Sympy : How is it possible to simplify power of sum? - sympy

Considering an expression of this form:
x,y,n=sp.symbols("x y n",positive=True,real=True)
how is it possible to simplify it to have a common power ?
(i.e. sp.Pow((x+y+x**2)/(x+2*y+y**3),n+1) )

This is the same general problem as here
>>> var('z', positiv=True)
>>> expr = sp.Pow(x+y+x**2,n+1)*sp.Pow(x+2*y+4*y**3,-n-1)
>>> powsimp(expr.subs(n + 1, var('z',positive=1))).subs(z, n + 1)
((x**2 + x + y)/(x + 4*y**3 + 2*y))**(n + 1)


Substitute compound expression in SymPy

In sympy how can I make a substitution of a compound expression for a single variable as in the following example that only works for one of the instances of the common factor?
from sympy import *
x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
eq = Eq(2*(x+y) + 3*(x+y)**2, 0)
eq1 = Eq(z, x+y)
eq2 = eq.subs(eq1.rhs, eq1.lhs)
Eq(2*x + 2*y + 3*(x + y)**2, 0)
Eq(z, x + y)
Eq(2*x + 2*y + 3*z**2, 0)
Desired output for last line
Eq(2*z + 3*z**2, 0)
Thanks to Oscar Benjamin's comment. I've solved the case I was actually interested in:
from sympy import *
t, L, C0, R, a, w0, h = symbols('t L C_0 R alpha omega_0 h')
Q = Function('Q')
ex0 = L*Q(t).diff(t, t) + R*Q(t).diff(t) + Q(t)*(1/(C0/(1+h*cos(a*t))))
ex1 = ex0/L
ex1 = ex1.collect(Q(t)).expand()
# substitute the following compound expression
ex2 = Eq(w0*w0, 1/(L*C0))
ex3 = ex1.subs(L*C0, 1/(w0*w0))
ex4 = ex3.collect(Q(t))
L*Derivative(Q(t), (t, 2)) + R*Derivative(Q(t), t) + (h*cos(alpha*t) + 1)*Q(t)/C_0
Derivative(Q(t), (t, 2)) + R*Derivative(Q(t), t)/L + h*Q(t)*cos(alpha*t)/(C_0*L) + Q(t)/(C_0*L)
Eq(omega_0**2, 1/(C_0*L))
(h*omega_0**2*cos(alpha*t) + omega_0**2)*Q(t) + Derivative(Q(t), (t, 2)) + R*Derivative(Q(t), t)/L
The substitution fails because subs does not encounter any argument x + y in the (sub)expression 2*(x + y): that expression automatically expands to 2*x + 2*y. So one solution is to do as Oscar suggested: make an algebraic substitution. I often follow this up with a restoration step to handle anything that didn't change as I expected. The other thing you can do is to use a helper function that groups together terms that are in the multi-term old object that you desire to replace:
def mvsubs(eq, old, new):
from sympy.core.exprtools import factor_terms
if not old.is_Add:
return eq.subs(old, new)
Add = old.func
free = old.free_symbols
for i in eq.atoms(Add):
reps = {}
for i in i.args:
if not all(i.has(x) for x in free):
reps.setdefault(i, Dummy())
eq = eq.subs(reps).subs(Add(*reps.values()),
old, new).xreplace({v:k for k,v in reps.items()})
return eq
>>> mvsubs(eq, x+y, z)
Eq(3*z**2 + 2*z, 0)

I want diophantine convert t_0 ---> n

I want diophantine convert (t_0 ---> n)
from sympy import *
var('x y t_0 n')
def myDiophantine(myf):
myf_diox = list(diophantine(myf))[0][0]
myf_dioy = list(diophantine(myf))[0][1]
myf_diox = myf_diox.subs({t_0:n})
return myf_diox,myf_dioy
#1# <class 'sympy.core.add.Add'> 16*t_0 + 1
#2# <class 'sympy.core.add.Add'> 16*t_0 + 1
#3# (16*t_0 + 1, 625*t_0 + 39)
#4# <class 'sympy.core.add.Add'> 625*x - 16*y - 1
#5# <class 'sympy.core.add.Add'> -16*y + 625*z - 1
i used subs? It could not be replaced.
Is there a better way?
i want
#2# <class 'sympy.core.add.Add'> 16*n + 1
I want function convert from xy to cells
from sympy import *
var('x y t_0 n')
def myDiophantine(myf):
params = Tuple(*d).free_symbols - myf.free_symbols;
d=Tuple(*d).xreplace(dict(zip(params, [n])))
myf_diox = list(d)[0][0]
myf_dioy = list(d)[0][1]
return myf_diox,myf_dioy
# 16*n + 1 625*n + 39*x-2%5E4*y%3D1
Integer solution
x = 16 n + 1, y = 625 n + 39, n element Z
>>> myf = 5**4*x-2**4*y-1
>>> d = diophantine(myf)
Get a list of parameters that were used for the solution (converting set-of-tuples solution to Tuple-of-Tuples):
>>> params = Tuple(*d).free_symbols - myf.free_symbols; params
Create a replacement dictionary with desired replacements
>>> Tuple(*d).xreplace(dict(zip(params, [n])))
((16*n + 1, 625*n + 39),)
Why didn't your approach work?
>>> Symbol('t_0') in params
>>> Symbol('t_0',integer=True) in params
Symbols are matched based on name and assumptions, not name alone.
As to getting smaller coefficients for Diophantine equations: this is a known issue.

