How do I feed arrays into a linspace function in C++? - c++

Disclaimer: this stuff is not my specialty.
I am trying to feed 2 different 3 column 1 row arrays into a linspace function using the NumCPP package, but i'm getting errors such as:
"no instance of function template "nc::linspace" matches the argument list -- argument types are: (float, float, int)" <-- from VSCode intelisense and "error: cannot convert ‘float’ to ‘float**’" when ran in terminal.
the code relating to this error goes as follows:
float** XYZ[3];
float** function(float array_A, float array_B, int C) {
XYZ** = nc::linspace<float**>(array_A, array_B, C);
return XYZ;
Towards the end of my code in the main function I define these parameters as:
float array_A [3]= {0,0,0};
float array_B [3]= {0,PI/4,0};
int C = 10000;
I did the same thing with python using numpy's linspace function and has no issues. C++ is tough, so any help is appreciated.

Here is an example of how to do it (without "C" style arrays)
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <NumCpp/Functions/linspace.hpp>
// in C++ std::vector (or std::array) are preferred over manually allocated "C" style arrays.
// this will avoid a lot of issues related to (pointer) type decay in which actual size information
// of arrays is lost, and it will avoid manual memory managment with new/delete.
// pass vector's by const& so they won't be copied
// make number_of_samples a size_t type since it should never be < 0 (which is allowed by int)
auto linspace(const std::vector<double>& arr1, const std::vector<double>& arr2, const std::size_t number_of_samples)
std::vector<std::vector<double>> retval;
assert(arr1.size() == arr2.size());
for (std::size_t n = 0; n < arr1.size(); ++n)
// linspace documentation
// in C++ linspace only accepts values, not array like stuff.
nc::NdArray<double> sub_result = nc::linspace(arr1[n], arr2[n], static_cast<nc::uint32>(number_of_samples));
// construct a std::vector<double> from nc::NdArray and put it at back of return value
retval.emplace_back(sub_result.begin(), sub_result.end());
return retval;
int main()
// Create two dynamically allocated arrays of doubles
std::vector<double> array_A{ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 };
std::vector<double> array_B{ 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 };
// do a linspace on them (linespace is what you called function)
const std::size_t number_of_samples = 4;
auto result = linspace(array_A, array_B, number_of_samples);
// and show the output
std::cout << "result of linspace : \n";
for (const auto& arr : result)
bool comma = false;
// range based for loop over the result array to display output
for (const auto& value : arr)
if (comma) std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << value;
comma = true;
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;


How to get number of elements of string array via a pointer to a pointer

See Last line of code:
Trying to get number of elements from a array depending on a condition. How do i get the number of elements in an array when using an array like shown below:
using namespace std;
const char *options[3] = {"Option1", "Option2", "Option3"};
const char *options2[2] = {"Option1", "Option2"};
int main() {
const char **p;
if (true) {
p = options;
} else {
p = options2;
printf("%ld\n", sizeof(options)); // returns 24
printf("%ld\n", sizeof(options2)); // Returnns 16
printf("%ld\n", sizeof(options) / sizeof(p)); // returns 3
printf("%ld\n", sizeof(options2) / sizeof(p)); // returns 2
// How to use only pointer p to get the number of elements
printf("%ld\n", sizeof(p) / sizeof(p[0])); // returns 1 and not 3
return 0;
Sorry, but it is simply not possible to get an array's size from just a raw pointer to an array element.
One option is to store the array size in a separate variable alongside the array pointer, eg:
#include <iostream>
const char *options[3] = {"Option1", "Option2", "Option3"};
const char *options2[2] = {"Option1", "Option2"};
int main() {
const char **p;
size_t p_size;
if (some condition is true) {
p = options;
p_size = sizeof(options) / sizeof(options[0]); // or better: std::size(options) in C++17 and later
} else {
p = options2;
p_size = sizeof(options2) / sizeof(options2[0]); // or better: std::size(options2)
std::cout << sizeof(options) << "\n"; // returns 24
std::cout << sizeof(options2) << "\n"; // returns 16
std::cout << p_size << "\n"; // returns 3 or 2, based on condition
return 0;
In C++20 and later, you can use std::span instead (in C++14 and C++17, you can use gsl::span from the GSL library), eg:
#include <iostream>
#include <span>
const char *options[3] = {"Option1", "Option2", "Option3"};
const char *options2[2] = {"Option1", "Option2"};
int main() {
std::span<const char*> p;
if (some condition is true) {
p = options;
} else {
p = options2;
std::cout << sizeof(options) << "\n"; // returns 24
std::cout << sizeof(options2) << "\n"; // returns 16
std::cout << p.size() << "\n"; // returns 3 or 2, based on condition
return 0;
If you're going to write C++, write C++. You're starting from one of C's more questionable decisions, and then trying to force C++ to do the same thing. To twist Nike's phrase, "Just don't do it!"
std::array<char const *, 3> options {"Option1", "Option2", "Option3"};
std::array<char const *, 2> options2 {"Option1", "Option2"};
This makes it easy to retrieve the size of the array in question--and the size is part of the type, so all the work happens at compile time, so it imposes no runtime overhead. For example, if you do something like this:
template <class Array>
void showSize(Array const &a) {
std::cout << a.size() << "\n";
int main() {
...what you'll find is that the compiler just generates code to write out the literal 3 or 2:
mov esi, 3 // or `mov esi, 2`, in the second case
call std::operator<<(std::ostream &, unsigned long)
[I've done a bit of editing to demangle the name there, but that's what the code works out to.]
Here's the un-edited version, in case you care.
If you really insist, you can side-step using an std::array as well:
const char *options[3] = {"Option1", "Option2", "Option3"};
const char *options2[2] = {"Option1", "Option2"};
template <class T, size_t N>
void showSize(T (&array)[N]) {
std::cout << N << '\n';
int main() {
This doesn't actually use a pointer though--it passes the array by reference, which retains its type information, so the instantiated function template "just knows" the size of the array over which it was instantiated.
20 years ago, I'd have said this was a good way to do things. 10 years ago, I'd have preferred std::array, but realized it was new enough some compilers didn't include it yet. Nowadays, unless you really need to use an ancient (Pre-C++ 11) compiler, I'd use std::array.

Iterate over struct pointer

Given a struct pointer to the function. How can I iterate over the elements and do not get a segfault? I am now getting a segfault after printing 2 of my elements. Thanks in advance
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct something{
int a;
string b;
void printSomething(something* xd){
cout<<xd->a<<" "<<xd->b<<endl;
int main()
something m[2];
m[0].a = 3;
m[0].b = "xdxd";
m[1].a = 5;
m[1].b = "abcc";
return 0;
You'll have to pass the length of the array of struct
void printSomething(something* xd, size_t n){
//^^^^^^^^ new argument printSomething(m, 2);
size_t i = 0;
while(i < n){ // while(xd) cannot check the validity of the xd pointer
cout<<xd->a<<" "<<xd->b<<endl;
You should better use std::vector<something> in C++
The problem is that you are assuming there is a nullptr value at the end of the array but this is not the case.
You define a something m[2], then
you take the address of the first element, pointing to m[0]
you increase it once and you obtain address to m[1], which is valid
you increase it again, adding sizeof(something) to the pointer and now you point somewhere outside the array, which leads to undefined behavior
The easiest solution is to use a data structure already ready for this, eg std::vector<something>:
std::vector<something> m;
m.emplace_back(3, "xdxd");
m.emplace_back(5, "foo");
for (const auto& element : m)
When you pass a pointer to the function, the function doesn't know where the array stops. After the array has decayed into a pointer to the first element in the array, the size information is lost. xd++; will eventually run out of bounds and reading out of bounds makes your program have undefined behavior.
You could take the array by reference instead:
template <size_t N>
void printSomething(const something (&xd)[N]) {
for (auto& s : xd) {
std::cout << s.a << " " << s.b << '\n';
Now xd is not a something* but a const reference to m in main and N is deduced to be 2.
If you only want to accept arrays of a certain size, you can make it like that too:
constexpr size_t number_of_somethings = 2;
void printSomething(const something (&xd)[number_of_somethings]) {
for (auto& s : xd) {
std::cout << s.a << " " << s.b << '\n';
int main() {
something m[number_of_somethings];
// ...
Another alternative is to pass the size information to the function:
void printSomething(const something* xd, size_t elems) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < elems; ++i) {
std::cout << xd[i].a << " " << xd[i].b << '\n';
and call it like this instead:
printSomething(m, std::size(m));
Note: I made all versions const something since you are not supposed to change the element in the `printSomething´ function.

