How to communicate securely to a k8s service via istio? - istio

I can communicate to another service in the same namespace via:
curl http://myservice1:8080/actuator/info
inside the pod.
The application is not configured with TLS, I am curious if I can reach that pod via virtual service so that I can utilized this Istio feature:
curl https://myservice1:8080/actuator/info
We have Istio virtualservice and gateway in place. External access to pod is managed by it and is working properly. We just wanted to reach another pod via https if possible without having to reconfigure the application.

How to communicate securely to a k8s service via istio?
Answering the question under the title - there will be many possibilities, but you should at the beginning Understanding TLS Configuration:
One of Istio’s most important features is the ability to lock down and secure network traffic to, from, and within the mesh. However, configuring TLS settings can be confusing and a common source of misconfiguration. This document attempts to explain the various connections involved when sending requests in Istio and how their associated TLS settings are configured. Refer to TLS configuration mistakes for a summary of some the most common TLS configuration problems.
There are many different ways to secure your connection. It all depends on what exactly you need and what you set up.
We have istio virtualservice and gateway in place, external access to pod is managed by it and working properly. We just wanted to reach another pod via https if possible without having to reconfigure the application
As for virtualservice and gateway, you will find an example configuration in this article. You can find guides for single host and for multiple hosts.
We just wanted to reach another pod via https if possible without having to reconfigure the application.
Here you will most likely be able to apply the outbound configuration:
While the inbound side configures what type of traffic to expect and how to process it, the outbound configuration controls what type of traffic the gateway will send. This is configured by the TLS settings in a DestinationRule, just like external outbound traffic from sidecars, or auto mTLS by default.
The only difference is that you should be careful to consider the Gateway settings when configuring this. For example, if the Gateway is configured with TLS PASSTHROUGH while the DestinationRule configures TLS origination, you will end up with double encryption. This works, but is often not the desired behavior.
A VirtualService bound to the gateway needs care as well to ensure it is consistent with the Gateway definition.


Enable HTTPS for Akka-Discovery Endpoints while forming akka-cluster in kubernetes environment

I need to setup up an Akka-Cluster (using Akka Classic) in Kubernetes using DNS-resolver. I've created a headless-service which is able to resolve address for various pods of my Akka application.
After DNS resolving, I'm able to get addresses for various pods. Now my Akka-Management runs over Https,
So while one pod tries connecting to management endpoints of various other pods, It needs to use "HTTPS" instead of "HTTP" but Akka by default uses "http". Is there a way to modify this behavior in Java
Yes, there is: to enable HTTPS, you have to instantiate your server by providing an HttpsConnectionContext object to it.
You should probably do something like:
Http.get(system).newServerAt("localhost", 8080)
The previous example is taken from the official documentation, which also shows how the createHttpsContext(system) method works.

Is it possible to communicate between workload with envoy proxy and another workload without envoy proxy in the same namespace?

I'm a newer of istio.
As like title, i deployed a pod injected envoy sidecar and a pod without envoy in the same namespace.
when i try to access from a pod without envoy to a pod with enovy, it is nothing progressed as like being blocked.
To access a workload having enovy, it must have enovy proxy? or is there other way to be able to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Pods without Istio/Sidecar should be able to access pods in the mesh by default. However, if strict mTLS is activated, they are not.
By default, the sidecar will be configured to accept both mTLS and non-mTLS traffic, known as PERMISSIVE mode. The mode can alternatively be configured to STRICT, where traffic must be mTLS, or DISABLE, where traffic must be plaintext.

Load balancing gRPC requests using one of AWS Load Balancers

I'm trying to work out whether I could use one of the (A/E/N)LBs to load balance gRPC traffic. A simple round robin would suffice in our case.
I've read that ALB doesn't fully support HTTP2 and therefore can't be used with gRPC. Specifically lack of support of sending HTTP2 traffic downstream and lack of support for trailer headers was mentioned. Is it still true?
Couldn't find any definitive answers with regards to NLBs or "classic" ELBs. Any hints?
As of October 29, 2020, Application Load Balancers now support HTTP/2 and gRPC load balancing. From the announcement:
To use the feature on your ALB, choose HTTPS as your listener protocol, gRPC as the protocol version for your target group and register instance or IP as targets for the configured target group. ALB provides rich content based routing features that will let you inspect gRPC calls and route them to the appropriate target group based on the service and method requested. Within a target group, ALB will use gRPC specific health checks to determine availability of targets and provide gRPC specific access logs to monitor your traffic.
The support for gRPC and end-to-end HTTP/2 is available for existing and new Application Load Balancers at no extra charge in all AWS Regions. To learn more, please refer to the blog post, demo, and the ALB documentation.
Using gRPC on AWS had some major challenges. Without full HTTP/2 support on AWS Application Load Balancer, you have to spin up and manage your own load balancers. Neither NLB and ELB are viable alternatives on AWS due to issues with traffic to and from the same host, dynamic port mappings, SSL termination complications, and sub-optimal client and server-side round-robining of TCP connections.
gRPC demonstrated performance improvements, however, it would take considerable infrastructure efforts to adopt, whether it be using LBs such as Nginx or Envoy; or setting up a service mesh with something of the likes of Istio. Another possibility would be to make use of thick client load balancing, though this would also require additional service discovery infrastructures such as Consul or ZooKeeper.
AWS recently announced a new service called AWS App Mesh. AWS App Mesh supports HTTP2 and gRPC services
gRPC can now model and manage their inter-service communications using AWS App Mesh.

Set static response from Istio Ingress Gateway

How do you set a static 200 response in Istio's Ingress Gateway?
We have a situation where we need an endpoint to return a small bit of static content (a bootstrap URL). We could even put it in a header. Can Istio host something like that or do we need to run a pod for no other reason than to return a single word?
Specifically I am looking for a solution that returns 200 via Istio configuration, not a pod that Istio routes to (which is quite a common example and available elsewhere).
You have to do it manually by creating VirtualService to specific service connected to pod.
Of course firstly you have to create pod and then attached service to it,
even if your application will return single word.
Istio Gateway’s are responsible for opening ports on relevant
Istio gateway pods and receiving traffic for hosts. That’s it.
The VirtualService: Istio VirtualService’s are what get “attached” to
Gateways and are responsible defining the routes the gateway should implement.
You can have multiple VirtualServices attached to Gateways. But not for the
same domain.

How to setup an external kubernetes service in AWS using https

I would like to setup a public kubernetes service in AWS that listens on https.
I know that kubernetes services currently only support TCP and UDP, but is there a way to make this work with the current version of kubernetes and AWS ELBs?
I found this.
Is that the best way at the moment?
Https usually runs over TCP, so you can simply run your service with Type=Nodeport/LoadBalancer and manage the certs in the service. This example might help [1], nginx is listening on :443 through a NodePort for ingress traffic. See [2] for a better explanation of the example.
Since 1.3, you can use annotations along with a type=LoadBalancer service:* (or e.g. https)
The first annotation is the only one you need if all you want is to support HTTPS, on any number of ports. If you also want to support HTTP on one or more additional ports, you need to use the second annotation to specify explicitly which ports will use encryption (the others will use plain HTTP).
In my case I setup an elb in aws and setup the ssl cert on that, choosing https and http for the connection types in the elb and that worked great. I setup the elb wroth kubectl expose.