Camunda Can't find scripting engine for 'python': scriptEngine is null - camunda

The process could not be started. :
Cannot instantiate process definition Process_03eqpht:3:7ff29d88-51a6-11ec-820b-4e796e7082df: Can't find scripting engine for 'python': scriptEngine is null
I have install camunda and running it but when i run new process which has python as script define in it. Camunda throw error for python and groovy script.
I have python already installed in system.
This is camunda workflow:-
Running of camunda:

You need to add a Scripting Engine that can run Phyton.
There is support for Jyton:
Camunda Platform supports scripting with JSR-223 compatible script engine implementations. Currently we test the integration for Groovy, JavaScript, JRuby and Jython. To use a scripting engine it is necessary to add the corresponding jar to the classpath.
See the documentation:
I haven't done that - but here is a discussion on how to use Camunda with Python:


Using newer version of nodejs in a ruby project with cloud foundary

My project is using the latest ruby-buildpack which currently loads nodejs 6.14.4. I'd like to use a more current version of nodejs. What's the best way to get it exposed to the application? Does multi-buildpacks solve this problem, and if so, do I list the nodejs buildpack before or after the ruby buildpack in the manifest file? Or, would it be better to package a custom buildpack?
What's the best way to get it exposed to the application? Does multi-buildpacks solve this problem,
I think multi-buildpacks should work for you. You can put Nodejs as a supply buildpack which would tell it to install Node.js, whatever version you want. Then the Ruby buildpack would run and Node.js should be available on the path while it runs so you can use it to do whatever you want.
and if so, do I list the nodejs buildpack before or after the ruby buildpack in the manifest file
The last buildpack should be the buildpack which supplies the command to start your app. Only the final buildpack is allowed to pick the command which starts your app. Other buildpacks, called supply buildpacks, only contribute/install dependencies.
It sounds like that should be the Ruby buildpack in your case.
Or, would it be better to package a custom buildpack?
I'd strongly advise against this. Forking and maintaining a buildpack is a lot of work. Let other people do this work for you and you'll be a lot happier :)

How to run C++ files on the Google Cloud Functions?

From what I am aware, Google Cloud Functions only allows you to deploy NodeJs or Python scripts.
Question: How would I be able to deploy a simple Hello_World.cpp on Google Cloud Functions? For example, writing a hello world HTTP function.
What are alternate methods to do this? I want to use serverless approach, since it's cheapest method. Therefore, that is why I'm going with Google Cloud Functions. Would I have to use docker in order to run C++ files? I've been stuck on this for a while and any guidance or help would be appreciated.
You can compile your C++ function into a WebAssembly module using emscripten. Then you can call it from a small nodejs glue code.
I built an example for you here:
You can run C++ Code by node.js on google cloud functions (tested with node.js 10)
how to using C++ and N-API (node-addon-api)
use and click CREATE FUNCTION to upload .zip or gcloud functions deploy --runtime nodejs10 --trigger-http
The trick is when you zip file you need to remove /build and /node_modules folder then use command line by cd to folder of index.js and 'zip -r *'
ps. when I use firebase deploy --only functions it will error because it doesn't know file addon.node format (in fact it shouldn't read this file because it need to be recompiled) but I think if we using gcloud functions command line with .gcloudignore for /build and /node_modules it will success
I think when you deploy node.js source code to cloud functions it will run npm install and your C++ code will be compiled too (like npm run build will be auto run after npm install)
You can't use C++ on Cloud Functions, period. You can only use Node.js 6.14, Node.js 8.11.1 (beta) and Python 3.7 (also beta).
If you wish to use C++ in GCP with a serverless approach, my best suggestion would be running your own Custom Runtime in App Engine. You would still need to configure some instances options, but you don't have to manage servers and so on.
You can only use App Engine Flexible Environment (or, of course, standard VM architecture, Compute Engine). Extract from the docs (
Runtimes - The flexible environment includes native support for Java 8
(with no web-serving framework), Eclipse Jetty 9, Python 2.7 and Python 3.6,
Node.js, Ruby, PHP, .NET core, and Go. Developers can customize these
runtimes or provide their own runtime by supplying a custom Docker image
or Dockerfile from the open source community.
As an interesting side note, Google Serverless Containers will give you the chance to deploy your dockerized application but in a serverless flavour (in fact it's built on top of Google Cloud Functions technology). It's currently in Alpha stage.

JMeter execution on Unix based AWS server

We have an AWS Unix server where we have to do performance tests.
So is it possible to run jmeter on Unix aws servers ?
If it possible, please let me know
JMeter is based on Java, as a consequence it works on any OS that supports Java.
And Unix is one of those, so you can use it without any problem on :
We frequently use in on AWS without problem.
Just like on Windows, just use instead of jmeter.bat. JMeter works wherever Java works so
Make sure you have installed Java 8 or later which is a pre-requisite for the latest (as of now) JMeter 4.0. Refer your Unix distribution documentation with regards to how to install Java
Install JMeter (just download it and unpack somewhere)
Create a JMeter script (you can do this on any operating system) using JMeter GUI
Copy the script and all the dependencies (CSV files, files used for uploads, etc.) to the Unix server
Run JMeter normally in command-line non-GUI mode like:
./ -n -t /path/to/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/results.jtl

spark-ec2 not recognized when lauching cluster on windows 8.1

I'm a complete beginner on spark. I'm trying to run spark on Amazon EC2, but my system does not recognize "spark-ec2" or "./spark-ec2". It says "spark-ec2" is not recognized as an internal or external command.
I followed the instruction here to launch a cluster. I would like to use Scala, how do I make it work?
Add PYTHON PATH environment variable with boto.
And execute the python script
In order to run the Spark-EC2 script on Windows you need Cygwin and Python. If you don't want to install these programs, you can use the dockerized version of the script (, which only depends on Docker.

How to use python build script with teamcity CI?

I am currently researching using the TeamCity CI software for our comapanies CI automation needs but have had trouble finding information about using different build scripts with TeamCity. We have C++ projects that need to have build/test automation and we currently have licenses for TeamCity. I have looked into using scons for the build automation but havent been able to find much information about using a python build script with TeamCity. If anyone could provide information about this to a CI beginner would be much appreciated.
We use TeamCity to run our acceptance test suite (which uses Robot Framework - done in python).
Getting it to run was as simple as wrapping the python call with a very simple NAnt script. It does 2 things:
Uses an exec task to run python with the script as an argument.
Gets the xml output from the build and transforms it into something teamcity can understand.
There are probably tasks to run python scripts directly with NAnt but we've not had to use them - it was pretty easy to get up and running. You could do the same sort of thing using Ant or whatever depending on what your platform was.