I not sure how to ask this but basically i pass a base class as an parameter and if the argument is a derived class from the base class i want to be able to access properties only in the derived class
class A{
bool isB = false;
int x = 69;
class B : public A{
bool isB = true;
int y = 420;
void Print(A c){
if (c.isB)
cout << c.y << endl; //this will error as the class A has no y even though i will pass class B as an argument
cout << c.x << endl;
A a;
B b;
My recommendation is that you use polymorphism by creating a virtual "print" function that your global Print function calls:
class A
int x = 69;
virtual ~A() = default; // Needed for polymorphic classes
virtual void print(std::ostream& out) const
out << x;
class B : public A
int y = 420;
void print(std::ostream& out) const override
out << y;
void Print(A const& o)
std::cout << std::endl;
int main()
A a;
B b;
You need to define a virtual function "bool amIaB()" in both base and derived class that returns "isB".
In the virtual method create() in the derived class Derived, I return a struct of type HelpDerived. However, since I had to set the return type of the method to HelpBase, I found that I need to cast the returned object back to the type HelpDerived.
The following is an example of my case.
#include <iostream>
struct HelpBase {
int a = 0;
virtual void output() {}
struct HelpDerived : HelpBase {
int b = 0;
void output() override {}
class Base {
virtual HelpBase create() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
HelpBase create() override;
HelpBase Derived::create() {
HelpDerived d;
d.a = 1;
d.b = 2;
return d;
int main() {
Derived d;
auto based = d.create();
HelpDerived derived = dynamic_cast<HelpDerived &>(based);
std::cout << derived.a << std::endl;
When I run the code abve, I get the error
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_cast'
what(): std::bad_cast
Abort trap: 6
What have I misunderstood about objects and casting in C++? Why does this method not work?
What can I do to fix the problem?
I think you'd better return a pointer to avoid object slicing in your create function.
#include <iostream>
struct HelpBase {
int a = 0;
virtual void output() {}
struct HelpDerived : HelpBase {
int b = 0;
void output() override {}
class Base {
virtual HelpBase* create() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
HelpBase* create() override;
HelpBase* Derived::create() {
HelpDerived* d = new HelpDerived;
d->a = 1;
d->b = 2;
return d;
int main() {
Derived d;
auto based = d.create();
HelpDerived* derived = dynamic_cast<HelpDerived *>(based);
std::cout << derived->a << " " << derived->b << std::endl;
delete derived;
I've replaced dynamic cast by static cast and it worked for me almost fine.
#include <iostream>
struct HelpBase {
int a = 0;
virtual void output() {}
struct HelpDerived : HelpBase {
int b = 0;
void output() override {}
class Base {
virtual HelpBase create() = 0;
class Derived : public Base {
HelpBase create() override;
HelpBase Derived::create() {
HelpDerived d;
d.a = 3;
d.b = 2;
return d;
int main() {
Derived d;
auto based = d.create();
HelpDerived derived = static_cast<HelpDerived &>(based);
std::cout << derived.a << std::endl;
std::cout << derived.b << std::endl;
Note that a value is correct, while b is junk. This is because for derived constructor has not been called.
In general, casting from base class to derived is not recommended, as derived may have more data members, than base class.
Recommended reading: https://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus/upcasting_downcasting.php
I have two classes B andY which I cannot change or edit by requirement. They have functions doing the same thing but with different names.
I want to a have a common interfaces with selecting the class at run time depending on the some input variable as described in the code below. I am not sure which design pattern should I use. How to create WrapperYB class which selects Y::show or B::showing depending on the object created.
class A
A() {}
virtual ~A();
virtual void show() { cout << "show A" << endl;}
class B:A
B() {}
virtual ~B();
virtual void show() { cout << "show B" << endl;}
class X
char m_i;
Y() { m_i = 'X';}
virtual void showing() { cout << "showing " << m_i << endl;}
class Y:X
Y() { m_i = 'Y';}
virtual void showing() { cout << "showing " << m_i << endl;}
class WrapperYB
// to be implemented
explicit WrapperYB(const int& type);
void show();
int main(){
WrapperYB objY(1);
objY.show(); // must call Y::showing
WrapperYB objB(0);
objB.show(); // must call B::show
If your compiler supports the C++17 Standard, you could try this solution using std::variant. This is a similar idea to the solution in #Nicolas's answer, but variant will take care of the implementation details for you, won't use dynamic memory allocation, and has support for additional things like copy and assignment.
#include <variant>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
class WrapperYB {
using variant_type = std::variant<Y, B>;
template <typename... Args,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<variant_type, Args...>>* = nullptr>
WrapperYB(Args&& ... args) : m_variant(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
variant_type& variant() noexcept { return m_variant; }
const variant_type& variant() const noexcept { return m_variant; }
void show()
{ std::visit(ShowImpl{}, m_variant); }
struct ShowImpl {
void operator() (Y& y) const { y.showing(); }
void operator() (B& b) const { b.show(); }
variant_type m_variant;
See the full working example on coliru.
You might generalize the wrapper by letting it contain a std::unique_ptr<A> or std::unique_ptr<X> instead.
I'm proposing this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
A() {}
virtual ~A() {}
virtual void show() { cout << "show A" << endl;}
class B:A
B() {}
virtual ~B() {}
virtual void show() { cout << "show B" << endl;}
class X
char m_i;
X () { m_i = 'X';}
virtual void showing() { cout << "showing " << m_i << endl;}
class Y:X
Y() { m_i = 'Y';}
virtual void showing() { cout << "showing " << m_i << endl;}
class WrapperYB
enum class Which { B, Y };
explicit WrapperYB (int n)
: which(Which(n))
switch (which)
case Which::B: ptr.b = new B; break;
case Which::Y: ptr.y = new Y; break;
~WrapperYB ()
switch (which)
case Which::B: delete ptr.b; break;
case Which::Y: delete ptr.y; break;
WrapperYB (const WrapperYB&) = delete;
WrapperYB& operator = (const WrapperYB&) = delete;
void show()
switch (which)
case Which::B: ptr.b->show() ; break;
case Which::Y: ptr.y->showing(); break;
Which which;
union {
Y* y;
B* b;
} ptr;
int main(){
WrapperYB objY(1);
objY.show(); // must call Y::showing
WrapperYB objB(0);
objB.show(); // must call B::show
It's not a "Vanilla" design pattern, I don't think, and more of combination of adapter and discriminated union.
Note that WrapperYB cannot be copied or assigned, as is.
You can use a standard virtual dispatch method with an abstract base adaptor class and subclasses for each object type needed. Create the object with a factory method.
#include <memory>
//pre-defined structures Y, B
struct Y
void show(){}
struct B
void showing(){}
// Abstract adaptor base class.
struct Adaptor
virtual void show() = 0;
// A subclass of Adaptor for each type of object to be wrapped.
struct Adaptor_Y: Adaptor
Adaptor_Y(): y(){}
void show() override
Y y;
struct Adaptor_B: Adaptor
Adaptor_B(): b(){}
void show() override
B b;
// Factory method constructs the proper object and returns a pointer.
std::unique_ptr<Adaptor> get_adaptor(int flag)
if(flag == 0)
return std::make_unique<Adaptor_B>();
else if(flag == 1)
return std::make_unique<Adaptor_Y>();
else throw std::runtime_error("Invalid flag value");
I have two base classes and derivered versions that overload / override certain parts like this:
class base
int X = 1;
class deriv : public base
int X = 2;
class A
base K;
virtual void doSmth()
std::cout << "A" << std::endl;
virtual void smthElse()
std::cout << K.X << std::endl;
class B : public A
deriv K;
void doSmth()
std::cout << "B" << std::endl;
the application looks like this
int main()
A instanceA;
B instanceB;
return 0;
And the output therefore is X=1 for both instances A and B. I was wondering why that is.
A uses base (X=1) and B uses deriv (X=2). deriv overloads X and B overloads K. Is this because the function smthElse() is only defined in A, thus A can't know about the existance of the overloaded variable K?
If so, is there a way for the function smthElse() to use the overloaded variable K?
I found the using keyword but also adding a using A::smthElse; in B won't change the behaviour of X not being printed as 2. The only way I can achieve this is by copying the function smthElse() from A and insert it into B.
Is there a different way to achieve what I'm looking for? Since it seems like an overkill to copy'n'paste the same function into B just to use an overridden variable.
Thanks in advance!
instanceB has two variables named K, A::K and B::K. However, the base class, A, only knows about one K, A::K.
