How to put void link like Html <a href="#"> in Ember using <LinkTo #route=""> - ember.js

I would like to know if it's possible to make a temporary void link in Ember <LinkTo #route=""> like HTML <a href="#">, thanks for helping.

While <LinkTo> provides some interesting features when you use it with a route (navigation without reloading, active route recognizing, query param and model passing). You don't need to use it to create a link. You can use <a href="#"> directly in a template with no ill effects if it is what you need.


Handlebars reference component one directory up

I have the following code:
{{#tabs-controls initial='content' modal="true" title="Hotspots" tabs=tabs style="on-ground" as |uniqueTarget currentTab|}}
<div class="tab-pane active" id="content-{{uniqueTarget}}" role="tabpanel">
//... Code
However tabs-controls is a component that lives outside the directory of the component calling it.
I've tried:
Both again without the pound sign...All I get are compiler errors.
What is the right way to achieve this?
This sort of relative path in Handlebars is more about navigating the rendering contexts than about file layout. Using the example from the Handlebars documentation, if you were using the context-switching version of each you could do:
{{#each arrayOfObjects}}
{{..permalink}} <!-- you are accessing the permalink property above -->
{{permalink}} <!-- you are accessing the permalink property of the of the object being "eached" -->
However, this doesn't apply to Ember since the context-switching forms of helpers were removed.
The way to think about the path to components is that /components is the root, so if you have /components/tabs-control, the way you call it is {{tabs-control}}. If you want to render /components/hotspots/hotspots-container, the way to do it is {{hotspots/hotspots-container}}.

Add Facebook share button to Django application

I am using Facebook's share button on my Django app.
I'm using Facebook's SKD instructions which tell me to place this code wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page:
<div class="fb-share-button"
data-layout="button" data-size="small" data-mobile-iframe="false">
<a class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" target="_blank" href="">Share
So I placed that code in my template but how do I add the full URL of the web page with the FB share button in the data-href attribute?
As long as you have django.template.context_processors.request enabled you should be able to use request.build_absolute_uri() in your template:
data-href="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}"
This should work out of the box if you're using a fairly recent version of Django.

Replace string in HTMLbars/Handlebars expression with component

I've got a blog. Each blog-posts can have multiple downloads. For the downloads I created a component downloads
Currently I render them at the end of each post like this:
{{#each download in sortedDownloads }}
<a class="dl-button" {{ action "incDownload" download }}>
{{ }} ({{ download.size}}MB)
</a> - {{ download.downloadcount }} Hits
I'd like to be able to write something like [downloads] in the post content itself (which is simply rendered via {{{post.parsedBody}}}and replace it with a partial like the above one.
Is this possible or do you have a better way to achieve this?
This does not really look achievable by using either outlet or yield, since the post content will not be interpreted by the render engine.
What should be working though is to have the placeholder in your content just as you mentioned it, and replace it by some identifiable HTML placeholder in your post.parsedBody.
You could then create a View on didInsertElement, and call that view's appendTo() method to render the downloads inside the placeholder.
One could say writing some jquery-ish elements also works, but I think inserting arbitrary elements in the views tree is horrible and goes against the Ember way of managing views tree.

Refresh Only template Grails

I have a list.gsp which loads a template .
Actually the template contains which loads the data from the domain class.
Every 10 seconds I want to refresh the template only, so that it gets latest data from the db. How can i do this?
There are several ways to solve this but all of them require Ajax. I'll give one example:
Suppose the following HTML:
<div class="content">
... other content here
<div id="template">
<g:render template="someTemplate" ... />
... other content here
Then this javascript:
setInterval(refreshTemplateEveryTenSeconds, 10000);
function refreshTemplateEveryTenSeconds() {
See the jquery load docs for more info on this.
Obviously, if you're not using jQuery then modify to do the ajax call as your technology would suggest. But this gives you a general idea of how you might approach the problem.

Create a PDF or Printable version of change_list.html in Django Admin

I would like to add a tool link at the top of my admin change_list.html, which I have already done, and have this link basically be able to produce some sort of printable document version of my models data based off of my current filter settings. Basically a print button in the admin change_list.html.
so far I have overridden the change_list.html to create the link, and I notice that this
<a href="{{ choice.query_string|iriencode }}" class="addlink">
{% blocktrans %}View PDF{% endblocktrans %}
gives you a link based on these choices.. but Im kinda lost as to the best/easiest way to do this..
Sorry, new to Django. I know I can use ReportLabs to generate pdfs, but not a 100% on how to get the filtered data from change_list to it.
A bit late, but for those who might be searching "in the future" like me, this might be helpful: