ATTiny85 Interrupts in Arduino IDE - c++

I have an ATTiny85 which I program using a sparkfun programmer ( and the ATTiny Board Manager I am using is:
Below is my code, I am having trouble getting the interrupt to work when I ground Pin 2.
I have tested the LED does work outside of the interrupt (inside the loop). Any suggestions are welcome.
#include "Arduino.h"
#define interruptPin 2
const int led = 3;
bool lastState = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(interruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(interruptPin, pulseIsr, CHANGE);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
void pulseIsr() {
if (!lastState) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
lastState = 1;
else {
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
lastState = 0;

I was way off.
Here is how to set up an interrupt on the ATTiny85 using the Arduino IDE (this example uses digital pin 4 (pin 3 on the chip):
#include "Arduino.h"
const byte interruptPin = 4;
const byte led = 3;
bool lastState = false;
ISR (PCINT0_vect) // this is the Interrupt Service Routine
if (!lastState) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
lastState = true;
else {
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
lastState = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(interruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // set to input with an internal pullup resistor (HIGH when switch is open)
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// interrupts
PCMSK |= bit (PCINT4); // want pin D4 / pin 3
GIFR |= bit (PCIF); // clear any outstanding interrupts
GIMSK |= bit (PCIE); // enable pin change interrupts
void loop() {

I see one possible error with your Boolean data type. Boolean data types are either true or false. I see that your using it for variable lastState. The initialization to equal 0 is something that I don't think the compiler allows. Maybe you should try setting the bool variable to the following...
bool lastState = true;
if (!lastState) {
// what you want your code to perform if lastState is FALSE
else {
//what else you want your code to perform if lastState is TRUE
bool lastState = true;
if (lastState) {
// what you want your code to perform if lastState is TRUE
else {
//what else you want your code to perform if lastState is FALSE
Here is a helpful pdf on Boolean data types, available for download through my Nextcloud instance.
I know this doesn't fully fix your problem, but hopefully this will help some.


ESP32 Bluetooth connection status

I am running into some problems finding a solution when it comes to performing some form of Bluetooth connection check for my project that will allow me to have a connection status light.
My project consists of creating a Bluetooth speaker that has Led Strips controlled over Bluetooth serial (an app will be made to handle this) and audio stream over Bluetooth from a single ESP32.
I have found plenty of examples and had success with performing an spp callback event, however, of course this only works if I connect to the Bluetooth serial side of things through my 'Serial Bluetooth Terminal' app on my phone. If I just go into my phone Bluetooth list and connect to the audio side of things, nothing is registered, which isn't very useful for a Bluetooth speaker!
Basically I really need some help finding a way of registering that a device has connected to the Bluetooth audio so that I can have some form of indication light to tell the user that they are successfully connected to the speaker to play music.
Below is my code:
#include <btAudio.h> //<-------this is the library that I am using to handle Bluetooth audio to an external I2s DAC
#include "BluetoothSerial.h"
#include <FastLED.h>
TaskHandle_t Task1;
int powerPinR = 4;
int powerPinG = 16;
int powerPinB = 17;
bool BTisConnected;
btAudio audio = btAudio("");
BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
void callback(esp_spp_cb_event_t event, esp_spp_cb_param_t*param){
if(event == ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT){
Serial.println("Client Connected");
BTisConnected = true;
else {
BTisConnected = false;
void setup() {
codeForTask1, /* Task function. */
"Task_1", /* name of task. */
1000, /* Stack size of task */
NULL, /* parameter of the task */
1, /* priority of the task */
&Task1, /* Task handle to keep track of created task */
0); /* Core */
pinMode(powerPinR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(powerPinG, OUTPUT);
pinMode(powerPinB, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (powerPinR, HIGH);
digitalWrite (powerPinG, HIGH);
digitalWrite (powerPinB, HIGH);
int bck = 26;
int ws = 27;
int dout = 25;
audio.I2S(bck, dout, ws);
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B,STRIP1PIN,GRB>(leds[0], NUM_LEDS);
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B,STRIP2PIN,GRB>(leds[1], NUM_LEDS);
SerialBT.begin("Pilot"); //<-----BLUETOOTH NAME
SerialBT.register_callback(callback); //<-- SerialBT connection check works perfectly, but nothing for audio connection! :(
void codeForTask1( void * parameter )
for (;;) {
void loop() {
void manageData() {
char rawData[100] = "";
char keyword[] = "Mydata=";
if (SerialBT.available() > 0) {//new data in
size_t byteCount = SerialBT.readBytesUntil('\n', rawData, sizeof(rawData) - 1); //read in data to buffer
rawData[byteCount] = NULL;//put an end character on the data
const char delimiter[] = ",";
char parsedStrings[5][8]; //first number = how many bits of data - 2nd number = max size of eeach data
int dataCount = 0;
int dataPosition = 0;
char *token = strtok(&rawData[dataPosition], delimiter);//look for first piece of data after keyword until comma
if (token != NULL && strlen(token) < sizeof(parsedStrings[0])) {
strncpy(parsedStrings[0], token, sizeof(parsedStrings[0]));
} else {
Serial.println("token to big");
strcpy(parsedStrings[0], NULL);
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
token = strtok(NULL, delimiter);
if (token != NULL && strlen(token) < sizeof(parsedStrings[i])) {
strncpy(parsedStrings[i], token, sizeof(parsedStrings[i]));
} else {
Serial.println("token to big");
strcpy(parsedStrings[i], NULL);
if (dataCount == 5) {
scene = atoi (parsedStrings[0]);
hue = atoi(parsedStrings[1]);
saturation = atoi(parsedStrings[2]);
brightness = atoi(parsedStrings[3]);
eventInterval = atol (parsedStrings[4]);
void BTconnectionCheck(){
if (BTisConnected == true){
else {
void bluetoothSearch(){
digitalWrite (powerPinR, LOW);
digitalWrite (powerPinG, LOW);
digitalWrite (powerPinB, HIGH);
void bluetoothConnected(){
digitalWrite (powerPinR, HIGH);
digitalWrite (powerPinG, LOW);
digitalWrite (powerPinB, HIGH);
I have cut lots of the code to do with the LEDs out but its still quite long, If it would help to have a more condensed version then I will chop it down further. Or if it helps to have the full code then I can also post it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am well and truly stuck with this one and its a pretty important part of the project.
Thanks in advance!

Arduino loop does not stop - only with smaller counters. Arduino Nano Every

I cannot explain to myself why this code works properly in some cases and in some not. Here is the situation:
I am trying to switch a relay with the Arduino Nano. Therefore I took the "Blink" example as a guide. It should switch on for like 5 minutes and switch off for like 25 minutes. Here is the code:
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // sets PIN 2 as switcher for the relay
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
int count = 0;
int run_pump = 300; // 5 Min run
int stop_pump = 1500; // 25 Min stop
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn the LED off (HIGH is the voltage level)
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // turn the pump on
while(count < run_pump) {
delay(1000); // wait for a second
count = 0;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on by making the voltage LOW
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // turn the pump off
while(count < stop_pump) {
delay(1000); // wait for a second
if I run this code on the Arduino it will just switch on the relay forever. BUT: If I set run_pump and stop_pump for like 10 sec. it will work properly! Is there an explanation why this does not work with the bigger counters? It's so confusing....
so this code here works absolutely fine, but why does the code above not?
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
// initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // sets PIN 2 as switcher for the relay
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
int count = 0;
int run_pump = 5; // 5 sec run
int stop_pump = 10; // 10 sec stop
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn the LED off (HIGH is the voltage level)
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // turn the pump on
while(count < run_pump) {
delay(1000); // wait for a second
count = 0;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on by making the voltage LOW
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // turn the pump off
while(count < stop_pump) {
delay(1000); // wait for a second
Hope someone has a clue.... Thanks!
OK guys, I solved it. The problem was a cheap relay that was trying to communicate with the Arduino... Replacing it with a better one solved the whole problem. Thanks for the idea with the LED, this brought some stones to roll... :)

Read a Flashing Led in Arduino

So it's a simple problem, I have several LEDs on a board where depending on their states it will trigger a command to fire a relay. Where I am stuck is figuring out how to get the Arduino to see a blinking LED, I have tried to bypass it all together but the code got larger than we wanted so it was scrapped and I am starting all over. Any ideas would be most helpful. Here is the basic code:
int Relay = 2;
int Led = 7;
int Ball = 8;
void setup()
pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Led, INPUT);
pinMode(Ball, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite (Relay, HIGH);
delay (500);
digitalWrite (Relay, LOW);
if(Led == HIGH)
digitalWrite(Ball, HIGH);
if(Led == LOW)
digitalWrite(Ball, LOW);
digitalRead(Led) throws away the value you are reading, and if (Led == LOW) is comparing a pin number with a voltage level, which is meaningless. You mean:
level = digitalRead(Led);
if (level == HIGH) { ...

Entering multiple SPI interfaces

I am having a problem with my code for arduino m0 (using microchip SAMD21). There are two SPI interfaces, first classic and second with int variable in front of the pin name, int MISO, for instance. Does someone know, how to control this classic SPI interface?
I have also attached my code.
PS: Code stucks in begin function of OZONE2CLICK sensor...
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <MQ131.h>
// include RFM69 library
#include <SPI.h>
// Local
#define PC_BAUDRATE 56700
#define MS_DELAY 0 // Number of milliseconds between data sending and LED signalization
#define LED_DELAY 100
#define Serial SerialUSB
// SD card
#define sd_cs_pin 35 // set SD's chip select pin (according to the circuit)
float PPMO2;
float PPBO2;
float MGM3O2;
float UGM3O2;
const byte pinSS = 2; //cs pin
const byte pinRDY = 12;
const byte pinSCK = 13;
const byte O2Pin = 10;
#define DcPin 8
// SD card file
File file; // SD library variable
#define D13_led_pin 42 // D13 LED
#define M_led_pin 36 // MLED
// Local variables
int idCounter = 1;
bool isBmeOk = true;
bool isSdOk = true;
bool isRadioOk = true;
bool isGpsConnected = true;
void OZONE2CLICKCalibrate ()
//MQ131.begin(pinSS, pinRDY, O2Pin, LOW_CONCENTRATION, 10000); //(int _pinCS, int _pinRDY, int _pinPower, MQ131Model _model, int _RL)
Serial.println("Calibration in progress...");
Serial.println("Calibration done!");
Serial.print("R0 = ");
Serial.println(" Ohms");
Serial.print("Time to heat = ");
Serial.println(" s");
void OZONE2CLICKMeasure ()
Serial.print("Concentration O3 : ");
PPMO2 = MQ131.getO3(PPM);
Serial.println(" ppm");
Serial.print("Concentration O3 : ");
PPBO2 = MQ131.getO3(PPB);
Serial.println(" ppb");
Serial.print("Concentration O3 : ");
MGM3O2 = MQ131.getO3(MG_M3);
Serial.println(" mg/m3");
Serial.print("Concentration O3 : ");
UGM3O2 = MQ131.getO3(UG_M3);
Serial.println(" ug/m3");
void setup()
// wait for the Arduino serial (on your PC) to connect
// please, open the Arduino serial console (right top corner)
// note that the port may change after uploading the sketch
// while(!Serial);
Serial.println("openCanSat PRO");
Serial.print("Node ");
Serial.println(" ready");
// begin communication with the BME280 on the previously specified address
// print an error to the serial in case the sensor is not found
if (!bme.begin(BME280_ADDRESS_OPEN_CANSAT))
isBmeOk = false;
Serial.println("Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring!");
// begin communication with the INA219
// check of Gps is connected
Wire.beginTransmission(0x42); // 42 is addres of GPS
int error = Wire.endTransmission();
if (error != 0)
isGpsConnected = false;
// begin communication with gps
// Uncomment when you want to see debug prints from GPS library
// gps.debugPrintOn(57600);
if(!radio.initialize(FREQUENCY, MYNODEID, NETWORKID))
isRadioOk = false;
Serial.println("RFM69HW initialization failed!");
radio.setHighPower(true); // Always use this for RFM69HW
pinMode(D13_led_pin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
pinMode(DcPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(O2Pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(DcPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(O2Pin, HIGH);
It looks the code opening the SPI connection is commented out:
MQ131.begin(pinSS, pinRDY, O2Pin, LOW_CONCENTRATION, 10000);
You need to configure the SPI connection to get any data from your device.
Refer to reference code from the manufacturer or library you're using to make sure your programming against it correctly.
Please format your code with predictable spacing. This is pretty hard to read.
Since you're using C++, prefer to use:
constexpr <type> NAME = <value>;
rather than macros:
#define NAME (<value>)
Since this is a bare metal compilation, using return in the setup() or loop() functions does not stop them. You probably want something more like while (true) {}. This will loop the code indefinitely, rather than proceed in a bad state.
void stop_forever() {
Serial.println("fatal error detected, stoping forever.");
while (true) {}
// then, use it later:
// ...
if (error) {
// ...

C++ (Particle Photon) Threading with changing variable

Note: The code is designed to run on a Particle Photon. Please keep this in mind while reading my question.
I want to make a led blink based on a variable called blink_type this variable will be changed dynamically in a later stage when I implement the API call to fetch the status of something else. I'm currently simulating this behaviour in the loop() function (also tried a thread but that also didn't work).
The blinking works fine until the variable changes from 0 to 1, after that it never blinks again until I do a reset.
Below you will find my code:
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <httpsclient-particle.h>
// Base variables.
int led = D0;
int buzzer = D1;
// Defining blink types. 0 is normal, 1 is breathe.
int blink_type = 0;
// Set the threads
Thread *normalBlinkThread;
Thread *ledBreatherThread;
void setup() {
// Setup the outputs.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
// Create the required threads.
normalBlinkThread = new Thread("rest_status_light", normalBlink);
ledBreatherThread = new Thread("rest_status_light", hearthBeatBlink);
os_thread_return_t normalBlink(void*) {
// Start never ending loop
for(;;) {
if(blink_type == 0) {
// Blink led
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
os_thread_return_t hearthBeatBlink(void*) {
// Start never ending loop
for(;;) {
if(blink_type == 1) {
// Blink led
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
void loop() {
switch (blink_type) {
case 0:
blink_type = 1;
case 1:
blink_type = 0;
To not get confused, the "buzzer" output (D1) is currently also wired to an LED.
If there would be a better approach to blink a led in two different ways based on a dynamic variable I'm happy to adopt to this sollution!
normalBlink() and hearthBeatBlink() have delays only when (blink_type == 1). When blink_type becomes 0 there are no delays in the for loops and one of them, the first which evaluates the variable change, happily spins for eternity. Try to add a small delay in the case blink_type is 0. Hope this helps!