Odd first run behavior, possible Swift timing issue? - swiftui

I'm finishing up online auditing of Stanford CS193P class (great class BTW) and I have an oddity on my last assignment. I have created a theme data store and I use it to select a theme (color, number of pairs of cards, emoji) and then kick off and play a matching game. That works fine. Using an edit button, the user can edit a theme and change any of the theme elements.
I run into a problem the first time I use the edit button and select a theme to edit. My code acts as if the #State myEditTheme is nil. If I force unwrap it it crashes. I have put it in a nil-coalescing option as shown, the edit window comes up with the first theme in the array. Any subsequent edit attempts work normally.
In the tap gesture function, I set the value of the #State var myEditTheme, then I set the themeEditing to true. My debug print statement indicates that the myEditTheme has been properly set. When the sheet(isPresented: $themeEditing) presents the ThemeEditor in a "sheet" view, the initial value of myEditTheme is nil.
Is there a timing issue between when I set it in the tap function and when Swift senses that themeEditing is true? The code below is obviously not functional as is, I have edited it for conciseness, only showing relevant portions.
struct ThemeManager: View {
#EnvironmentObject var store: ThemeStore // injected
#State private var editMode: EditMode = .inactive
// inject a binding to List and Edit button
#State private var myEditTheme: Theme?
#State private var themeEditing = false
// used to control .sheet presentation for theme editing
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(store.themes) { theme in
NavigationLink(destination: ContentView(viewModel: EmojiMemoryGame(theme: theme))) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
} // end VStack
.sheet(isPresented: $themeEditing) {
ThemeEditor(theme: $store.themes[myEditTheme ?? theme])
.gesture(editMode == .active ? tap(theme) : nil)
} // end NavigationLink
} // end ForEach
} // end List
.navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) // removes large title, leaves small inline one
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem { EditButton() }
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
.environment(\.editMode, $editMode)
} // NavigationView
} // body
private func tap(_ theme:Theme) -> some Gesture {
TapGesture().onEnded {
myEditTheme = theme
print("edit theme: \(myEditTheme)")
themeEditing = true


SwiftUI List with #FocusState and focus change handling

I want to use a List, #FocusState to track focus, and .onChanged(of: focus) to ensure the currently focused field is visible with ScrollViewReader. The problem is: when everything is setup together the List rebuilds constantly during scrolling making the scrolling not as smooth as it needs to be.
I found out that the List rebuilds on scrolling when I attach .onChanged(of: focus). The issue is gone if I replace List with ScrollView, but I like appearance of List, I need sections support, and I need editing capabilities (e.g. delete, move items), so I need to stick to List view.
I used Self._printChanges() in order to see what makes the body to rebuild itself when scrolling and the output was like:
ContentView: _focus changed.
ContentView: _focus changed.
ContentView: _focus changed.
ContentView: _focus changed.
And nothing was printed from the closure attached to .onChanged(of: focus). Below is the simplified example, the smoothness of scrolling is not a problem in this example, however, once the List content is more or less complex the smooth scrolling goes away and this is really due to .onChanged(of: focus) :(
Question: Are there any chances to listen for focus changes and not provoke the List to rebuild itself on scrolling?
struct ContentView: View {
enum Field: Hashable {
case fieldId(Int)
#FocusState var focus: Field?
#State var text: String = ""
var body: some View {
List {
let _ = Self._printChanges()
ForEach(0..<100) {
TextField("Enter the text for \($0)", text: $text)
.focused($focus, equals: .fieldId($0))
.onChange(of: focus) { _ in
print("Not printed unless focused manually")
if you add printChanges to the beginning of the body, you can monitor the views and see that they are being rendered by SwiftUI (all of them on each focus lost and focus gained)
var body: some View {
let _ = Self._printChanges() // <<< ADD THIS TO SEE RE-RENDER
so after allot of testing, it seams that the problem is with .onChange, once you add it SwiftUI will redraw all the Textfields,
the only BYPASS i found is to keep using the deprecated API as it works perfectly, and renders only the two textfields (the one that lost focus, and the one that gained the focus),
so the code should look this:
struct ContentView: View {
enum Field: Hashable {
case fieldId(Int)
// #FocusState var focus: Field? /// NO NEED
#State var text: String = ""
var body: some View {
List {
let _ = Self._printChanges()
ForEach(0..<100) {
TextField("Enter the text for \($0)", text: $text)
// .focused($focus, equals: .fieldId($0)) /// NO NEED
// .onChange(of: focus) { _ in /// NO NEED
// print("Not printed unless focused manually") /// NO NEED
// } /// NO NEED
.focusable(true, onFocusChange: { focusNewValue in
print("Only textfileds that lost/gained focus will print this")
I recommend to consider separation of list row content into standalone view and use something like focus "selection" approach. Having FocusState internal of each row prevents parent view from unneeded updates (something like pre-"set up" I assume).
Tested with Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5
struct ContentView: View {
enum Field: Hashable {
case fieldId(Int)
#State private var inFocus: Field?
var body: some View {
List {
let _ = Self._printChanges()
ForEach(0..<100, id: \.self) {
ExtractedView(i: $0, inFocus: $inFocus)
.onChange(of: inFocus) { _ in
print("Not printed unless focused manually")
struct ExtractedView: View {
let i: Int
#Binding var inFocus: Field?
#State private var text: String = ""
#FocusState private var focus: Bool // << internal !!
var body: some View {
TextField("Enter the text for \(i)", text: $text)
.onChange(of: focus) { _ in
inFocus = .fieldId(i) // << report selection outside

