Use MFC CRichEditCtrl to display QR code with proper size - c++

I am trying to display a QR code in a MFC CRichEditCtrl, but the resulting size is way too small.
This is the code I'm using to put the QR into the edit control:
SETTEXTEX TextInfo = {0};
TextInfo.flags = ST_SELECTION;
TextInfo.codepage = CP_UTF8;
LRESULT res = ::SendMessage(m_editQR.m_hWnd, EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&TextInfo, (LPARAM)buffer);
The "buffer" parameter is a char array; its content is read from a UTF-8 file containing the QR code string. This file shows this way in Notepad++:
The QR code also shows correctly if I print the same buffer in a console app I made for tests.
However, the QR code is shown in my MFC testing app like this:
It looks like a problem with the size of the font used to render the QR (I'm using the default for the Rich Edit control). So I tried to change the font and its size.
This is the code I'm using to set up the char format:
CHARFORMAT selCharformat;
selCharformat.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT);
selCharformat.dwMask = CFM_FACE | CFM_SIZE | CFM_CHARSET;
selCharformat.yHeight = 20*8;
selCharformat.bCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
selCharformat.bPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
lstrcpy(selCharformat.szFaceName, _T("Console"));
BOOL bRes = m_editQR.SetSelectionCharFormat(selCharformat);
But then the QR is messed up, like this:
I guess there is a problem with the setup of my Rich Edit ctrl, but can't find the correct settings (I'm not very experienced with MFC).
Can you guys help?


Sitecore How to get the value inside the field 'Media' of a Media Item

Update 2:
I am still fighting to get the Icon save on the server.
Here what I am doing:
Item item = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(imageId);
var imageIconUrl = Sitecore.Resources.Images.GetThemedImageSource(item.Appearance.Icon, ImageDimension.id32x32);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageIconUrl))
// download the icon from the url
var iconFullPath = "e:\\pngIcons\\excelIcon.png";
var webClient = new System.Net.WebClient();
var downloadPath = "http://serverName/" + imageIconUrl;
webClient.DownloadFile(downloadPath, iconFullPath);
The variable downloadPath contains following string:
At the end what I can see is a png file but there is nothing in it. I also copy the string I get in variable downloadPath and pasted it in browser and I can see the Icon as follow:
Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Or How I can save the Icon. Thanks!!
Original Question:
The sitecore media item has a field "Media". I am talking about this:
I want to access this field. And the reason is:
If I access it with e.g. item.GetMediaStream() then I will get the complete file. I just want to save this little icon some how on the server. Is it possible ?
To get the icon/thumbnail you can use
var icon = Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetThumbnailUrl(mediaItem);
To get the url of the thumbnail.
If you want the stream of the thumbnail you need to use the MediaData object. Like this:
var mediaItem = new MediaItem(item)
var mediaData = new MediaData(mediaItem);
var iconStream = mediaData.GetThumbnailStream();
if (iconStream.Length < 0)
// The stream is empty, its probably a file that Sitecore can't
// generate a thumbnail for. Just use the Icon
var icon = item.Appearance.Icon;
This will get the icon or thumbnail of the actual media blob that is attached to the media item. If you just want the icon of the Sitecore item, then use Martins method.
If the stream is empty, then Sitecore can't generate a thumbnail for it, so you can just use the icon file for the media item template. item.Appearance.Icon
Appearance section (of Standard Template) has a field called Icon - this is where you can modify icon for the item. There is also a field called Thumbnail - your excel icon is sitting there
You can access the field programmatically, just mind that it starts with two underscores: __Icon:
var iconField = item.Fields["__Icon"];
var thumbnailField = item.Fields["__Thumbnail"];
Update: As you asked, below is the code that saves either of fields into the file on a drive. I have tested the code and confirm successfully stores icon from thumbnail field into the file:
string mediaItemPath = "/sitecore/media library/Files/ExcelFile";
string mediaFiedlName = "Thumbnail"; // also can be "__Icon"
var item = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(mediaItemPath);
var iconField = item.Fields[mediaFiedlName];
if (iconField.HasBlobStream)
var thumb = (ImageField)iconField;
var bl = ((MediaItem)thumb.MediaItem).InnerItem.Fields["blob"];
Stream stream = bl.GetBlobStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
using (FileStream fs = File.Create("D:\\you_file_name.ico")) // change your path
int length;
length = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
fs.Write(buffer, 0, length);
while (length > 0);
Update 2: If that does not help then I would advise to look around the way how that icon gets generated on Media field in Sitecore. In the worst case you may do the following - right click that icon and see its url. You will have something similar to what I assign to variable below:
string url = "http://test81/sitecore/shell/Applications/-/media/B4F61650CBE84EE396649602C0C48E1B.ashx?bc=White&db=master&h=128&la=en&mw=640&thn=1&vs=1&ts=b8046903-ae57-4f9d-9dd5-b626ee5eee90";
Of course your URL should have your hostname and media prefix and the rest of parameters. Then use Webclient with that modified URL:
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.DownloadFile(url, "e:\\you_file_name.ico");
Not ideal, but may work. Note, that the code above should work in a context of already logged user, so you need to authorise you Webclient prior that (many articles on S.O. how to do that).
Please reply if that approach has worked for you (I've spent decent time writing and testing that code in debugger, so would want to know whether that helped)

