How to write tab command in c++ to switch input form - c++

I have a database and I want to add that data to a web application using ditto. I copied the data from my domain for me to paste in someone else's domain. With a semicolon separator.
So, I want when the text is pasted, the semicolon changes to the tab command to the next input form. Please help.
Description is in the image in the attachment. Thank you.

You could try using a vector as a buffer if you're working with ascii characters. just do the same comparisons with a for each loop.


Read input live from the terminal C++

I want something with C++ that can read what I type in the terminal and assign it to a string variable.
I want this for a project to make something like notepad, but in simple terminal form, so I need to have live user input available to get word count and stuff.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything on the internet about this, and I only found sites that talked about keyboard input, but I don't want that.
I tried to test this using the getch() function and there was no problem in writing and getting input.
But when the user wants to delete something, we don't know which character the user deleted, because we don't have the selected character, if we have it, when we print it after getting the character (if we don't print the user he just writes and doesn't know what he wrote) the problem is that the page must be cleaned once after deleting a letter and this causes the terminal to tick

Read-in df from csv before launching main app | Dash

I am trying to get my first dashboard with python dash running.
The whole thing is very similar to this
At the beginning a Dataframe is read in from a csv. My problem seems to be quite easy to solve but somehow I am not succeeding:
I want to create a initial window that allows the user to select (from e.g. dropdown) the csv file (or accordingly the path) that is read in. All the .csv files look the same but just have different values.
When using the modal components I get problems with the install of bootstrap and I thought there must be an easier way?
Thanks for your help!

Gimp plugin in C++ : how to have an input from the user?

I would like to make a watermark plugin in GIMP. I need to have the text of the watermark as input from the user. I'll try with g_message but it is not working: I can't read an input from user in the plugin.
Can you help?
Best regards.
I assume your plug in already runs and "just" needs to have the possibility to ask the user to provide a string. The easiest solution would be to add a string as input parameter - this way GIMP takes care about showing the dialog to the user before calling your script. This can be done via the gimp_install_procedure(...) call that I assume you are using, specifically the params parameter of this function: This is an array of GimpParamDef structs where you specify the type (PF_STRING), name ("text") and description ("text of watermark") of your input parameter.

UI: Separating Multiple Inputs With Comma

I am wondering how to achieve this with Flask and WTForms for UI purposes. This input takes up to 10 responses separated by comma. enter image description here
I hope for each response to be cemented in the input after the user types in a comma for UI purposes (I can handle it on the backend). So for example, they type in "Red," and "Red" is cemented in the input with the ability to delete it. Any library suggestions or ideas on how I should attack this?
You would need JavaScript to do this. This question might be of some help: Dynamically check text input. I would do a search on dynamically checking text input.

Basics of writing plugins for Jedit

Can anyone direct me to a tutorial on writing plugins for Jedit? I have a pipedream of using Jedit as an editor for SAS. Currently, it does syntax highlighting, but I feel it is or could be made better by fleshing out the ideas better.
A couple questions:
Can you enable tab completion in Jedit?
Can you specify "environments" that begin and end with certain syntax? (For instance, the word "keep" makes sense between the lines data xxx; and run; but not between proc sort data=xxx; and run; So highlighting it there would be counter-instructive to inexperienced coders.
Can you store variables in a work place and reference them from a drop down menu (such as variable names in a dataset)
Can you execute code from the shell/terminal and pipe .log files back into the Jedit message window?
Are you talking about something like Microsoft's Intellisense or autocomplete? If so, a poor-man's approximation to auto-complete is to use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+b after typing in part of the word. It will complete the word based on all the words from all buffers that are open. See this questions for more on autocomplete.
In your syntax highlighting, you can create delegate syntax for different chunks of code so that it will be highlighted according to different rules. grep in your jedit's mode directory for "delegate".
Not exactly sure what you want, but jedit does keep track of a bunch of your latest copies from the text. Emacs calls this a "kill ring". For my jedit setup, I have Paste Previous... bound to ctrl+e ctrl+v. I believe that is the default shortcut binding. This will show you your last ~20 copies of text chunks and you can select which copy text chunk you want to use.
Yes, you can execute tasks in the shell and pipe them back into jedit. See this question. The following is how I do bk edit and reload a buffer. It doesn't get output from the shell, but it does execute a shell command:
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
File f = new File(buffer.getPath());
String SCCS_path = f.getParent()+"/SCCS";
String bk_path = "/usr/local/bin/bk";
if ( !new File(SCCS_path).exists()) {
bk_path = "/usr/bin/bk";
bk_path+ " edit "+
Btw, macros are very powerful in jedit. You can record what you are doing in jedit with Macros->Record Macro...and it will generate the equivalent script.