Is there any function to edit a JSON file in Qt? [duplicate] - c++

This question already has an answer here:
How to change values in a json file?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have JSON file that contains some text, for example i have "Value": 39 and I want to change the value with for example 12. I know txts are not able to be modified but is there any method from json that does it for me?

Read the JSON file to QJsonDocument, then get the data container where you want to replace the value as QJsonObject and then create a new QJsonValue with the new value and then replace it in the container by calling . And finally write the Json document back to file.


How to read json lines into arrow::Table in c++?

The support for line-separated JSON in c++ seems never completed from git log.
example JSON lines:
relevant docs in arrow:
I am trying to compare an arrow table with a line-delimited json [1].
Several approaches I tried:
read the line-delimited json into an arrow::Table. Because we do not know the schema of the json (e.g. what are the keys in the json and what are the types of the values), there does not seem a way to construct the arrow::schema
Convert the arrow::Table to line-delimited json by converting each row of the arrow::Table into a JSON line. arrow::Table is in columnar format so it seems we have to traverse columns to get elements by index.

What is an efficient way of inserting hundreds of records into an SQLite table using Django? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Bulk create model objects in django
(10 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a CSV file with hundreds of data, I want to insert everything into my SQLite DB in my Django app. Inputting each value one by one will be a complete waste of time. What is a more efficient way to approach this?
The best approach in this case, is to use the bulk_create.
From the doc:
bulk_create(objs, batch_size=None, ignore_conflicts=False)
This method inserts the provided list of objects into the database in an efficient manner (generally only 1 query, no matter how many objects there are), and returns created objects as a list, in the same order as provided:
Link to doc:

How to search for "any" with .where() in firestore? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Conditional where clause in firestore queries
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Is there a way to have an "empty" where query (that searches for anything).
right now I have to do
if (searchForAny){
else {
Is there a way to have an "empty" where query (that searches for anything)
Yes it is. To solve that, simply remove the call to:
When you are using the where() function, you tell Firstore to return only those documents where the sky property holds the value of blue. If you need all documents, use only a reference to the skies collection, not a query.

save geotools query result in a shape file/csv file

I have implemented GeoTools Query tutorial. Can someone tell me that how could I apply a query in two shape files at a time and save the results in a new shape file or a csv file.
or even can i save the query results of a single shape file as done in the Query Tutorial in a new shape file or csv file?
You can apply your Query to as many shapefiles as you like just loop through them and keep adding to the feature collection where you are storing the answers.
So in pseudocode:
collection = new List
for file in shapefiles:
You can actually use a normal Java ArrayList (or Set) to store the results in and then use a ListFeatureCollection to write them out.
FeatureCollection features = new ListFeatureCollection(schema, feats);
Caveat: All your shapefiles must have the same contents (or your Query must only extract the common attributes). See my answer to this question for an example of ShapeFile writing.

How to rename list of Excel sheets with a list of names [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Creating and Naming Worksheet in Excel VBA [closed]
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I need to create profiles for a large list of clients. Each client has an ID number and I need to create a sheet in a workbook for each client, with the ID number for each client as the name for their respective sheets. I also have a sheet template that I would rather use to help create profiles in a uniform and professional manner. My question is: is there a way I can create a copy of the template for each of my clients and rename them with each of the ID's on my list, all at once?
The following VBA commands should cover what you want to do:
Rename a sheet
Sheets("Sheet5").Name = "Myname"
Add a sheet, then rename it
Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Name = "MyNewSheet"