Does any graphics API allow efficient per-primitive branching? - opengl

When writing fragment shaders in OpenGL, one can branch either on compile-time constants, on uniform variables or on varying variables.
How performant that branching is depends on the hardware and driver implementation, but generally branching on a compile time constant is usually free and branching on a uniform is faster than on a varying.
In the case of a varying, the rasterizer still has to interpolate the variable for each fragment and the branch has to be decided on each family execution, even if the value of the varying is the same for each fragment in the current primitive.
What I wonder is whether any graphics api or extension allows some fragment shader branching that is executed only once per rasterized primitive (or in the case of tiled rendering once per primitive per bin)?

Dynamic branching is only expensive when it causes divergence of instances executing at the same time. The cost of interpolating a "varying" is trivial.
Furthermore, different GPUs handle primitive rasterization differently. Some GPUs ensure that wavefronts for fragment shaders only contain instances that are executing on the same primitive. On these GPUs, branching based on values that that don't change per-primitive will be fast.
However, other GPUs will pack instances from different primitives into the same wavefronts. On these GPUs, divergence will happen if the value is different for different primitives. How much divergence? It rather depends on how often you get multiple instances in a primitive. If many of your primitives are small in rasterized space, then you'll get a lot more divergence than if you have a lot of large primitives.
GPUs that pack instances from different primitives into a wavefront are trying to maximize how much their cores get utilized. It's a tradeoff: you're minimizing the overall number of wavefronts you have to execute, but a particular cause of divergence (data that is constant within a primitive but not between them) will be penalized.
In any case, try to avoid divergence when you can. But if your algorithm requires it... then your algorithm requires it, and the performance you get is the performance you get. The best you can do is let the GPU know that the "varying" will be constant per-primitive by using flat interpolation.


Do conditional statements in shaders come at a higher cost?

I can use conditional statements to minimize average reads from texture, but if conditional statements come at a high cost like with CPUs (that prevent predicting etc), it might result in a complex code that has no gain or even it has less efficiency. Do they come at a higher cost?
Do conditional statements in shaders come at a higher cost?
As always: it depends. Nothing is for free. Modern GPUs can do quite well with branching based on uniform conditions. What really hurts is non-uniform control flow, which will naturally lead to not utilizing all available shader ALUs. With nested conditionalsand/or loops, you can easily end up with a singe active core per SIMT group, which means throwing away 31/32 to 63/64 of the potential computational power.
I can use conditional statements to minimize average reads from texture
Be careful with texture sampling in non-uniform control flow. As per the spec, this will lead to undefined values. The problem here is that you screw up the calculation of the derivatives for the texcoords, so the GPU can't descide if it needs to use the magnification or minification filter, as well as which mipmap level to use.

Cache Friendly Vertex Definition

I am writing an opengl application and for vertices, normals, and colors, I am using separate buffers as follows:
GLuint vertex_buffer, normal_buffer, color_buffer;
My supervisor tells me that if I define an struct like:
struct vertex {
glm::vec3 pos;
glm::vec3 normal;
glm::vec3 color;
GLuint vertex_buffer;
and then define a buffer of these vertices, my application will gets so much faster because when the position is cached the normals and colors will be in cache line.
What I think is that defining such struct is not having that much affect on the performance because defining the vertex like the struct will cause less vertices in the cacheline while defining them as separate buffers, will cause to have 3 different cache lines for positions, normals and colors in the cache. So, nothing has been changed. Is that true?
First of all, using separate buffers for different vertex attributes may not be a good technique.
Very important factor here is GPU architecture. Most (especially modern) GPUs have multiple cache lines (data for Input Assembler stage, uniforms, textures), but fetching input attributes from multiple VBOs can be inefficient anyway (always profile!). Defining them in interleaved format can help improve performance:
And that's what you would get, if you used such struct.
However, that's not always true (again, always profile!) - although interleaved data is more GPU-friendly, it needs to be properly aligned and can take significantly more space in memory.
But, in general:
Interleaved data formats:
Cause less GPU cache pressure, because the vertex coordinate and attributes of a single vertex aren't scattered all over in memory.
They fit consecutively into few cache lines, whereas scattered
attributes could cause more cache updates and therefore evictions. The
worst case scenario could be one (attribute) element per cache line at
a time because of distant memory locations, while vertices get pulled
in a non-deterministic/non-contiguous manner, where possibly no
prediction and prefetching kicks in. GPUs are very similar to CPUs in
this matter.
Are also very useful for various external formats, which satisfy the deprecated interleaved formats, where datasets of compatible data
sources can be read straight into mapped GPU memory. I ended up
re-implementing these interleaved formats with the current API for
exactly those reasons.
Should be layouted alignment friendly just like simple arrays. Mixing various data types with different size/alignment requirements
may need padding to be GPU and CPU friendly. This is the only downside
I know of, appart from the more difficult implementation.
Do not prevent you from pointing to single attrib arrays in them for sharing.
Further reads:
Best Practices for Working with Vertex Data
Vertex Specification Best Practices
Depends on the GPU architecture.
Most GPUs will have multiple cache lines (some for uniforms, others for vertex attributes, others for texture sampling)
Also when the vertex shader is nearly done the GPU can pre-fetch the next set of attributes into the cache. So that by the time the vertex shader is done the next attributes are right there ready to be loaded into the registers.
tl;dr don't bother with these "rule of thumbs" unless you actually profile it or know the actual architecture of the GPU.
Tell your supervisor "premature optimization is the root of all evil" – Donald E. Knuth. But don't forget the next sentence "but that doesn't mean we shouldn't optimize hot spots".
So did you actually profile the differences?
Anyway, the layout of your vertex data is not critical for caching efficiency on modern GPUs. It used to be on old GPUs (ca. 2000), which is why there were functions for interleaving vertex data. But these days it's pretty much a non-issue.
That has to do with the way modern GPUs access memory and in fact modern GPUs' cache lines are not index by memory address, but by access pattern (i.e. the first distinct memory access in a shader gets the first cache line, the second one the second cache line, and so on).

Should I omit vertex normals when there is no lighting calculations?

I have an openGL program that doesn't use lighting or shading of any kind; the illusion of shadow is done completely through textures, since the meshes are low-poly. Faces are not backculled, and I wouldn't use normal-mapping of course.
My question is, should I define the vertex normals anyway? Would excluding them use fewer resources and speed rendering, or would excluding them negatively impact the performance/visuals in some way?
My question is, should I define the vertex normals anyway?
There is no need to, if they are not used.
Would excluding them use fewer resources and speed rendering, or would excluding them negatively impact the performance/visuals in some way?
It definitively wouldn't impact the visuals if there are not used.
You do not mention if you use old fixed-function pipeline or the modern programmable pipeline. In the old fixed-function pipeline, the normals are only used for the lighting calculation. The have nothing to do with the face culling. The front/back sides are determined solely by the primitive winding order in screen space.
If you use the programmable pipeline, the normals are used for whatever you use them. The GL itself will not care at all about it.
So excluding them should result in less memory needed for the object to be stored. If rendereing actually gets faster is hard to predict. If the normals aren't used, they shouldn't even be fetched, no matter if they are provided or not. But caching will also have an impact here, so the improvement of not fetching them might not be noticeable at all.
Only if you are using immediate mode(glBegin()/glEnd()) to specify geometry (which you really should never ever do), excluding the normals will save you one gl function call per vertex, and this should give a significant improvement (but still will be orders of magnitude slower than using vertex arrays).
If normals are not used for lighting, you don't need them (they are not used for back-face culling either).
The impact of performance is more about how this changes your vertex layout and resulting impact on pre-transform cache (assuming you have interleaved vertex format). Like on CPU's, GPU's fetch data in cache lines, and if without (or with) normals you get better alignment with cache lines, it can have an impact on the performance. For example if your vertex size is 32 bytes and removal of the normal gets it down to 20 bytes this will cause GPU fetching 2 cache lines for some vertices, while with 32 byte vertex format it's always fetches only one cache line. However, if your vertex size is 44 bytes and removal of normal gets it down to 32 bytes, then for sure it's an improvement (better alignment and less data).
However, this is quite a fine level optimization in the end and unlikely have any significant impact either way unless you are really pushing huge amount of geometry through the pipeline with very lightweight vertex/pixel shaders (e.g. shadow pass).

Gaining an understanding of performance implications of shader stages, particularly the GS

I am confused about what's faster versus what's slower when it comes to coding algorithms that execute in the pipeline.
I made a program with a GS that seemingly bottlenecked from fillrate, because timer queries showed it to execute much faster with no rasterisation enabled.
So then I made a different multi-pass algorithm using transform feedback, still using a GS every time but theoretically does much less work overall by executing in stages, and it significantly reduces the fill rate because it renders much less triangles, but in my early tests of it, it appears to run slower.
My original thought was that the bottleneck of fillrate was traded for the bottleneck of calling multiple draw calls. But how expensive is another draw call really? How much overhead is involved in the cpu and gpu?
Then I read the answer of a different stack question regarding the GS:
No one has ever accused Geometry Shaders of being fast. Especially when increasing the size of geometry.
Your GS is taking a line and not only doing a 30x amplification of vertex data, but also doing lighting computations on each of those new vertices. That's not going to be terribly fast, in large part due to a lack of parallelism. Each GS invocation has to do 60 lighting computations, rather than having 60 separate vertex shader invocations doing 60 lighting computations in parallel.
You're basically creating a giant bottleneck in your geometry shader.
It would probably be faster to put the lighting stuff in the fragment shader (yes, really).
and it makes me wonder how it's possible for a geometry shaders to be slower if their use provides an overall less work output. I know things execute in parallel, but my understanding is that there is only a relatively small group of shader cores, so starting an amount of threads much larger than that group will result in the bottleneck being something proportional to program complexity (instruction size) times the number of threads (using thread here to refer to invocation of a shader). If you can have some instruction execute once per vertex on the geometry shader instead of once per fragment, why would it ever be slower?
Help me gain a better understanding so I don't waste time designing algorithms that are inefficient.

A triangle with 3 varyings of same value.. does GPU interpolate / waste performance?

I have a simple question of which I was unable to find solid facts about GPUs behaviour in case of 3 vertexes having the same varying output from vertex shader.
Does the GPU notice that case or does it try to interpolate when its not even needed ?
This might be interesting as there are quite some cases where you want a constantish varying available in fragment shader per triangle. Please don't just guess, try to bring up references or atleast reasons why you think its the one way or another.
The GPU does the interpolation, no matter if it's needed or not.
The reason is quite simple: checking if the varying variable has already been changed is very expensive.
Shaders are small programs, that are executed concurrently on different GPU cores. So if you would like to avoid that two different cores are computing the same value, you would have to "reserve" the output variable. So you need an additional data structure (like a flag or mutex) that every core can read. In your case this would mean, that three different cores have to read the same flag, and the first of them has to reserve it if it's not already reserved.
This has to happen atomically, meaning that the reserving core has to be the only one who is setting the flag at a time. To do this all other cores would e.g. have to be stopped for a tick. As you don't know the which cores are computing the vertex shader you would have to stop ALL other cores (on a GTX Titan this would be 2687 others).
Additionally, when the variable is set and a new frame is rendered, all the flags would have to be reset, so the race for the flag can begin again.
To conclude: you would need additional hardware in your GPU, that is expensive and slows down the rendering pipeline.
It is the programmers job to avoid that multiple shaders are producing the same output. So if you are doing your job right this does not happen or you know, that avoiding it (on the CPU) would cost more than ignoring it.
An example would be the stiching for different levels of detail (like on a height map), where most methods are creating some fragments twice. This is a very small impact on the rendering performance but would require a lot of CPU time to avoid.
If the behavior isn't mandated in the OpenGL specificiation then the answer is that it's up to the implementation.
The comments and other answers are almost certainly spot on that there is no optimization path for identical values because there would be little to no benefit from the added complexity to make such a path.