Append/merge a writeBatch to another writeBatch - concurrency

I have a job that currently writes to a writeBatch sequentially.
I want to split it into a few threads, since writing to a writeBatch is not thread-safe; I thought that each thread would have its writeBatch, and at the end, all batches will be merged into one to keep the write atomic.
I didn't find an API for it. Does one exist? Any alternative approach I can take?

Unfortunately, I don't think such merge/append WriteBatches API exists by looking into, which you might already have looked into.
Is there any reason why you'd like to split it into few threads instead of writing to a write batch sequentially? With the above finding of no such an API, it seems that splitting into threads won't give any benefit at least in speeding things up.
If multi-thread with write batch can't be avoided, you may consider implementing your own external synchronization on write batch.


Is using cat command to merge files created by multiple threads efficient?

I have a multi-threaded C++11 program in which each thread produces a large amount of data that need to be written to the disk. All the data need to be written onto one file. At the moment, I use a mutex that protects accesses to the file from multiple threads. My friend suggested me that I can use one file for each thread, then at the end merge the files into one file with cat command done from C++ code using system().
I'm thinking if cat command is going to read all the data back from the disk and then write it again to the disk but this time into a single file, it's not going to be any better. I have googled but couldn't find cat command implementation details. May I know how it works and if it's going to accelerate the whole procedure?
Chronology of events is not important, and there's no ordering constraint on the contents of the files. Both methods will perform what I want.
You don't specify if you have some ordering or structuring constraints on the content of the file. Generally it is the case, so I'll treat it as such, but hopefully my solution should work either way.
The classical programmatic approach
The idea is to offload the work of writing to disk to a dedicated IO thread, and have a multiple producers/ one consumer queue to queue up all the write commands. Each work thread simply format its output as a string and push it back to the queue. The IO thread pop batches of messages from the queue into a buffer, and issue the write commands.
Alternatively, you could add a field in your messages to indicate which worker emitted the write command, and have the IO thread push to different files, if needed.
For better performance, it also interesting to look into async versions of the IO system primitives (read/write), if your host OS supports them. The IO thread would then be able to monitor several concurrent IO, and feed the OS with new ones as soon as one terminate.
As it has been advised in comments, you will have to monitor the IO thread for congestion situations, and tune the number of workers accordingly. The "natural" feedback based mechanism is to simply make the queue bounded, and workers will wait on the lock until space free up on it. This let you control the amount of produced data at any point during the process life, which is an important point in memory constrained scenarios.
Your cat concerns
As for cat, this command line tool simply read whatever is wrote to its input channel (usually stdin), and duplicates it to its output (stdout). It's as simple a that, and you can clearly see the similarity with the solution advocated above. The difference is that cat doesn't understand the file internal structure (if any), it only deals with byte streams, which means that if several processes write concurrently to a cat input without synchronization, the resulting output would probably be completely mixed up. Another issue is the atomicity (or lack thereof) of IO primitives.
NB: On some systems, there's a neat little feature called a fork, which let you have several "independent" streams of data multiplexed in a single file. If you happen to work on a platform supporting that feature, you could have all your data streams bundled in a single file, but separately reachable.

how to synchronize three dependent threads

If I have
1. mainThread: write data A,
2. Thread_1: read A and write it to into a Buffer;
3. Thread_2: read from the Buffer.
how to synchronize these three threads safely, with not much performance loss? Is there any existing solution to use? I use C/C++ on linux.
IMPORTANT: the goal is to know the synchronization mechanism or algorithms for this particular case, not how mutex or semaphore works.
First, I'd consider the possibility of building this as three separate processes, using pipes to connect them. A pipe is (in essence) a small buffer with locking handled automatically by the kernel. If you do end up using threads for this, most of your time/effort will be spent on creating nearly an exact duplicate of the pipes that are already built into the kernel.
Second, if you decide to build this all on your own anyway, I'd give serious consideration to following a similar model anyway. You don't need to be slavish about it, but I'd still think primarily in terms of a data structure to which one thread writes data, and from which another reads the data. By strong preference, all the necessary thread locking necessary would be built into that data structure, so most of the code in the thread is quite simple, reading, processing, and writing data. The main difference from using normal Unix pipes would be that in this case you can maintain the data in a more convenient format, instead of all the reading and writing being in text.
As such, what I think you're looking for is basically a thread-safe queue. With that, nearly everything else involved becomes borders on trivial (at least the threading part of it does -- the processing involved may not be, but at least building it with multiple threads isn't adding much to the complexity).
It's hard to say how much experience with C/C++ threads you have. I hate to just point to a link but have you read up on pthreads?
And for a shorter example with code and simple mutex'es (lock object you need to sync data):
I would suggest Boost.Thread for this purpose. This is quite good framework with mutexes and semaphores, and it is multiplatform. Here you can find very good tutorial about this.
How exactly synchronize these threads is another problem and needs more information about your problem.
Edit The simplest solution would be to put two mutexes -- one on A and second on Buffer. You don't have to worry about deadlocks in this particular case. Just:
Enter mutex_A from MainThread; Thread1 waits for mutex to be released.
Leave mutex from MainThread; Thread1 enters mutex_A and mutex_Buffer, starts reading from A and writes it to Buffer.
Thread1 releases both mutexes. ThreadMain can enter mutex_A and write data, and Thread2 can enter mutex_Buffer safely read data from Buffer.
This is obviously the simplest solution, and probably can be improved, but without more knowledge about the problem, this is the best I can come up with.

