ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'foo' - django

I´m trying to make a cron inside my django app with django-crontab==0.7.1,.
Within my project settings installed apps, crontab app first, and then my app, both registered.
In my
from .models import Url
def foo(url):
if url not in urls:
link= Url(
Also tried to put inside, but it doesn´t make sense since both are inside same app
from foo.models import Url
Also inside app
My inside foo app, after migrations ran
from django.db import models
class Url(models.Model):
but still getting ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'foo'
Sorry if this has been asked before, but nothing watched yet gives me the answer
Thank you


Django / app import problem from submodule

I'm writing my own Django app, and trying to import submodule from my core library like that:
And interpreter gives me:
Cannot import 'login'.
Check that '' is correct.
So login.apps looks like that
from django.apps import AppConfig
class CustomloginConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'login'
Are there any rules how I can edit this files to start Django properly? file needs to be as so
from django.apps import AppConfig
class CustomloginConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'core.login'
This is where you tell django that I have registered this app 'core.login' and where to find it.
If login folder is in a core folder, then the above should work.
I think theres a lot of django apps out there that have organized things this way.
One being Kiwi but Im sure theres many others.

Django unable to load model into views

I am trying to import my models into but I am unable to do so. However I am able to register them on the admin site but when I use the same code I used in to import the models into, I get an error. I am using djongo so I am not sure if that changes anything about how to import them and I cannot seem to find the documentation for it.
from djongo import models
class Round(models.Model):
round_num = models.IntegerField(default=0)
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Round
from .models import Round
When I try and run my file I get the following error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'main.models'; 'main' is not a package
Also my views, admin, and models file are all in the same directory. I have made the migrations and I can see my Round model in MongoDB. The only thing I cannot do is import it to the view
You need to have an file in your directory. It should be inside of your main folder and at the same level as your and
As a workaround, since the models properly migrate to MongoDB. Using pymongo I have just connected to Mongo and have rendered data into my views this way. It works fine so if anybody else has an issue loading in their models, you can always just connect directly to the DB.

django-oscar RuntimeError: conflicting models

Version Info: Python 2.7, Django 1.9, Oscar Commerce - VERSION = (1.3)
I am trying to customize Products and few other models in the catalogue app following the documentation.
I have forked catalogue app (to myproject/forked_apps/catalogue) as per documentation documentation and did this in
from django.db import models
from oscar.apps.catalogue.abstract_models import AbstractProduct
class Product(AbstractProduct):
is_active = models.BooleanField(default=False)
from oscar.apps.catalogue.models import *
I have already included the modified catalogue app, in the INSTALLED_APPS in as an argument for get_core_apps function, as stated in docs (so my local app is replacing the original app from Oscar).
] + get_core_apps(['forked_apps.catalogue'])
Migrations are also copied from oscar.apps.catalogue to my local app.
When I'm trying to make migrations I'm getting this error all the time:
RuntimeError: Conflicting 'product_product_options' models in application 'catalogue': <class 'oscar.apps.catalogue.models.Product_product_options'> and <class 'forked_apps.catalogue.models.Product_product_options'>.
I tried to remove all migrations from my local catalogue app (the I copied before from Oscar app), then it works, but all new migrations are created in Oscar source code folder, but I need them to be in my project...
How do I get over this error ?
Make sure you're using the following wherever you use the Product model:
from oscar.core.loading import get_model
Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product')
if you, in some place of your code write an import just like this:
from oscar.apps.catalogue.models import Product
you will ran into this issue.

Flask Application returning ImportError: No module named user_auth.views

I'm in the beginning stages of a Flask application. The problems I'm having is that whenever I attempt to run the application I get:
app/application/, line 11 in <module>
from user_auth.views import auth
ImportError: No module named user_auth.views
I have no idea what the problem is. The import for the home.view did this as well, then it stopped and worked fine on the local server. Been trying to figure this out for the longest, there aren't that many moving parts in the application as of yet, so not sure why this is happeninng. File structure and code below:
|--__ init
My application/__ init file:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
from home.views import home
from user_auth.views import auth
My application/user_auth/
from flask import Blueprint
auth = Blueprint('auth', __name__,
You're missing an file under ./user_auth/ to make user_auth a module.
There's more information about modules in the docs.

Django admin: Can't add app to admin

I have installed Django on my host (I use their install version 1.1.1), all is working fine.
I have created some apps and they are registered in my (I can verify this works when i visit the site, the app shows up).
In the folder of this app i have created with the following content:
from import Page, PageContent
from django.contrib import admin
class PageContentInline( admin.StackedInline ):
model = PageContent
extra = 1
max_num = 1
class PageAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin ):
inlines = [ PageContentInline ]
class Media:
#js = ('/site_media/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js', '/site_media/js/tinymce/textarea.js') Page, PageAdmin )
But my app doesn't show up in the admin... It is said in the documentation that you'll need to restart the server, although i can't do that (runs on apache), i have a dispatch.fcgi with this content:
import sys, os
#add a custom python path
sys.path.insert(0, project_sys)
# set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'progmaticnet.settings'
from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
I have killed the process and started it anew but with no avail...
Does anybody know what to do about it?
Why is the js declaration commented out in your Media class? That looks like it'll be an invalid class definition as a result (class definitions can't be entirely empty). Try uncommenting it, or adding pass below the commented out line, like this:
class Media:
#js = ('/site_media/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js', '/site_media/js/tinymce/textarea.js')