My condition doesnt work apprpraite in flutter for string - list

I have a list that stored by sqflite in flutter app, when i open the page i run this code in initState method to produce elements :
String => e!=null ? e.s_redio_q : ' ').toString();
print("val_s_list: $_val_s_list"); printed: ///val_s_list: (1)
///method to return a string
out of init state defined method as below:
String val_s;
String choosen_radio_s(_val_s_list){
setState(() {
return val_p1="1";
return val_p1="2";
///print: val_s: 2
but i can not understand why this is not currect on first condition and always returns val_p1="2",
could some one help me about it??


The method 'putIfAbsent' was called on null

I am trying to create a LinkedHashMap and populate it with a DateTime as the key and a List as the value in my flutter app. I keep running into problems with creating this.
Here is what I am trying right now without success:
List<dynamic> _getEventsForDay(DateTime day) {
for (int i = 0; i < eventDoc.length; i++ ) {
if (day.year == eventDate.year && == && day.month == eventDate.month) {
List<dynamic> eventList = [];
return kEvents.putIfAbsent(eventDateUTC, () => eventList);
Everything is working except the last line and the putIfAbsent call. The eventDateUTC and the eventList both have values.
I am getting this error when I try to execute the
return kEvents.putIfAbsent(eventDateUTC, () => eventList);
line. When this line executes I get this error:
The method 'putIfAbsent' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: putIfAbsent(Instance of 'DateTime', Closure: () => List<dynamic>)
kEvents is declared like this:
LinkedHashMap<DateTime, List> kEvents;
I am sure I am missing something small but I don't have enough experience with flutter to know what it is. Please help if you can.

How to iterate a class?

This is my final codes just in case anyone needs it:
int index = -2; //I am not 100% sure why I need to start -2, but I assume that `forEach((item){})` probably increase `index` by one, and I also increase `index` inside of the loop, so that's probably why.
recyclable.forEach((item) {
if (item.title == _outputs[0]["label"]) {
//your code for when the match is found
//move to the detailed page to show more description
builder: (context) => DetailScreen(recyclable: recyclable[index]),
I created a class named Recyclable, and using the class, I created a list named recyclable. The list recyclable has a string named title, and I am trying to iterate that title to find a match with _outputs[0]["label"].
To do it, I tried the following code:
while (_outputs[0]["label"] != recyclable[index].title) {
Somehow, there was a red underline for index, which I have no idea why.
I also tried for loop as below to remove that red underline by removing index from my code:
for (var _outputs[0]["label"] in recyclable.title) {
But the code seems to be completely off.
FYI, Here is my class Recyclable:
class Recyclable {
final String title;
final String description;
final String instruction;
final String why;
final String
recycle; //put either "recyclable" or "not recyclable" (This item "can be recycled")
final String
donate; //put either "can be donated" or "cannot be donated" (This item "can be donated")
Recyclable(this.title, this.description, this.instruction, this.why,
this.recycle, this.donate);
And here is the list:
List<Recyclable> recyclable = [
Recyclable('PAPERS', 'abc2', 'instruction123', 'why123', 'recyclable',
'cannot be donated'),
Recyclable('CLOTHING', 'abc3', 'instruction123', 'why123', 'recyclable',
'can be donated'),
Recyclable('CARDBOARDS', 'abc4', 'instruction123', 'why123',
'can be recycled', 'cannot be donated'),
Recyclable('COMPUTERS', 'abc4', 'instruction123', 'why123', 'recyclable',
'can be donated'),
One way you can iterate over the recyclable list is like this using forEach method
if(item.title == _outputs[0]["label"]){
//your code for when the match is found

Assert a string contains a certain value (and fail the test if it doesn't)

As part of my nightwatch.js testing, I have the following code that will list all the values of an element (in this case, a list of UK towns);
"Page 2 Location SEO Crawl paths are displayed": function (browser) {
browser.elements('xpath', '//a[contains(#href,"location")]', function (results) { {
browser.elementIdAttribute(element.ELEMENT, 'innerText', function(res) {
var resme = res.value;
This correctly list all the element values, as such;
What I'd now like to do is check that Nottingham is listed in the result, and Fail the test if it's not.
I installed the assert npm package to see if that would help, which changed my code to;
"Page 2 Location SEO Crawl paths are displayed": function (browser) {
browser.elements('xpath', '//a[contains(#href,"location")]', function (results) { {
browser.elementIdAttribute(element.ELEMENT, 'innerText', function(res) {
var resme = res.value;
if (resme.includes("Nottingham")) {
else {
but this didn't work, as I kept getting the following error;
Is using the assert package the best way of testing this, or it there a more straightforward way of asserting that Nottingham is included in this list, and the tests fails if it's not.
I've tried using resme.includes("Nottingham"), but this doesn't fail the test.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like the inner-most function (the one that has res as parameter) is called for every item, and resme is the item you are currently iterating, not an array, so the includes function is not working as expected.
I'm not familiar with this library but I guess you have to do something like this:
"Page 2 Location SEO Crawl paths are displayed": function (browser) {
var found = false;
browser.elements('xpath', '//a[contains(#href,"location")]', function (results) { {
browser.elementIdAttribute(element.ELEMENT, 'innerText', function(res) {
var resme = res.value;
if (resme === "Nottingham") {
found = true;
// Maybe return something like null or 0 to stop iterating (would depend on your library).
You init a variable "found" with a false value, and when you iterate over every value you set it to true if you find it. Optionally, you should break the iteration at that point. When the whole process is finished, assert that you found the value you wanted.

How to Set Multple Regex Costraints on textbox in ZKOSS

I have a textbox which should only accept Characters:-for that first regex has been set in constraint and it should not accept some reserved keywords that are A,R,F,U .Since two different constraints are set ,i want user to see the specific message ,for first it should be Illegal Value i.e default zkoss error and when he/she enters a reserved character ,it should show that reserved code has been put.
But somehow the following code doesnt work :
field_code.setConstraint("/[a-zA-Z]/ : {Illegal Value} ,/[^AaRrUuFf]/ : Reserved Code");
The output is the first regex works fine but on offending the same " {Illegal Value} ,/[^AaRrUuFf]/ : Reserved Code" is displayed as error.
You can't do it in the zul, but with help of a SimpleConstraint you could create this.
Create your own class, and extend SimpleConstraint.
Then hold 2 Matcher vars for each constraint.
At last, override the Validate method to something like this :
public void validate(Component comp, Object value) {
if (value != null && value instanceof String) {
String stringValue = (String) value;
if (!expression1.reset(stringValue).matches()) {
throw new WrongValueException(comp, errorMsg1);
if (!expression2.reset(stringValue).matches()) {
throw new WrongValueException(comp,errorMsg2);
} else {
// do what needs to be done when value is null or not a String.

Groovy/Grails: Declaring a JsonBuilder inside a loop without overwriting previously generated jsons

Hello I am trying to create a list of json objects in groovy
List relClinicStatementList = []
for (BloodTestRow row in BTList){
def jsonListBuilder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
def internalJson = jsonListBuilder{
'targetRelationshipToSource' {
'code' 'part-of'
'codeSystem' 'MG'
'code' "${row.exam}"
'codeSystem' 'mobiguide'
'displayName' "${row.exam}"
'observationValue' {
'physicalQuantity' {
'value' "${row.value}"
'unit' "${row.unit}"
println jsonListBuilder.toPrettyString()
And the toPrettyString() method correctly shows the json structure I want.
However if at the end of the loop I try to print all of the items I have in the list like this:
for (JsonBuilder entry in relClinicStatementList){
println entry.toPrettyString()
I get all the elements inside my relClinicalStatement list to be equal to the latest I created... I felt like declaring a new JsonBuilder at each loop would prevent this behaviour... am I missing something? I must admit I come from Java and have the feeling that using groovy classes here makes this behave a little differently from what I expect.
How do I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance
I can't reproduce the behaviour you are seeing, but I think the problem is that I don't believe internalJson is what you think it is (it's a list of 2 closures).
If you change your code to:
List relClinicStatementList = btList.collect { row ->
new groovy.json.JsonBuilder( {
targetRelationshipToSource {
code 'part-of'
codeSystem 'MG'
observationResult {
observationFocus {
code "$row.exam"
codeSystem 'mobiguide'
displayName "$row.exam"
observationValue {
physicalQuantity {
value "$row.value"
unit "$row.unit"
} )
relClinicStatementList.each { entry ->
println entry.toPrettyString()
Does it work as you'd expect?