getting wrong output while sorting in C++

The following C++ code sorts an array in descending order using qsort:
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
struct player {
double data;
int index;
struct player A[] = {{0.690277,0}, {0.517857,1}, {0.780762,2}, {0.0416667,3}, {0.0416667,4}};
int compare (const void * a, const void * b)
return ( ((struct player*)b)->data - ((struct player*)a)->data );
int main ()
int n;
qsort (A, 5, sizeof(struct player), compare);
for (n=0; n<5; n++)
printf ("data=%lf, index=%d\n", A[n].data, A[n].index);
return 0;
But I am getting output like this:
data=0.517857, index=1
data=0.780762, index=2
data=0.041667, index=3
data=0.041667, index=4
data=0.690277, index=0
Is there anything wrong in the code?
In compare, you are subtracting two sub-1 doubles and casting them to an int, the result will in most cases be 0. Instead of subtracting you should compare them and return -1/1.
Consider using this compare instead:
int compare (const void * a, const void * b)
auto x = reinterpret_cast<const player*>(a);
auto y = reinterpret_cast<const player*>(b);
if(x->data < y->data)
return -1;
if(x->data > y->data)
return 1;
return 0;
That said, this style of coding is ancient/deprecated/bad practice.
Consider writing similar to this instead:
#include <algorithm>
struct player {
double data;
int index;
bool operator < (const player& p) const
return data <;
auto A = std::vector<player>{
{0.690277,0}, {0.517857,1},
{0.780762,2}, {0.0416667,3}, {0.0416667,4}
int main ()
std::sort(std::begin(A), std::end(A));
for(const auto& x: A)
std::cout << "data=" << << ", "
<< "index=" << x.index << "\n";
Suggested changes:
don't import std names globally
don't mix cstdio and iostreams (only include one of them)
use std::vector or std::array instead of native array
define the sorting order in the interface of the class (bool operator <). (this should also imply that you define the other arithmetic operators - it is good practice and avoids subtle bugs later, but it is not required for this particular implementation to compile and work)
use std::sort instead of qsort
don't use raw pointers (using them like this is a source for bugs)

C++ Making a 2D boolean matrix

I am making a program where I have 2 vectors (clientvec and productslist) and I need to create a 2D boolean matrix where the columns is the size of productslist vector and the lines is the size of clientvec vector, but it gives me this error:
"expression must have a constant value"
Here is the code I used:
unsigned int lines = clientvec.size();
unsigned int columns = productslist.size();
bool matrixPublicity[lines][columns] = {false};
Pls help me..
Edit: I am new at c++ so assume I know nothing xD
Edit2: I already know for the answers that I cannot initialize an array with non constant values, now the question is how can I put them after initialize...
The error message is clear: :expression must have a constant value"
It means the array dimension cannot be of variable type. Only enums or pre-processor defined constants are valid.
See for more info:
Why can't I initialize a variable-sized array?
Edit: Since you mentioned you are new to C++, here is a piece of code that might help you:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <bitset>
int main()
unsigned int lines = 10;
const unsigned int columns = 5;
std::vector<std::bitset<columns>> matrixPublicity;
for(int i=0; i < lines; i++)
for(int j=0; j < columns; j++)
std::cout << matrixPublicity[i][j] <<' ';
note that in this case, columns must be constant.
Edit 2: And if the size of lines are not the same, then you must stick to vector types:
typedef std::vector<bool> matrixLine;
std::vector<matrixLine> matrixPublicity;
now you can use resize method for the i-th line of the matrix, e.g.
What you are trying to do would be the same as this:
std::vector<unsigned int> v1 { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
std::vector<unsigned int> v2 { 6, 7, 8, 9 };
bool mat[v1.size()][v2.size()] = false;
This is how the compiler will interpret it without the temporaries and this is invalid. When you declare an array of any type its size has to be known at compile time.
bool mat[2][3] = false; // still invalid
bool mat[2][3] = { false }; // Okay
const int x = 5;
const int y = 7;
bool mat[x][y] = false; // invalid
bool mat[x][y] = { false }; // okay
// Even this is invalid
std::vector<int> v1{ 1, 2, 3 };
std::vector<int> v2{ 4, 5, 6, 7 };
const std::size_t x1 = v1.size();
const std::size_t y1 = v2.size();
bool mat2[x1][y1] = { false }; // Still won't compile.
Value to declare an array must be a constant expression.
Instead of making an array as you have tried to do, you could make a class template that will construct a matrix like object for you. Here is what I have come up with, now the overall design or pattern of this template will fit your condition but the actual implementation to generate the internal matrix will depend on your data and what you intend.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
template <class T, class U>
class Matrix {
std::vector<T> m_lines;
std::vector<T> m_cols;
std::vector<U> m_mat;
std::size_t m_size;
std::size_t m_lineCount;
std::size_t m_colsCount;
Matrix() {};
Matrix( const std::vector<T>& lines, const std::vector<T>& cols ) :
m_lineCount( lines.size() ),
m_colsCount( cols.size() )
addVectors( lines, cols );
void addVectors( const std::vector<T>& v1, const std::vector<T>& v2 ) {
m_lines = v1;
m_cols = v2;
m_lineCount = m_lines.size();
m_colsCount = m_cols.size();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_lineCount; ++i ) {
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_colsCount); j++ ) {
// This will depend on your implementation and how you
// construct this matrix based off of your existing containers
m_mat.push_back(m_lines[i] & m_cols[j]);
m_size = m_mat.size();
std::size_t size() const { return m_size; }
std::size_t sizeRows() const { return m_lineCount; }
std::size_t sizelColumns() const { return m_colsCount; }
std::vector<U>& getMatrix() const { return m_mat; }
std::vector<T>& getLines() const { return m_lines; }
std::vector<T>& getColumns() const { return m_columns; }
bool operator[]( std::size_t idx ) { return m_mat[idx]; }
const bool& operator[]( std::size_t idx ) const { return m_mat[idx]; }
int main() {
std::vector<unsigned> v1{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
std::vector<unsigned> v2{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
Matrix<unsigned, bool> mat1( v1, v2 );
int line = 0;
for ( unsigned u = 0; u < mat1.size(); ++u ) {
std::cout << mat1[u] << " ";
if ( line == mat1.sizeRows() ) {
std::cout << "\n";
line = 0;
std::cout << "\nPress any key to quit.\n" << std::endl;
return 0;
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
With this template class you can create a matrix of any type U by passing in two vectors for type T. Now how you construct the matrix will be implementation dependent. But this class is reusable for different types.
You could have two vectors of type doubles, and construct a matrix of unsigned chars, or you could have two vectors of user defined class or struct types and generate a matrix of unsigned values. This may help you out in many situations.
Note: - This does generate a compiler warning, no errors though and it prints and displays properly, but the compiler warning generated by MSVS 2015 is warning C4800: unsigned int: forcing value to bool true or false (performance warning)
This is generated for I am doing a bit wise & operation on to unsigned values; but that is why I set my initial vectors to be passed to this class template's constructor to have all 1s & 0s as this is meant for demonstration only.
EDIT - I made an edit to the class because I noticed I had a default constructor and had no way to add vectors to it, so I added an extra member variable, and an addVectors function, and moved the implementation from the defined constructor to the new function and just ended up calling that function in the defined constructor.
Creating an array isn't that difficult :)
A matrix (2D/3D/...-array) is unfortunately a little bit different if you want to do it your way!
But first of all you should know about the stack and the heap!
Lets have a look at these 2:
A stack variable/array/matrix/... is only valid between the nearest 2 -> {} <- which you normally call a "codeblock". The size of it was defined during the "compile time" (the time where the compiler translates your code into the machine language). That means the size of your array needs to be set.
#include <iostream>
#define MACRO 128
int arraySize(int size){
std::cin >> size;
return size;
int main() {
//this is valid
int intArray[128] = {}; //the size(here: 128) needs to be a number like
//or a macro like 'MACRO' which is
//compile-time-only as well
//this is valid
int intArray2[MACRO] = {};
//this is not valid!
int intArray[size()] = {};
return 0;
A heap variable/array/matrix/... is valid until you delete it. That also means that a heap var is created during the run-time(from starting your program until you close/stop it)! This is allows you to define it's size.
#include <iostream>
#define MACRO 128
int arraySize(int size){
return size;
int main() {
//this is valid
int intArray[128] = {}; //the size(here: 128) needs to be a number like
//or a macro like 'MACRO' whic is
//compile-time-only as well
//this is valid
int intArray2[MACRO] = {};
//creating an array with a non-static size
//works like this:
//int can also be a 'bool'
int* intArray = new int[arraySize()];
// ^ the star means you are pointing to
//an adress inside of your memory which has
//the size of an int (per element)
//That's why they are called "pointers"!
//Right now it points to the beginning of the
// ^ the keyword "new" says that
//you are allocating memory on the heap.
// ^
//then you have to say which kind of array
//it is which is the same you gave the pointer
// ^
//now you give it the size of that array
//this time it can be return value or the size
//of a variable
//as I have to delete this array on your own
//if you dont do that your program will crash
//maybe not after starting but it will!
//SO NEVER NEVER NEVER... forget about it
delete intArray[];
//^ write delete
// ^
//then the name of your array
// ^
//at the end of it write these 2 brackets
//thex say you wanna remove the whole array!
//why? because you can also create/delete
//heap variables not only arrays.
return 0;
Creating a matrix on the heap is unfortunately not that easy.
But it is essential to know how a 1D-array works before going to further dimensions! That's why I did this tutorial!
Klick here to see how to create a matrix on the heap
Klick here to learn more about the heap
Klick here to choose the best result of this theme
I hope I could help you :)!

