed types is to make the appropriate check beforehand, which is quite expensive. It is almost always much more efficient to design things such that an invariant of your algorithm ensure that there cannot be an overflow.
As for resources on detecting the possible overflow before it happens, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/199413/445525

Integer vs floating division -> Who is responsible for providing the result?

I've been programming for a while in C++, but suddenly had a doubt and wanted to clarify with the Stackoverflow community.
When an integer is divided by another integer, we all know the result is an integer and like wise, a float divided by float is also a float.
But who is responsible for providing this result? Is it the compiler or DIV instruction?
That depends on whether or not your architecture has a DIV instruction. If your architecture has both integer and floating-point divide instructions, the compiler will emit the right instruction for the case specified by the code. The language standard specifies the rules for type promotion and whether integer or floating-point division should be used in each possible situation.
If you have only an integer divide instruction, or only a floating-point divide instruction, the compiler will inline some code or generate a call to a math support library to handle the division. Divide instructions are notoriously slow, so most compilers will try to optimize them out if at all possible (eg, replace with shift instructions, or precalculate the result for a division of compile-time constants).
Hardware divide instructions almost never include conversion between integer and floating point. If you get divide instructions at all (they are sometimes left out, because a divide circuit is large and complicated), they're practically certain to be "divide int by int, produce int" and "divide float by float, produce float". And it'll usually be that both inputs and the output are all the same size, too.
The compiler is responsible for building whatever operation was written in the source code, on top of these primitives. For instance, in C, if you divide a float by an int, the compiler will emit an int-to-float conversion and then a float divide.
(Wacky exceptions do exist. I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past the VAX to have had "divide float by int" type instructions. The Itanium didn't really have a divide instruction, but its "divide helper" was only for floating point, you had to fake integer divide on top of float divide!)
The compiler will decide at compile time what form of division is required based on the types of the variables being used - at the end of the day a DIV (or FDIV) instruction of one form or another will get involved.
Your question doesn't really make sense. The DIV instruction doesn't do anything by itself. No matter how loud you shout at it, even if you try to bribe it, it doesn't take responsibility for anything
When you program in a programming language [X], it is the sole responsibility of the [X] compiler to make a program that does what you described in the source code.
If a division is requested, the compiler decides how to make a division happen. That might happen by generating the opcode for the DIV instruction, if the CPU you're targeting has one. It might be by precomputing the division at compile-time, and just inserting the result directly into the program (assuming both operands are known at compile-time), or it might be done by generating a sequence of instructions which together emulate a divison.
But it is always up to the compiler. Your C++ program doesn't have any effect unless it is interpreted according to the C++ standard. If you interpret it as a plain text file, it doesn't do anything. If your compiler interprets it as a Java program, it is going to choke and reject it.
And the DIV instruction doesn't know anything about the C++ standard. A C++ compiler, on the other hand, is written with the sole purpose of understanding the C++ standard, and transforming code according to it.
The compiler is always responsible.
One of the most important rules in the C++ standard is the "as if" rule:
The semantic descriptions in this International Standard define a parameterized nondeterministic abstract machine. This International Standard places no requirement on the structure of conforming implementations. In particular, they need not copy or emulate the structure of the abstract machine. Rather, conforming implementations are required to emulate (only) the observable behavior of the abstract machine as explained below.
Which in relation to your question means it doesn't matter what component does the division, as long as it gets done. It may be performed by a DIV machine code, it may be performed by more complicated code if there isn't an appropriate instruction for the processor in question.
It can also:
Replace the operation with a bit-shift operation if appropriate and likely to be faster.
Replace the operation with a literal if computable at compile-time or an assignment if e.g. when processing x / y it can be shown at compile time that y will always be 1.
Replace the operation with an exception throw if it can be shown at compile time that it will always be an integer division by zero.
The C99 standard defines "When integers are divided, the result of the / operator
is the algebraic quotient with any fractional part
discarded." And adds in a footnote that "this is often called 'truncation toward zero.'"
Historically, the language specification is responsible.
Pascal defines its operators so that using / for division always returns a real (even if you use it to divide 2 integers), and if you want to divide integers and get an integer result, you use the div operator instead. (Visual Basic has a similar distinction and uses the \ operator for integer division that returns an integer result.)
In C, it was decided that the same distinction should be made by casting one of the integer operands to a float if you wanted a floating point result. It's become convention to treat integer versus floating point types the way you describe in many C-derived languages. I suspect this convention may have originated in Fortran.