swiftui how to find out if a sheet is currently being presented

I have an app with many nested views, some which show a sheet based on a user action.
But I also have a sheet that I'd like to present on the main view based on a timer (ie, not a user action). But you can't have 2 sheets at the same time, so I'd like to check "something" to see if a sheet is already up, and not present the one from the timer.
I'd like to do this in a general way, and not check every place in the code where a sheet might be presented.
Any suggestions?
Ideally there'd be something in the core framework that could be queried to answer the question "Is there a sheet being shown?", but as a commenter pointed out, that is fraught with peril.
So I just decided to leave it alone, that the "default" behavior is fine (ie, it'll defer presenting the sheet until any other sheet is dismissed). In my case this is preferred to any other gyrations.
Eek! I just found out that if the sheet from the timer is popped up while an Alert is showing...it ruins the app. Once you dismiss the alert, any attempt to bring up any sheet anywhere fails. It's as if things got out of sync somewhere. I believe this is similar to:
Lingering popover causes a problem with alerts
If you have alerts in your app, you don't really want to do this.
Here is how you can handle the sheets - the example below is fully functioning, just pass the view model to the environment before calling TabsView() in the App.
Create an Identifiable object that will handle all the sheets in the program:
// This struct can manage all sheets
struct CustomSheet: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let screen: TypeOfSheet
// All sheets should fit here
var content: some View {
switch screen {
case .type1:
case .type2(let text):
SheetType2(text: text)
// All types of sheets should fit here
enum TypeOfSheet {
case type1
case type2(text: String)
case none
Create one optional #Published var and one function in the view model; the var will tell the program what sheet is open:
// Code to be included in the view model, so it can
// handle AND track all the sheets
class MyViewModel: ObservableObject {
// This is THE variable that will tell the code whether a sheet is open
// (and also which one, if necessary)
#Published var sheetView: CustomSheet?
func showSheet(_ sheet: CustomSheet.TypeOfSheet) {
// Dismiss any sheet that is already open
sheetView = nil
switch sheet {
case .none:
sheetView = CustomSheet(screen: sheet)
open the sheets by calling the function viewModel.showSheet(...)
use .sheet(item:) to observe the type of sheet to open
use viewModel.sheet.screen to know what sheet is open
sheets can also be dismissed using viewModel.showSheet(.none)
// Example: how to use the view model to present and track sheets
struct TabsView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel: MyViewModel
var body: some View {
TabView {
VStack {
Text("First tab. Sheet is \(String(describing: viewModel.sheetView?.screen ?? .none))")
Button("Open sheet type 1") {
// Show a sheet of the first type
.tabItem {Label("Tab 1", systemImage: "house")}
VStack {
Text("Second tab. Sheet is \(viewModel.sheetView == nil ? "Hidden" : "Shown")")
Button("Open sheet type 2") {
// Show a sheet of the second type
viewModel.showSheet(.type2(text: "parameter"))
.tabItem {Label("Tab 2", systemImage: "plus")}
// Open a sheet - the one selected in the view model
.sheet(item: $viewModel.sheetView) { sheet in
The following code completes the minimal reproducible example:
// Just some sample views for the sheets
struct SheetType1: View {
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel: MyViewModel
var body: some View {
Text("Takes no parameters. Sheet is \(viewModel.sheetView == nil ? "Hidden" : "Shown")")
struct SheetType2: View {
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel: MyViewModel
let text: String
var body: some View {
Text("Takes a string: \(text). Sheet is \(String(describing: viewModel.sheetView?.screen ?? .none))")
struct MyApp: App {
let viewModel = MyViewModel()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {

Sheet is Only Presented Once in SwiftUI

I have an app which presents a sheet. It works for the first time but when I click on it again it does not work. I am making isPresented false when you dismiss a sheet but when I tap on the Filter button again, it does not show the sheet.
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var isPresented: Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(1...20, id: \.self) { index in
.toolbar {
Button("Filters") {
isPresented = true
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresented) {
isPresented = false
} content: {
import SwiftUI
struct FilterView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) private var presentationMode
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Button {
// action
} label: {
struct FilterView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
A couple of things to note from my experience.
Firstly, when using the isPresented binding to show a sheet, you don't need to reset the bound value in a custom onDismiss handler to reset it to false - that's handled for you internally by SwiftUI as part of the dismiss action.
So your modifier can be simplified a little:
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresented) {
Secondly, when running an app in the Simulator I've noticed that when you come back to the main view after dismissing a sheet you have to interact with the app somehow before clicking on the toolbar button, or the action won't trigger.
In cases like this, just scrolling the list up or down a little would be enough, and then the toolbar button works as you'd expect.
I've not encountered the same thing while running apps on a physical device – whether that's because the bug isn't present, or just that it's a lot easier to interact with the app in some microscopic form of gesture, I couldn't say.

SwiftUI for macOS: Expand clickable area of a TextField in a ForEach view of a List

As a hobby project, I'm developing a SwiftUI app targeted for macOS.
I have a CoreData entity (let's call it Sample) with a String property called title.
In my main view (SamplesView) I'm displaying a List of Samples, and I want titles be editable directly from the list. For that, I've made a sub-view (SampleRowView) with a TextField, and I'm displaying this sub-view in the List using ForEach.
It works and looks okayish. Though, I can edit the title only if I click directly on the TextField's text (point 1 on the screenshot). If I click on the "empty" part of the TextField (f.e. point 2) it does not respond. I thought that the shape of the TextField is limited somehow by the length of its text, but as visible on the screenshot, TextField occupies the whole row.
Appreciate any help and ideas about how to make the TextField respond to click on its any point, not only on the text.
// "Sample" is a CoreData entity
public class Sample: NSManagedObject {
#NSManaged public var title: String
// This is the main view
struct SamplesView: View {
var samples: FetchedResults<Sample>
var body: some View {
VStack {
List {
ForEach(samples) { sample in
SampleRowView(sample: sample)
.onDelete(perform: deleteSample)
// List rows with editable Sample's title
struct SampleRowView: View {
#ObservedObject var sample: Sample
var body: some View {
TextField("", text: $sample.title)
The problem is the same even on the fresh project. Also, if I change TextField with TextEditor the behavior is kinda expected.
Digging a bit more into it:
TextField inside a List in SwiftUI on macOS: Editing not working well
Editable TextField in SwiftUI List
SwiftUI make ForEach List row properly clickable for edition in EditMode
I've found that it seems to be a bug in SwiftUI, and for now the only solution is to somehow replace the List with ScrollView with custom item moving and deletion. This is sad.
import SwiftUI
struct Sample: Identifiable {
let id: Int
var title: String
init(id: Int) {
self.id = id
self.title = "Sample \(id)"
struct TestView: View {
#State var samples = [Sample(id: 1), Sample(id: 2)]
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach($samples) { $sample in
TextField("", text: $sample.title) // .textFieldStyle(.squareBorder) -- doesn't help
// TextEditor(text: $sample.title) // This works as expected
struct SampleApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
I'm using XCode Version 13.2.1, Swift 5, MacOS deployment target 11.6.
You could try to add
to your View element.
I use it along with Text()-Instances which allows me to accept clicks not only on the written part of the View element, but everywhere within its bounds.

Toggle a button on Navigation Bar in SwiftUI & have it change appearance

Using SwiftUI, I would like to have the ability to change the button on my NavigationView based upon some Bool value indicating if it should be On or Off.
This would behave similar to how with UIKit you can replace a bar button item on either side of the screen to show a different button & associated action upon clicking.
I am able to get it working with the following code, but I am not certain if this is the best way to accomplish it, so am open to improvement.
import SwiftUI
struct HomeList: View {
#State var isOn = true
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(1 ..< 4) { index in
Text("Row \(index)")
.navigationBarTitle(Text(verbatim: "Title"), displayMode: .inline)
Button(action: {
self.isOn = !self.isOn
}, label: {
Text(self.isOn ? "On" : "Off")
The key pieces being:
Using the #State modifier on my isOn variable, which tells my interface to invalidate & re-render upon changes
Having my Button action modify isOn &it can also support other actions if I need
The ternary operator in my Button label that updates the Text (or an Image if I want) to reflect the correct appearance
Finally, how it appears in action: