Class with no blocking methodes with multithreading - c++

I am programming a class which should use multithreading features.
The goal is that I don't have any blocking methods from the outside although I use libraries in the class that have blocking functions.
I want to run them in their own threads.
Unfortunately I get a memory fault (core dumped) error.
What would be the best practice in c++11 to implement something like this and why do I get the error,how can I specify the memory for the function I want to call in the thread best in advance?
My Class
class foo {
void startUp();
std::thread foo_worker;
int retValue;
void foo::startUp() {
int retValue = 0;
std::thread t([this] () {
retValue = blocking_lib_func();
foo_worker = std::move(t);
foo::~foo() {
My Main
int main()
foo test();

The lambda associated with your thread is capturing a reference to local stack variable. When startUp returns, the thread will continue on, but the address of retValue is now off limits, including to the thread. The thread will create undefined behavior by trying to assign something to that reference to retValue. That is very likely the source of the crash that you describe. Or worse, stack corruption on the main thread corrupting your program in other ways.
The solution is simple. First, make retValue a member variable of your class. And while we are at it, no reason for foo_worker to be a pointer.
class foo {
void startUp();
std::thread foo_worker;
int retValue;
Then your startUp code can be this. We can use std::move to move the thread from the local t thread variable to the member variable of the class instance.
void foo::startUp() {
std::thread t([this] () {
retValue = blocking_lib_func(); // assign to the member variable of foo
foo_worker = std::move(t);
Then your destructor can invoke join as follows:
foo::~foo() {
And as other in the comments have pointed out, volatile isn't useful. It's mostly deprecated as a keyword when proper thread and locking semantics are used.


Starting a thread from a member function while inside another class's member function

I need to start a thread that calls a public member function of the class Foo while inside of a public function that belongs to the class Bar. How do I achieve this?
I have tried the following (made trivial):
void Bar::BarFunc()
// Do some BarFunc stuff
// Start a thread that needs to do stuff independently of BarFunc
std::thread t(&Foo::FooFunc, FooFunc params,..,.., ???);
This is my first time dealing with threading and the actual problem is a little more complex - BarFunc is a virtual function of a State class, with n-concrete classes implementing the different states my application can exist in, hence the question. I am not sure what to put as the last parameter, if anything. I have looked at this answer but cannot discern which syntax to use, if any of them even apply.
Finally, if this is bad practice all together, I would be grateful for any design advice.
You likely have to manage two instances:
An instance of Foo
A thread executing a member function of Foo
That leads to the following sketch of a class Bar:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
struct Foo{
void print(std::string s) { // by value!
std::cout << s;
class Bar{
void hello() {
// Ensure the thread is not running
// (Only one thread is supported in this example)
if( ! foo_thread.joinable()) {
// Move a newly constructed thread to the class member.
foo_thread = std::thread(
&Foo::print, // pointer to member function of Foo
&foo, // pointer to the instance of Foo
"hello\n" // arguments by value
~Bar() {
// Ensure the thread has been started.
if(foo_thread.joinable()) {
// This will block until the thread has finished.
Foo foo;
std::thread foo_thread;
int main()
Bar bar;
Note: The thread is not detached. A detached (not maintained properly) running thread, will get killed at end of the program and resources used by that thread (e.g.: file handles) might not be returned to the system.

std::thread::join blocks indefinitely out of main

std::thread::join does not return, even if the thread routine is exited.
Guess, I have a class.
class A
this->thr = std::thread(&A::foo, this);
void join()
if (this->thr.joinable())
void foo()
std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
MessageBox(L"I'm done!");
std::thread thr;
std::condition_variable cond;
My application contains the only instance of A. It is a global variable.
If A::join is called from the destructor, std::thread::join blocks forever.
If I call A::join manually (e.g. before exiting main), everything is alright.
My main looks like this:
A a;
int main()
auto timeout = std::chrono::seconds(3);
// a.join();
By the way, MessageBox is always executed.
Is that the same problem as here?
Yes it is the same bug as in the referenced link since your example also hangs on _Thrd_join. You could be interrested in this question which contains a far more detailed analysis.
from your comment
"It doesn't seem to be a great solution. I works, but what if the main
is not so trivial? There're a lot of different ways of exiting from my
application. Thus, I've got to join my threads manually every time I
need it?"
how about making A a std::unique_ptr within your main. that way, no matter how your main exits, it'll always destroy A before exiting main() and you won't have this problem.

pthread_key_create destructor not getting called

As per pthread_key_create man page we can associate a destructor to be called at thread shut down. My problem is that the destructor function I have registered is not being called. Gist of my code is as follows.
static pthread_key_t key;
static pthread_once_t tls_init_flag = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
void destructor(void *t) {
// thread local data structure clean up code here, which is not getting called
void create_key() {
pthread_key_create(&key, destructor);
// This will be called from every thread
void set_thread_specific() {
ts = new ts_stack; // Thread local data structure
pthread_once(&tls_init_flag, create_key);
pthread_setspecific(key, ts);
Any idea what might prevent this destructor being called? I am also using atexit() at moment to do some cleanup in the main thread. Is there any chance that is interfering with destructor function being called? I tried removing that as well. Still didn't work though. Also I am not clear if I should handle the main thread as a separate case with atexit. (It's a must to use atexit by the way, since I need to do some application specific cleanup at application exit)
This is by design.
The main thread exits (by returning or calling exit()), and that doesn't use pthread_exit(). POSIX documents pthread_exit calling the thread-specific destructors.
You could add pthread_exit() at the end of main. Alternatively, you can use atexit to do your destruction. In that case, it would be clean to set the thread-specific value to NULL so in case the pthread_exit was invoked, the destruction wouldn't happen twice for that key.
UPDATE Actually, I've solved my immediate worries by simply adding this to my global unit test setup function:
::atexit([] { ::pthread_exit(0); });
So, in context of my global fixture class MyConfig:
struct MyConfig {
MyConfig() {
::atexit([] { ::pthread_exit(0); });
~MyConfig() { google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary(); }
Some of the references used:
PS. Of course c++11 introduced <thread> so you have better and more portable primitves to work with.
It's already in sehe's answer, just to present the key points in a compact way:
pthread_key_create() destructor calls are triggered by a call to pthread_exit().
If the start routine of a thread returns, the behaviour is as if pthread_exit() was called (i. e., destructor calls are triggered).
However, if main() returns, the behaviour is as if exit() was called — no destructor calls are triggered.
This is explained in See also C++17 6.6.1p5 or C11
I wrote a quick test and the only thing I changed was moving the create_key call of yours outside of the set_thread_specific.
That is, I called it within the main thread.
I then saw my destroy get called when the thread routine exited.
I call destructor() manually at the end of main():
void * ThreadData = NULL;
if ((ThreadData = pthread_getspecific(key)) != NULL)
Of course key should be properly initialized earlier in main() code.
PS. Calling Pthread_Exit() at the end to main() seems to hang entire application...
Your initial thought of handling the main thread as a separate case with atexit worked best for me.
Be ware that pthread_exit(0) overwrites the exit value of the process. For example, the following program will exit with status of zero even though main() returns with number three:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class ts_stack {
ts_stack () {
printf ("init\n");
~ts_stack () {
printf ("done\n");
static void cleanup (void);
static pthread_key_t key;
static pthread_once_t tls_init_flag = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
void destructor(void *t) {
// thread local data structure clean up code here, which is not getting called
delete (ts_stack*) t;
void create_key() {
pthread_key_create(&key, destructor);
// This will be called from every thread
void set_thread_specific() {
ts_stack *ts = new ts_stack (); // Thread local data structure
pthread_once(&tls_init_flag, create_key);
pthread_setspecific(key, ts);
static void cleanup (void) {
pthread_exit(0); // <-- Calls destructor but sets exit status to zero as a side effect!
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 3; // Attempt to exit with status of 3
I had similar issue as yours: pthread_setspecific sets a key, but the destructor never gets called. To fix it we simply switched to thread_local in C++. You could also do something like if that change is too complicated:
For example, assume you have some class ThreadData that you want some action to be done on when the thread finishes execution. You define the destructor something on these lines:
void destroy_my_data(ThreadlData* t) {
delete t;
When your thread starts, you allocate memory for ThreadData* instance and assign a destructor to it like this:
ThreadData* my_data = new ThreadData;
thread_local ThreadLocalDestructor<ThreadData> tld;
tld.SetDestructorData(my_data, destroy_my_data);
pthread_setspecific(key, my_data)
Notice that ThreadLocalDestructor is defined as thread_local. We rely on C++11 mechanism that when the thread exits, the destructor of ThreadLocalDestructor will be automatically called, and ~ThreadLocalDestructor is implemented to call function destroy_my_data.
Here is the implementation of ThreadLocalDestructor:
template <typename T>
class ThreadLocalDestructor
ThreadLocalDestructor() : m_destr_func(nullptr), m_destr_data(nullptr)
if (m_destr_func) {
void SetDestructorData(void (*destr_func)(T*), T* destr_data)
m_destr_data = destr_data;
m_destr_func = destr_func;
void (*m_destr_func)(T*);
T* m_destr_data;

std::thread : how to declare a thread in class body as a normal member?

I want to have a thread for each instance of Page object. At a time only one of them can execute (simply checks if pointer to current running thread is joinable or not..)
class Page : public std::vector<Step>
// ....
void play();
void start(); // check if no other thread is running. if there is a running thread, return. else join starter
std::thread starter; // std::thread running this->play()
static std::thread* current; // pointer to current running thread
// ...
I want to be able to fire-up starter threads of Page objects. for example like this:
Page x , y , z;
// do some stuff for initialize pages..
// do some other work
y.start(); // if x is finished, start y otherwise do nothing
// do some other lengthy work
z.start(); // if x and y are not running, start z
I can't manage to declare started as a member of Page. I found that it's because of the fact std::threads can only initialized at declaration time. (or something like that, cause it's not possible to copy a thread)
void x()
std::thread t(x); // this is ok
std::thread r; // this is wrong, but I need this !
r = std::thread(this->y); // no hope
r = std::thread(y); // this is wrong too
You can initialize the thread to the function to run by using a member initializer list. For example, consider this constructor for Page:
class Page {
Page(); // For example
std::thread toRun;
Page::Page() : toRun(/* function to run */) {
/* ... */
Notice how we use the initialization list inside the Page constructor to initialize toRun to the function that ought to be run. This way, toRun is initialized as if you had declared it as a local variable
std::string toRun(/* function to run */);
That said, there are two major problems I think that you must address in your code. First, you should not inherit from std::vector or any of the standard collections classes. Those classes don't have their destructors marked virtual, which means that you can easily invoke undefined behavior if you try to treat your Page as a std::vector. Instead, consider making Page hold a std::vector as a direct subobject. Also, you should not expose the std::thread member of the class. Data members should, as a general rule, be private to increase encapsulation, make it easier to modify the class in the future, and prevent people from breaking all of your class's invariants.
Hope this helps!
Never publicly inherit from a std container, unless the code is meant to be throw away code. An honestly it's terrifying how often throw away code becomes production code when push comes to shove.
I understand you don't want to reproduce the whole std::vector interface. That is tedious write, a pain to maintain, and honestly could create bugs.
Try this instead
class Page: private std::vector
using std::vector::push_back;
using std::vector::size;
// ...
Ignoring the std::vector issue this should work for the concurrency part of the problem.
class Page
~Page( void )
void start( void );
// note this is private, it must be to maintain the s_running invariant
void play( void )
assert( s_current == this );
// Only one Page at a time will execute this code.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{ s_mutex };
s_running = nullptr;
std::thread m_thread;
static Page* s_running;
static std::mutex s_mutex;
Page* Page::s_running = nullptr;
std::mutex Page::s_mutex;
std::condition Page::s_condition;
void Page::start( void )
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{ s_mutex };
if( s_running == nullptr )
s_running = this;
m_thread = std::thread{ [this](){ this->play(); } };
This solution is may have initialization order issues if Page is instantiate before main()