That explains the output.
If so, is there a way for the function smthElse() to use the overloaded variable K?
Yes, you can do that by adding a virtual function in A that returns a reference to base and adding a virtual function in base that returns a reference to i.
class base
int& getX( return X;}
int X = 1;
class deriv : public base
int& getX( return X;}
int X = 2;
class A
base& getK() { return K; }
virtual void doSmth()
std::cout << "A" << std::endl;
virtual void smthElse()
std::cout << getK().getX() << std::endl;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use the virtual functions
base K;
class B : public A
deriv& getK(){ return K; }
void doSmth()
std::cout << "B" << std::endl;
base K;
PS I hope this is just curiosity and you don't write production code with such style. You will end up confusing yourself and anybody who tries to understand your code.
When you write
virtual void smthElse()
std::cout << K.X << std::endl;
smthElse is virtual
K is not (a member variable could not be virtual: it has no meaning for an attribute).
In other terms, it means that B::smthElse will ovevrride A::smthElse but B::K and A::K are two distinct, unrelated and independent variables.
When smthElse is called in the context of a B, K still means A::K.
As a solution, you might create a virtual accessor to Ks:
class base { ...};
class deriv{ ...};
class A
base K;
virtual const base& theK() { return K; }
virtual void smthElse() { std::cout << theK().X << "\n"; }
class B : public A
deriv K;
virtual const base& theK() { return K; }
When B{}.smthElse() is called, it will call B::theK() which will return B::K (a deriv instance).
I have a need to clone a derived class given only a reference or pointer to the base class. The following code does the job, but doesn't seem elegant, because I'm putting boilerplate code into many derived classes C, D, E that are siblings of B (not shown) that just calls the default copy constructor of each. Isn't that what the default copy constructor is for, if only it could be virtual?
Is there a better way?
Making a virtual assignment operator would be wrong, as I don't want C to assign to B, B to D, etc, just clone B, C, D or E.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A {
virtual ~A() {}
virtual A* clone()=0;
class B : public A {
int i;
virtual A* clone() {
cout << "cloned B" << endl;
return new B(*this);
virtual ~B() { cout << "destroyed b" << endl; }
int main() {
A* a = new B();
A* aa = a->clone();
delete a;
delete aa;
return 0;
You could always stick all the cloning logic into its own class in the middle of the hierarchy:
template <class Derived, class Base>
class CloneCRTP : public Base {
Derived* clone() const override {
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const&>(*this));
And then:
class B : public CloneCRTP<B, A>
int i;
virtual ~B() { cout << "destroyed b" << endl; }
No more boilerplate.
You can rely on the CRTP idiom.
It follows a minimal, working example:
struct B {
~virtual ~B() { }
virtual B* clone() = 0;
template<class C>
struct D: public B {
B* clone() {
return new C{*static_cast<C*>(this)};
struct S: public D<S> { };
int main() {
B *b1 = new S;
B *b2 = b1->clone();
delete b1;
delete b2;
To achieve clone that works as with covariant return type, there is a need for some more complicated CRTP:
class Shape {
// virtual
virtual Shape* do_clone() const = 0;
virtual ~Shape() {}
// non-virtual
Shape* clone() const {
return do_clone();
// ...
template <class Derived, class Base>
class CloneCRTP : public Base {
// virtual
Base* do_clone() const override {
return new Derived(static_cast<Derived const&>(*this));
// non-virtual
Derived* clone() const {
return static_cast<Derived*>(do_clone());
class Rectangle: public CloneCRTP<Rectangle, Shape> { /*...*/ };
class Triangle: public CloneCRTP<Triangle, Shape> { /*...*/ };
int main() {
Rectangle* r1 = new Rectangle{};
// getting the proper type from clone:
Rectangle* rcopy = r1->clone();
delete rcopy;
delete r1;
Triangle t1{};
// getting the proper type from clone:
Triangle* tcopy = t1.clone();
delete tcopy;
Code: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/339458f8b45299c3
I do it in a generalized way.
