How can I type cast uint16 to float in Diab compiler? - casting

I am going to put a uint16 variable into a float type array with (float) casting.
the Diab compiler V9.9.2 make error for this. what is the problem?


Clang-Tidy Narrowing Conversion from uint8_t to float

I'm getting a clang-tidy warning that reads narrowing conversion from 'int' to 'float' when I convert from a uint8_t to a float, which to my understanding is not a narrowing conversion since float can represent every integer that a uint8_t can.
Code example:
uint8_t testVar = 8;
float test2 = 2.0f * testVar;
clang-tidy flags the second line of that with the warning cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions: narrowing conversion from 'int' to 'float'. In my IDE, the squiggle shows up under the testVar.
According to the reference, this warning should be flagged if we convert from an integer to a narrower floating-point (e.g. uint64_t to float), but to the best of my knowledge, float is not narrower than uint8_t.
Am I fundamentally misunderstanding these data types, or is something else going on here?
I'm on LLVM version 11.0.0 if that matters.

Cast from double to __m128

I was looking for a way to cast a double to a _m128 to take advantage of the intrinsic instructions.
I tried using:
double d = 7654321.1234567;
_m128 ret = *reinterpret_cast<__m128*>(d);
But of course I got the message:
error: invalid cast from type ‘double’ to type ‘__m128* {aka __vector(4) float*}’
Any help would be greatly appreciated, inline-assembly solution is fine~
Assuming you actually wanted a vector of double (__m128d), you're looking for _mm_set_sd(d) to zero-extend a double into __m128d like _mm_set_pd(0, d).
See Intel's intrinsics guide. I found this one by searching on (double to find intrinsics that take a double (or double*) arg.
__m128 is a vector of 4 float; did you want double -> float conversion into the low element of a vector? Like _mm_set_ps(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, d);
You don't want to point a __m128d* at a scalar double because the vector is twice as wide as a double. If anything would have made sense, it would be (__m128d)d or a static or reinterpret_cast version of that.
But there's unfortunately no way to just cast a double to a __m128d with an undefined upper element, AFAIK, even though scalar float / double and __m128d naturally live in XMM registers. See How to merge a scalar into a vector without the compiler wasting an instruction zeroing upper elements? Design limitation in Intel's intrinsics?
Some compilers (well probably still just clang) can optimize away the zero-extension or broadcast into a __m128d vector if you only use scalar intrinsics and then extract a scalar result. Other compilers actually waste instructions on the upper elements.

ptxas "double is not supported" warning when using thrust::sort on a struct array

I'm trying to sort an array of structs on my GPU with thrust::sort. However, when I compile with nvcc, I get this warning:
ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00005186_00000000-5_antsim.ptx, line 1520; warning : Double is not supported. Demoting to float
I've isolated the problem to my call to thrust::sort, here:
thrust::sort(thrustAnts, thrustAnts + NUM_ANTS, antSortByX());
thrustAnts is an array of Ant structs located on the GPU, while antSortByX is a functor as defined below:
typedef struct {
float posX;
float posY;
float direction;
float speed;
u_char life;
u_char carrying;
curandState rngState;
} Ant;
struct antSortByX {
__host__ __device__ bool operator()(Ant &antOne, Ant &antTwo) {
return antOne.posX < antTwo.posX;
It seems to me as though there aren't any doubles in this, though I'm suspicious the less-than operator in my functor evaluates those floats as doubles. I can solve this problem by compiling with -arch sm_13, but I'm curious as to why this is complaining at me in the first place.
The demotion happens because CUDA devices support double precision calculations at first with compute capability 1.3. NVCC knows the specifications and demotes every double to float for devices with CC < 1.3 just because the hardware cannot handle double precisions.
A good feature list could be found on wikipedia: CUDA
That you can’t see any doubles in this code doesn't mean that they are not there. Most commonly this error results from a missing f postfix on a floating point constant. The compiler performance an implicit cast from all floats to double when one double is part of the expression. A floating point constant without the f is a double value and the casting starts. However, for the less-operator a cast without constant expressions should not happen.
I can only speculate, but it seems to me that in your case a double precision value could be used within the thrust::sort implementation. Since you provide only a user function to a higher order function (functions that take functions as parameters).

Is const double cast at compile time?

It makes sense to define mathematical constants as double values but what happens when one requires float values instead of doubles? Does the compiler automatically interpret the doubles as floats at compile-time (so they are actually treated as they were const floats) or is this conversion made at runtime?
If by "defining", you mean using #define, here's what happens:
Say you have:
#define CONST1 1.5
#define CONST2 1.12312455431461363145134614 // Assume some number too
// precise for float
Now if you have:
float x = CONST1;
float y = CONST2;
you don't get any warning for x because the compiler automatically makes CONST1 a float. For y, you get a warning because CONST2 doesn't fit in a float, but the compiler casts it to float anyway.
If by "defining", you mean using const variables, here's what happens:
Say you have
const double CONST1=1.5;
const double CONST2=1.12312455431461363145134614; // Assume some number too
// precise for float
Now if you have:
float x = CONST1;
float y = CONST2;
there is no way for the compiler to know the values of CONST1 and CONST2(*) and therefore cannot interpret the values as float at compile them. You will be given two warnings about possible loss of data and the conversion will be done at runtime.
(*) Actually there is a way. Since the values are const, the optimizer may decide not to take a variable for them, but replace the values throughout the code. This could get complicated though, as you may pass the address to these variables around, so the optimizer may decide not to do that. That is, don't count on it.
Note that, this whole thing is true for any basic type conversions. If you have
#define CONST3 1
then you think CONST3 is int, but if you put it in a float, it would become float at compile-time, or if you put it in a char, it would become char at compiler-time.

Int or Unsigned Int to float without getting a warning

Sometimes I have to convert from an unsigned integer value to a float. For example, my graphics engine takes in a SetScale(float x, float y, float z) with floats and I have an object that has a certain size as an unsigned int. I want to convert the unsigned int to a float to properly scale an entity (the example is very specific but I hope you get the point).
Now, what I usually do is:
unsigned int size = 5;
float scale = float(size);
My3DObject->SetScale(scale , scale , scale);
Is this good practice at all, under certain assumptions (see Notes)? Is there a better way than to litter the code with float()?
Notes: I cannot touch the graphics API. I have to use the SetScale() function which takes in floats. Moreover, I also cannot touch the size, it has to be an unsigned int. I am sure there are plenty of other examples with the same 'problem'. The above can be applied to any conversion that needs to be done and you as a programmer have little choice in the matter.
My preference would be to use static_cast:
float scale = static_cast<float>(size);
but what you are doing is functionally equivalent and fine.
There is an implicit conversion from unsigned int to float, so the cast is strictly unnecessary.
If your compiler issues a warning, then there isn't really anything wrong with using a cast to silence the warning. Just be aware that if size is very large it may not be representable exactly by a float.