Testing concurrent data structure

What are some methods for testing concurrent data structures to make sure the data structs behave correctly when accessed from multiple threads ?
All of the other answers have focused on actually testing the code by putting it through its paces and actually running it in one form or another or politely saying "don't do it yourself, use an existing library".
This is great and all, but IMO, the most important (practical tests are important too) test is to look at the code line by line and for every line of code ask "what happens if I get interrupted by another thread here?" Imagine another thread, running just about any of the other lines/functions during this interruption. Do things still stay consistent? When competing for resources, does the other thread[s] block or spin?
This is what we did in school when learning about concurrency and it is a surprisingly effective approach. Bottom line, I feel that taking the time to prove to yourself that things are consistent and work as expected in all states is the first technique you should use when dealing with this stuff.
Concurrent systems are probabilistic and errors are often difficult to replicate. Therefore you need to run various input/output cases, each tested over time (hours, days, etc) in order to detect possible errors.
Tests for concurrent data structure involves examining the container's state before and after expected events such as insert and delete.
Use a pre-existing, pre-tested library that meets your needs if possible.
Make sure that the code has appropriate self-consistency checks (preferably fast sanity checks), and run your code on as many different types of hardware as possible to help narrow down interesting timing problems.
Have multiple people peer review the code, preferably without a pre-explanation of how it's supposed to work. That way they have to grok the code which should help catch more bugs.
Set up a bunch of threads that do nothing but random operations on the data structures and check for consistency at some rate.
Start with the assumption that your calls to access/modify data are not thread safe and use locks to ensure only a single thread can access/modify any part of the data at a time. Only after you can prove to yourself that a specific type of access is safe outside of the lock by multiple threads at once should you move that code outside of the lock.
Assume worst case scenarios, e.g. that your code will stop right in the middle of some pointer manipulation or another critical point, and that another thread will encounter that data in mid-transition. If that would have a bad result, leave it within the lock.
I normally test these kinds of things by interjecting sleep() calls at appropriate places in the distributed threads/processes.
For instance, to test a lock, put sleep(2) in all your threads at the point of contention, and spawn two threads roughly 1 second apart. The first one should obtain the lock, and the second should have to wait for it.
Most race conditions can be tested by extending this method, but if your system has too many components it may be difficult or impossible to know every possible condition that needs to be tested.
Run your concurrent threads for one or a few days and look what happens. (Sounds strange, but finding out race conditions is such a complex topic that simply trying it is the best approach).

Is checking current thread inside a function ok?

Is it ok to check the current thread inside a function?
For example if some non-thread safe data structure is only altered by one thread, and there is a function which is called by multiple threads, it would be useful to have separate code paths depending on the current thread. If the current thread is the one that alters the data structure, it is ok to alter the data structure directly in the function. However, if the current thread is some other thread, the actual altering would have to be delayed, so that it is performed when it is safe to perform the operation.
Or, would it be better to use some boolean which is given as a parameter to the function to separate the different code paths?
Or do something totally different?
What do you think?
You are not making all too much sense. You said a non-thread safe data structure is only ever altered by one thread, but in the next sentence you talk about delaying any changes made to that data structure by other threads. Make up your mind.
In general, I'd suggest wrapping the access to the data structure up with a critical section, or mutex.
It's possible to use such animals as reader/writer locks to differentiate between readers and writers of datastructures but the performance advantage for typical cases usually wont merit the additional complexity associated with their use.
From the way your question is stated, I'm guessing you're fairly new to multithreaded development. I highly suggest sticking with the simplist and most commonly used approaches for ensuring data integrity (most books/articles you readon the issue will mention the same uses for mutexes/critical sections). Multithreaded development is extremely easy to get wrong and can be difficult to debug. Also, what seems like the "optimal" solution very often doesn't buy you the huge performance benefit you might think. It's usually best to implement the simplist approach that will work then worry about optimizing it after the fact.
There is a trick that could work in case, as you said, the other threads will only make changes only once in a while, although it is still rather hackish:
make sure your "master" thread can't be interrupted by the other ones (higher priority, non fair scheduling)
check your thread
if "master", just change
if other, put off scheduling, if needed by putting off interrupts, make change, reinstall scheduling
really test to see whether there are no issues in your setup.
As you can see, if requirements change a little bit, this could turn out worse than using normal locks.
As mentioned, the simplest solution when two threads need access to the same data is to use some synchronization mechanism (i.e. critical section or mutex).
If you already have synchronization in your design try to reuse it (if possible) instead of adding more. For example, if the main thread receives its work from a synchronized queue you might be able to have thread 2 queue the data structure update. The main thread will pick up the request and can update it without additional synchronization.
The queuing concept can be hidden from the rest of the design through the Active Object pattern. The activ object may also be able to publish the data structure changes through the Observer pattern to other interested threads.

