I am setting up a logger class and want to optimize logging.
It has to be multicolor logger, so std::string::append(...) is not an option.
Adding new log to a vector of strings is not a good idea, because every push_back memory rises and fps goes down. I thought to create Log struct that would hold string msg and color or flag that inform us what kind of message is that and double buffer Log struct. Write to the first then pass it to the second Log object and draw from it, then clear first Log object ... and so on. I tried to implement it, but it does not work as I wish, though.
At the moment I left vector of Logs
class Logger
struct Log {
std::string text;
Uint color;
void Draw() {
for(const auto& log : logs) {
renderer->DrawString(log.text, log.color);
void AddLog(const std::string& text, Uint color) {
logs.emplace_back(text, color);
std::vector<Log> logs;
int main() {
//window stuff, opengl context, etc.
Logger logger;
while(!quit) {
// Do not flood logger with logs, just add it sometimes
static double lastTime = -1.0;
if(time - lastTime >= 0.20f) {
logger.AddLog("Log", 0xff00ffff);
lastTime = time;
return 0;
we do not pass position to renderere->DrawString(...), because it gets automatically moved down to another line.
This approach works, but with very, very, very, very, superb poor speed.
How could I optimize it? I would like to get something like cs go console has. It is also a multicolor logger and it can log massive message with no fps drops.
In order to avoid reallocations of your vector when you push log messages to your logger, you can use a ring buffer structure. It preallocates memory for N message and it stores only the latest N messages pushed. A simple implementation can be as follows:
template <std::size_t bufferSize>
class Logger {
struct Data {
std::string msg = " - ";
uint32_t color = 0x00000000;
void addLog(Data && item) {
buffer_[head_] = std::move(item);
if (++head_ >= bufferSize) head_ -= bufferSize;
void draw() const {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) {
auto idx = head_ + i;
if (idx >= bufferSize) idx -= bufferSize;
// print the log whatever way you like, for example:
printf("%s\n", buffer_[idx].msg.c_str());
std::size_t head_ = 0;
std::array<Data, bufferSize> buffer_;
Here, the template parameter bufferSize specifies the size of the ring buffer. The draw() method processes the oldest messages first, so your newest logs will be at the bottom.
Here is a live example: link
I have an 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 (the processor in Pixhawk) to write two classes, each one is one threading in Pixhawk codebase setting.
The first one is LidarScanner, which dealing with incoming serial data and generates "obstacle situation". The second one is Algorithm, which handle "obstacle situation" and take some planning strategy. Here are my solution right now, use the reference function LidarScanner::updateObstacle(uint8_t (&array)[181]) to update "obstacle situation" which is 181 size array.
class LidarScanner{
bool available = false;
int AngleArr[181];
int RangeArr[181];
bool isObstacle[181] = {}; //1: unsafe; 0:safe;
//main function
void update()
while(hal.uartE->available()) //incoming serial data is available
decode_data(); //decode serial data into three kind data: Range, Angle and Period_flag
if(complete_scan()) //determine if the lidarscanner one period is completed
scan.available = false;
checkObstacle(); //check obstacle situation and store safety in isObstacle[181]
scan.available = true;
//for another API recall
void updateObstacle(uint8_t (&array)[181])
for(int i=0; i<=181; i++)
//for another API recall
bool ScanAvailable() const { return scan.available; }
class Algorithm{
uint8_t Obatcle_Value[181] = {};
class LidarScanner& _lidarscanner;
Algorithm(class LidarScanner& _lidarscanner);
//main funcation
void update()
if (hal.uartE->available() && _lidarscanner.ScanAvailable())
//Update obstacle situation into Algorithm phase and do more planning strategy
Usually, it works fine. But I want to improve the performances so that I want to know what's the most effective way to do that. thanks!!!!
The most efficient way to copy data is to use the DMA.
DMAx_Channelx->CNDTR = size;
DMAx_Channelx->CPAR = (uint32_t)&source;
DMAx_Channelx->CMAR = (uint32_t)&destination;
DMAx_Channelx->CCR = (0<<DMA_CCR_MSIZE_Pos) | (0<<DMA_CCR_PSIZE_Pos)
while(!(DMAx->ISR & DMA_ISR_TCIFx ));
AN4031 Using the DMA controller.
I am using push_back to add identical characters and for some reason these characters all have the same stats all the time.
void Battle::InitalizeUser()
user.currentPokemon_U = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < user.t_Pokemon.size(); i++)
user.t_Pokemon.at(i)->poke_health = 100;
user.t_Pokemon.at(i)->poke_isFainted = false;
assert(user.t_Pokemon.size() == 6);
assert(user.t_Item.size() == 2);
So if uF1 health is reduced all uF1 characters will suffer the same reduction, but I don't want all the others uF1 to suffer the reduction, I want to be able to distinguish them and have only one specific character affected.
