How to use untwister? - c++
I wanted to use the above program to predict some PRNG. I have read the 'usage' part, I though I should use it in cmd.exe by entering the path of the untwister. I entered the path of main.cpp, only MSVC pops up. Also, MSVC doesn't allow me to debug/compile the file, so I cannot run it. I searched 'how to use untwister' on google, but there is no further instruction. I am a beginner of programming, please forgive my ignorance.

OK, based on #drescherjm comment's, I've successfully build it.
I installed msys2 and use mingw to build it. But the .exe file has
error "_zst28__throw_bad_array_new_lengthv"
I searched the error message on google, and discover that the problem
may caused by gcc version.
I downloaded an old version (10.3.0) of gcc and mingw here:
I typed "cd /d D:\abc" then "mingw64\bin\mingw32-make.exe" in cmd, it
showed "Nothing to be done for" error.
I discover that I can use option to force the mingw32-make.exe to
read the Makefile. I added .am to the filename of Makefile, then type
mingw64\bin\mingw32-make.exe -f D:\abc\untwister-master\
The mingw32-make.exe thinks that files in
D:\abc\untwister-master\prng are in D:\abc\prng, and tells me it
can't find the files.
I moved all files and folder to D:\abc, then success!


How to set the library suffix on CMake for SOCI?

I am trying to build SOCI on Windows with a different library suffix using the CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX option, but the script seems to ignore it.
Here is the command I run in a batch file:
-G "NMake Makefiles"^
The documentation does not say anything about the CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX option, but the core/CMakeLists.txt script uses it to define the SOCI_LIB_SUFFIX option, which is reported on the screen when cmake is run. However, its value is always ".dll" instead of "-vc140-x64-mt.dll", so it must be overwritten somewhere I don't know.
Any idea why is this happening and how fix it?

Error while compiling my c++ program

I am a c++ beginner and after reading many articles on good ways to learn programming, I have found that its a good practice to learn programming through using command line interface than through IDE's. So therefore I am trying to learn c++ through command line interface. I am following my first tutorial of a "hello world" program. I am using MinGW compiler to compile my code. As I try to compile my code in the windows command prompt, I am getting an error. I have searched throughout the internet but can't seem to find an answer for this problem. The command I use to compile my code is "g++ Motto.cpp -o Motto.exe" and I get the problem "g++:error:CreateProcess:No such file or directory". I have checked for the path environment variable and it has the MinGW path. I have also checked the MinGW folder and found that all the executives needed are installed. Please help me fix the problem.
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Hello world\n";
return 0;
That usually means the g++ cannot find some executables that it needs to run during the compilation. Especially with MinGW the installation can be little tricky.
Make sure the paths to the MinGW installation is in your PATH environment variable (echo %PATH%) and also try to restart the computer.
If you installed manually and not with the MinGW installer (mingw-get), make sure you have downloaded and installed all the prerequisities (core, c++, binutils, runtime, etc.).
The g++ --version only prints the version, so it does not need to call another executables which the compilation does (like cc/c++, ar, etc).
Check the bin folder inside your MinGW installation directory, if you have at least those executables there: cc, c++, c++filt, ld (and others like ar, as).
Also, check {MinGWDir}\libexec\gcc\mingw32{version} if it contains cc1, cc1plus, collect2.
Try running "make $file-you-want", or like #FCo said, "g++ -o Motto Motto.cpp", The error means that you're passing it an invalid filename to compile, or you're not in the proper directory. Make sure you have the file you want to compile in your working directory, either by typing "ls" or "dir" depending on the system you're using.
Information that would help answer this question:
What you're doing to cause the error (how are you running g++?)
What OS/Environment you're running on

Compiling SDL within Adobe Crossbridge's Cygwin

Crossbridge allows you to compile C/C++ programs to target the flash runtime. It comes with its own modified gcc within cygwin. Since SDL only provides developmental zips for VC or mingw, I'm trying to compile SDL within this cygwin environment. However Crossbridge's gcc is version 4.2.1 and according to google searches SDL cannot be compiled with gcc versions higher than 3 inside cygwin. When I run ./configure, it fails with:
*** Your compiler (/cygdrive/c/Users/Tom/Desktop/Crossbridge_1.0.1/sdk/usr/bin/g
cc.exe -jvmopt=-Xmx1G) does not produce Win32 executables!
When I just type gcc alone, I get:
bash: /usr/bin/gcc: cannot execute binary file
Does it make a difference if I compile SDL using one compiler (i.e., a lower version of gcc) and attempt to use it with the Crossbridge compiler?
Is there a workaround for this?
I checked the, cc and gcc maybe are broken link (only 56 bytes?) but the gcc-4 seem to be good.
type gcc-4 as you typed gcc from the bash and you'll see the usual expected no input files gcc's error message, try gcc-4 -v
the message Your compiler does not produce Win32 executables is given by the fact that whatever you've executed (or has been executed automatically) is using /cygdrive/c/Users/Tom/Desktop/Crossbridge_1.0.1/sdk/usr/bin/gcc.exe as your compiler, but as you already checked it doesn't work, and if you check it with ls -l /usr/bin/gcc.exe you'll see that this is only 56 bytes size, this can't be the real compiler, I guess it probably was a symbolic link to the real compiler, which for some reason isn't working as expected (on linux executing a symlink is as executing the real binary).
I'm not an expert of cygwin, but I guess at some level symlink are supported, reading this FAQ make me wonder if some attribute hasn't lost packaging/unpackaging the zip, so that the symlink aren't recognized.
Try to recreate it (it worked for me):
cd /usr/bin # change directory
rm gcc.exe # remove the broken link
ln -s gcc-4.exe gcc.exe # re-create the symlink
run gcc again, should return the no input files error as expected.
But this isn't the solution, because probably in the unzipped files there are many broken symlink.
I can't believe Adobe is distributing a broken SDK, so perhaps there's some instruction somewhere about how to properly unzip the SDK preserving the symlinks (maybe unzip have a preserve attribute option? I don't know much about zip sorry.
execute the run.bat (the bash) and cd to the main directory where you unzipped the SDK (mine is /cygdrive/c/crossbrige)
cd /cygdrive/c/crossbrige
for f in $(find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep '!<symlink>' -l); do attrib +S $f; done
this should hopefully fix all the broken symlink, the only side-effect is that any file containing !<symlink> will get set the attribute DOS SYSTEM, but cygwin check both this magic string at offset 0 and the S attribute to consider a file as a symlink, so hopefully will not break anything.
I used Alex find/ attribute loop to fix all broken links in my cygwin install. I have no idea why they appeared.
The first attempt failed with messages like:
Invalid switch - /usr/lib/terminfo
for each file attrib worked on.
Turned out that for my cygwin/Windows combo I had to cd into the directory and execute attrib from there. So the loop content was:
do cd $(dirname $f); attrib +S $(basename $f); done