How do I tell a multi-core / multi-CPU machine to process function calls in a loop in parallel?

I am currently designing an application that has one module which will load large amounts of data from a database and reduce it to a much smaller set by various calculations depending on the circumstances.
Many of the more intensive operations behave deterministically and would lend themselves to parallel processing.
Provided I have a loop that iterates over a large number of data chunks arriving from the db and for each one call a deterministic function without side effects, how would I make it so that the program does not wait for the function to return but rather sets the next calls going, so they could be processed in parallel? A naive approach to demonstrate the principle would do me for now.
I have read Google's MapReduce paper and while I could use the overall principle in a number of places, I won't, for now, target large clusters, rather it's going to be a single multi-core or multi-CPU machine for version 1.0. So currently, I'm not sure if I can actually use the library or would have to roll a dumbed-down basic version myself.
I am at an early stage of the design process and so far I am targeting C-something (for the speed critical bits) and Python (for the productivity critical bits) as my languages. If there are compelling reasons, I might switch, but so far I am contented with my choice.
Please note that I'm aware of the fact that it might take longer to retrieve the next chunk from the database than to process the current one and the whole process would then be I/O-bound. I would, however, assume for now that it isn't and in practice use a db cluster or memory caching or something else to be not I/O-bound at this point.
Well, if .net is an option, they have put a lot of effort into Parallel Computing.
If you still plan on using Python, you might want to have a look at Processing. It uses processes rather than threads for parallel computing (due to the Python GIL) and provides classes for distributing "work items" onto several processes. Using the pool class, you can write code like the following:
import processing
def worker(i):
return i*i
num_workers = 2
pool = processing.Pool(num_workers)
result = pool.imap(worker, range(100000))
This is a parallel version of itertools.imap, which distributes calls over to processes. You can also use the apply_async methods of the pool and store lazy result objects in a list:
results = []
for i in range(10000):
results.append(pool.apply_async(worker, i))
For further reference, see the documentation of the Pool class.
processing uses fork(), so you have to be careful on Win32
objects transferred between processes need to be pickleable
if the workers are relatively fast, you can tweak chunksize, i.e.
the number of work items send to a worker process in one batch
processing.Pool uses a background thread
You can implement the algorithm from Google's MapReduce without having physically separate machines. Just consider each of those "machines" to be "threads." Threads are automatically distributed on multi-core machines.
I might be missing something here, but this this seems fairly straight forward using pthreads.
Set up a small threadpool with N threads in it and have one thread to control them all.
The master thread simply sits in a loop doing something like:
Get data chunk from DB
Find next free thread If no thread is free then wait
Hand over chunk to worker thread
Go back and get next chunk from DB
In the meantime the worker threads they sit and do:
Mark myself as free
Wait for the mast thread to give me a chunk of data
Process the chunk of data
Mark myself as free again
The method by which you implement this can be as simple as two mutex controlled arrays. One has the worked threads in it (the threadpool) and the other indicated if each corresponding thread is free or busy.
Tweak N to your liking ...
If you're working with a compiler that will support it, I would suggest taking a look at for a way of annotating your code in such a way that
certain loops will be parallelized.
It does a lot more as well, and you might find it very helpful.
Their web page reports that gcc4.2 will support openmp, for example.
The same thread pool is used in java. But the threads in threadpools are serialisable and sent to other computers and deserialised to run.
I have developed a MapReduce library for multi-threaded/multi-core use on a single server. Everything is taken care of by the library, and the user just has to implement Map and Reduce. It is positioned as a Boost library, but not yet accepted as a formal lib. Check out
You may be interested in examining the code of libdispatch, which is the open source implementation of Apple's Grand Central Dispatch.
Intel's TBB or boost::mpi might be of interest to you also.