How to make create (POST) request using api in django - django

I wish to create new a data when any user was make any requests like Create Export Delete or Update but now I am working on Export.. I have two urls one is having data of tables (average_data urls) and one url which is have (audit_logs url) a data of user which will be created after when any user download an pdf format of the data .. so basically I wish to show which user on which time and which action he does it will get it on the audit_logs url
I am making request of post in data/views but getting error bad request at /audit_logs/create/
def averagePDF(request):
global fromDate
global toDate
global site
global device
global parameters
global interval
global data
headers = {
'authorization': "Bearer X...............",
devices_url = ""
devices_params = {
'id': device
devices = requests.request("GET", devices_url, headers=headers, params=devices_params)
response = HttpResponse()
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Average Data.pdf'
elements = []
company_name = Paragraph(devices.json()[0]['site'], header_style)
report_data = Paragraph("Date: " + fromDate + " to " + toDate + " Station: " + devices.json()[0]['station'], title_style)
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
styleN = styles['Normal']
styleN.wordWrap = 'CJK'
file_data = []
header = []
for parameter in parameters:
data2 = [[Paragraph(cell, styleN) for cell in row] for row in file_data]
width = (PAGE_WIDTH-50) / len(header)
table_header = Table(data2, colWidths=width, style=table_header_style)
table_data = []
for key, values in data.items():
raw_data = []
for value in values:
table_data2 = [[Paragraph(cell, styleN)for cell in row] for row in table_data]
tableRaw = LongTable(table_data2, colWidths=width, style=table_style)
doc.title = "Average Data"
meta_data = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')
if meta_data:
ip = meta_data.split(',')[-1].strip()
ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
# date_time = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
}, headers=headers, params=audit_parms)
when I am posting response its give me following response
{'username': 'abcpadmin', 'action_type': 'Export', 'action': 'Export', 'ip_address': ''}
Bad Request: /audit_logs/create/
[15/Nov/2021 16:08:24] "POST /audit_logs/create/?username=abcpadmin&action_type=Export&action=Export&ip_address= HTTP/1.1" 400 160
<Response [400]>
{'username': ['This field is required.'], 'action_type': ['This field is required.'], 'action': ['This field is required.'], 'ip_address': ['This field is required.']}

When you use requests for post in your case, you need pass data instead of params
It should be :, headers=headers, data=audit_parms)
Technically, when you do, params=your_params), the url will be like https://localhost?key=value with key value in params dictionary.

You should take a look at djangorestframework
This is the recommended way to write APIs with django.


Docusign: Email To Sign Not Being Received

I am developing a Django webapp for my company that will allow for users (or our sales associates) to enter in customer information, from which Weasyprint will generate a PDF that contains all of the information, and allow the user to sign the docusign digitally using Docusign's Python SDK. Everything is working at this point, minus the sending of the email to the recipient to be signed. I am unsure of why this is happening, and after seeking help from Docusign's employees, none of them seem to have any idea as to what is going wrong. Here is the code with which I am creating and sending the envelope:
loa = LOA.objects.filter().order_by('-id')[0] #Model in my SQLite database being used to retrieve the saved PDF for sending.
localbillingname = loa.billingname.replace(" ", "_")
username = "myusername"
integrator_key = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
base_url = ""
oauth_base_url = ""
redirect_uri = ""
private_key_filename = "path/to/pKey.txt"
user_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_user_id = 'Your Local System ID' #This is the actual string being used
# Add a recipient to sign the document
signer = docusign.Signer() = = loa.ainame
signer.recipient_id = '1'
signer.client_user_id = client_user_id
sign_here = docusign.SignHere()
sign_here.document_id = '1'
sign_here.recipient_id = '1'
sign_here.anchor_case_sensitive = 'true'
sign_here.anchor_horizontal_alignment = 'left'
sign_here.anchor_ignore_if_not_present = 'false'
sign_here.anchor_match_whole_word = 'true'
sign_here.anchor_string = 'Signature of individual authorized to act on behalf of customer:'
sign_here.anchor_units = 'cms'
sign_here.anchor_x_offset = '0'
sign_here.anchor_y_offset = '0'
sign_here.tab_label = 'sign_here'
sign_here.IgnoreIfNotPresent = True;
tabs = docusign.Tabs()
tabs.sign_here_tabs = [sign_here]
# Create a signers list, attach tabs to signer, append signer to signers.
# Attach signers to recipients objects
signers = []
tabs = tabs
signer.tabs = tabs
recipients = docusign.Recipients()
recipients.signers = signers
# Create an envelope to be signed
envelope_definition = docusign.EnvelopeDefinition()
envelope_definition.email_subject = 'Please Sign the Following Document!'
envelope_definition.email_blurb = 'Please sign the following document to complete the service transfer process!'
# Add a document to the envelope_definition
pdfpath = "Path/to/my/pdf.pdf"
with open(pdfpath, 'rb') as signfile:
file_data =
doc = docusign.Document()
base64_doc = base64.b64encode(file_data).decode('utf-8')
doc.document_base64 = base64_doc = "mypdf.pdf"
doc.document_id = '1'
envelope_definition.documents = [doc]
envelope_definition.recipients = recipients
envelope_definition.status = 'sent'
api_client = docusign.ApiClient(base_url)
oauth_login_url = api_client.get_jwt_uri(integrator_key, redirect_uri, oauth_base_url)
print("oauth_login_url:", oauth_login_url)
print("oauth_base_url:", oauth_base_url)
api_client.configure_jwt_authorization_flow(private_key_filename, oauth_base_url, integrator_key, user_id, 3600)
docusign.configuration.api_client = api_client
auth_api = AuthenticationApi()
envelopes_api = EnvelopesApi()
try: #login here via code
login_info = auth_api.login()
login_accounts = login_info.login_accounts
base_url, _ = login_accounts[0].base_url.split('/v2') = base_url
docusign.configuration.api_client = api_client
envelope_summary = envelopes_api.create_envelope(login_accounts[0].account_id, envelope_definition = envelope_definition)
except ApiException as e:
raise Exception("Exception when calling DocuSign API: %s" % e)
except Exception as e:
return HttpResponse({'sent'})
When I check in the sandbox page, I see that the envelope is listed as being sent, to the correct email, containing the correct document to be signed, with the correct information. However, the email is never received, no matter whom I set as the recipient. Does anyone know why this might be?
Thank you in advance!

