Uninstalling a package installed with amazon-linux-extras - amazon-web-services

How do you UNinstall a package installed with amazon-linux-extras??
sudo amazon-linux-extras install postgresql10
Installs it. Now... how do I remove it?
sudo amazon-linux-extras uninstall postgresql10
sudo amazon-linux-extras remove postgresql10
yum remove postgresql10

sudo yum remove postgresql
In order to confirm we are removing what we did install with amazon-linux-extras, we can check the Repository after we run the sudo yum remove command:


How to install unavailable python packages in aws ec2

I gonna install pyaudio and sounddevice packages via requirements.txt in EC2.
But it says raise OSError('PortAudio library not found')
So I tried to install libasound-dev for sounddevice...
Yum install libasound-dev
But it also said :
No package libasound-dev available
How should I do? I am in AWS EC2.
libasound-dev is for Ubuntu. For Amazon Linux 2 it should be:
sudo yum install alsa-lib-devel
For portaudio:
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y
sudo yum install -y portaudio-devel portaudio
If you are in Window and gonna use pyaudio, you would use like this:
pip install pipwin
pipwin install pyaudio
This works well on Window.

How to fix this gRPC installation problem?

Im following these steps to install gRPC on my freshly launched AWS EC2 Instance:
When I try to execute this line:
sudo yum install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev
I get this error:
I don't want to mess up anything, please help.
Try instead:
sudo yum install gflags-dev
sudo yum install gtest-dev
That should install libgflags-dev and libgtest-dev.

Can I specify the rabbitmq-server version when installing on a linux box?

When doing:
sudo apt-get install -y -qq --force-yes rabbitmq-server-3.6.6
the return is:
>E: Unable to locate package rabbitmq-server-3.6.6
>E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'rabbitmq-server-3.6.6'
Is there a way to specify the package I want to be installed?
you can find the versions on github/Package Cloud/bitnary
wget https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/download/rabbitmq_v3_6_6/rabbitmq-server_3.6.6-1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i rabbitmq-server_3.6.6-1_all.deb

How to access the review board site from other system via browser?

I have set-up all prerequisites and all the installation required for local reviewboard along with rb-site, server is apache httpd with mod_wsi. Can any one help me on how to access the review bpoard which I have installed locally from different systems via web browser.
Below are the steps detailed:
yum -y install zlib zlib-devel
yum -y install openssl-devel
yum -y install memcached
yum -y install python-devel
yum -y install python-setuptools
yum -y install patch
easy_install mysql-python
yum -y install git-core
easy_install ReviewBoard
rb-site install /var/www/ReviewBoard
While Installing rb-site :
Domain name localhost:80
Root Path : reviews
And other configurations are default.
All steps are executed successfully.
But I do not know how can I access the review board over browser.
Please help me?

"xz compression not available" after installing epel-release on centos7

As soon as I do a successful yum install epel-release (epel-release-7-6 or epel-release-7-8) on a fresh Centos7 installation then any subsequent yum update or yum install end with the error message xz compression not available. I tried reinstalling a few times and I get the same problem. This is all happening in a chroot but I don t think it s relevant.
Please help :)
Installing pyliblzma before epel-release solves the problem for me. Remove epel-release if it already installed.
yum remove -y epel-release
yum install -y pyliblzma
yum install -y epel-release