How to allow calls to Cognito from an AWS ECS container instance? - amazon-web-services

I have a setup with an ALB and a target group created by ECS, I'm using Fargate and created a build pipeline by following this article. My app is built with NET core, I have an Angular frontend. Got all this working, I'm able to deploy my code changes, but I'm a bit stuck with the following issue.
I'm using Cognito for authentication and a custom domain that I set for the hosted UI. It seems that, from the browser, when I try to hit an endpoint that is secured, I get a 504 Gateway error, which somehow is not doing the redirect to Cognito in the browser. All this works fine when I run the application on localhost.
When I looked at the logs, I noticed the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: 'https://cognito-idp.<region><region_and_a_code>/.well-known/openid-configuration'
Apparently, it can't establish a connection to Cognito. My containers are using only port 80, my target group instances are also using port 80, ALB uses HTTPS on 443 which directs the traffic to the target group, and for ALB port 80 I just redirect to 443.
I tried a few different things, like setting the authority value instead of the metadata address, tried using a BackChannelHttpHandler to execute the HTTPS call, tried updating the port mappings to allow communication on 443, but somehow it seems that it gets overridden by the task definition that I have created when I set up the build pipeline. The network mode in my task definition is now awsvpc, and if I try to set it to host, it will complain that I can't use it with Fargate.
What do I need to do to allow the HTTPS request from my Docker container instances to reach Cognito?

You are trying to set this up in a public ALB. This setup using a private NLB will work, might work with a private ALB as well. You can then set up vmc private links to get at the service's you need access too.


Proxy through EC2 Instance on lambda functions locally using squid

So I have a lambda function that sends a request to an API through the EC2 IP and everything works fine...
Except when I try to send the request locally while testing it doesn't work as the EC2 IP is the only whitelisted IP and my IP is dynamic so it changes alot
What I thought of doing is adding Squid and proxying through it which works fine if I use ssh to connect to it whether requests sent to http or https but that created another problem not all the developers will have access to that EC2 instance...
So I made it publically available and made basic authentication on it except now it doesn't requests to HTTPS unless its google or certain websites.
My question is that why do requests to HTTPS always not work when connecting to the proxy without the SSH tunnel but if it's on something like google it works instantly cause they have less redirects

Sending Requests from postman to AWS ec2 instance

I have my ec2 instance running a docker image and id like to test the functionality of my routes with postman, however whenever I ping the ec2 public dns, it says connection refused. I have the security group opened up for all traffic from my machine and am running the postman desktop app. The example route I'm trying to hit is
https://{IP address here}
and I'm sending a post request with some json in it. All of this works fine on my local machine. Please tell me what I'm missing?
You can't use https:. Instead you must use http: as default EC2 instance url does not support HTTPS. For valid https, the easiest way is to setup ALB or set it up on an instance directly.

gRPC in AWS Elastic Beanstalk load balancer / network setup

I have been at this for a couple of days and just cant figure it out.
I have tried this with gRPC in node.js and java on Elastic Beanstalk. On a normal VPS its quite simple just create a proxy grpcpass and it's set. I would like to move my micro services over to AWS Elastic Beanstalk but cant get the gRPC to connect.
What I did:
Created a new Java environment on Elastic Beanstalk and deployed my service. The gRPC server is on port 9086.
I have looked around the net and the closest thing I could find to a tutorial is New – Application Load Balancer Support for End-to-End HTTP/2 and gRPC but it does not cover how to setup the load balancer for gRPC for an instance.
Using the guide I made a few changes to the Target group like so:
Created a Target Group using the instances configuration
I have tried building the target group with both http and https for port 9086,
after creating the target group I registered the instance on the target group
After that I went to the load balancer and created a listener on port 443 and forwarded it to the target group. Port 443 is also open on the security policy.
The security listener settings pointing it to the AWS certificate allocated to the url.
I have tried both http and https on the target group on port 9086 but all my gRPC client calls fail with either status 13 or 14 meaning the request is not going through. I have confirmed in the logs the gRPC server is up and running.
Does anybody know where I am going wrong here? I feel like its something simple that I am missing, just can't find any tutorials or documentation on the proper way to set this up. Is what I am trying to do even possible on AWS Elastic Beanstalk?
From what I see on your screens, your ALB targets were added but they did not pass the health check. Meaning, that they are not allowed to accept any traffic yet.
You can find a good sample of a gRPC application with an implemented health check in the attached file in this article:

Cannot connect two ECS services via Service Discovery

I am new to AWS and I am trying to deploy simple app to AWS ECS. I have two simple docker containers, running in ECS Fargate:
‘Frontend’: Vue Js app, which makes a single request to backend;
‘Backend’: Django app, which serves the request;
Both services were launched within the same cluster, in default VPC and the same, single public subnet. For ‘Backend’ I configured Service Discovery: Namespace – test, Service Discovery Name – backend. Security group configured to allow All Traffic.
So, the problem is when frontend makes request:
I got error: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED backend.test:8000/api/get-test/
However, executing in AWS Cloud9 command: dig +short backend.test returns correct private IP of the backend container.
When I change request to something like
where is valid private IP of the backend container, I got following error:
However, if I spin out EC2 instance in the same VPC and subnet and SSH to it, I can ping backend container, and requests -
curl -v
as well as
curl -v http://backend.test:8000/api/get-test/
return desired response.
The only case when everything is working as expected is when the request is like
where is valid Public IP of the backend container.
I would appreciate any suggestion where look further or how to connect two containers via service discovery as right now I am out of ideas.
Based on the discussion in comments and description of the problem, the reason is that the Frontend’: Vue Js app executes on the client side, for example, in the browser.
This explains all the issues described and discussed:
axios.get('http://backend.test:8000/api/get-test/') does not work as on the client side you can't resolve privte hosted zone.
axios.get('') does not work because the is valid only in the VPC, not on the client's network.
spin out EC2 instance in the same VPC and subnet and SSH works because private hosted zones can be resolved inside VPC.
axios.get('') works because public IP can be used on the clinet side, unlike private IPs.

Websockets with AWS and Elastic Beanstalk

I'm trying to get my websockets working with Amazon Web Service and Elastic Beanstalk (ELB).
I set up a proxy protocol according to:
I've opened up all inbound traffic to my load balancer and other security groups on all ports, for all IPs.
I also kept the load balancer listerner as HTTP on port 80.
My websocket connection gives the following error when trying to connect on port 80:
failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
And this error on port 8080:
failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Would appreciate suggestions, I'm stuck at this point.
After configuring EC2 Security group your application will work with public IP.
But you still will get issue with using EB URL.
To solve this issue, you have to change EB configuration.
Go to EB environment page
In Load Balancing section change protocol from HTTP to TCP.
Now you can click EB URL.
I was also looking for possible workaround for this issue, but it's quite easy irrespective of what platform language you are using to develop websocket program on AWS EC2, as am using Node.js nginx in my case, this should work for all supporting platforms.
Configure Security Group
In the AWS console, open the EC2 tab.
Select the relevant region and click on Security Group.
You should have an elasticbeanstalk-default security group if you
have launched an Elastic Beanstalk instance in that region for your
click on Actions button at top, and select Edit inbound rules.
here in Type column select All TCP, or you can set some Custom TCP
rule as well to listen at your websocket port.
And that's it!
Note: If something is not working, check the "Events" tab in the Beanstalk application / environments and find out what went wrong.
AWS has launched new Application Load Balancer that supports web sockets. Change your ELB to Application Load Balancer and that will fix your issue.
You should create reverse proxy for Nginx server. You can include this config file in you .ebextensions folder to make Nginx support WS.
Also in the EBS's load balancer configuration change the protocol from HTTP to TCP.
Refer this blog to set up secure WebSocket.
This is a very old post but having searched around for answers on this I have found two things you need to do to get websockets on a custom port working with AWS EB.
Under the configuration of your EB environment. Go to Software and add an environment variable there. Make sure this is a case sensitive match with your code.
Again under the configuration of your EB environment. Go to Load Balancer and add the custom port as a listener.
Make sure you save the new listener under the config and on reload it should be routing websocket traffic on a custom port