How can I do that?
void Pokemon::attackNormal(Pokemon * opponentPokemon)
opponentPokemon->poke_health = opponentPokemon->poke_health - 20;
assert(opponentPokemon->poke_health <= 100 && opponentPokemon->poke_health >= 0);
class Battle
static Trainer user;
static Trainer ash;
static IntRect user_Rect;
static IntRect ash_Rect;
// User's pokemon
static Fire uF1;
static Water uW3;
static Grass uG5;
static Item uI1;
static Item uI2;
uF1 : Pokemon.h
class Fire : public Pokemon
Fire(string name);
virtual ~Fire();
void specialAttack(Pokemon * opponentPokemon);
void changeWeather();
void Draw(RenderWindow &window);
The problem is that your vector contains copies of a pointer what is not equivalent to having different copies of an actual object.
It seems that you are passing same pointers several times in order to achieve object copy which is not a case.
You should first declare all your objects and then add their addresses to the vector.
Additional note: you don't have to create a variable for every object you use. You could also create an array of objects.
I've created a virtual filesystem that i made to simulate a hard drive. The problem i am getting is that when i format this "drive" i need to go though every folder and sub-folders and delete "files" that I've created and then deleting the folders without getting memory leaks :)
I've been at this for a few hours now and I've tried to make recursive functions but it won't delete everything. It keeps getting stuck somewhere :(
Any ideas would make my week!! Thanks.
Here is code example of my folder.h and recursive function.
folder.h :
#ifndef FOLDER_H
#define FOLDER_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "file.h"
using namespace std;
class folder
int CAP = 10;
int nrOfChildFolders;
int nrOfFiles;
string folderName;
folder * parentFolder;
folder * childFolder[10];
file * fileArray[10];
folder(string folderName, folder * parent);
void addFolder(string folderName);
void addFile(string fileName, int nr);
string getFolderAndFiles()const;
string getFolderName()const;
int getFileNr(string fileName)const;
void reset();
folder * getFolder(string name)const;
folder * getParentFolder()const;
void deleteFile(string name, int nr);
folder * getChildFolder(int pos);
int getNrOfChildFolders()const;
/* data */
Recursive function :
void FileSystem::recursiveFolderSwitcher(folder * newCurrentFolder)
int folders = newCurrentFolder->getNrOfChildFolders();
if (newCurrentFolder->getNrOfChildFolders() != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < folders; i++)
newCurrentFolder = newCurrentFolder->getChildFolder(i);
Thanks <3
You are reassigning newCurrentFolder in your for-loop.
newCurrentFolder = newCurrentFolder->getChildFolder(i);
This makes the final
reset the last child instead.
folder* child = newCurrentFolder->getChildFolder(i);
if (newCurrentFolder->getNrOfChildFolders() != 0)
is unnecessary, the for-statement will take care of this for you.
I am using libsvm version 3.16. I have done some training in Matlab, and created a model. Now I would like to save this model to disk and load this model in my C++ program. So far I have found the following alternatives:
This answer explains how to save a model from C++, which is based on this website. Not exactly what I need, but could be adapted. (This requires development time).
I could find the best training parameters (kernel,C) in Matlab and re-train everything in C++. (Will require doing the training in C++ each time I change a parameter. It's not scalable).
Thus, both of these options are not satisfactory,
Does anyone have an idea?
My solution was to retrain in C++ because I couldn't find a nice way to directly save the model. Here's my code. You'll need to adapt it and clean it up a bit. The biggest change you'll have to make it not hard coding the svm_parameter values like I did. You'll also have to replace FilePath with std::string. I'm copying, pasting and making small edits here in SO so the formatting won't e perfect:
Used like this:
auto targetsPath = FilePath("targets.txt");
auto observationsPath = FilePath("observations.txt");
auto targetsMat = MatlabMatrixFileReader::Read(targetsPath, ',');
auto observationsMat = MatlabMatrixFileReader::Read(observationsPath, ',');
auto v = MiscVector::ConvertVecOfVecToVec(targetsMat);
auto model = SupportVectorRegressionModel{ observationsMat, v };
std::vector<double> observation{ { // 32 feature observation
0.187128866890822,- 0.0746523069562551
} };
double prediction = model.Predict(observation);
static vector<double> ConvertVecOfVecToVec(const vector<vector<double>> &mat)
vector<double> targetsVec;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat.size(); i++)
return targetsVec;
#pragma once
#include "machinelearning.h"
struct svm_node;
class LibSvmTargetObservationConvertor
svm_node ** LibSvmTargetObservationConvertor::ConvertObservations(const vector<MlObservation> &observations, size_t numFeatures) const
svm_node **svmObservations = (svm_node **)malloc(sizeof(svm_node *) * observations.size());
for (size_t rowI = 0; rowI < observations.size(); rowI++)
svm_node *row = (svm_node *)malloc(sizeof(svm_node) * numFeatures);
for (size_t colI = 0; colI < numFeatures; colI++)
row[colI].index = colI;
row[colI].value = observations[rowI][colI];
row[numFeatures].index = -1; // apparently needed
svmObservations[rowI] = row;
return svmObservations;
svm_node* LibSvmTargetObservationConvertor::ConvertMatToSvmNode(const MlObservation &observation) const
size_t numFeatures = observation.size();
svm_node *obsNode = (svm_node *)malloc(sizeof(svm_node) * numFeatures);
for (size_t rowI = 0; rowI < numFeatures; rowI++)
obsNode[rowI].index = rowI;
obsNode[rowI].value = observation[rowI];
obsNode[numFeatures].index = -1; // apparently needed
return obsNode;
#pragma once
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
using MlObservation = vector<double>;
using MlTarget = double;
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "machinelearning.h"
class MachineLearningModel
virtual ~MachineLearningModel() {}
virtual double Predict(const MlObservation &observation) const = 0;
#pragma once
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
class FilePath;
// Matrix created with command:
// dlmwrite('my_matrix.txt', somematrix, 'delimiter', ',', 'precision', 15);
// In these files, each row is a matrix row. Commas separate elements on a row.
