Google Cloud Platform: Cloud Monitoring API errors showing in metrics - google-cloud-platform

I seem to be getting around 30% errors related to:
In The Cloud Monitoring API Metrics dash.
Any idea what could be causing this? As far as I know I am using the default install, having only at one time manually installed StackDriver on Debian 9. I have no idea how to interrogate the cause of these errors and where to do so in order to trace the issue.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

Unless you have reason to believe these errors are a problem, I wouldn't bother investigating them on their own.
You can look at the logs in your project to get error details.


GCP Cloud Run deploy: "Failed to move user code into storage". What does this mean?

Deploying a new service into Google Cloud Run fails with the message:
Failed to move user code into storage, please verify the pod
configuration and try it again.
What does this mean, and how can one go about debugging it?
Just for the sake of giving this question an answer. All the credit should go to AhmetB and his insight about this being a Known issue to Google, In which a missing or invalid entrypoint will cause this issue to surface.
I have found a Public Issue Tracker here, in which this issue has also been forwarded to Google by that channel. Google will be delivering further information on that PIT.

Google Cloud Console Virtual Machine Mysteriously Deleted

This morning I logged into my pc and attempted to access remotely into a VM I have. No connection was the reported error. I log into my cloud console to find no projects.
Google Support is not available for me, as I have bronze package and I do not have 150$ available to upgrade it.
Are there any logs that could explain what happened? Did it just get wiped out? The instance is still there. But the machine itself is gone. I can't find any records of it. Please advise any help you can.
I believe your question also confuses others, what do you mean by "The instance is still there. But the machine itself is gone"?
Because you also mentioned "I log into my cloud console to find no projects. ", which means you should see nothing before you choose a valid project
Please be more specific about your questions
Could you indicate us step by step what you do in the Google Cloud Platform console? Where you click and what you type.
Please, check also the Activity tab on the home page of the console. Once in it, on the right-hand side, select Resource type: GCE VM instance, to see modifications in VMs.
We need to know exactly what you are seeing on each step, and any error code. Then we could see if the problem is in your procedure, or if there is an issue you should report to billing support, which is free, as pointed out by John Hanley in his comment.
Please, when you do this, make sure you don't include any personal information in the data you post here (such as project ID or password).

Google cloud platform view request logs?

I am new to Google Cloud platform, I am trying out Google's Talent Solution APIs and getting 400 and 409 errors. I would like to know how to see the error trace on my google cloud platform console for those requests? I could see those requests in the dashboard, not sure if I can drill down and see the exact error?
If you see these errors in your Developer Console main dashboard in the "Error Reporting" section, you should be able to click on the "Go to Error Reporting" link. There, you'll see a list of errors that happened lately. Clicking on one of them, you'll see more info on that specific error (occurrences, last seen, etc...) and a stack trace sample. Further down, you'll see a list of the last occurrences for that error and their respective link to the logs.
Alternatively, you may go directly to your Dev Console -> Logging section and choose the Talent Solution resource if available or the resource where you call the API from (App Engine, GKE, etc...) and filter the logs by error code to get details about these.

Cloud composer unstable UI

The Airflow UI randomly fails to show up and a 503 google error message is shown. It's getting really hard and annoying to navigate the Airflow UI. Is this a known issue? After searching this for a long time, on the internet I did not get any leads.
Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
I have attached the error message that I'm getting randomly. Hope this gets fixed.
Would you happen to be trying to access the Airflow UI from Asia? This is a known issue for APAC users, and a remedy is coming soon. In the meantime, a workaround is to deploy a self-managed webserver.

Google Cloud Shell Editor not loading the resources

When I open the Google Cloud Shell Code Editor it is not loading the resources and hence I am unable to work. I have attached a screenshot below with a view of the developer tools console. Please help me out. Thanks.
This issue seems to be related to an internal project/billing configuration. Since this kind of access errors are thrown when the accounts have payment issues, I think that you should firstly verify that your billing account is in a good status; however, if you continue getting these error messages after this validation, I suggest you to take a look the Issue Tracker tool that you can use to raise a Cloud Shell ticket in order to verify this scenario with the Google Technical Support Team.
A couple things could cause this:
An interfering browser extension
Are you using any browser extensions that could be interfering
(e.g., an ad blocker)
A bug.
As #Armin_SC suggested, use Issue Tracker to file an issue in this case.
As a workaround, you might want to try gcloud compute ssh to connect to your instances.