template <class Class>
class CloneInterface {
Class* copy() const { return new Class{static_cast<Class const&>(*this)}; }
virtual Class* clone() const { return this->copy(); }
template <class Derived, class Base>
class CloneCRTP : public Base {
Derived* copy() const { return new Derived{static_cast<Derived const&>(*this)}; }
Base* clone() const override { return this->copy(); }
class Base : public CloneInterface<Base> {
int a = 0;
virtual ~Base() {}
void print() { std::cout << "Base: a = " << a << '\n'; }
class A : public CloneCRTP<A, Base> {
int b = 1;
void print() { std::cout << "A: b = " << b << '\n'; }
int main() {
auto b = new Base();
auto b_clone = b->clone();
auto b_copy = b->copy();
b->print(); // Base print()
b_clone->print(); // Base print()
b_copy->print(); // Base print()
std::cout << "=========================\n";
auto a = new A();
auto a_clone = a->clone(); // returns Base*
auto a_copy = a->copy(); // returns A*
a->print(); // A print()
a_clone->print(); // Base print(), because clone returns pointer to the base class
a_copy->print(); // A print()
std::cout << "=========================\n";
auto c = static_cast<Base*>(a);
auto c_clone = c->clone(); // returns Base*, but A* inside
auto c_copy = c->copy(); // returns Base*, that is really Base
c->print(); // Base print()
c_clone->print(); // Base print()
c_copy->print(); // Base print()
std::cout << "=========================\n";
auto a_clone_restored = static_cast<A*>(c_clone);
auto a_copy_restored = static_cast<A*>(c_copy); // Invalid
a_clone_restored->print(); // A print()
a_copy_restored->print(); // A print()
delete b;
delete b_clone;
delete b_copy;
delete a;
delete a_clone;
delete a_copy;
return 0;
This approach allows to reuse crtp definition in all hierarchies that require clone functionality.
Code: https://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/269a2427fd2f919b
I need a base class that gives me primitive type of data's pointer. I add a function in it. I derived types of class. I used void * to support all primitive types as a return type but it is like old C days. It is not good for OOP. Does one have an suggestion to do in a proper way in OOP?
#include <iostream>
class base {
virtual void *getPtr() = 0;
virtual ~base() {};
class derivedAType : public base {
int _i;
derivedAType(int i): _i(0) { _i = i; };
virtual ~derivedAType() {}
virtual void *getPtr() {
return static_cast<void *>(&_i);
class derivedBType : public base {
short _s;
derivedBType(short s): _s(0) { _s = s; };
virtual ~derivedBType() {}
virtual void *getPtr() {
return static_cast<void *>(&_s);
int main()
base *b1 = new derivedAType(1203912);
base *b2 = new derivedBType(25273);
std::cout << "b1 : " << *(static_cast<int *>(b1->getPtr()))
<< "\nb2 : " << *(static_cast<short *>(b2->getPtr()))
<< std::endl;
delete b2;
delete b1;
return 0;
Make the base class a template class with the data type as the template variable
template<typename DataType>
class base {
virtual DataType* getPtr() = 0;
class derivedAType : public base<int>
But this changes base class to a template class which means you cant store them together, base<int> is different from base<short>
If this isnt acceptable, the other options is just a tad bit cleaner than your code but abt the same, refer to this question. Basically derived class return types can reflect their true type and i think it should get automatically converted to void*, so you dont have to manually cast the pointer.
Not sure about your problem. But maybe a double callback can help:
class Callback {
virtual void do_int( int i ) const = 0;
virtual void do_short( short s ) const = 0;
/* ... */
class base {
virtual void do_stuff(const Callback & c); /* will need a more telling name */
virtual ~base() {};
class derivedAType : public base {
int _i;
derivedAType(int i): _i(0) { _i = i; };
virtual ~derivedAType() {}
virtual void do_stuff(const Callback & c) {
c.do_int( _i );
class derivedBType : public base {
short _s;
derivedBType(short s): _s(0) { _s = s; };
virtual ~derivedBType() {}
virtual void do_stuff( const Callback & c) {
c.do_short( _s );
class print_callback : public Callback {
virtual void do_int( int i ) const { std::cout << i; }
virtual void do_short( short s ) const { std::cout << s; }
int main() {
base *b1 = new derivedAType(1203912);
base *b2 = new derivedBType(25273);
std::cout << "b1 : ";
std::cout << "\nb2 : ";
std::cout << std::endl;
delete b2;
delete b1;
return 0;
Of course you can simplify this by just storing the created print callback, and using it twice.