Dealing with Floating Point exceptions

I am not sure how to deal with floating point exceptions in either C or C++. From wiki, there are following types of floating point exceptions:
IEEE 754 specifies five arithmetic errors that are to be recorded in "sticky bits" (by default; note that trapping and other alternatives are optional and, if provided, non-default).
* inexact, set if the rounded (and returned) value is different from the mathematically exact result of the operation.
* underflow, set if the rounded value is tiny (as specified in IEEE 754) and inexact (or maybe limited to if it has denormalisation loss, as per the 1984 version of IEEE 754), returning a subnormal value (including the zeroes).
* overflow, set if the absolute value of the rounded value is too large to be represented (an infinity or maximal finite value is returned, depending on which rounding is used).
* divide-by-zero, set if the result is infinite given finite operands (returning an infinity, either +∞ or −∞).
* invalid, set if a real-valued result cannot be returned (like for sqrt(−1), or 0/0), returning a quiet NaN.
Is it that when any type of above exceptions happens, the program will exit abnormally? Or the program will carry this error on without mentioning anything and therefore make the error hard to debug?
Is a compiler like gcc able to give warning for some obvious case?
What can I do during coding my program to notify where the error happens and what types it is when it happens, so that I can locate the error easily in my code? Please give solutions in both C and C++ case.
Thanks and regards!
There are many options, but the general and also the default philosophy introduced by 754 is to not trap but to instead produce special results such as infinities that may or may not show up in important results.
As a result, the functions that test the state of individual operations are not used as often as the functions that test the representations of results.
See, for example...
Each of the functions that use floating-point values are provided in sin-
gle, double, and extended precision; the double precision prototypes are
listed here. The man pages for the individual functions provide more
details on their use, special cases, and prototypes for their single and
extended precision versions.
int fpclassify(double)
int isfinite(double)
int isinf(double)
int isnan(double)
int isnormal(double)
int signbit(double)
For anyone who really thinks FPU ops generate SIGFPE in a default case these days, I would encourage you to try this program. You can easily generate underflow, overflow, and divide-by-zero. What you will not generate (unless you run it on the last surviving VAX or a non-754 RISC) is SIGFPE:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int ac, char **av) { return printf("%f\n", atof(av[1]) / atof(av[2])); }
On Linux you can use the GNU extension feenableexcept (hidden right at the bottom of that page) to turn on trapping on floating point exceptions - if you do this then you'll receive the signal SIGFPE when an exception occurs which you can then catch in your debugger. Watch out though as sometimes the signal gets thrown on the floating point instruction after the one that's actually causing the problem, giving misleading line information in the debugger!
On Windows with Visual C++, you can control which floating-point exceptions are unmasked using _control87() etc.. Unmasked floating-point exceptions generate structured exceptions, which can be handled using __try/__except (and a couple of other mechanisms). This is all completely platform-dependent.
If you leave floating point exceptions masked, another platform-dependent approach to detecting these conditions is to clear the floating-point status using _clear87() etc., perform computations, and then query the floating-point status using _status87() etc..
Is any of this any better than DigitalRoss's suggestion of checking the result? In most cases, it's not. If you need to detect (or control) rounding (which is unlikely), then maybe?
On Windows with Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero C++, some floating-point exceptions are unmasked by default, which often causes problems when using third-party libraries that were not tested with floating-point exceptions unmasked.
Different compilers handle these errors in different ways.
Inexactness is almost always the result of division of numbers with an absolute value greater than one (perhaps through trancendental functions). Adding, subtracting and multiplying numbers with an absolute value > 1.0 can only result in overflow.
Underflow doesn't occur very often, and probably won't be a concern in normal calculations except for iterated functions such as Taylor series.
Overflow is a problem that can usually be detected by some sort of "infinity" comparison, different compilers vary.
Divide by zero is quite noticable since your program will (should) crash if you don't have an error handler. Checking dividends and divisors will help avoid the problem.
Invalid answers usually are caught without special error handlers with some sort of DOMAIN error printed.
This might help: (Numerical Computation Guide by Sun)
C99 introduced functions for handling floating point exceptions. Prior to a floating point operation, you can use feclearexcept() to clear any outstanding exceptions. After the operation(s), you can then use fetestexcept() to test which exception flags are set.
In Linux, you can trap these exceptions by trapping the SIGFPE signal. If you do nothing, these exceptions will terminate your program. To set a handler, use the signal function, passing the signal you wish to have trapped, and the function to be called in the event the signal fires.