Set line spacing in QTextEdit

I want to set the line spacing of a QTextEdit.
It's no problem to get that information with
But how to set that?
I tried with StyleSheets, but that didn't work:
this->setStyleSheet("QTextEdit{ height: 200%; }");
this->setStyleSheet("QTextEdit{ line-height: 200%; }");
Partial solution:
Well, I've found a solution - not the way I wanted it, but at least it's simple and it gives nearly my intended behavior, enough for my proof of concept.
On every new line there's some linespacing. But if you just type until the text is automatically wrapped to a new line you wont have line-spacing between this two lines. This hack only works with text blocks, see the code.
Just keep in mind it's brute force and a ugly hack. But it provides some kind of line-spacing to your beautiful QTextEdit. Call it everytime your text changes.
void setLineSpacing(int lineSpacing) {
int lineCount = 0;
for (QTextBlock block = this->document()->begin(); block.isValid();
block =, ++lineCount) {
QTextCursor tc = QTextCursor(block);
QTextBlockFormat fmt = block.blockFormat();
if (fmt.topMargin() != lineSpacing
|| fmt.bottomMargin() != lineSpacing) {
The QFontMetrics contains (per the name) static properties that come from the font file. How wide a capital "C" is, etc. lineSpacing() gets you the natural distance in single-spacing that the person who designed the font encoded into the font itself. If you actually wanted to change that (you don't)...the somewhat complicated story of how is told here:
As for the line spacing in a looks (to me) like that is seen as one of the things that falls under Qt's extensibility model for specifying text "layouts":
You would supply your own layout class to the QTextDocument instead of using the default. Someone tried it here but did not post their completed code:
I know this is an old question, but I've spent a lot of time today trying to solve this for PyQt5 5.15.2. I'm posting my solution in case it is useful to others. The solution is for Python, but should be easily transferable.
The following code will change the line height to 150% for a populated QTextEdit widget in one go. Further editing will pick up the current block format, and continue applying it. I've found it to be very slow for large documents though.
textEdit = QTextEdit()
# ... load text into widget here ...
blockFmt = QTextBlockFormat()
blockFmt.setLineHeight(150, QTextBlockFormat.ProportionalHeight)
theCursor = textEdit.textCursor()
Applying blockformat to entire document rather than each line works.
QTextBlockFormat bf = this->textCursor().blockFormat();
bf.setLineHeight(lineSpacing, QTextBlockFormat::LineDistanceHeight) ;
I have translated Jadzia626's code to C++ and it works. Here is the information about setLineHeight()
qreal lineSpacing = 35;
QTextCursor textCursor = ui->textBrowser->textCursor();
QTextBlockFormat * newFormat = new QTextBlockFormat();
newFormat->setLineHeight(lineSpacing, QTextBlockFormat::ProportionalHeight);

How to display Red Squiggly Lines in CRichEditCtrl in MFC

I am working on implementing spellchecker in an MFC application. What I want to do is display red lines under incorrectly spelled words.
I found one example where it is done but it works only for a simple edit box because it can simply use the edit controls default font for doing calculations to draw the squiggly lines. But it does not work for a rich edit control as in rich edit control it is possible that different words can have different fonts. In this case the example I found draws lines at incorrect places.
Please let me know if someone has already done this for CRichEditCtrl? (it must handle text of any font/size that is present in the rich edit control.)
SecureZeroMemory(&format, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2));
format.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2);
format.dwEffects = CFE_UNDERLINE;
format.bUnderlineType = CFU_UNDERLINEWAVE | 0x50;
I hope this will get the underline in your text
Use the EM_SETCHARFORMAT message:
SecureZeroMemory(&format, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2));
format.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2);
format.dwEffects = CFE_UNDERLINE;
format.bUnderlineType = CFU_UNDERLINE
window->SendMessage(EM_EXSETSEL, NULL, (LPARAM)&range);
window->SendMessage(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&format);

Tool tips for custom made control using CToolTipCtrl ? (MFC)

I made a custom control derived from CWnd (a line chart) and I'm wondering if I can use CToolTipCtrl for displaying tool tips for points on the graph. If yes, how could I do that?
Btw, when I move my mouse over the point, the rectangle containg string with information about values of the point, should pop up.
Yes, this works, actually I do this exact same thing, also in a line graph chart, however there are a few drawbacks/remarks. The message handling is a bit wonky, with some messages not being send according to the documentation, and some workarounds being necessary to keep the control self-contained (not requiring help from the parent to reflect notifications).
What you do is declare a variable in your CWnd-derived class
CToolTipCtrl m_ToolTipCtrl;
CString m_ToolTipContent;
Then do this on OnCreate:
m_ToolTipCtrl.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP);
Optionally, you can also set the delay time:
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_AUTOPOP, -1);
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_INITIAL, 0);
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_RESHOW, 0);
When you want to show your tooltip (presumably in OnMouseMove()), use
BUT this only works in UNICODE builds. So if you're still on MBCS (like I am), you can only show the tooltip after a certain delay.
Use this to set your tooltip text (also in OnMouseMove):
// Not using CToolTipCtrl::AddTool() because
// it redirects the messages to the parent
TOOLINFO ti = {0};
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND; // Indicate that uId is handle to a control
ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)m_hWnd; // Handle to the control
ti.hwnd = m_hWnd; // Handle to window
// to receive the tooltip-messages
ti.hinst = ::AfxGetInstanceHandle();
ti.rect = <rectangle where, when the mouse is over it, the tooltip should be shown>;
m_ToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti);
m_ToolTipContent = "my tooltip content";
Furthermore, you need to handle TTNNeedText:
// The build-agnostic one doesn't work for some reason.
BOOL GraphCtrlOnTTNNeedText(UINT id, NMHDR* pTTTStruct, LRESULT* pResult)
//pTTT->lpszText = "some test text";
//pTTT->lpszText = m_ToolTipContent;
strncpy_s(pTTT->lpszText, 80, m_ToolTipContent, _TRUNCATE);
return TRUE;
You'll have to modify this a bit, and read the documentation of the functions and messages, to get this to work in your project but yes it can be done.
For those that may still be looking for an answer to this as I was. (I couldn't get the one above to work - Things in MFC may have changed.)
All code is contained within the custom control class.
In your class definition add:
CToolTipCtrl ToolTip;
In PreSubclassWindow() add:
#define TOOLTIP_ID 1
ToolTip.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP );
CRect rc;
ToolTip.AddTool(this, "Tool tip text", rc, TOOLTIP_ID);
In PreTranslateMessage() add:
Whenever your tool tip text changes add:
ToolTip.UpdateTipText("New Tip Text", this, TOOLTIP_ID);

Export every frame as image from a Movie-File (QuickTime-API)

I want to open an existing Movie-File and export every frame of this file to an image like JPEG or TIFF. I got so far until now:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char filename[255]; // Filename to ping.
OSErr e; // Error return.
FSSpec filespec; // QT file specification
short filemovie; // QT movie handle.
Movie movie; // QT movie "object".
// Because of QT's Mac origin, must convert C-string filename
// to Pascal counted string, then use that to make a filespec.
FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0L, (ConstStr255Param)filename, &filespec);
OpenMovieFile(&filespec, &filemovie, fsRdPerm);
NewMovieFromFile(&movie, filemovie, nil, nil, newMovieActive, nil);
Until now it works fine (I tested with TimeValue movietime = GetMovieDuration(movie); and print it), but now I want to get every frame of the movie and export it to a file (for first, later i just want to keep the data in memory to work with it, but i have to know if it really works, so export to an image-file is better for now).
How do I do that? Do I need a GWorld or a PixMap? How do I get a GWorld/PixMap from a Movie-File, especially each frame of it?
edit: My Platform is WinXP
As a beginning, this article on Movie exporters should pretty much get you started:
Even though MacTech is a Mac resource, all described API functions should be available in the QuickTime for Windows SDK as well.
I will slap some sample code together myself as a reference here as soon as I find the time.
See this book excerpt for additional info:
QuickTime Toolkit - Basic Movie Playback and Media Types # Google Books
Edit 2 - The High-Level Approach: Movie Exporters
If all you need to accomplish is to extract all video frames from a QuickTime Movie and convert them to another format supported by the QuickTime API you won't have to take any low-level actions whatsoever if using a Movie Exporter.
The below sample code allows to extract and convert all video frames from a QuickTime Movie to, f.e., a bunch of JPEG files using a programmatically invoked Movie Export Dialog.
Just select Movie to Image Sequence in the Export combo box of the dialog and select your desired image format by hitting Options.
Note 1: If you need to do this non-interactively, just let me know.
Note 2: error handling has been omitted for clarity
#include "Movies.h"
#include "QTML.h"
#pragma comment (lib, "QTMLClient.lib")
int flags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile
| showUserSettingsDialog
| movieToFileOnlyExport;
ItemCount movie_prop_count = 0;
CFStringRef cfpath = 0;
Boolean bool_true = true;
QTNewMoviePropertyElement movie_props[ 2 ];
Movie movie;
// initialize QuickTime API
InitializeQTML( 0 );
// set up Core Foundation string for source path (argv[ 1 ]) contains the full path to the MOV file to convert
cfpath = CFStringCreateWithCString( 0, argv[ 1 ], kCFStringEncodingASCII );
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propClass = kQTPropertyClass_DataLocation;
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propID = kQTDataLocationPropertyID_CFStringNativePath;
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propValueSize = sizeof(cfpath);
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propValueAddress = (void*)&cfpath;
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propStatus = 0;
// make Movie active
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propClass = kQTPropertyClass_NewMovieProperty;
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propID = kQTNewMoviePropertyID_Active;
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propValueSize = sizeof(bool_true);
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propValueAddress = &bool_true;
movie_props[movie_prop_count].propStatus = 0;
// aquire Movie for our Movie file
NewMovieFromProperties( movie_prop_count, movie_props, 0, 0, &movie );
// invoke conversion dialog
ConvertMovieToFile( movie, 0, 0, 0, 'TVOD', 0, 0, flags, 0 );
// clean up
DisposeMovie( movie );
CFRelease( cfpath );
If you are working on OS X only I would stick with the QTKit APIs because they are much higher level and generally easier to work with.
The general gist of what you want to do is:
Step Through each frame in a movie
Get a image representation for the current frame
Save the current frame's image to a file on disk
To step through the frames in a QuickTime movie, you can use the QTMovie class in QTKit to do this as follows:
- (void)dumpFramesWithMovie:(QTMovie*)movie toFolder:(NSString*)folderPath
[movie setIdling:NO]; // Don't idle the movie
[movie gotoEnd];
QTTime endTime = [movie currentTime];
[movie gotoBeginning];
// Number of frames counted so far
unsigned long numFrames = 0;
// Turn off the Movie's looping so we are quaranteed to stop
[movie setAttribute:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:QTMovieLoopsAttribute];
// Construct a Dictionary of to use when reading frames from a movie
NSMutableDictionary *attributes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[attributes setObject:QTMovieFrameImageTypeNSImage forKey:QTMovieFrameImageType];
while (true)
QTTime curTime = [movie currentTime];
if (QTTimeCompare(curTime, endTime) == NSOrderedSame)
// Reached end of file
// Get the Current Frame as an NSImage
NSImage* image = [movie frameImageAtTime:curTime
withAttributes:attributes error:nil];
// Get the bitmap representation of this image
// NOTE: This code assumes the first image representation is a NSBitmapImageRep, which is true
// by default in OS X 10.5 and later.
// Production code should do error checking here.
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap = [[image representations] objectAtIndex: 0];
// Construct a filename based upon the folder path and number of frames read so far
NSString* fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/frame%d.png", folderPath, numFrames];
// Get an PNG representation of this file
NSData *data = [bitmap representationUsingType: NSPNGFileType
properties: nil];
// Write to disk
[data writeToFile: fileName
atomically: NO];
// Step to the next Frame
[movie stepForward];
[movie gotoBeginning];
This code compiles but has not been fully tested.
One caveat with this approach is that MPEG-1 files will not decode properly on OS X 10.5 and earlier. This has been fixed as of 10.6 as far as I know. Also, if are writing a Windows application, you'll need to use the lower lever Quicktime-C APIs.
Be sure to check the following reference pages while working on this:
QTKit Application Programming Guide
QTKit Frequently Asked Questions
QTMovie Class Reference
Quickies for NSImage
NSBitmapImageRep Reference
NSImage Reference
These command line OSX utilities are really good at extracting the contents of a Quicktime movie without having to buy QTPro:
I usually just dump the decoded frames into a binary one after another and then use some YUV-Viewer to see if they look Ok. For that you have to know the exact color format and resolution of the decoded frames. If you have RGB, there are certainly also viewers for that.
Link doesn't seem to work. You will have to google for a YUV-Viewer. Alternatively, you can buy one from Elecard.