QNX c++ thread question

I have a question concerning this code which I want to run on QNX:
class ConcreteThread : public Thread
ConcreteThread(int test)
testNumber = test;
void *start_routine()
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << testNumber << endl;
int testNumber;
class Thread
int Create()
pthread_t m_id;
return pthread_create(&m_id, NULL, &(this->start_routine_trampoline), this);
virtual void *start_routine() = 0;
static void *start_routine_trampoline(void *p)
Thread *pThis = (Thread *)p;
return pThis->start_routine();
Now, when I run this code without the sleep in *start_routine, it will simply print the number 10 times, before continuing on to the next line of code (sequential instead of parallel). However, when I use a sleep like in the code, it doesn't print any numbers at all and simply goes on to the next line of code. Why doesn't sleep work and how can I make a thread like this work, instead of running sequential?
Note 1: If you only have 1 processor the code can only be done sequentially no matter how many threads you create. Each thread is given a slice of processor time before it is swapped out for the next threads.
Note 2: If the main thread exits pthreads will kill all child threads before they have a chance to execute.
Now to answer you questions:
Without the sleep. The thread once started has enough time in the single slice it was given to execute the loop 10 times completely.
With the sleep: Your worker thread is going to sleep for a full second. So your main thread has time to do a lot of work. If the main thread exits in this time the worker will be killed.
I would make the following changes:
// Remove the Create() method
// Put thread creation in the constructor.
// Make the thread variable part of the object
pthread_t m_id;
if (pthread_create(&m_id, NULL, &(this->start_routine_trampoline), this) != 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Thread was not created");
// Make sure the destructor waits for the thread to exit.
If you go and look at boost threading library. you will find that all the little mistakes like this have already been taken care of; Thus making threading easier to use.
Also note. That using a static may work but it is non portable. This is because pthread's is a C library and is thus expecting a function pointer with a C ABI. You are just getting lucky for your platform here. You need to define this as a function and declare the ABI by using extern "C"
// This needs to be a standard function with C Interface.
extern "C" void *start_routine_trampoline(void *p)
Try to make the pthread_t id a class member instead of a function local variable. That way the caller can pthread_join it.
Not doing this is technically a resource leak (unless the thread is specifically not joinable). And joining will avoid the issue that Martin York described.
From man pthread_join:
The joined thread th must be in the joinable state: it must not have
been detached using pthread_detach(3) or the PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED
attribute to pthread_create(3).
When a joinable thread terminates, its memory resources (thread
descriptor and stack) are not deallocated until another thread performs
pthread_join on it. Therefore, pthread_join must be called once for
each joinable thread created to avoid memory leaks.
Going off on a tangent here... With respect to Martin York's post:
Also note. That using a static may work but it is non portable. This is because pthread's is a C library and is thus expecting a function pointer with a C ABI. You are just getting lucky for your platform here. You need to define this as a function and declare the ABI by using extern "C" // This needs to be a standard function with C Interface. extern "C" void * start_routine_trampoline(void * p) {...}
I'm not so sure about that...
(1) C++ was designed to be as compatible with C as possible. There are a few differences... But I was under the impression that extern "C" was used mostly to circumvent the name-mangling required to implement C++ function overloading.
(2) It seems like, once you have the function pointer, the calling conventions (what gets pushed on the stack to make the function call) just has to be the same between C & C++. Otherwise, how would function pointers work?
C code:
void bar( int i ) { printf( "bar %d\n", i ); }
C++ code:
class Foo
static void foo( int i ) { cout << "foo " << i << endl; }
extern "C" { void bar(int); }
int main()
void (*p)(int);
p = & Foo::foo;
p = & bar;