I'd like to get deeper in C++. There are decisions made in STL that I'd like to understand and it's quite hard from just the code.
My idea is to implement some of the STL on my own to understand the pitfalls and so improve my understanding of C++ and improve my code. And I'd like to have some features in STL containers the STD does not have like destruction notification for a resource handling class. I created an extended version of my SharedPointer to contain a std::function as deletion notifier.
And I found some trouble.
Take this code for example: SmartPointer.hpp
This is some code I came up with and have some questions.
Known problems
Derived classes won't work
Complains about incomplete type
Unknown problems
1.1. Derived classes won't work
Just having T as type won't work after the type has been casted. The idea was to pass along OrigT as second parameter so I always know what type ptr points to. I can cast it back and call the correct destructor.
SharedPointer<Derived> member = base.Cast<Derived>();
will create T = OrigT and types will not match after cast on assertion I assume. I can't imagine anything how I could solve this.
if (!shared->HasReferences())
delete shared;
OriginalValuePointer origPtr = dynamic_cast<OriginalValuePointer>(ptr);
delete origPtr;
1.2. Complains about incomplete type
In my examples I get complaints about incomplete type. But I can't figure out why. Currently I am considering making operator* and operator-> templates, too that would be a shot in the dark. I have no clue why it complains and I'd like to ask if you could point me to the problem here.
Same code as above in compiler complaint
2.2. I think stackoverflow is not the ideal place to ask for feedback but considering my two problems I'd like to ask anyway.
Does anyone have any sources to readable and ideally explained smart pointers? The ones I've found did not quite match my expectations. They were either too simple or did not contain explanation at the critical points.
I'd appreciate some direct feedback on the code. Afar from coding style of course ;-). Is there anything you directly see where I made a mistake I'll regret? Is there anything that could be done better? (for example, .Cast as member is IMHO a bad choice. For once it is not directly a property of the pointer and I think it might cause flaws I'm not aware of yet.)
I'm really grateful for your help and your opinion.
Stay healthy.
Normal C++ classes use snake_case, rather than CamelCase.
This class isn't' thread safe (you probably knew that, but its worth calling out)
NumReferences returns the count by reference, which isn't useful, and is slightly slower than returning by int.
All methods defined inside the class are automatically inline, so you don't need that anywhere.
operator ValueType() is implicit, which is super dangerous. You can make it explicit, but I'd eliminate it entirely.
operator ValueType() needs to know the details of ValueType in order to be created. So if ValueType isn't fully defined yet, you'll get compiler errors about an incomplete type. Again, deleting the method eliminates this issue.
operator SharedPointer<U>() and operator bool() are also implicit. Prefer explicit.
strongly consider adding assert to all your methods that use shared or ptr without checking if it's null first.
Raw() is normally named get()
Now, on to OrigT and Release: std::shared_ptr does an interesting trick where the SharedData has inheritance:
struct SharedData {
std::atomic_uint count;
virtual ~SharedData() {}
template<class OrigT>
struct SharedDataImpl {
OrigT* data;
~SharedData() {delete data;}
Since all the shared_ptrs to the same data will point to the same SharedDataImpl, they don't have to know the most derived class. All they have to do is delete the SharedData member, and it'll automatically clean up the data correctly. This does require having a second data pointer: one in the SharedPointer itself and one in the SharedData, but usually this isn't an issue. (Or a virtual T* get() method)
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Two anti-patterns that are incredibly common in most code bases I've worked out of are Boolean return values to indicate success/failure, and generic integral return codes to indicate more details about an error message.
Both of these are very C-like and do not fit into C++ very well in my humble opinion.
My question is in regards to best practices when it comes down to designing exceptions into your code base. In other words, what is the best way to indicate the finite possibilities for failure? For example, one of the aforementioned anti-patterns would typically have one giant enumeration with each enumeration value representing a specific kind of failure, such as FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST or NO_PERMISSIONS. Normally these are kept as general as possible so that they can be used across multiple, unrelated domains (such as networking components and file I/O components).
A design similar to this that one might consider for exceptions is to subclass one concrete exception type from std::exception for each type of failure or thing that might go wrong. So in my previous example, we would have the following:
namespace exceptions {
class file_does_not_exist : public std::exception {};
class no_permissions : public std::exception {};
I think this is closer to something that "feels better", but in the end this just seems like a maintenance nightmare, especially if you have hundreds of these "error codes" to translate over into classes.
Another approach I've seen is to simply use the standard <stdexcept> classes, such as std::runtime_error and have a string with the specifics. For example:
throw std::runtime_error( "file does not exist" );
throw std::runtime_error( "no permissions" );
This design is much more maintainable but makes it difficult or unfeasible to conditionally catch either of these exceptions should they both be potentially thrown from the same core location or function call.
So what would be a good, maintainable design for exception types? My requirements are simple. I'd like to have contextual information about what happened (did I run out of memory? Do I lack filesystem permissions? Did I fail to meet the preconditions of a function call (e.g. bad parameters)?), and I'd also like to be able to act on that information accordingly. Maybe I treat all of them the same, maybe I have specific catch statements for certain failures so I can recover from them differently.
My research on this has only lead me to this question:
C++ exception class design
The user here asks a similar question that I am, and his/her code sample at the bottom is almost likable, but his/her base exception class does not follow the open/closed principle, so that wouldn't really work for me.
The C++ standard library’s exception hierarchy is IMHO pretty arbitrary and meaningless. For example, it would probably just create problems if anyone started actually using e.g. std::logic_error instead of terminating when it’s clear that the program has a Very Nasty Bug™. For as the standard puts it,
“The distinguishing characteristic of logic errors is that they are due to errors in the internal logic of the program.”
Thus, at the point where it might otherwise seem reasonable to throw a std::logic_error the program state might be unpredictably fouled up, and continued execution might put the user’s data in harm’s way.
Still, like std::string the standard exception class hierarchy has a really really practically important and useful feature, namely that it’s formally standard.
So any custom exception class should be derived indirectly or (although I would not recommend it) directly from std::exception.
Generally, when the debates about custom exception classes raged ten years ago, I recommended deriving only from std::runtime_error, and I still recommend that. It is the standard exception class that supports custom messages (the others generally have hardcoded messages that one preferably should not change, since they have value in being recognizable). And one might argue that std::runtime_error is the standard exception class that represents recoverable failures (as opposed to unrecoverable logic errors, which can’t be fixed at run time), or as the standard puts it,
“runtime errors are due to events beyond the scope of the program. They cannot be easily predicted in advance”.
Sometimes the C++ exception mechanism is used for other things, treated as just a low-level dynamic destination jump mechanism. For example, clever code can use exceptions for propagating a successful result out of a chain of recursive calls. But exception-as-failure is the most common usage, and that’s what C++ exceptions are typically optimized for, so mostly it makes sense to use std::runtime_error as root for any custom exception class hierarchy – even if that forces someone who wants to be clever, to throw a “failure”-indicating exception to indicate success…
Worth noting: there are three standard subclasses of std::runtime_error, namely std::range_error, std::overflow_error and std::underflow_error, and that contrary to what their names indicate the latter two are not required to be be generated by floating point operations and are not in practice generated by floating point operations, but are AFAIK only generated by some – surprise! – std::bitset operations. Simply put, the standard library’s exception class hierarchy seems to me to have been thrown in there just for apperance’s sake, without any real good reasons or existing practice, and even without a does-it-make-sense check. But maybe I missed out on that and if so, then I still have something new to learn about this. :-)
So, std::runtime_error it is, then.
At the top of a hierarchy of custom exception classes, with C++03 it was useful to add in the important stuff missing from C++03 standard exceptions:
Virtual clone method (especially important for passing exceptions through C code).
Virtual throwSelf method (same main reason as for cloning).
Support for chained exception messages (standardizing a format).
Support for carrying a failure cause code (like e.g. Windows or Posix error code).
Support for getting a standard message from a carried failure cause code.
C++11 added support for much of this, but except for trying out the new support for failure cause codes and messages, and noting that unfortunately it’s pretty Unix-specific and not very suitable for Windows, I haven’t yet used it. Anyway, for completeness: instead of adding cloning and virtual rethrowing (which is the best that an ordinary application programmer can do in a custom exception class hierarchy, because as an application programmer you cannot hoist a current exception object out of the storage that the implementation’s exception propagation uses), the C++11 standard adds free functions std::current_exception() and std::rethrow_exception(), and instead of support for chained exception messages it adds a mixin class std::nested_exception and free functions std::rethrow_nested and std::rethrow_if_nested.
Given the partial C++11 support for the above bullet points, a new and modern custom exception class hierarchy should better integrate with the C++11 support instead of addressing the C++03 shortcomings. Well, except for the C++11 failure code thing, which seems to be very unsuitable for Windows programming. So, at the top of the custom hierarchy, right under std::runtime_error, there will ideally be at least one general exception class, and derived from that, one exception class that supports propagation of failure codes.
Now, finally, to the gist of the question: should one now best derive a unique exception class for every possible failure cause, or at least for major failure causes?
If or where it is can be useful for a caller to distinguish a certain failure cause, a distinct exception class for that is very useful. But in most cases the only information of interest to a caller is the single fact that an exception has occurred. It is very rare that different failure causes lead to different attempted fixes.
But what about failure cause codes?
Well, when that's what an underlying API gives you, it is just added work to create corresponding exception classes. But on the other hand, when you are communicating failure up in a call chain, and the caller might need to know the exact cause, then using a code for that means the caller will have to use some nested checking and dispatch inside the catch. So these are different situations: (A) your code is the original source of a failure indication, versus (B) your code uses e.g. a Windows or Posix API function that fails and that that indicates failure cause via a failure cause code.
I have used boost::exception for a while now and I really like inserting arbitrary data into an exception.
I do this in addition to specific exception types, e.g.
#define MY_THROW(x) \
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(x << errinfo_thread_id(boost::this_thread::get_id()))
class DatabaseException : public std::exception, public boost::exception { ... };
typedef boost::error_info< struct errinfo_message_, std::string > errinfo_message;
<< boost::errinfo_api_function("somefunction")
<< errinfo_message("somefunction failed terribly.")
This way you can catch specific exceptions while also providing loads of detail from the throw site (e.g., file name, line number, thread id, ...).
It also provides some pretty printing of the exception message and its details.
Most of the time I write that information in my log and abort the program, depending on the exception.
EDIT: As noted in the thread you cited, use shallow hierarchies. I use something like 3-4 exception classes that inherit directly from std::exception and boost::exception. I also put lots of details into the exceptions (e.g., the thread id).
If the error condition is something that caller of your library could have prevented by changing logic of their code then derive your exception from logic_error. Generally, caller won't be able to do simple retry if logic_error is thrown. For example, someone is calling your code such that it would cause divide by 0 then you may create custom exception,
class divide_by_zero : public logic_error {
divide_by_zero(const string& message)
: logic_error(message) {
If the error condition was something that could not have been prevented by the caller then derive from runtime_error. Some of these errors might be recoverable (i.e. caller can catch exception, re-try or ignore).
class network_down : public runtime_error {
network_down(const string& message)
: runtime_error(message) {
This is also the general philosophy to design exceptions in standard library. You can view the exception code for GCC here.
In a project I am working on, we have several "disposable" classes. What I mean by disposable is that they are a class where you call some methods to set up the info, and you call what equates to a doit function. You doit once and throw them away. If you want to doit again, you have to create another instance of the class. The reason they're not reduced to single functions is that they must store state for after they doit for the user to get information about what happened and it seems to be not very clean to return a bunch of things through reference parameters. It's not a singleton but not a normal class either.
Is this a bad way to do things? Is there a better design pattern for this sort of thing? Or should I just give in and make the user pass in a boatload of reference parameters to return a bunch of things through?
What you describe is not a class (state + methods to alter it), but an algorithm (map input data to output data):
result_t do_it(parameters_t);
Why do you think you need a class for that?
Sounds like your class is basically a parameter block in a thin disguise.
There's nothing wrong with that IMO, and it's certainly better than a function with so many parameters it's hard to keep track of which is which.
It can also be a good idea when there's a lot of input parameters - several setup methods can set up a few of those at a time, so that the names of the setup functions give more clue as to which parameter is which. Also, you can cover different ways of setting up the same parameters using alternative setter functions - either overloads or with different names. You might even use a simple state-machine or flag system to ensure the correct setups are done.
However, it should really be possible to recycle your instances without having to delete and recreate. A "reset" method, perhaps.
As Konrad suggests, this is perhaps misleading. The reset method shouldn't be seen as a replacement for the constructor - it's the constructors job to put the object into a self-consistent initialised state, not the reset methods. Object should be self-consistent at all times.
Unless there's a reason for making cumulative-running-total-style do-it calls, the caller should never have to call reset explicitly - it should be built into the do-it call as the first step.
I still decided, on reflection, to strike that out - not so much because of Jalfs comment, but because of the hairs I had to split to argue the point ;-) - Basically, I figure I almost always have a reset method for this style of class, partly because my "tools" usually have multiple related kinds of "do it" (e.g. "insert", "search" and "delete" for a tree tool), and shared mode. The mode is just some input fields, in parameter block terms, but that doesn't mean I want to keep re-initializing. But just because this pattern happens a lot for me, doesn't mean it should be a point of principle.
I even have a name for these things (not limited to the single-operation case) - "tool" classes. A "tree_searching_tool" will be a class that searches (but doesn't contain) a tree, for example, though in practice I'd have a "tree_tool" that implements several tree-related operations.
Basically, even parameter blocks in C should ideally provide a kind of abstraction that gives it some order beyond being just a bunch of parameters. "Tool" is a (vague) abstraction. Classes are a major means of handling abstraction in C++.
I have used a similar design and wondered about this too. A fictive simplified example could look like this:
FileDownloader downloader(url);;
downloader.result(); // get the path to the downloaded file
To make it reusable I store it in a boost::scoped_ptr:
boost::scoped_ptr<FileDownloader> downloader;
// Download first file
downloader.reset(new FileDownloader(url1));
// Download second file
downloader.reset(new FileDownloader(url2));
To answer your question: I think it's ok. I have not found any problems with this design.
As far as I can tell you are describing a class that represents an algorithm. You configure the algorithm, then you run the algorithm and then you get the result of the algorithm. I see nothing wrong with putting those steps together in a class if the alternative is a function that takes 7 configuration parameters and 5 output references.
This structuring of code also has the advantage that you can split your algorithm into several steps and put them in separate private member functions. You can do that without a class too, but that can lead to the sub-functions having many parameters if the algorithm has a lot of state. In a class you can conveniently represent that state through member variables.
One thing you might want to look out for is that structuring your code like this could easily tempt you to use inheritance to share code among similar algorithms. If algorithm A defines a private helper function that algorithm B needs, it's easy to make that member function protected and then access that helper function by having class B derive from class A. It could also feel natural to define a third class C that contains the common code and then have A and B derive from C. As a rule of thumb, inheritance used only to share code in non-virtual methods is not the best way - it's inflexible, you end up having to take on the data members of the super class and you break the encapsulation of the super class. As a rule of thumb for that situation, prefer factoring the common code out of both classes without using inheritance. You can factor that code into a non-member function or you might factor it into a utility class that you then use without deriving from it.
YMMV - what is best depends on the specific situation. Factoring code into a common super class is the basis for the template method pattern, so when using virtual methods inheritance might be what you want.
Nothing especially wrong with the concept. You should try to set it up so that the objects in question can generally be auto-allocated vs having to be newed -- significant performance savings in most cases. And you probably shouldn't use the technique for highly performance-sensitive code unless you know your compiler generates it efficiently.
I disagree that the class you're describing "is not a normal class". It has state and it has behavior. You've pointed out that it has a relatively short lifespan, but that doesn't make it any less of a class.
Short-lived classes vs. functions with out-params:
I agree that your short-lived classes are probably a little more intuitive and easier to maintain than a function which takes many out-params (or 1 complex out-param). However, I suspect a function will perform slightly better, because you won't be taking the time to instantiate a new short-lived object. If it's a simple class, that performance difference is probably negligible. However, if you're talking about an extremely performance-intensive environment, it might be a consideration for you.
Short-lived classes: creating new vs. re-using instances:
There's plenty of examples where instances of classes are re-used: thread-pools, DB-connection pools (probably darn near any software construct ending in 'pool' :). In my experience, they seem to be used when instantiating the object is an expensive operation. Your small, short-lived classes don't sound like they're expensive to instantiate, so I wouldn't bother trying to re-use them. You may find that whatever pooling mechanism you implement, actually costs MORE (performance-wise) than simply instantiating new objects whenever needed.
Sometimes when fixing a defect in an existing code base I might (often out of laziness) decide to change a method from:
MyClass::foo(uint32_t aBar)
// Do something with aBar...
MyClass::foo(uint32_t aBar, bool aSomeCondition)
if (aSomeCondition)
// Do something with aBar...
During a code review a colleague mentioned that a better approach would be to sub-class MyClass to provide this specialized functionality.
However, I would argue that as long as aSomeCondition doesn't violate the purpose or cohesion of MyClass it is an acceptable pattern to use. Only if the code became infiltrated with flags and if statements would inheritance be a better option, otherwise we would be potentially be entering architecture astronaut territory.
What's the tipping point here?
Note: I just saw this related answer which suggests that an enum may be a better
choice than a bool, but I think my question still applies in this case.
There is not only one solution for this kind of problem.
Boolean has a very low semantic. If you want to add in the future a new condition you will have to add a new parameter...
After four years of maintenance your method may have half a dozen of parameters, if these parameters are all boolean it is very nice trap for maintainers.
Enum is a good choice if cases are exclusive.
Enums can be easily migrated to a bit-mask or a context object.
Bit mask : C++ includes C language, you can use some plain old practices. Sometime a bit mask on an unsigned int is a good choice (but you loose type checking) and you can pass by mistake an incorrect mask. It is a convenient way to move smoothly from a boolean or an enum argument to this kind of pattern.
Bit mask can be migrated with some effort to a context-object. You may have to implement some kind of bitwise arithmetics such as operator | and operator & if you have to keep a buildtime compatibility.
Inheritence is sometime a good choice if the split of behavior is big and this behavior IS RELATED to the lifecycle of the instance. Note that you also have to use polymorphism and this is may slow down the method if this method is heavily used.
And finally inheritence induce change in all your factory code... And what will you do if you have several methods to change in an exclusive fashion ? You will clutter your code of specific classes...
In fact, I think that this generally not a very good idea.
Method split : Another solution is sometime to split the method in several private and provide two or more public methods.
Context object : C++ and C lack of named parameter can be bypassed by adding a context parameter. I use this pattern very often, especially when I have to pass many data across level of a complex framework.
class Context{
// usually not a good idea to add public data member but to my opinion this is an exception
bool setup:1;
bool foo:1;
bool bar:1;
Context() : setup(0), foo(0), bar(0) ... {}
Context ctx;
ctx.setup = true; ...;
That this is also useful to minimize access (or use) of static data or query to singleton object, TLS ...
Context object can contain a lot more of caching data related to an algorithm.
I let your imagination run free...
Anti patterns
I add here several anti pattern (to prevent some change of signature):
*NEVER DO THIS * use a static int/bool for argument passing (some people that do that, and this is a nightmare to remove this kind of stuff). Break at least multithreading...
*NEVER DO THIS * add a data member to pass parameter to method.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is a clear answer to the problem (and it's one I encounter quite frequently in my own code). With the boolean:
foo( x, true );
the call is hard to understand .
With an enum:
foo( x, UseHigherAccuracy );
it is easy to understand but you tend to end up with code like this:
foo( x, something == someval ? UseHigherAccuracy : UseLowerAccuracy );
which is hardly an improvement. And with multiple functions:
if ( something == someval ) {
AccurateFoo( x );
else {
InaccurateFoo( x );
you end up with a lot more code. But I guess this is the easiest to read, and what I'd tend to use, but I still don't completely like it :-(
One thing I definitely would NOT do however, is subclass. Inheritance should be the last tool you ever reach for.
The primary question is if the flag affects the behaviour of the class, or of that one function. Function-local changes should be parameters, not subclasses. Run-time inheritance should be one of the last tools reached for.
The general guideline I use is: if aSomeCondition changes the nature of the function in a major way, then I consider subclassing.
Subclassing is a relatively large effort compared to adding a flag that has only a minor effect.
Some examples:
if it's a flag that changes the direction in which a sorted collection is returned to the caller, that's a minor change in nature (flag).
if it's a one-shot flag (something that affects the current call rather than a persistent change to the object), it should probably not be a subclass (since going down that track is likely to lead to a massive number of classes).
if it's a enumeration that changes the underlying data structure of your class from array to linked list or balanced tree, that's a complex change (subclass).
Of course, that last one may be better handled by totally hiding the underlying data structure but I'm assuming here that you want to be able to select one of many, for reasons such as performance.
IMHO, aSomeCondition flag changes or depends on the state of current instance, therefore, under certain conditions this class should change its state and handle mentioned operation differently. In this case, I can suggest the usage of State Pattern. Hope it helps.
I would just change code:
void MyClass::foo(uint32_t aBar, bool aSomeCondition)
if (aSomeCondition)
// Do something with aBar...
void MyClass::foo(uint32_t aBar)
if (this->aSomeCondition)
// Do something with aBar...
I always omit bool as function parameter and prefer to put into struct, even if I would have to call
As discusses in The c++ Programming Language 3rd Edition in section 12.2.5, type fields tend to create code that is less versatile, error-prone, less intuitive, and less maintainable than the equivalent code that uses virtual functions and polymorphism.
As a short example, here is how a type field would be used:
void print(const Shape &s)
case Shape::TRIANGE:
cout << "Triangle" << endl;
case Shape::SQUARE:
cout << "Square" << endl;
cout << "None" << endl;
Clearly, this is a nightmare as adding a new type of shape to this and a dozen similar functions would be error-prone and taxing.
Despite these shortcomings and those described in TC++PL, are there any examples where such an implementation (using a type field) is a better solution than utilizing the language features of virtual functions? Or should this practice be black listed as pure evil?
Realistic examples would be preferred over contrived ones, but I'd still be interested in contrived examples. Also, have you ever seen this in production code (even though virtual functions would have been easier)?
When you "know" you have a very specific, small, constant set of types, it can be easier to hardcode them like this. Of course, constants aren't and variables don't, so at some point you might have to rewrite the whole thing anyway.
This is, more or less, the technique used for discriminated unions in several of Alexandrescu's articles.
For example, if I was implementing a JSON library, I'd know each Value can only be an Object, Array, String, Integer, Boolean, or Null—the spec doesn't allow any others.
A type enum can be serialized via memcpy, a v-table can't. A similar feature is that corruption of a type enum value is easy to handle, corruption of the v-table pointer means instant badness. There's no portable way to even test a v-table pointer for validity, calling dynamic_cast or typeinfo to do RTTI checks on an invalid object is undefined behavior.
For example, one instance where I choose to use a type hierarchy with static dispatch controlled by a discriminator and not dynamic dispatch is when passing a pointer to a structure through a Windows message queue. This gives me some protection against other software that may have allocated broadcast messages from a range I'm using (it's supposed to be reserved for app-local messages, do not pass GO if you think that rule is actually respected).
The following guideline is from Clean Code by Robert C. Martin.
"My general rule for switch statements is that they can be tolerated if they appear only once, are used to create polymorphic objects, and are hidden behind an inheritance relationship so that the rest of the system can't see them".
The rationale is this: if you expose type fields to the rest of your code, you'll get multiple instances of the above switch statement. That is a clear violation of DRY. When you add a type, all these switches need to change (or, even worse, they become inconsistent without breaking your build).
My take is: It depends.
A parameterized Factory Method design pattern relies on this technique.
class Creator {
virtual Product* Create(ProductId);
Product* Creator::Create (ProductId id) {
if (id == MINE) return new MyProduct;
if (id == YOURS) return new YourProduct;
// repeat for remaining products...
return 0;
So, is this bad. I don't think so as we do not have any other alternative at this stage. This is a place where it is absolutely necessary as it involves creation of an object. The type of the object is yet to be known.
The example in OP is however an example which sure needs refactoring. Here we are already dealing with an existing object/type (passed as argument to function).
As Herb Sutter mentions -
"Switch off: Avoid switching on the
type of an object to customize
behavior. Use templates and virtual
functions to let types (not their
calling code) decide their behavior."
Aren't there costs associated to virtual functions and polymorphism? Like maintaining a vtable per class, increase of each class object size by 4 byptes, runtime slowness (I have never measured it though) for resolving the virtual function appropriately. So, for simple situations, using a type field appears acceptable.
I think that if the type corresponds precisely to the implied classes then type is wrong. Where it gets complicated is where the type does not quite match or its not so cut and dried.
Taking your example what if type was Red, Green, Blue. Those are types of shapes. You could even have a color class as a mixin; but its probably too much.
I am thinking of using a type field to solve the problem of vector slicing. That is, I want a vector of hierarchical objects. For example I want my vector to be a vector of shapes, but I want to store circles, rectangles, triangles etc.
You can't do that in the most obvious simple way because of slicing. So the normal solution is to have a vector of pointers or smart pointers instead. But I think there are cases where using a type field will be a simpler solution, (avoids new/delete or alternative lifecycle techniques).
The best example I can think of (and the one I've run into before), is when your set of types is fixed and the set of functions you want to do (that depend on those types) is fluid. That way, when you add a new function, you modify a single place (adding a single switch) rather than adding a new base virtual function with the real implementation scattered all across the classes in your type hierarchy.
I don't know of any realistic examples. Contrived ones would depend on there being some good reason that virtual methods cannot be used.