Collecting sub-expressions of a multivariate polynomial function in Sympy

I have a degree 6 multivariate equation in x and y written in Sympy, e.g.
eqn = a*x**6 + b*x**5*y + c*x**4*y + d*x**3*y + e*x**3*y**2 + ...
Is there a way to collect (x**2+y**2) and rearrange them into the following format?
eqn2 = A*(x**2+y**2)**3 + B*(x**2+y**2)**2 + C*(x**2+y**2) + D
A, B, C, D can be in x, y.
So far I have only tried collect(eqn, x**2 + y**2) and it returned the original equation.
Thank you!
Consider using a temporary symbol z = x**2 + y**2 and replace x**2 with z - y**2, then expand and restore:
>>> ex
A*x**6 + 3*A*x**4*y**2 + 3*A*x**2*y**4 + A*y**6 + B*x**4 + 2*B*x**2*y**2 +
B*y**4 + C*x**2 + C*y**2 + D
>>> ex.subs(x**2, z - y**2).expand().subs(z, x**2 + y**2)
A*(x**2 + y**2)**3 + B*(x**2 + y**2)**2 + C*(x**2 + y**2) + D
Although that works, perhaps a more direct thing to do is separate the expression by coefficients A-D and then factor those collections of terms:
def separatevars_additively(expr, symbols=[]):
free = set(symbols) or expr.free_symbols
d = {}
while free:
f = free.pop()
expr, dep = expr.as_independent(f, as_Add=True)
if dep.has(*free):
return None
d[f] = dep
if expr:
d[0] = expr
return d
>>> coeff = var("A:D")
>>> separatevars_additively(ex, coeff)
{B: B*x**4 + 2*B*x**2*y**2 + B*y**4, A: A*x**6 + 3*A*x**4*y**2 + 3*A*x**2*y**4 + A*y**6, D: D, C: C*x**2 + C*y**2}
>>> Add(*[factor(i) for i in _.values()])
A*(x**2 + y**2)**3 + B*(x**2 + y**2)**2 + C*(x**2 + y**2) + D

How to solve this differential equation in sympy?

I want to solve this differential equation in sympy:
f'(x) = f(x+1)
I try this:
from sympy import *
x = symbols("x")
f = Function("f")
f_ = Derivative(f,x)
dsolve(f_(x) - f(x+1), f(x))
but get an error: "'Derivative' object is not callable".
When I replace "f_(x)" by "f_", I get a different error: "TypeError: doit() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'".
What is the correct syntax for this?
You have to differentiate after providing an argument.
The following works for me:
from sympy import *
x = symbols("x")
f = Function("f")
f_ = Derivative(f(x),x)
dsolve(f_ - f(x+1), f(x))
Sidenote: Solution to your actual problem
What you have is essentially a DDE, just with the time pointing in the wrong direction. The typical form of the DDE would be g'(t) = −g(t−1). With this module of mine, we can solve this numerically:
from jitcdde import y, t, jitcdde
from numpy import arange
f = [-y(0,t-1)]
DDE = jitcdde(f)
times = arange(0,1000,0.1) + DDE.t
solution = [(time,DDE.integrate(time)[0]) for time in times]
It seems that no matter how we initialise the past, the solutions eventually converge to something of the form exp(a·t)·sin(b·t) with some constants a and b specified below. In fact if instead of DDE.constant_past([1.0]) we use
a = -0.318131477176434
b = 1.33723563936212
the solution matches exp(a·t)·sin(b·t) extremely well.
Something tells me we're on a hiding to nowhere. This is not a useful answer.
>>> from sympy import *
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> var('x')
>>> Eq(f(x).diff(x,x)-f(x+1))
Eq(-f(x + 1) + Derivative(f(x), x, x), 0)
>>> dsolve(_,f(x))
Eq(f(x), C1 + x*(C2 + Integral(f(x + 1), x)) - Integral(x*f(x + 1), x))
>>> latex(_)
'f{\\left (x \\right )} = C_{1} + x \\left(C_{2} + \\int f{\\left (x + 1 \\right )}\\, dx\\right) - \\int x f{\\left (x + 1 \\right )}\\, dx'
As a graphic (having tried various ways of putting the mathematical representation here.)

Defining a range for a symbol in Sympy

In Sympy it is possible to define constraints on what values a symbol may take
x = symbols('x', real=True)
Is it possible to say that a symbol should take values only in a certain range, say -1 < x < 1? The reason why I am interested in this is because I am trying to get sympy to automatically simplify expressions like the one below
expr = sqrt(1+x) * sqrt((1-x)*(1+x)) / sqrt(1-x)
Running simplify(expr) yields no simplification, whereas when -1<x<1 the simplified result should be 1+x. How do I get sympy to simplify expressions like the one above?
Although a single symbol can't hold that assumption, an expression can. Let's define an expression that has the desired range:
>>> p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
>>> neg1to1 = (p - 1)/(p + 1)
Now replace x with that value and simplify
>>> asp = expr.subs(x, neg1to1).simplify(); asp
2*p/(p + 1)
Now restore x from the relationship between it and neg1to1:
>>> p_as_x = solve(neg1to1 - x, p)[0]
>>> asp.subs(p, p_as_x).simplify()
x + 1
You could turn this into a function to allow for any range for x:
>>> def simplify_assuming_range(expr, x, lo, hi):
... from sympy import Dummy, solve
... p = Dummy(positive=True)
... xr = (p - 1)/(p + 1)*(hi - lo) + lo
... rx = solve(xr - x, p)[0]
... return expr.subs(x, xr).simplify().subs(p, rx).simplify()
>>> simplify_assuming_range(expr,x,-1,1)
x + 1
Using targeted expansion with force can help:
>>> expand(expr, power=True, force=True, mul=False)
x + 1
The expand docstring will tell about each of those options.