add aws signature to the postman script using pm.sendRequest - postman

I would like to use a postman pre-fetch script to refresh my app secret from an api protected by aws signature. I am able to make a basic authentication like this. However I need an aws signature authentication
var url = "https://some.endpoint"
var auth = {
type: 'basic',
basic: [
{ key: "username", value: "postman" },
{ key: "password", value: "secrets" }
var request = {
url: url,
method: "GET",
auth: auth
pm.sendRequest(request, function (err, res) {
const json = res.json() // Get JSON value from the response body

hi just create a normal postman request that work properly and then copy that request to a variable by adding the below line in test script
pm.environment.set("awsrequest", pm.request)
Now you can use the awsrequest variable to send use in pm.sendRequest


aws-sdk send request with IAM Auth

I would like to make my Lambda function comunicate with a API Gateway...
However what I want is that the API Gateway checks the request with AWS_IAM... therefore the lambda function should in some way "sign" the request with a specific IAM token i suppose...
I was reading this, but I'm not able to find any example on how to sign the request with a specific IAM User
(I've already created a User in IAM with AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess and I have both access key and secret key, so I suppose I really need only the "how to sign the request")
We need to build regular nodejs request options with three additional parameters
service: "execute-api" for Api Gateway
region: "us-east-1" AWS Region.
body: postData , typically we pass body req.write, we also need it in options because it is needed for signing.
and finally the aws4.sign(...) is passed to request.
All .sign method does is adds 4 additional headers X-Amz-Content-Sha256, X-Amz-Security-Token, X-Amz-Date and Authorization
var aws4 = require("aws4");
var https = require("https");
const requestBody = { name: "test" };
var postData = JSON.stringify(requestBody);
var options = {
method: "POST",
hostname: "",
path: "/qa",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
service: "execute-api",
region: "us-east-1",
body: postData,
maxRedirects: 20,
const signedRequest = aws4.sign(options, {
secretAccessKey: "abcadefghijknlmnopstabcadefghijknlmnopst",
sessionToken: "this is optional ==",
var req = https.request(signedRequest, function (res) {
var chunks = [];
res.on("data", function (chunk) {
res.on("end", function (chunk) {
var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);
res.on("error", function (error) {
since this call is made from lambda whole object with keys can be skipped and simply call aws4.sign(options), it should use from environment variables.

Protect Strapi uploads folder via S3 SignedUrl

uploading files from strapi to s3 works fine.
I am trying to secure the files by using signed urls:
var params = {Bucket:process.env.AWS_BUCKET, Key: `${path}${file.hash}${file.ext}`, Expires: 3000};
var secretUrl = ''
S3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params, function (err, url) {
console.log('Signed URL: ' + url);
secretUrl = url
Key: `${path}${file.hash}${file.ext}`,
Body: Buffer.from(file.buffer, 'binary'),
//ACL: 'public-read',
ContentType: file.mime,
(err, data) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
// set the bucket file url
//file.url = data.Location;
file.url = secretUrl;
console.log('FIle URL: ' + file.url);
file.url (secretUrl) contains the correct URL which i can use in browser to retrieve the file.
But whenever reading the file form strapi admin panel no file nor tumbnail is shown.
I figured out that strapi adds a parameter to the file e.g ?2304.4005 which corrupts the get of the file to AWS. Where and how do I change that behaviour
Help is appreciated
Here is my solution to create a signed URL to secure your assets. The URL will be valid for a certain amount of time.
Create a collection type with a media field, which you want to secure. In my example the collection type is called invoice and the media field is called document.
Create an S3 bucket
Install and configure strapi-provider-upload-aws-s3 and AWS SDK for JavaScript
Customize the Strapi controller for your invoice endpoint (in this exmaple I use the core controller findOne)
const { sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
var S3 = require('aws-sdk/clients/s3');
module.exports = {
async findOne(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params;
const entity = await{ id });
// key is hashed name + file extension of your entity
const key = entity.document.hash + entity.document.ext;
// create signed url
const s3 = new S3({
endpoint: '', //
accessKeyId: '...', // your accessKeyId
secretAccessKey: '...', // your secretAccessKey
Bucket: '...', // your bucket name
signatureVersion: 'v4',
region: 'eu-central-1' // your region
var params = {
Bucket:'', // your bucket name
Key: key,
Expires: 20 // expires in 20 seconds
var url = s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', params);
entity.document.url = url // overwrite the url with signed url
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.invoice });
It seems like although overwriting controllers and lifecycle of the collection models and strapi-plugin-content-manager to take into account the S3 signed urls, one of the Strapi UI components adds a strange hook/refs ?123.123 to the actual url that is received from the backend, resulting in the following error from AWS There were headers present in the request which were not signed when trying to see images from the CMS UI.
Screenshot with the faulty component
After digging the code & node_modules used by Strapi, it seems like you will find the following within strapi-plugin-upload/admin/src/components/CardPreview/index.js
return (
{isVideo ? (
<VideoPreview src={url} previewUrl={previewUrl} hasIcon={hasIcon} />
) : (
// Adding forces the browser no to cache the img
<Image src={`${url}${withFileCaching ? `?${cacheRef.current}` : ''}`} />
CardPreview.defaultProps = {
extension: null,
hasError: false,
hasIcon: false,
previewUrl: null,
url: null,
type: '',
withFileCaching: true,
The default is set to true for withFileCaching, which therefore appends the const cacheRef = useRef(; query param to the url for avoiding browser caches.
By setting it to false, or leaving just <Image src={url} /> should solve the issue of the extra query param and allow you to use S3 signed URLs previews also from Strapi UI.
This would also translate to use the docs to customize the module strapi-plugin-upload in your /extensions/strapi-plugin-upload/...