C/C++ va_list not returning arguments properly

I have a problem with using va_list. The below code works for an int:
main() {
int f1=1;
float** m = function(n,f1);
float** function(int n,...) {
va_list mem_list;
va_start(mem_list, n);
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<n;j++) {
int f = va_arg(mem_list,int);
printf("%i \n",f);
return NULL;
However when I change to a float i.e.
float f1=1.0;
float f = va_arg(mem_list,float);
printf("%f \n",f);
It does not return the right value (the value is 0.00000). I am extremely confused at what is happening.
In the context of a varargs call, float is actually promoted to double. Thus, you'll need to actually be pulling doubles out, not floats. This is the same reason that %f for printf() works with both float and double.
Since we are talking C++ here, you might want to use newer C++11 facilities.
I could suggest variadic templates, but it might be a bit too advanced, on the other hand to pass an arbitrary long list there now is std::initializer_list<T> where T is a simple type.
void function(std::initializer_list<int> list);
It does not have many functions, just:
size() which returns how many elements are in the list
and begin() and end() which return iterators as usual
So you can actually do:
void function(std::initializer_list<int> list) {
std::cout << "Gonna print " << list.size() << " integers:\n";
bool first = true;
for (int i: list) {
if (first) { first = false; } else { std::cout << ", "; }
std::cout << i;
std::cout << "\n";
And then invoke it as:
int main() {
function({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
which will print:
Gonna print 5 integers:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
In general in C++, stay away from the C-variadic. They are type-unsafe and full of gotchas.