Command window closing very quickly when running batch script with system() - c++

I have an application developed using Borland C++Builder (Embarcadero nowadays) on Windows 10.
I want to launch a script contained in a .bat file from my app, using
the following code:
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
However, the command window appears then exits very fast, and I have no time to see the result.
I have added a pause command in the .bat file, but without success.
Below is the code for my .bat file:
#echo off
"./ttpmacro.exe" /I "./binary.ttl"
Is there any solution to this issue?

I have resolved my issue by changing the path of the working directory. I have modified the path directory of the file "mybat.file" and then all things got OK.


How do I run an exe file from cmd but in the same window?

I want to run an exe file in the cmd.
After I compile a c++ file I want to see the executable, so I type .build\bin\test.exe. The first time it opens me a new cmd window
and when I try again it runs on the same window.
How do I solve this?

How to run an exe file in a completely hidden way

I'm able to execute an exe file via command prompt using below line:
process = subprocess.Popen("LogCollector.EXE ")
But the LogCollector.EXE GUI is still visible, Please suggest some method to run this completely in hidden way.
import os
os.system('start /MIN notepad.exe');
Use this command in the window, it will run the application and minimize the application.
Maybe it will help you

C++ executable, sh 1:not found

I created a c++ programm that works with ros. The first step would be to open a roscore in a terminal and move on from there. I do so with system("roscore &");
I compiled my file and can run it just fine with ./file.
However, I want to be able to run it as an application (double click). I created a .desktop file and the program shows up in my application list. When i start it though, all I get is a terminal that opens with the message
sh: 1: roscore: not found
The same applies for the roslaunch commands. I also fork and exec a roslaunch command, which does not work as well.
I tried system("ls"); which worked. All cout messages work as well.
Any idea what is wrong here?
roscore executable is not located in std paths (/bin:/usr/bin:). Use the absolute path - system("/path/to/roscore &")

Console prompt window appear on system("start dir") but not on system("start ipconfig")

I try to create a simple UI which runs a command prompt in the background (but the windows console must not disappear) while clicking on each button, resp.
But before, I try something like system("start dir"); to see if the button works.
Here is the problem: when I click on the left button the windows console appear and don't exit unit I close it. But this only work with system("start dir");. If I change dir to ipconfig (or another call-function) the windows console will appear for a second and the exit. I tried something like system("PAUSE"); or getch(); etc, but it doesn't work.
Why does this command work with dir but not with another command?
There is a fundamental difference between DIR and IPCONFIG, the DIR command is built into the command processor (aka shell), IPCONFIG is a separate program stored in c:\windows\system32.
When you type START /? at the command line then you can see why it treats them differently:
If it is an internal cmd command or a batch file then
the command processor is run with the /K switch to cmd.exe.
This means that the window will remain after the command
has been run.
If it is not an internal cmd command or batch file then
it is a program and will run as either a windowed application
or a console application.
The alternative is to ask the command processor to execute the command and exit afterwards. You do with the /c option:
system("cmd.exe /c dir");
Or simpler yet, since system() automatically passes off the job to the command processor:
Just stop using start :)

How to open text file in notepad with cmd window in background?

I want to open a text file without opening cmd window in the background. I have tried:'file.txt')
but it crashes ArcGIS so I tried following:
it opens text file without crashing ArcGIS but cmd window remains in the background and goes away when I close text file.
It is more of a display choice question and just checking if there is any suggestion to avoid cmd window in the background.
I don't know if this is what you want, but maybe you should create .bat file (something like here) and run this with Python subprocess.
Save your script with a .pyw extension and the console window won't appear.
From the Python documentation :
On Windows systems, there is no notion of an “executable mode”. The Python installer automatically associates .py files with python.exe so that a double-click on a Python file will run it as a script. The extension can also be .pyw, in that case, the console window that normally appears is suppressed.
You need to modify the program that calls the "add-in script" to run it with pythonw.exe (and not python.exe which is the default).