Excel VBA does not find a DLL-file programmed by myself - c++

in Excel-VBA I programmed a small production planning front-end which calls a wrapper (dll programmed in C++, Visual Studio 2022), which in turn calles Autonester-x64.dll (a commercial solver to optimaly nest shapes). On two Windows 10 machines this works fine. On the third computer, which is used in production, it does not work:
(1) The excel VBA-program raises the error "File not found"
(2) If I try to register the wrapper.dll, it raises the following error:
error message from regsvr32
Of course, regarding (1) I carefully checked the file locations about 10 times, so this can not be the cause. I then thought, lets get rid of the problem by registering the dll -- but without success. Its so stupid, but I have no more ideas what I could try to solve it... Any help is most welcome!

This message from the Windows DLL loader is useless junk. I would first check the Office version (x32 or x64).
Take a look at the DllManager VBA class. Maybe it will help. I use it to load DLLs on Windows 10 from a user folder without any registration. It also runs a few basic checks, and it might provide a more useful error message.


Windows 10: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000a200)

I am developing my QT application on windows 10 . The development is complete (as for now).
After run the application in debug mode from QT-creator, I am trying to run the executable from the build directory. But it shows me an "Application Error" dialog with the following message:
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000a200). Click OK
to close the application.
What is the problem and How to fix it ?!
The error codes are given to you in the error message for a reason. They don't mean anything to regular users, but we're programmers and we are the intended audience. Now that Google has been invented, you have absolutely no excuse for not taking the 5 seconds to Google the error code and see what it means.
In this case, 0xc000a200 is an error code that corresponds to STATUS_NOT_APPCONTAINER. The master list of COM error codes is in the Windows SDK headers, specifically ntstatus.h. If one looks this one up, one sees the following description:
This operation is only valid in the context of an app container.
Now, admittedly, once you get to this point, you may discover that you are in well over your head. You may not have any idea what an app container is, and certainly no clue about how to fix it. But at least then you would be able to ask a good question, which will go a long way to getting you a good answer.
But let's see if you can get lucky this time anyway. This error is most commonly encountered when an application that is not inside of an app container tries to load a DLL that is marked as being part of an app container. It is the linker that is responsible for marking a DLL as being or not being part of an app container, controlled by a series of options for whatever linker you're using. On Microsoft's linker, it is /APPCONTAINER:YES and /APPCONTAINER:NO that control this. I'm not sure what toolchain Qt Creator uses, but if it is not Microsoft's, this should at least get you started looking in the right place in that linker's documentation. Make sure that all DLLs used by your application are not being marked as part of an app container.
The option should be off by default for a regular C++ desktop application project, but it's possible that one of the DLLs started out life as part of a Windows Store app. Or it's possible that the switch just got thrown accidentally.
I had the same error, but the approved solution wasn't the cure. What I found is that I had installed the wrong Qt compiler support packages. For me it was Qt 5.9.1 on Windows 10 64 bit to use with Visual Studio 2017. When installing Qt I selected the "msvc2017 64-bit" option. Sound good, right? Wrong: what I wanted was the "UWP x64 (MSVC2017)".

Deployed C++ AMP application stops responding

Im trying to deploy a C++ AMP application to another Windows 7 machine.
I have tried to include the vcamp110.dll in the same folder, and also compiled with /MT do get rid of dependency on msvcp110.dll and msvcr110.dll.
Also tried both x64 and win32 release of the application.
On the computers i have tried it on whitout VS11 installed, the program stops responding.
I tried to do a simple test with the hello world application and i have the same problems there.
The files can be downloaded from here http://www.2shared.com/file/IofZlrJs/amptest.html (source, binary and the dll).
Any suggestions to how this can be fixed?
Deployments like the one you tried are definitely supported – full details here:
There are a few things you can do to diagnose the issue you are facing yourself:
The bitness of vcamp110.dll has to match the bitness of your app, so 32bit for one means 32bit for the other.
Ensure that there are no other instances of vcamp110.dll in some central location (e.g. system32)
Attach a debugger and see what DLLs are loaded and what exception gets thrown.
Most important of all, for all your apps, surround your parallel_for_each call with try…catch to see what runtime_exception you are getting. More on C++ AMP exceptions can be found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nativeconcurrency/archive/2012/02/01/c-amp-runtime-exceptions.aspx
For the specific repro you shared, we tried that under the debugger on a clean Windows 7 machine and indeed a rutime_exception is being thrown: “The binary for the parallel_for_each is incompatible with this version of runtime.”, which indicates a mismatched runtime version (either mixing bitness or mixing Developer Preview with Beta or something like that).