How do I verify the ID token with Firebase and Django Rest?

I just can't wrap my head around how the authentication is done if I use Firebase auth and I wish to connect it to my django rest backend.
I use the getIdTokenResult provided by firebase as such:
async login() {
this.error = null;
try {
const response = await firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(, this.password);
const token = await response.user.getIdTokenResult();
No idea if this part below is correct
Should I create a custom django view for this part?
fetch("/account/firebase/", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION": token.token,
body: JSON.stringify({ username:, password: this.password }),
}).then((response) => response.json().then((data) => console.log(data)));
} catch (error) {
this.error = error;
The only thing I find in the firebase docs is this lackluster two line snippet:
where they write
decoded_token = auth.verify_id_token(id_token)
uid = decoded_token['uid']
# wtf, where does this go?
# what do I do with this? Do I put it in a django View?
I found a guide here that connects django rest to firebase:
But I still don't understand how its all tied together. When am I supposed to call this FirebaseAuthentication. Whenever I try to call the login function I just get a 403 CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
This whole FirebaseAuthentication class provided by the guide I linked to above - should I add that as a path on the backend?
path("firebase/", FirebaseAuthentication, name="api-firebase"),
Which is the api endpoint my frontend calls?

AWS Polly Request from Flutter using sigv4 plugin

I am using dart package to make a request to AWS Polly. I am getting a 403 error stating {"message":"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details."}. Here's my code,
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:sigv4/sigv4.dart';
void main() async {
final client = Sigv4Client(
keyId: <accessKEY>,
accessKey: <SecretAccessKEY>,
region: 'us-east-1',
serviceName: 'polly',
final request = client.request(
method: 'POST',
body: jsonEncode({"OutputFormat": "mp3",
"VoiceId": "Salli",
"Text": "Hi, this is a request",
"TextType": "text"})
var responde = await post(request.url,headers: request.headers, body: request.body);
I had no luck using aws_polly_api as well. I am getting the error Unhandled Exception: 403 UnknownError: 403 with aws_polly_api. Here's the code I used:
import 'package:aws_polly_api/polly-2016-06-10.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() async{
var credentials = new AwsClientCredentials(accessKey: <AccessKEY>, secretKey: <SecretAccessKEY);
var outputFormat1 = OutputFormat.mp3;
var text1 = "Hi, This is a request";
var voiceId1 = VoiceId.salli;
var textType1 = TextType.text;
var url = "";
var httpclient = new http.Client();
final service = Polly(region: 'us-east-1', credentials: credentials, client: httpclient, endpointUrl: url);
var resp = service.synthesizeSpeech(outputFormat: outputFormat1, text: text1, voiceId: voiceId1);
resp.then((value) => print(value));
Any help on how to get AWS Polly to work in flutter is highly appreciated. Also, if the input being sent is wrong, please help me in correcting it.
I have tried the same request with Postman to SynthesizeSpeech API and it worked...No extra headers were added except "'Content-type': 'application/json'". Just made a request with AWS signature and body in the form of raw json:
"OutputFormat": "mp3",
"VoiceId": "Salli",
"Text": "Hi, this is a request",
"TextType": "text"
It worked in postman.

Client authentication failed in Postman request for Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill LWA

I am referring to Amazon documentation for the purpose of Customer Authentication. Currently, I am using LWA.
Steps I followed:
I enabled the Send Alexa Events Permission from the Alexa developer Console in Build > Permission page.
I took the grant code from the request in the cloudwatch logs which was sent when I logged in using Alexa companion app.
"directive": {
"header": {
"messageId": "Example",
"name": "AcceptGrant",
"namespace": "Alexa.Authorization",
"payloadVersion": "3"
"payload": {
"grant": {
"code": "Example2",
"type": "OAuth2.AuthorizationCode"
"grantee": {
"token": "Example3",
"type": "BearerToken"
Permission Page under build on Alexa Developer console gave me client-Id and client-secret Which I used for making the post request to
POST /auth/o2/token HTTP/l.l
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
I passed the code,client_id, and client_secret in the above example and made the post request to this URL
I tried using x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8 and also JSON for the Content-Type.
I followed the step given in the above documentation and I am stuck on the error ( 401 Unauthorized ):
"error_description": "The request has an invalid grant parameter : code",
"error": "invalid_grant"
I tried implementing it using Python code and Postman both. Ending up with the Same above error scenario.
Here is a sample code to help you and others who are looking to send events to alexa gateway.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({region: 'eu-west-1'});
// Create the DynamoDB service object
const ddb = new AWS.DynamoDB({ apiVersion: 'latest' });
const doc = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({
convertEmptyValues: true,
service: ddb
// Using 'request' for http POST and GET request.
// npm install --save requests
const r = require('request');
//Handle Authorization. Call this method from your lambda handler whenever you get Alexa.Authorization message. You will get this message only when you select permission to
//send events in your Smart Home Skill.
//Access to Event gateway allows you to enable Proactive Device Discovery and
//Proactive State Reporting in your skill
//More information on Alexa.Authorization can be found on
function handleAuthorization(request, context, user) {
//Even when you are using your own authentication, the url below will still
//point to amazon OAuth token url. The token you obtain here has to be stored
//separately for this user. Whenever sending an event to alexa event gateway you will
//require this token.
//URL below is for EU server. Look at following documentation link to identify correct url
//for your system.
var url = "";
var body = {
grant_type : 'authorization_code',
code : request.directive.payload.grant.code,
client_id : 'your client id from permissions page on developer portal where you enable alexa events. This is id different than one you specify in account linking settings',
client_secret : 'client secret from permissions page'
url: url,
form : body
}, function(error, response, b){
if (error) { return console.log(error); }
var body = JSON.parse(b);
var params = {
TableName: 'Devices',
Item: {
'id' : user,
'auth_token' : body.access_token,
'refresh_token' : body.refresh_token
log("DEBUG:", "Authorization Body", JSON.stringify(body));
log("DEBUG:", "Authorization Response", JSON.stringify(response));
log("DEBUG:", "Database Params", JSON.stringify(params));
// Call DynamoDB to add the item to the table
var putObjectPromise = doc.put(params).promise();
//Store auth_token and refresh_token in database. We will need these
//while sending events to event gateway.
//Send a success response.
putObjectPromise.then(function(data) {
var response = {
event: {
header: {
messageId: request.directive.header.messageId,
namespace: "Alexa.Authorization",
name: "AcceptGrant.Response",
payloadVersion: "3"
"payload": {
}).catch(function(err) {
//TODO - Add a Authorization error response JSON here.