Overloading Operator and vector STL problems - c++

I have a task: Implementing 60.000 English words from EnglishWords.txt, then Sorting it and Searching.
I have done the Sorting and Linear Search using custom MergeSort and find_if STL but when i tried to use other vector STL like upper_bound, lower_bound, binary_search it cause some problems below:
If the lower_bound function run, it does not return the same "Index" with "searchmanually" function.
Can not use "MatchString" (My overload operator) for lower_bound and binary_search ST or other vector STL and return C2672 and C2893 code.
Also, can some one give me some advices on "sorting" base on alphabetical.
My full code is on https://onlinegdb.com/l4pfS9pYJ, please click on "Fork this" to edit the code.
Some additional requirements and notions.
I'm new to OOP so show me some advices to improve my code writing skills.
Do not use STL sort(), write your own.
Must put all sorting, searching and working function to FastDictionary.
Below is my overload operator and the function that has problem.
void searchmanually(vector<Dictionary> list, string value)
vector<Dictionary>::iterator it;
it = find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), FastDictionary::MatchString(value));
if (it != list.end())
auto idx = distance(list.begin(), it);
cout << "Index = " << idx << endl;
cout << "Can not find the value !." << endl;
void binary_search_find_index(vector<Dictionary> list, string value)
vector<Dictionary>::iterator it1;
it1 = lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), FastDictionary::MatchString(value));
if (it1 != list.end())
auto idx1 = distance(list.begin(), it1);
cout << "Index = " << idx1 << endl;
cout << "Can not find the value !." << endl;
struct MatchString
const std::string& s_;
MatchString(const std::string& s) : s_(s) {}
bool operator()(const Dictionary& obj) const
return obj._word == s_;
friend bool operator<(const Dictionary& obj, const MatchString &str)
return obj._word < str.s_;
friend bool operator>(const Dictionary& obj, const MatchString &str)
return obj._word > str.s_;
Because i think that my "errors" are kinda chained so i try to described the error as much detail as possible.
Many thanks.

First The problem is that at your given link you have named your input file incorrectly. Note carefully your input file name in the main.cpp file is EnglishWord.txt while your actual input file name is EnglistWord.txt. Note the t at the end of the file name.
Second you should replace while (reader >> word) with:
while (std::getline(reader, word))
as i have done in the below correct example:
using namespace std;
class Dictionary
string _word;
string word() { return _word; }
void getword(string value) { _word=value; }
string display()
stringstream writer;
writer << _word << " ";
return writer.str();
class FastDictionary : public Dictionary
void merge(std::vector<Dictionary>& list, int start, int middle, int end)
std::vector<Dictionary> left_vector(middle - start + 1);
std::vector<Dictionary> right_vector(end - middle);
for (int i = 0; i < left_vector.size(); ++i)
left_vector[i] = list[start + i];
for (int i = 0; i < right_vector.size(); ++i)
right_vector[i] = list[middle + 1 + i];
int left_value = 0, right_value = 0;
int currentIndex = start;
while (left_value < left_vector.size() && right_value < right_vector.size()) {
if (left_vector[left_value]._word.size() <= right_vector[right_value]._word.size()) {
list[currentIndex] = left_vector[left_value];
else {
list[currentIndex] = right_vector[right_value];
while (left_value < left_vector.size()) list[currentIndex++] = left_vector[left_value++];
while (right_value < right_vector.size()) list[currentIndex++] = right_vector[right_value++];
void mergeSort(std::vector<Dictionary>& list, int start, int end) {
if (start < end) {
int middle = (start + end) / 2;
mergeSort(list, start, middle);
mergeSort(list, middle + 1, end);
merge(list, start, middle, end);
void searchmanually(vector<Dictionary> list, string value)
vector<Dictionary>::iterator it;
it = find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), FastDictionary::MatchString(value));
if (it != list.end())
auto idx = distance(list.begin(), it);
cout << "Index = " << idx << endl;
cout << "Can not find the value !." << endl;
void binary_search_find_index(vector<Dictionary> list, string value)
vector<Dictionary>::iterator it1;
it1 = lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), FastDictionary::MatchString(value));
if (it1 != list.end())
auto idx1 = distance(list.begin(), it1);
cout << "Index = " << idx1 << endl;
cout << "Can not find the value !." << endl;
struct MatchString
const std::string& s_;
MatchString(const std::string& s) : s_(s) {}
bool operator()(const Dictionary& obj) const
return obj._word == s_;
friend bool operator<(const Dictionary& obj, const MatchString &str)
return obj._word < str.s_;
friend bool operator>(const Dictionary& obj, const MatchString &str)
return obj._word > str.s_;
void readfile(vector<Dictionary>& list)
ifstream reader("EnglishWord.txt");
string word;
//reader.open(, ios::in);//no need for this
if(reader)//check the state
while (std::getline(reader, word))//use getline
Dictionary newList;
std::cout<<"file cannot be opened"<<std::endl;
void displayvector(vector<Dictionary>& list)
unsigned int size = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << list[i].display();
int main()
FastDictionary fd;
fd.mergeSort(list, 0, list.size() - 1);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
fd.binary_search_find_index(list, "decidedly");
cout << endl;
fd.searchmanually(list, "decidedly");
cout << endl;
return 0;
The output of this corrected/modified example can be seen here.


Counting vowels in a book

I'm trying to count vowels in a book "War and Peace" by Lev Tolstoi with 4 different methods:
Using Count_if/find
Using Count_if/for
The programm also calculates time it takes for every method to get the number of vowels. I'm using a russian version of the book as a reference so all the vowels are taken from cyrillic alphabet. Here is the code:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
class Timer
using clock_t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
using second_t = std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1> >;
std::string m_name;
std::chrono::time_point<clock_t> m_beg;
double elapsed() const
return std::chrono::duration_cast<second_t>(clock_t::now()
- m_beg).count();
Timer() : m_beg(clock_t::now()) { }
Timer(std::string name) : m_name(name), m_beg(clock_t::now()) { }
void start(std::string name) {
m_name = name;
m_beg = clock_t::now();
void print() const {
std::cout << m_name << ":\t" << elapsed() * 1000 << " ms" << '\n';
const std::string vowels = "аеёиоуыэюяАЕЁИОУЫЭЮЯ";
bool containVowel(const std::string& s, const char& a)
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
if (a == s[i])
return true;
return false;
void ForFor(std::ifstream& ifs, std::string& ww)
size_t count = 0;
Timer t1("for for");
while (ifs >> ww)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ww.size(); i++)
if (containVowel(vowels, ww[i]))
std::cout << count << std::endl;
//bool findVowel(char c)
// return vowels.find(c) != std::string::npos;
void CountIfFind(std::ifstream& ifs, std::string& ww) // not sure what is the way to cout count here...
Timer t("count_if/find");
while (ifs >> ww)
size_t count = std::count_if(ww.begin(), ww.end(), [&](char c) {return vowels.find(c) != std::string::npos; });
void CountIfFor(std::ifstream& ifs, std::string& ww) // not sure what is the way to cout count here...
Timer t("count_if/for");
while (ifs >> ww)
for (size_t i = 0; i < vowels.size(); i++)
auto count = std::count_if(ww.begin(), ww.end(), [&](char c) {return c == vowels[i]; });
void ForFind(std::ifstream& ifs, std::string& ww)
char c{};
int count = 0;
Timer t("for/find");
while (ifs >> ww)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ww.size(); i++)
if (vowels.find(c) != std::string::npos)
std::cout << count << std::endl;
int main()
setlocale(LC_ALL, "ru");
std::ifstream ifs;
ifs.open("Толстой Лев. Война и мир. Книга 1 - royallib.ru.txt");
if (ifs.is_open())
std::string ww;
ForFor(ifs, ww);
ForFind(ifs, ww);
std::cout << "Can't open the file!" << std::endl;
Function ForFor works just fine but 3 other don't work (they don't show count but show time though). I'm guessing there is a problem with parsing the file, though I'm not sure because of my inexperience.
Will be hoping for your help!) Thank you all, in advance.
EDIT:Ok so now I'm sure the issue is in while(ifs>>ww). ForFor was the first function in the main so it worked, I tried commenting it and the next one CountIfFind started working. But when I delete while in every function and use it in main like: while(ifs>>ww) {ForFor(ww); CountIfFind(ww); CountIfFor(ww); ForFind(ww);} It doesn't work at all... How do I fix it?
So here is the correct way to do it:
class Timer
using clock_t = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
using second_t = std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1> >;
std::string m_name;
std::chrono::time_point<clock_t> m_beg;
double elapsed() const
return std::chrono::duration_cast<second_t>(clock_t::now()
- m_beg).count();
Timer() : m_beg(clock_t::now()) { }
Timer(std::string name) : m_name(name), m_beg(clock_t::now()) { }
void start(std::string name) {
m_name = name;
m_beg = clock_t::now();
void print() const {
std::cout << m_name << ":\t" << elapsed() * 1000 << " ms" << '\n';
const std::string vowels = "аеёиоуыэюяАЕЁИОУЫЭЮЯ";
size_t ForFor(std::string& ww)
size_t count = 0;
Timer t1("for for");
for(const auto& ch : ww)
for (const auto& vow : vowels)
if (ch == vow)
return count;
size_t CountIfFind(std::string& ww)
Timer t("count_if/find");
size_t count = std::count_if(ww.begin(), ww.end(), [ & ](char c) {return vowels.find(c) != std::string::npos; });
return count;
size_t CountIfFor(std::string& ww)
Timer t("count_if/for");
size_t count = std::count_if(ww.begin(), ww.end(), [&](const char& c1)
for (const auto& ch : vowels)
if (c1 == ch)
return true;
return false;
return count;
size_t ForFind(std::string& ww)
char c{};
size_t count = 0;
Timer t("for/find");
for (const auto& ch :ww)
if (vowels.find(ch) != std::string::npos)
return count;
int main()
std::ifstream file("Толстой Лев. Война и мир. Книга 1 - royallib.ru.txt");
file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
size_t size = file.tellg();
std::string s(size, ' ');
file.read(&s[0], size);
std::cout << CountIfFind(s) << std::endl;
std::cout << ForFor(s) << std::endl;
std::cout << ForFind(s) << std::endl;
std::cout << CountIfFor(s) << std:: endl;

Trouble with operator << in class StringSet

I am defining my own string class called StringSet using a vector of strings. I am assigned to overload the >>, <<, ==, >, >=, +, += and * operators, and ran into a problem with <<. The output should be:
Welcome to stringset
hi everyone
"all" does not exist in the set.
But it seems to be skipping the second and third lines. I am very new to overloading operators, so I am probably overlooking an obvious mistake.
header and class declaration:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class StringSet
//Copy Constructor
StringSet(const StringSet& s);
//Default constructors
StringSet(string initialStrings[], const int ARRAYSIZE);
void add(const string s);
void remove(const string s);
//Returns length
int size()
return length;
// Overload the << operator so that it outputs the strings
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outs, const StringSet& s);
//size of the vector
int length;
// Vector to store strings
vector <string> data;
function definitions:
ostream& operator<<(ostream& outs, const StringSet& s)
outs << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
outs << s.data[i] << " ";
outs << "\n";
return outs;
//Add a string to the vector
void StringSet::add(const string s)
bool c = check(s);
if (c == false)
cout << "\"" << s << "\" already exists in the set.";
// Remove a string from the vector
void StringSet::remove(const string s)
bool c = check(s);
if (c == true)
vector<string>::iterator position = search(s);
cout << "\"" << s << "\" does not exist in the set\n";
length = 0;
StringSet::StringSet(string initialStrings[], const int ARRAYSIZE)
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
initialStrings[i] = " ";
// Copy constructor
StringSet::StringSet(const StringSet& s)
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
data[i] = s.data[i];
length = 0;
StringSet::StringSet(string initialStrings[], const int ARRAYSIZE)
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
initialStrings[i] = " ";
// Copy constructor
StringSet::StringSet(const StringSet& s)
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
data[i] = s.data[i];
// Check if a string exists in the vector
bool StringSet::check(const string s)
vector<string>::iterator it = find(data.begin(), data.end(), s);
if (it != data.end())
return true;
return false;
Main function:
int main()
ofstream outs;
ifstream ins;
StringSet doc1, doc2, query
cout << "Welcome to stringset\n";
outs << doc1;
outs << doc1;
If you use a variable that stores the size of the set, you should increment/decrement it when adding/removing elements. You can also change the definition of the StringSet::size():
int size() const
return static_cast<int>(data.size());

How to test the given ADT implementation with templates such as <int, int> and <string, int>?

I am working on a problem that requires the implementation of two ADT's. After Implementing, I need to test my bag implementations with the following template combinations:
<int, string>-- all functions
<string, int> -- insert and find functions only
My testing so far has been entering integers to test the different functions. I do not understand what it means to test the implementations with the templates.
Here is my bagADT implementation:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bagADT.h"
template <typename E>
class ABag : public Bag<E> {
int maxSize;
int listSize;
E* listArray;
ABag(int size = defaultSize) { // Constructor
maxSize = size;
listSize = 0;
listArray = new E[maxSize];
~ABag() { delete[] listArray; } // Destructor
bool addItem(const E& item) {
if (listSize >= maxSize) {
return false;
listArray[listSize] = item;
std::cout << "Add Item: Added " << item << " in spot " << listSize << std::endl;
return true;
bool remove(E& item) {
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
if (listArray[i] == item) {
std::cout << "Remove: Removed " << item << " from position ";
item = i;
std::cout<< item << " and adjusted the location of all other elements." << std::endl;
for (i= item; i < listSize; i++) {
listArray[i] = listArray[i + 1];
return true;
return false;
bool removeTop(E& returnValue) {
if (listSize == 0) {
return false;
else {
returnValue = listArray[listSize - 1];
std::cout << "Remove Top: Removed " << returnValue << " from the top of the stack." << std::endl;
for (int i = listSize; i < maxSize; i++) {
listArray[i] = listArray[i + 1];
return true;
bool find(E& returnValue) const {
for (int i = 0; i < (listSize - 1); i++) {
if (listArray[i] == returnValue) {
returnValue = i;
return true;
return false;
bool inspectTop(E& item) const {
if (listSize == 0) {
return false;
else {
item = listArray[listSize - 1];
std::cout << "Inspect Top: The value on top is currently " << item << "." << std::endl;
return true;
void emptyBag() {
delete[] listArray;
listSize = 0;
listArray = new E[maxSize];
std::cout << "Empty Bag: Emptied the bag." << std::endl;
bool operator+=(const E& addend) {
if (listSize < maxSize) {
return true;
return false;
int size() const {
std::cout << "Size: Number of elements in listArray: " << listSize << std::endl;
return (listSize - 1);
int bagCapacity() const {
std::cout << "Bag Capacity: The capacity of this bag is " << maxSize << std::endl;
return maxSize;
Here is another file provided by my professor called kvpairs:
#ifndef KVPAIR_H
#define KVPAIR_H
// Container for a key-value pair
// Key object must be an object for which the == operator is defined.
// For example, int and string will work since they both have == defined,
// but Int will not work since it does not have == defined.
template <typename Key, typename E>
class KVpair {
Key k;
E e;
// Constructors
KVpair() {}
KVpair(Key kval, E eval)
k = kval; e = eval;
KVpair(const KVpair& o) // Copy constructor
k = o.k; e = o.e;
void operator =(const KVpair& o) // Assignment operator
k = o.k; e = o.e;
bool operator==(const KVpair& o) const {
if (o.k == k) {
return true;
return false;
//The following overload is provided by Adam Morrone, Spring 2016 class.
//Thanks Adam :)
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const KVpair& o) // output print operator
os << "Key: " << o.k << " Value: " << o.e;
return os;
// Data member access functions
Key key() { return k; }
void setKey(Key ink) { k = ink; }
E value() { return e; }
I am expected to show the test outputs using the above templates, but I have no idea how to do this. Also, ignore the += overload. It is incorrect and I know. I am supposed to overload it to directly add a new int to the array.
I think I understand now. I could be wrong, but this is my guess.
Your bag is singly templated, but it will be holding KVpair. They said they will use KVpair with <int, string> and <string, int>.
When they talk about testing it, that means they will be instantiating it as follows:
int main() {
ABag<KVPair<int, string>> bag;
bag.addItem(KVpair(1, "hi"));
This is what I am pretty sure they mean by "testing it with templates".
As a minor edit, I don't know what C++ version you are using but if it's very archaic, you might need to write template instantiation like ABag<KVPair<int, string> > instead of putting them together. I remember vaguely this being an issue a long time ago.

Copy Constructor for dynamically allocated array

Trying to familiarize myself with the "Rule of 3" and Im having trouble getting a Copy Constructor to work. One of the class private members is returning 0 when it should have a value of 3.
Im not sure as to why when the Copy Constructor function is performed, a value of 0 is supplied to that classes private member. The member in question is theSize which is returned via the size() function in class.cpp.
class Catalog {
Catalog (int maxCapacity = 100)
int size() const;
int capacity() const;
void add (Book b);
Catalog(const Catalog& c);
Catalog& operator= (constCatalog& c) {
if (this != &c) {
delete[] books;
books = new Book[theCapacity];
*books = *(c.books);
return *this;
Book* books;
int theCapacity;
int theSize;
Catalog::Catalog(int maxCapacity) {
theCapacity = maxCapacity;
theSize = 0;
books = new Book[theCapacity];
int Catalog::size() const {
return theSize();
int Catalog::capacity() const {
return theCapacity;
void Catalog::add (Book b)
if (theSize < theCapacity || contains(b.getID())) {
if (theSize == 0) {
books[0] = b;
else {
if (!contains(b.getID())) {
int i = theSize;
for (; i && b < books[i-1]; --i) {
books[i] = books[i - 1];
books[i] = b;
for (; i; --i) {
books[i - 1] = books[i - 1];
else {
for (int i = 0; i < theSize; ++i) {
if (b == books[i]) {
books[i] = b;
// Debugging only
/*for (int i = 0; i < theSize; i++) {
//cout << books[i] << endl;
bool Catalog::contains(std::string bookID) const
for (int i = 0; i < theSize; ++i)
if (books[i].getID() == bookID)
return true;
return false;
Catalog::Catalog(const Catalog& c) {
books = new Book[c.theSize];
for (int i = 0; i < c.theSize; i++) {
books[i] = c.books[i];
Catalog::~Catalog() {
delete[] books;
Later in main.cpp when I call c1.size() where c1 is the result of return c in another function that through use of the debugger comes from the Copy Constructor and then goes to the Destructor. However, c1.size() is returning as 0 though the Copy Constructor theSize = c.size() has a value of 3 when stepped through.
using namespace std;
* Create a book.
* #param id the Gutenberg ID for this book
* #param authorInfo the author of the book
* #param title the title of the book
Book::Book (std::string theId, std::string authorInfo, std::string theTitle)
: id(theId), authorName(authorInfo), title(theTitle)
bool Book::operator< (const Book& b) const
return id < b.id;
bool Book::operator== (const Book& b) const
return (id == b.id);
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const Book& b)
cout << b.getID() << "\t"
<< b.getAuthor() << "\t"
<< b.getTitle();
return out;
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& in, Book& b)
string line;
getline (in, line);
if (!in.good())
return in;
int tab1 = line.find ("\t");
int tab2 = line.find ("\t", tab1+1);
string id = line.substr(0, tab1);
string author = line.substr (tab1+1, tab2-tab1-1);
string title = line.substr(tab2+1);
b.setID (id);
b.setAuthor (author);
b.setTitle (title);
return in;
using namespace std;
Catalog readCatalog(const string& fileName)
Catalog c;
ifstream in (fileName);
in >> c;
return c;
Catalog mergeCatalogs (const Catalog& cat1, const Catalog& cat2)
Catalog result (cat1.size() + cat2.size());
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (i < cat1.size() && j < cat2.size())
Book b1 = cat1.get(i);
Book b2 = cat2.get(j);
if (b1.getID() < b2.getID())
while (i < cat1.size())
while (j < cat2.size())
return result;
void mergeCatalogFiles (const string& catalogFile1, const string& catalogFile2)
Catalog c1, c2;
c1 = readCatalog(catalogFile1);
cout << catalogFile1 << " contained " << c1.size() << " books." << endl;
c2 = readCatalog(catalogFile2);
cout << catalogFile2 << " contained " << c2.size() << " books." << endl;
Catalog c3 = mergeCatalogs (c1, c2);
cout << "Their merge contains " << c3.size() << " books." << endl;
cout << c3 << flush;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 3)
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] <<
"catalogFile1 catalogFile2" << endl;
return -1;
string file1 = argv[1];
string file2 = argv[2];
mergeCatalogFiles (file1, file2);
if (Counted::getCurrentCount() == 0)
cout << "No memory leak detected." << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Memory leak detected: " << Counted::getCurrentCount() << endl;
return -2;
Follow rule of zero: use std::vector<Book> to replace the array pointer and the size.
Your capacity is a limit on the size.
When at capacity. use equal range to find where to insert, replace last element then std rotate.
Managing both resources and business logic in the same class is bug prone. Do one thing at a time.
Try something more like this instead:
class Catalog
Catalog (int maxCapacity = 100);
Catalog(const Catalog& c);
int size() const;
int capacity() const;
void add (const Book &b);
Book* find(const std::string &bookID) const;
Catalog& operator= (Catalog c);
Book* books;
int theCapacity;
int theSize;
void swap(Catalog &c);
#include "class.h"
#include <algorithm>
Catalog::Catalog(int maxCapacity)
theCapacity = maxCapacity;
theSize = 0;
books = new Book[theCapacity];
Catalog::Catalog(const Catalog& c)
theCapacity = c.theCapacity;
books = new Book[theCapacity];
for(int i = 0; i < c.theSize;; ++i)
books[i] = c.books[i];
theSize = c.theSize;
delete[] books;
Catalog& Catalog::operator= (const Catalog &c)
if (this != &c)
return *this;
void Catalog::swap(Catalog &c)
std::swap(books, c.books);
std::swap(theSize, c.theSize);
std::swap(theCapacity, c.theCapacity);
int Catalog::size() const
return theSize;
int Catalog::capacity() const
return theCapacity;
void Catalog::add (const Book &b)
Book *book = find(b.getID());
if (book) {
*book = b;
else if (theSize < theCapacity)
int i;
for (i = theSize; i && b < books[i-1]; --i) {
books[i] = books[i - 1];
books[i] = b;
// Debugging only
for (int i = 0; i < theSize; ++i) {
cout << books[i] << endl;
Book* Catalog::find(const std::string &bookID) const
for (int i = 0; i < theSize; ++i)
if (books[i].getID() == bookID)
return &books[i];
return 0;
That being said, this would be much simpler and easier to manage if you use std::vector and STL algorithms. Let the STL do the hard work for you:
#include <vector>
class Catalog
Catalog (int initialCapacity = 100);
int size() const;
int capacity() const;
void add (const Book &b);
Book* find(const std::string &bookID) const;
std::vector<Book> books;
#include "class.h"
#include <algorithm>
Catalog::Catalog(int initialCapacity)
int Catalog::size() const
return books.size();
int Catalog::capacity() const
return books.capacity();
void Catalog::add (const Book &b)
Book *book = find(b.getID());
if (book) {
*book = b;
else {
books.insert(std::upper_bound(books.begin(), books.end(), b), b);
// Debugging only
for (Book &book: books) {
cout << book << endl;
Book* Catalog::find(const std::string &bookID) const
auto iter = std::find_if(books.begin(), books.end(), [&bookID](const Book &b){ return (b.getID() == bookID); });
if (iter != books.end())
return &*iter;
return 0;

Cref postincrementation in Map definition

So I have such definition on map class on vector, it works good except for post-incrementation, which doesn't work as it should. You can see in example that variable a should be equal to 10 (post-incremented after assignment). But it's equal to 11. I have no idea how to fix that.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class Map {
class Cref {
friend class Map;
Map& m;
string key;
T value;
operator double() {
return m.read(key);
Map::Cref & operator=(double num) {
m.write(key, num);
return *this;
Map::Cref & operator++(int) {
Cref c(*this);
m.increment(key, value);
return c;
Cref(Map& m, string a)
: m(m),
key(a) {};
class Unitialized {};
struct Record {
string key;
T value;
vector<Record> data;
Map() {}
~Map() {}
bool ifexist(string k) {
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
if (data.at(i).key == k)
return 1;
return 0;
Cref operator[](string key) {
return Map::Cref( * this, key);
void increment(string key, T value) {
if (ifexist(key) == 0) {
throw Unitialized();
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
if (data.at(i).key == key)
data.at(i).value += 1;
void write(string key, T value) {
if (ifexist(key) == 1) {
cout << "Element already exist" << endl;
Record r;
r.key = key;
r.value = value;
double read(string key) {
if (ifexist(key) == 0) {
throw Unitialized();
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
if (data.at(i).key == key)
return data.at(i).value;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Map<int> m;
m["ala"] = 10;
int a = 0;
a = m["ala"]++;
cout << a << endl;
try {
cout << m["ala"] << endl;
cout << m["ola"] << endl;
} catch (Map<int>::Unitialized&) {
cout << "Unitialized element" << endl;
return 0;
Yes, I already fixed that, overloading of ++ operator should look like that :
T operator ++(int)
T ret = m.read(this->key);
m.increment(key, value);
return ret;
This fixes everything.