Django : Page Not Found when trying to access static files - django

I know there are already several threads on the topic. I've been through most of them (especially all the troubleshooting listed in this one) but I can't figure out my issue.
I am trying to use a Bootstrap template in my Django project, and I'd like to simply start by accessing the files in the /static/ directory. My project directory looks like this :
Whenever I try to load the page http://localhost:8000/static/theme/assets/css/style.css it returns a Page not found error (and obviously no CSS/JS content appears on my index).
Here are my settings:
I have debug = True
ÌNSTALLED_APPS contains django.contrib.staticfiles looks like this :
STATIC_URL = "/static/"
STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/"),)
But I still can't access anything from the /static/ directory.
I tried to access the CSS and JS files in base.html this way :
{% load static %}
<link href="{% static 'theme/assets/css/style.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
I really have no clue how I could solve this.
Thanks in advance for your help !

Is base.html properly bound to a URL and to a view function via a URL dispatcher ? Can you access that file from your browser ?
If yes, try to substitute this line
STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/"),)
with this one
STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),)


Static files not loaded into templates

I am new to Django and so far all I know about static files is that they are CSS, JS, and images and they should be in a directory called static within the app directory
but when I use one of these files in my template like that:
first I load the static files
{% load static %} <!-- in the 1st line of the template -->
then I link the CSS file like that
<link href="{% static 'auctions/styles.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
They don't load and the styles don't seem to appear
so I just want to know what I am missing here
this is the project tree enter image description here
static root and url from settings
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = 'E:/Work/SoftwareDevelopment/Web/Django/commerce/auctions/static'
Did you ran python collectstatic?
You also need to configurate your with STATIC_URL = '/static/'
Are your auctions's static folder separated in css, js, images folders? If so, you are missing specifying that in static:
If that doesn't work, try running collectstatic manually and getting the path to the file from there to pass in the html.

Problem while loading static files|| django

iam learning Django i have learned pretty much. I used static method to rendered css and other static files. But changes iam making to css which is in static files are not reflacting on webpage . i have to close all files and restart vscode again to see those changes. I have not added code because im not getting any error at all .
( example :: i have changed font size of all anchors . Normally it should be changes on webpage after saving and refreshing the page. but in this case font size is not changing. i have to close all files and reopen them and after starting the server again i can see those changes which i made to anchor tag. )
Any one who knows why because to see changes restart whole project will never be a good option. thanks in Advance
At the beginning of your code use {% load static %} and where ever you want to use the files from static folder use {% static 'name of your file' %}
Make sure you've not added your static folder in your base directory. In such case update your
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'assets')
you can use whichever name you like instead of assets

Django static files not loading for all pages except index page

I am working on a blog website in django, where I can write articles.
While developing I am simultaneously hosting it on
In dev server everything works perfect, but after deploying, I am facing a strange issue. My static files are loading for home page but are giving error-404 for all remaining pages.
While debugging, I found that for home page it searches files in path which is correct
But for a page say '' it searches for static files in ''' which is incorrect.
I searched everywhere on the internet but couldn't find answer.
Here are my settings:
STATIC_URL = 'static/'
STATIC_ROOT = 'static/'
This is how I am referring to static files:
<link href="{% static "vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" %}" rel="stylesheet">
I guess the problem is that you are using relative addressing for your static_url and root. change it to this:
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = '/static/'
add '/' before your static urls

Adding image as a background for a django template

I have checked a links for how to set an image as background for a div. I have tried various ways. But still am going wrong somewhere and would need some guidance...
Below is my directory structure:
/frontend (django project)
/webApp (django app)
In my home.html I have the following line,
{% load static %}
<div style="background-image: url({% static "/img1.jpg"%}); height: 650px; width: 1920px;">
In I have,
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
But the image does not appear when the page is displayed. I get the following error.
"GET /static/img1.jpg HTTP/1.1" 404 1803
My directory structure was different and have searched a few questions before to fit my need. I still am getting confused with the urls and assigning url for the background image. Also i want it as a url and not as href to set the background-image.
How do I go about this?
Try to specify STATICFILES_DIRS in
"<absolute path to static folder>",
I made a few changes... I shifted the static folder to where my is present... And remove the / before img1.jpg in the html file... Finally it's working now...
try add but with proper path:
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),

Django template does not render CSS and Javascript

I have the following folder structure for my project.
Now, in my base.html file i have
But, when i view the file the css and javascript does not seem to be loaded on the page.
In my, i have
TEMPLATE_DIRS = "Absolute-path-to-base.html"
STATIC_URL = '/static'
STATICFILES_DIRS = 'Absolute-path-to-the above static folder'
As per all the docs and posts what i understood was, we need to keep all the staticfiles in one place, viz, static folder in my case...and all the templates (including base.html) in one place. After doing so, i open the base.html in my browser to view the page...and it does not display the CSS and the javascript. Instead when i place the file (base.html) in the static folder things work fine.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
You should replace
STATIC_URL = '/static'
by :
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
and in django templates, you should use
<script src="{% static "path" %}"></script>
also add {% load staticfiles %} at the top