// There is no space at the end of a row. There is a blank line at the bottom of the file.
// File format:
// 0.4,0.7,0.8
// 0.9,0.3,0.5
// etc.
static class MatlabMatrixFileReader
static vector<vector<double>> Read(const FilePath &asciiFilePath, char delimiter)
vector<vector<double>> values;
vector<double> valueline;
std::ifstream fin(asciiFilePath.Path());
string item, line;
while (getline(fin, line))
std::istringstream in(line);
while (getline(in, item, delimiter))
return values;
#pragma once
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include "machinelearningmodel.h"
#include "svm.h" // libsvm
class FilePath;
class SupportVectorRegressionModel : public MachineLearningModel
SupportVectorRegressionModel::SupportVectorRegressionModel(const vector<MlObservation>& observations, const vector<MlTarget>& targets)
// assumes all observations have same number of features
size_t numFeatures = observations[0].size();
//setup targets
//auto v = ConvertVecOfVecToVec(targetsMat);
double *targetsPtr = const_cast<double *>(&targets[0]); // why aren't the targets const?
LibSvmTargetObservationConvertor conv;
svm_node **observationsPtr = conv.ConvertObservations(observations, numFeatures);
// setup observations
//svm_node **observations = BuildObservations(observationsMat, numFeatures);
// setup problem
svm_problem problem;
problem.l = targets.size();
problem.y = targetsPtr;
problem.x = observationsPtr;
// specific to out training sets
// TODO: This is hard coded.
// Bust out these values for use in constructor
param_.C = 0.4; // cost
param_.svm_type = 4; // SVR
param_.kernel_type = 2; // radial
param_.nu = 0.6; // SVR nu
// These values are the defaults used in the Matlab version
// as found in svm_model_matlab.c
param_.gamma = 1.0 / (double)numFeatures;
param_.coef0 = 0;
param_.cache_size = 100; // in MB
param_.shrinking = 1;
param_.probability = 0;
param_.degree = 3;
param_.eps = 1e-3;
param_.p = 0.1;
param_.shrinking = 1;
param_.probability = 0;
param_.nr_weight = 0;
param_.weight_label = NULL;
param_.weight = NULL;
// suppress command line output
svm_set_print_string_function([](auto c) {});
model_ = svm_train(&problem, ¶m_);
double SupportVectorRegressionModel::Predict(const vector<double>& observation) const
LibSvmTargetObservationConvertor conv;
svm_node *obsNode = conv.ConvertMatToSvmNode(observation);
double prediction = svm_predict(model_, obsNode);
return prediction;
SupportVectorRegressionModel::SupportVectorRegressionModel(const FilePath & modelFile)
model_ = svm_load_model(modelFile.Path().c_str());
svm_model *model_;
svm_parameter param_;
Option 1 is actually pretty reasonable. If you save the model in libsvm's C format through matlab, then it is straightforward to work with the model in C/C++ using functions provided by libsvm. Trying to work with matlab-formatted data in C++ will probably be much more difficult.
The main function in "svm-predict.c" (located in the root directory of the libsvm package) probably has most of what you need:
fprintf(stderr,"can't open model file %s\n",argv[i+1]);
To predict a label for example x using the model, you can run
int predict_label = svm_predict(model,x);
The trickiest part of this will be to transfer your data into the libsvm format (unless your data is in the libsvm text file format, in which case you can just use the predict function in "svm-predict.c").
A libsvm vector, x, is an array of struct svm_node that represents a sparse array of data. Each svm_node has an index and a value, and the vector must be terminated by an index that is set to -1. For instance, to encode the vector [0,1,0,5], you could do the following:
struct svm_node *x = (struct svm_node *) malloc(3*sizeof(struct svm_node));
x[0].index=2; //NOTE: libsvm indices start at 1
For SVM types other than the classifier (C_SVC), look at the predict function in "svm-predict.c".