How to fetch data from OMS workspace

I read the documentation yesterday and done some coding with python to fetch data in the following way. It's working fine.
import logging as log
import adal
import requests
import json
import datetime
from pprint import pprint
# Details of workspace. Fill in details for your workspace.
resource_group = 'Test'
workspace = 'FirstMyWorkspace'
# Details of query. Modify these to your requirements.
query = "Type=*"
end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
start_time = end_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
num_results = 2 # If not provided, a default of 10 results will be used.
# IDs for authentication. Fill in values for your service principal.
subscription_id = '{subscription_id}'
tenant_id = '{tenant_id}'
application_id = '{application_id}'
application_key = '{application_key}'
# URLs for authentication
authentication_endpoint = ''
resource = ''
# Get access token
context = adal.AuthenticationContext('' + tenant_id)
token_response = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials('', application_id, application_key)
access_token = token_response.get('accessToken')
# Add token to header
headers = {
"Authorization": 'Bearer ' + access_token,
"Content-Type": 'application/json'
# URLs for retrieving data
uri_base = ''
uri_api = 'api-version=2015-11-01-preview'
uri_subscription = '' + subscription_id
uri_resourcegroup = uri_subscription + '/resourcegroups/'+ resource_group
uri_workspace = uri_resourcegroup + '/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/' + workspace
uri_search = uri_workspace + '/search'
# Build search parameters from query details
search_params = {
"query": query,
"top": num_results
# Build URL and send post request
uri = uri_search + '?' + uri_api
response =, json=search_params,headers=headers)
# Response of 200 if successful
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the response to get the ID and status
data = response.json()
if data.get("__metadata", {}).get("resultType", "") == "error":
log.warn("oms_fetcher;fetch_job;error: " + ''.join('{}={}, '.format(key, val) for key, val in
data.get("error", {}).items()))
print data["value"]
search_id = data["id"].split("/")
id = search_id[len(search_id)-1]
status = data["__metadata"]["Status"]
print status
# If status is pending, then keep checking until complete
while status == "Pending":
# Build URL to get search from ID and send request
uri_search = uri_search + '/' + id
uri = uri_search + '?' + uri_api
response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers)
# Parse the response to get the status
data = response.json()
status = data["__metadata"]["Status"]
print id
# Request failed
print (response.status_code)
Today I went to the same webpage that I have followed yesterday but there is a different documentation today. So do I need to follow the new documentation? I tried new documentation too but got into an issue
url = "{workspace_id}/query"
headers = {
"X-Api-Key": "{api_key}",
"Content-Type": 'application/json'
search_param = {
res =, json=search_param, headers=headers)
print res.status_code
print res.json()
{u'error': {u'innererror': {u'message': u'The given API Key is not
valid for the request', u'code': u'UnsupportedKeyError'}, u'message':
u'Valid authentication was not provided', u'code':
Here is the link to documentation
The api_key is not oms primary key on Portal. You could check example in this link. The token should like below:
Authorization: Bearer <access token>
So, you need modify X-Api-Key": "{api_key} to Authorization: Bearer <access token>.
You need create a service principal firstly, please check this link.
Then, you could use the sp to get token, please check this link.
Note: You could your code to get token, but you need modify the resource to Like below:
# Get access token
context = adal.AuthenticationContext('' + tenant_id)
token_response = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials('', application_id, application_key)
access_token = token_response.get('accessToken')
# Add token to header
headers = {
"Authorization": 'Bearer ' + access_token,
"Content-Type": 'application/json'
Working Prototype to Query OMS or Log Analytic workspace.
import adal
import requests
import json
import datetime
from pprint import pprint
# Details of workspace. Fill in details for your workspace.
resource_group = 'xxx'
workspace = 'xxx'
workspaceid = 'xxxx'
# Details of query. Modify these to your requirements.
query = "AzureActivity | limit 10"
# IDs for authentication. Fill in values for your service principal.
subscription_id = 'xxxx'
# subscription_id = 'xxxx'
tenant_id = 'xxxx'
application_id = 'xxxx'
application_key = 'xxxxx'
# Get access token
context = adal.AuthenticationContext('' + tenant_id)
token_response = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials('', application_id, application_key)
access_token = token_response.get('accessToken')
# Add token to header
headers = {
"Authorization": 'Bearer ' + access_token,
"Content-Type": 'application/json'
search_params = {
"query": query
url = "{workspaceID}/query"
res =, json=search_params, headers=headers)
print (res.status_code)
print (res.json())

How to just recieve timestamp, tweet-text and account name instead of this output I receive while working with twitter api?