Improving the dll missing error message

I have a program written in QT that works just fine. However it has an indirect dependency on dnssd.dll since a dll loaded by the program uses bonjour. If bonjour is not installed on the machine running the program it will say
The program can't start because dnssd.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem.
I'm not loading this dll via LoadLibrary or otherwise. I linked the binary against the stub so it's loaded automatically before int main.
Obviously reinstalling the program does not fix the problem. For me it clearly says I need to install bonjour, but for most users this is extremly cryptic.
I would rather have this error message be something more informative such as "Bonjour needs to be installed for this application to work properly, go to [insert-url-here] to download it."
Is there a way to detect when a dll fails to load loke this and give a better error message?
Set it to delay load, then as early as possible (before you cause loading to happen), try to load it yourself (with LoadLibrary) and report the problem.

MFC, just need some directions

I usually don't expect help from outside but I need to solve this quickly and hence am looking for some directions. I have a 6 year old MFC based application running in an xp machine and deleted some files/programs to free some space in C drive to install additional applications. After installing my new program (Labview 8.6), I find that I'm no longer able to run the MFC based one. I tried doing System restore and what not but I get the following error when I start the app.
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program : ....
File : dlgdata.cpp
Line : 43
(Press retry to debug the application)
Abort Retry Ignore
This dlgdata.cpp is an MFC core file and line 43 is ASSERT(FALSE) in function HWND CDataExchange::PrepareCtrl(int nIDC) , and I'm clueless as to what has gone wrong. I'd be grateful if I just get some pointers to start debugging.
You are missing some MFC libs (either MSFT or some third party) that implment the control you are trying to use.
Try installing the redistributable spackage http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=32bc1bee-a3f9-4c13-9c99-220b62a191ee&displaylang=en
edit: this question might help work out which lib you need
Run Process Monitor and start your app. You should be able to see what DLL the program is trying to access. Then it's off to Google to (hopefully) find out what the DLL belongs to.

Checking if DWM/Aero is enabled, and having that code live in the same binary for 2000/XP/Vista/7

I know the title makes little sense, mostly because it's hard to explain in just one line. So here's the situation:
I have a program who's binary is targeted at Windows 2000 and newer. Now, I went ahead and added some code to check if the user is running under Vista/7, and if so then check if Aero/DWM is enabled. Based on this I'll disable some stuff that isn't relevant to that particular platform, and enable some other features. My main problem is that in order to call DwmIsCompositionEnabled from Visual C++ 2008 I have to add the dwmapi.lib file and compile against it. Running the binary in anything other than Vista or 7 gives the "Unable to locate component. The application failed to start because dwmapi.dll was not found" error. This, of course, is expected to happen since DWM is new and not available for older platforms.
My question is then: will it be possible for me to somehow manage to pull this off? One binary for all OS versions AND include that DWM check code? This program was written under Visual Studio 2008, Visual C++ using MFC.
Turns out I can just tell the linker to delayload the dwmapi.dll.
I'd like to thank ewanm89 because something he said sort of resonated and led me down the path to finding the actual answer.
The normal solution is to use LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress(). Both can be done after your program started. But still +1 for the DelayLoad solution, which does the same for you behind the scenes.