Building log4cxx with APR

I need to build the log4cxx library on a SuSE linux system where I am not root. The package manager, zypper, apparently does not know about log4cxx.
I download log4cxx and try to build with autotools
checking for APR... no
configure: error: APR could not be located. Please use the --with-apr option.
I then search for libapr:
find / -name libapr*
So I try
./configure --with-apr=/usr/lib64/
configure: error: the --with-apr parameter is incorrect. It must specify an install prefix, a build directory, or an apr-config file.
The same for --with-apr=/usr/lib64/ and --with-apr=/usr/lib64/.
Which file does ./configure look for? What does --with-apr expect? Is one of the two *.so.* files the needed library?
You'll probably want to install libapr1-devel so that you can compile against it. Then try re-running ./configure.
I ran into the same issue, I think you're using the source code off of appache's site which I beleive is outdated. This issue has been fixed in the SVN trunk several years ago (lolol, I guess right around the time this question was asked).
Just pull the svn trunk's source and compile it:
svn checkout apache-log4cxx
make check
sudo make install
On someone has packages built for recent versions of openSUSE as well as SLE at liblog4cxx10. Maybe that'll work for you instead of building your own.
MichaelGoren is right.
There is multiple ".h" file missing.
So you have to add them before launching make.
sed -i '1i#include <string.h>\n' src/main/cpp/inputstreamreader.cpp
sed -i '1i#include <string.h>\n' src/main/cpp/socketoutputstream.cpp
sed -i '1i#include <string.h>\n' src/examples/cpp/console.cpp
sed -i '1i#include <stdio.h>\n' src/examples/cpp/console.cpp
I bumped into the same problem on 3.3.4-5.fc17.x86_64 and resolved it by including the appropriate H files to the CPP files reported by the make utility.
In my case I should run the make utility 3 times each time getting a new error and fixing it by adding the appropriate include H to the reported CPP file.
The main idea is as following:
1) Check by running the man utility, where the function mentioned in the error defined.
For example, man memmove says that it is defined in the string.h header file.
2) Add the appropriate include file to the CPP file.
For example, the make utility complains that inputstreamreader.cpp does not find the memmove function. Open the inputstreamreader.cpp file and add string.h to its header files.
3) Run the make utility until the log4cxx is compiled without errors.

Can't get cygwin to compile C++ Boost libraries

I'm trying to get up and running with Boost, so I'm trying to compile the simple example problem from Boost's "Getting Started" page. I've had two issues, and I'm not sure they're related (I'm better than a novice, but not by much) but maybe they're related...
1st issue: the "tar --bzip2 -xf /path/to/boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2" command didn't work (yes, I put the correct path in, but it gave me some errors, I forget what they were) so I used "tar -xjvf " from the directory where boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2 was located. That de-compressed the zip file and I proceeded with the example...
2nd issue: The example.cpp file will not compile, the first statement in the code is #include "boost/lambda/lambda.hpp" but then for every header file lambda.hpp is trying access, there's a "No such file or directory" compile error. For example, here are two (of the six, and I get errors for all 6) header files within lambda.hpp and the errors displayed by the cygwin compiler:
boost/lambda/lambda.hpp:14:33: boost/lambda/core.hpp: No such file or directory
boost/lambda/lambda.hpp:21:52: boost/lambda/detail/operator_actions.hpp: No such file or directory
If it helps, this is the command I'm running to compile (I generally create the executable in a separate -o command):
g++ -c example.cpp
Why can't the system find these? I added the installed directory (path/to/boost_1_49_0) to the PATH variable before I started so I know that's no it. Thanks for any advice...
(I've looked on stackoverflow and there were similar issues, but no solutions that worked)
It looks like you've already solved the first issue: namely, that you must specify the -j flag on tar to untar a bzip2'd file.
For the second issue, you need to specify boost on your include path, either by specifying it with the -I command line option or via the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable.