AWS VPC - cannot ping from ec2 instance after changing route tables - amazon-web-services

My inbound rule to the gateway was too restrictive only allowing ips from a specific subnet!
If this does help anyone else:
VPC management > Route Tables > Routes > Destination should be open (say and target should be the gateway.
It's been a long time since I was working with aws and I haven't been able to figure this out on my own.
Basically, my EC2 instance was able to ping google yesterday when I was logged in with ssh.
I had two rules inbound on the security group associated with the VPC:
IPv4 SSH TCP 22 my ipd
IPv4 All UDP 0 - 65535 my ip
When I changed the second rule to;
HTTPS TCP 443 security group
I could use my ec2 instance as a proxy to access my opensearch instance on the same VPC 🎉 but, I could no longer ping google.
So, I added back the rule I replaced, and I still can't ping google.
I've confirmed that I have an internet gateway connected to the VPC.
I'm reading documentation and brushing up on my networking, but if someone does have an inkling right off the bat, I'd be very grateful.

You should confirm that the subnet has a Route Table that points to the Internet Gateway.


Connecting to an RDS Instance that is on VPC

I am trying to connect to my AWS RDS Mariadb instance that I am hosting on us-east/ohio from my local machine. I am trying to avoid making the instance publicly available but I am struggling to get this connection to work. Right now I am trying to connect from my local machine but eventually, I hope to host a nodejs server to talk to it on a static ip.
The setup I have now is the following:
A single VPC that my RDS is connected to which includes a CIDR that contains my public ip x.y.z.0/24
A route table which includes my public ip to connect to local
Network ACL inbound and outbound rule number 1 is to allow All TCP from
The Default security group which also allows all inbound and outbound traffic
A VPC endpoint attached to the RDS service
With all of this set up I figured it should allow anyone that has the DNS name of my VPC endpoint to talk to my RDS instance but I can not get a connection to my instance. I have used every DNS name associated with my endpoint and every single one of them times out when I try to sign into the database. I have been fumbling with this for days and would like to get past this point of initial setup.
Things possibly to note:
The Network ACL comes with a default rule of "*" deny all traffic. I do not know what order that rule is evaluated. I chose 1 for my rule of allowing all but I have also tried rule 100. Neither seems to work.
I know my RDS instance is on us-east-2a and I have made sure to add the us-east-2a subnet to my VPC endpoint. Using the DNS name that includes that at one point was giving me network unreachable for a little bit before I realized the subnet ID I chose was not the default which just gave me a timeout again.
I am trying to use DBeaver to connect to the VPC endpoint but I have also used the console command mysql -h vpce-<random characters>-<VPC ID> -u admin -p and gotten the same timeout

Not able to ssh/http into EC2 instance

I am at my wits end with this, please help.
I am creating EC2 instances in my default public VPC, yet i am not able to ssh or http to my instance or webserver running into the machine. I checked the following
The SG has inbound SSH, HTTP and HTTPS allowed from and assigned to my instance
the default VPC, has route tables with pointed to IGW
the NACLs are configured to Allow all traffic. i also manually updated to allow only HHTP, HTTPS and SSH
the Key is use has been given the right permission by running chmod 400 filename
Despite all this not able to connect to the EC2 instance, AMI being Amazon Linux 2 AMI
When I try to ssh, i get a connection timeout error after a while, initially, i thought it was my office network but I am also getting the same from my home network with no firewalls in place
To allow an SSH connection, you will need:
An Amazon EC2 instance running Linux launched in a public subnet (defined as having a Route Table that directs to an Internet Gateway)
A Security Group permitting Inbound access on port 22 (Outbound configuration is irrelevant)
Network ACLs left at their default settings of Allow All in both directions
A Public IP address associated with the instance
From your descriptions, I would say that the problem is probably with the Outbound NACLs. Return traffic from an SSH session goes back to the source port on the initiating server, which is not port 22. In general, only change the NACLs if you have a specific reason, such as creating a DMZ. I recommend you reset the NACL rules to Allow All traffic in both directions.

I have a server running on ec2 but I cant connect to the localhost 8085. Any suggestions?

I have a server running on ec2 but I cant connect to the localhost 8085. Any suggestions ?
Check to make sure your setup has the following:
There is an elastic IP attached to the instance, or it has a public IP address.
The security group allows incoming traffic on the correct port.
The network ACL of the subnet that allow for the needed inbound and outbound traffic, or you're using the non-existent/default ACLs, which allow all inbound/outbound traffic.
An Internet Gateway is in the same VPC as the instance.
There is a rule in the subnet's route table that sends internet-bound traffic to the Internet Gateway.
You may also find this AWS article helpful for using the Internet Gateway in your VPC.

Cannot access EC2 via HTTP/HTTPS

I recently had to completely rebuild my AWS EC2 environment, because I accidentally deleted the SSH key, thinking it was something else. Unfortunately, I cannot access my Tomcat instance which I have confirmed is running on that EC2 instance.
I have added the following security groups for inbound HTTP traffic:
Type. Protocol Port Range Source
HTTP TCP 80 ::/0
Custom TCP Rule TCP 8080
Custom TCP Rule TCP 8080 ::/0
SSH TCP 22 (my IP address)
I have three security groups, and the above rules were added to the group named default:
I purchased a domain via AWS which I have pointed to this EC2 instance using Route 53. Previously, the DNS was available, but now it is not. However, there is a bigger fundamental problem here because I can't even ping the public IP of my EC2 instance.
I am in fact able to access my EC2 instance via SSH on port 22, which is why I was able to setup Java and Tomcat (both of which I have confirmed are running).
I suspect that some state from my previous configuration is responsible for this problem, but I don't even know where to begin looking for something.
Any help would be appreciated.
To have inbound/outbound internet access to your EC2, you need to look for three things:
Are you able to SSH from outside or inside AWS via an internet gateway (IGW)? If you can SSH from outside then you already have IGW setup properly. Otherwise, make sure your subnet's route table points to IGW by having a route like below: igw-efxxxxxxx Active No
Network ACL: Go to your EC2's subnet and find its associated NACL
Create both inbound and outbound rules to ALLOW traffic to the above NACL by adding a rule like below:
Security Groups: Your security groups look good. No changes required there. However, based on the comments you made below it appears that, while you did define a security group with the proper inbound rules, for whatever reason you did not associate that security group with your EC2 instance. As a result, the inbound rules you defined were not being applied. To fix this, from the EC2 instance tag access the following:
Actions -> Networking -> Change Security Groups
Then, associate your security group with your instance by checking the appropriate box. After making these changes, your inbound rules should take effect, and you should be able to hit your Tomcat instance running on EC2.

Setting up NAT / WAF in Amazon AWS

I have the following issue:
I want to setup a NAT or WAF in the following scenario:
in short words, my scenario is: VPC, Internet Gateway, Route table (Default from VPC) and subnets with EB into.
I tried some steps where I have to create another route table, set NAT instanc as target to in this second one and attach the EB subnets to this one; attach the NAT subnet to the main route table and this seems not work.
Tried to Amazon AWS scneario 1 example that is my current configuration without results.
What can be missing to setup correctly it?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not entirely clear about what you are wanting to achieve, but I think you want your subnets to access the Internet, and prevent the Internet from having a direct access to the instances the reside in your private subnet(s).
It's hard to visualize your workflow that way. But i think I follow:
(AWS VPC Internet Gateway) --> Internet
AWS VPC CIDR range contains:
a) public/private subnet #1
b) private subnet #2. private subnet #3.. etc.
A typical set up of achieving requires the following Amazon entities:
1) IGW - internet Gateway
2) VPC with CIDR range of how big or small you want.
for the VMs that you want to protect, while still having internet access, you need them to be assign subnets. The subnets have to be WITHIN the VPC CIDR range. But do not make the subnet to be the same CIDR of the VPC, if you do this, then it essentially makes your private subnet a public accessible one since you have consumed all of the IP range and in which case you must assign it to the IGW which is not what you want.
3) A bastion server - what is a bastion server? This is a server that you purposely put to take internet incoming requests, which protect your private subnets. This can be in the form of a server that acts as a router or NAT. This can be either
3a) a homebrew install of Ubuntu (my fave distro) with iptables and ipv4 packets forwarded, or you can do
3b) a Nat gateway in your amazon VPC, or
3c) a vpc-nat AMI that you can find in the AMI Community. So just chose what method you wish.
4)Create Security group #1 - create a security group for the Bastion Server. I usually call it "NAT SG" and have inbound and outbound to TCP 80, 443, 22 and etc, according to your outbound port needs determined by whatever you are running.
5) Security group #2 - create a security group for the private subnet. This is for traffic that will allow all within the subnet(s) and to funnel all outbound non private data to to the bastion server.
To implement this is a simplified conceptual order of operations you need to do:
1) Create a VPC with the CIDR range (let's say
1.5) create an Internet Gateway and assign it to the VPC (
2) Create private subnets with CIDR range that's in the VPC CIDR (,,, etc).
3) Create a public subnet that will contain the bastion server, or whatever you want the Internet to see. ( (this is huge, allowing 256 servers in the subnet. You will most likely only have the bastion server consuming only 1 server, so it will probably auto assign
4) create 2 routing tables - one called private and one called public. For the private routing table, edit, then add a new Route for goes to the bastion server ID. For the public routing table, edit , then add a new route for to the Internet Gateway ID (see step 1.5)
5) Either launch your own server and set it up to become a NAT router (if you know how to do that), or start up the vpc-nat AMI (amzn-ami-vpc-nat-hvm-2016.03.0.x86_64-ebs - ami-311a1a5b) is the latest one, so use that. When you create the instance, select the public subnet, the VPC, and assign it a public IP (don't wait and give it an Elastic IP, you will want the public IP),select the "NAT SG" security group, and then Launch it. After it is launched you will select it and select Network --> src/dest. check and DISABLE it. This allows all traffic to funnel in. You only need 1 bastion server, I'm not stating to do all 3.
6) Launch your AMI or custom VM that you want private, and be within the private subnets (,, etc). And assign it a private security group, and the same VPC. If it is linux or windows you may want to generate a new private key (pem) for future login. Convert the pem to a ppk using puttygen.
Testing, in order to ensure you have internet connectivity:
the bastion server must be able to reach the world
the VM instance in the private subnet (if the routing was done accurately), should reach the internet by flowing packets to the rule to pass through the bastion server, and the bastion server will allow resolution and flow to the internet for outbound requests.
I usually do a ping to google since they do not block ICMP requests and are quite reliable. So ssh into the bastion server, ping If you get the IP but it cannot get a reply then it means your Internet gateway or the Security group did not all all outbound traffic, so double-check that.
Now SSH into the private server (assuming linux) and ping the bastion server (10.0.254.X) and you should be able to get a response. That's a good sign. now ping and see if you get a reply. I hope you do. If you get DNS resolution but it is stuck at get any responses, then you forgot to disable Src/Dest checking on the bastion server. Then go to your ec2 console, locate the bastion server and select, then actions, networking, and select src/dest check and confirm DISABLE and save.
That should make your private network resolve and hit the world, while still being protected from the internet.
I hope this helps.