This is my code. Instead of all the garbage values that I receive, how can I just output the text of the tweet, username and the timestamp?
import oauth2 as oauth
import urllib2 as urllib
access_token_key = "secret"
access_token_secret = "secret
consumer_key = "secret"
consumer_secret = "secret"
_debug = 0
oauth_token = oauth.Token(key=access_token_key, secret=access_token_secret)
oauth_consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=consumer_key, secret=consumer_secret)
signature_method_hmac_sha1 = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
http_method = "GET"
http_handler = urllib.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=_debug)
https_handler = urllib.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=_debug)
def twitterreq(url, method, parameters):
req = oauth.Request.from_consumer_and_token(oauth_consumer,
req.sign_request(signature_method_hmac_sha1, oauth_consumer, oauth_token)
headers = req.to_header()
if http_method == "POST":
encoded_post_data = req.to_postdata()
encoded_post_data = None
url = req.to_url()
opener = urllib.OpenerDirector()
response =, encoded_post_data)
return response
def fetchsamples():
url = ""
parameters = []
response = twitterreq(url, "GET", parameters)
for line in response:
print line.strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':
The output I receive is like this
{"created_at":"Mon Dec 09 15:10:41 +0000 2013","id":410063960465891329,"id_str":"410063960465891329","text":"Django Hacker, Next Gen E-Commerce Technology #Hyderabad","source":"\u003ca href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eHasGeek Job Board\u003c/a\u003e","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"user":{"id":260654014,"id_str":"260654014","name":"HasGeek Job Board","screen_name":"hasjob","location":"","url":"","description":"Job listings from the HasGeek Job Board.","protected":false,"followers_count":1530,"friends_count":1,"listed_count":32,"created_at":"Fri Mar 04 09:21:06 +0000 2011","favourites_count":0,"utc_offset":19800,"time_zone":"Mumbai","geo_enabled":true,"verified":false,"statuses_count":10528,"lang":"en","contributors_enabled":false,"is_translator":false,"profile_background_color":"C0DEED","profile_background_image_url":"","profile_background_image_url_https":"","profile_background_tile":false,"profile_image_url":"","profile_image_url_https":"","profile_link_color":"0084B4","profile_sidebar_border_color":"C0DEED","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"DDEEF6","profile_text_color":"333333","profile_use_background_image":true,"default_profile":true,"default_profile_image":false,"following":null,"follow_request_sent":null,"notifications":null},"geo":null,"coordinates":null,"place":null,"contributors":null,"retweet_count":0,"favorite_count":0,"entities":{"hashtags":[{"text":"Hyderabad","indices":[69,79]}],"symbols":[],"urls":[{"url":"","expanded_url":"","display_url":"","indices":[46,68]}],"user_mentions":[]},"favorited":false,"retweeted":false,"possibly_sensitive":false,"filter_level":"medium","lang":"en"}
It's json. In python, at a very basic level, you can import the json library, load the tweet as a python object from json and print the fields as below.
import json
tweetObj = json.loads(response)
print tweetObj['user']['id_str'], tweetObj['created_at'], tweetObj['text']

Logging in using Python 3

How to login to a site say given I have a username and a password and retreive Cookies for further usage in Python 3?
Here is a code snippet I used in python to log into a web page:
base_url = ""
store = 01234
username = 'myusername'
password = 'mypassword'
post_data = {
'hdnAction': 'LOGIN',
'txtStoreID': '%s' % store,
'txtLogin': '%s' % username,
'txtpassword': '%s' % password,
params = urllib.urlencode(post_data)
request = urllib2.Request(base_url + "/", params)
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
#print "getting url: %s" % request.get_full_url()
response = urllib2.urlopen(request, params, 300)
xmldata =
redirects = re.compile('''window\.location\.href="(.*?)"''', re.DOTALL).findall(xmldata)
cookie = response.headers.get('Set-Cookie').split(';')[0].strip() + ";"
if len(redirects) > 0 :
request = urllib2.Request(base_url + "%s" % redirects[0])
print "getting url: %s" % request.get_full_url()
request.add_header('cookie', cookie)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request, None, 300)
xmldata =
Those things in post data are elements on the HTML FORM tag. Look at thier "name" attributes.

Django formset unit test

I can't run a unit test with formset.
I try to do a test:
class NewClientTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.c = Client()
def test_0_create_individual_with_same_adress(self):
post_data = {
'username': 'dupond.f',
'email': '',
'password': 'pwd',
'password2': 'pwd',
'civility': User.CIVILITY_MISTER,
'first_name': 'François',
'last_name': 'DUPOND',
'phone': '+33 1 34 12 52 30',
'gsm': '+33 6 34 12 52 30',
'fax': '+33 1 34 12 52 30',
'form-0-address1': '33 avenue Gambetta',
'form-0-address2': 'apt 50',
'form-0-zip_code': '75020',
'form-0-city': 'Paris',
'form-0-country': 'FRA',
'same_for_billing': True,
response ='client:full_account'), post_data, follow=True)
self.assertRedirects(response, '%s?created=1' % reverse('client:dashboard'))
and I have this error:
ValidationError: [u'ManagementForm data is missing or has been
tampered with']
My view :
def full_account(request, url_redirect=''):
from forms import NewUserFullForm, AddressForm, BaseArticleFormSet
fields_required = []
fields_notrequired = []
AddressFormSet = formset_factory(AddressForm, extra=2, formset=BaseArticleFormSet)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = NewUserFullForm(request.POST)
objforms = AddressFormSet(request.POST)
if objforms.is_valid() and form.is_valid():
user =
address = objforms.forms[0].save()
if url_redirect=='':
url_redirect = '%s?created=1' % reverse('client:dashboard')
logon(request, form.instance)
return HttpResponseRedirect(url_redirect)
form = NewUserFullForm()
objforms = AddressFormSet()
return direct_to_template(request, 'clients/full_account.html', {
'formset': objforms,
and my form file :
class BaseArticleFormSet(BaseFormSet):
def clean(self):
msg_err = _('Ce champ est obligatoire.')
non_errors = True
if 'same_for_billing' in and['same_for_billing'] == 'on':
same_for_billing = True
same_for_billing = False
for i in [0, 1]:
form = self.forms[i]
for field in form.fields:
name_field = 'form-%d-%s' % (i, field )
value_field =[name_field].strip()
if i == 0 and self.forms[0].fields[field].required and value_field =='':
form.errors[field] = msg_err
non_errors = False
elif i == 1 and not same_for_billing and self.forms[1].fields[field].required and value_field =='':
form.errors[field] = msg_err
non_errors = False
return non_errors
class AddressForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Address
address1 = forms.CharField()
address2 = forms.CharField(required=False)
zip_code = forms.CharField()
city = forms.CharField()
country = forms.ChoiceField(choices=CountryField.COUNTRIES, initial='FRA')
In particular, I've found that the ManagmentForm validator is looking for the following items to be POSTed:
form_data = {
'form-TOTAL_FORMS': 1,
Every Django formset comes with a management form that needs to be included in the post. The official docs explain it pretty well. To use it within your unit test, you either need to write it out yourself. (The link I provided shows an example), or call formset.management_form which outputs the data.
It is in fact easy to reproduce whatever is in the formset by inspecting the context of the response.
Consider the code below (with self.client being a regular test client):
url = "some_url"
response = self.client.get(url)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# data will receive all the forms field names
# key will be the field name (as "formx-fieldname"), value will be the string representation.
data = {}
# global information, some additional fields may go there
data['csrf_token'] = response.context['csrf_token']
# management form information, needed because of the formset
management_form = response.context['form'].management_form
data['%s-%s' % (management_form.prefix, i)] = management_form[i].value()
for i in range(response.context['form'].total_form_count()):
# get form index 'i'
current_form = response.context['form'].forms[i]
# retrieve all the fields
for field_name in current_form.fields:
value = current_form[field_name].value()
data['%s-%s' % (current_form.prefix, field_name)] = value if value is not None else ''
# flush out to stdout
print '#' * 30
for i in sorted(data.keys()):
print i, '\t:', data[i]
# post the request without any change
response =, data)
Important note
If you modify data prior to calling the, you are likely mutating the DB. As a consequence, subsequent call to self.client.get might not yield to the same data, in particular for the management form and the order of the forms in the formset (because they can be ordered differently, depending on the underlying queryset). This means that
if you modify data[form-3-somefield] and call self.client.get, this same field might appear in say data[form-8-somefield],
if you modify data prior to a, you cannot call again with the same data: you have to call a self.client.get and reconstruct data again.
Django formset unit test
You can add following test helper methods to your test class [Python 3 code]
def build_formset_form_data(self, form_number, **data):
form = {}
for key, value in data.items():
form_key = f"form-{form_number}-{key}"
form[form_key] = value
return form
def build_formset_data(self, forms, **common_data):
formset_dict = {
"form-TOTAL_FORMS": f"{len(forms)}",
"form-MAX_NUM_FORMS": "1000",
"form-INITIAL_FORMS": "1"
for i, form_data in enumerate(forms):
form_dict = self.build_formset_form_data(form_number=i, **form_data)
return formset_dict
And use them in test
def test_django_formset_post(self):
forms = [{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, {"key100": "value100"}]
payload = self.build_formset_data(forms=forms, global_param=100)
#, data=payload)
You will get correct payload which makes Django ManagementForm happy
"form-INITIAL_FORMS": "1",
"form-TOTAL_FORMS": "2",
"form-MAX_NUM_FORMS": "1000",
"global_param": 100,
"form-0-key1": "value1",
"form-0-key2": "value2",
"form-1-key100": "value100",
There are several very useful answers here, e.g. pymen's and Raffi's, that show how to construct properly formatted payload for a formset post using the test client.
However, all of them still require at least some hand-coding of prefixes, dealing with existing objects, etc., which is not ideal.
As an alternative, we could create the payload for a post() using the response obtained from a get() request:
def create_formset_post_data(response, new_form_data=None):
if new_form_data is None:
new_form_data = []
csrf_token = response.context['csrf_token']
formset = response.context['formset']
prefix_template = formset.empty_form.prefix # default is 'form-__prefix__'
# extract initial formset data
management_form_data = formset.management_form.initial
form_data_list = formset.initial # this is a list of dict objects
# add new form data and update management form data
management_form_data['TOTAL_FORMS'] = len(form_data_list)
# initialize the post data dict...
post_data = dict(csrf_token=csrf_token)
# add properly prefixed management form fields
for key, value in management_form_data.items():
prefix = prefix_template.replace('__prefix__', '')
post_data[prefix + key] = value
# add properly prefixed data form fields
for index, form_data in enumerate(form_data_list):
for key, value in form_data.items():
prefix = prefix_template.replace('__prefix__', f'{index}-')
post_data[prefix + key] = value
return post_data
The output (post_data) will also include form fields for any existing objects.
Here's how you might use this in a Django TestCase:
def test_post_formset_data(self):
url_path = '/my/post/url/'
user = User.objects.create()
# first GET the form content
response = self.client.get(url_path)
self.assertEqual(HTTPStatus.OK, response.status_code)
# specify form data for test
test_data = [
dict(first_name='someone', email='', ...),
# convert test_data to properly formatted dict
post_data = create_formset_post_data(response, new_form_data=test_data)
# now POST the data
response =, data=post_data, follow=True)
# some assertions here
Some notes:
Instead of using the 'TOTAL_FORMS' string literal, we could import TOTAL_FORM_COUNT from django.forms.formsets, but that does not seem to be public (at least in Django 2.2).
Also note that the formset adds a 'DELETE' field to each form if can_delete is True. To test deletion of existing items, you can do something like this in your test:
post_data = create_formset_post_data(response)
post_data['form-0-DELETE'] = True
# then POST, etc.
From the source, we can see that there is no need include MIN_NUM_FORM_COUNT and MAX_NUM_FORM_COUNT in our test data:
MIN_NUM_FORM_COUNT and MAX_NUM_FORM_COUNT are output with the rest of the management form, but only for the convenience of client-side code. The POST value of them returned from the client is not checked.
This doesn't seem to be a formset at all. Formsets will always have some sort of prefix on every POSTed value, as well as the ManagementForm that Bartek mentions. It might have helped if you posted the code of the view you're trying to test, and the form/formset it uses.
My case may be an outlier, but some instances were actually missing a field set in the stock "contrib" admin form/template leading to the error
"ManagementForm data is missing or has been tampered with"
when saved.
The issue was with the unicode method (SomeModel: [Bad Unicode data]) which I found investigating the inlines that were missing.
The lesson learned is to not use the MS Character Map, I guess. My issue was with vulgar fractions (¼, ½, ¾), but I'd assume it could occur many different ways. For special characters, copying/pasting from the w3 utf-8 page fixed it.