Cannot iterate over AbstractOrderedScalarSet before it has been constructed (initialized) - pyomo

I have just started with pyomo and Python, and trying to create a simple model but have a problem with adding a constraint.
I followed the following example from GitHub
import pandas as pd
import pyomo.environ as pe
import pyomo.opt as po
time = ['t{0}'.format(t+1) for t in range(T)]
CHP=['CHP{0}'.format(s+1) for s in range(CH)]
#Technical characteristic
heat_maxprod = {'CHP1': 250,'CHP2': 250} #Only for CHPS
### SETS
seq.CHP = pe.Set(initialize = CHP)
seq.T = pe.Set(initialize = time)
seq.heat_maxprod = pe.Param(seq.CHP, initialize = heat_maxprod) #Max heat production
seq.q_DA=pe.Var(seq.CHP, seq.T, domain=pe.Reals)
##Maximum and Minimum Heat Production
seq.Heat_DA1 = pe.ConstraintList()
for t in seq.T:
for s in seq.CHP:
seq.Heat_DA1.add( 0 <= seq.q_DA[s,t])
seq.Heat_DA2 = pe.ConstraintList()
for t in seq.T:
for s in seq.CHP:
seq.Heat_DA2.add( seq.q_DA[s,t] <= seq.heat_maxprod[s])
seq.obj=Objective(expr=sum( seq.C_fuel[s]*(seq.rho_heat[s]*seq.q_DA[s,t]) for t in seq.T for s in seq.CHP))
When I run the program I am getting the following error:
RuntimeError: Cannot iterate over AbstractOrderedScalarSet 'AbstractOrderedScalarSet' before it has been constructed (initialized): 'iter' is an attribute on an Abstract component and cannot be accessed until the component has been fully constructed (converted to a Concrete component) using AbstractModel.create_instance() or AbstractOrderedScalarSet.construct().
Can someone, please, help with an issue? Thanks!
P.S. I know that the resulting answer for the problem is zero, I just want to make it work in terms of correct syntaxis.

In this line of code:
You are missing parenthesis. So, I think you are just creating an alias for the function instead of calling it.


how to Looping python scripts together

I have two files. An 'initialization' script aka and a 'main code' script aka ''. The is really a several hundred line .ipynb that was converted to a .py file. I want to run the same skeleton of the code with the only adjustment being to pass in the different parameters found in the '' script.
In reality, it is much more complex than what I have laid out below with more references to other locations / DBs and what not.
However, I receive errors such as 'each_item[0]' is not defined. I can't seem to be able to pass in the values/variables that come from my loop in to my script that is contained inside the loop.
Must be doing something very obviously wrong as I imagine this is a simple fix
import pandas as pd
import os
import bumpy as np
import jaydebeapi as jd
cities = ['NYC','LA','DC','MIA'] # really comes from a query/column
value_list = [5,500,5000,300] # comes from a query/column
zipped = list(zip(cities,value_list)) # make tuples
for each_item in zipped:
# where I'm getting errors.
names = each_item[0]
value = each_item[1]
# lots of things going on here in real code but for simplicity...
print value = value * 4
print value

Code is Not able to find my function in Python(Spark) class

I need some help regarding the error in code. My Code consists of retrieving the zomato reviews and storing it in HDFS and again reading it performing Recommender Analtyics on it. I am getting a problem regarding my function is not recognizing in pyspark code. I am not entirely pasting the code as it might be confusing so i am writing a small similar use case for your easy understanding.
I am trying to read a file from local and converting it to dataframe from rdd and performing some operations and again converting it to rdd and performing map operation to have delimiter by '|' and then save it to HDFS.
When i try to call self.filter_data(y) in lambda func of check function its not recognizing and giving me error as
Exception: It appears that you are attempting to reference
SparkContext from a broadcast variable, action, or transformation.
SparkContext can only be used on the driver, not in code that it run
on workers. For more information, see SPARK-5063.
0|0|ffae4f|0|||2.5|FFBA00|Well...|unknown|16946626|2017-08-01T00-25-43.455182Z|30059877|Have been here for a quick bite for lunch, ambience and everything looked good, food was okay but presentation was not very appealing. We or...|2017-04-15 16:38:38|Big Foodie|6|Venkata Ram Akella|akellaram87|Bad Food|0.969352505662|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|1|0|0|0.782388212399
1|0|ffae4f|0|||1|CB202D|Avoid!|unknown|16946626|2017-08-01T00-25-43.455182Z|29123338|Giving a 1.0 rating because one cannot proceed with writing a review, without rating it. This restaurant deserves a 0 star rating. The qual...|2017-01-04 10:54:53|Big Foodie|4|Sm4|unknown|Bad Service|0.964402034541|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|1|0|0.814540622345
My code:
if __name__== '__main__':
import os,logging,sys,time,pandas,json;from subprocess
import PIPE,Popen,call;from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
conf = SparkConf().setAppName('test')
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf,pyFiles=['/bdaas/exe/nlu_project/','/bdaas/exe/spark_zomato/other_files/','/bdaas/exe/spark_zomato/other_files/','/bdaas/exe/spark_zomato/conf_files/','/bdaas/exe/spark_zomato/conf_files/'])
from pyspark.sql import Row, SQLContext,HiveContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
import sys,logging,pandas as pd
import spark_conf
n = new()
class new:
def __init__(self):
print 'entered into init'
def check(self):
data = sc.textFile('file:///bdaas/src/spark_dependencies/classifier_data/final_Output.txt').map(lambda x: x.split('|')).map(lambda z: Row(restaurant_id=z[0], rating = z[1], review_id = z[2],review_text = z[3],rating_color = z[4],rating_time_friendly=z[5],rating_text=z[6],time_stamp=z[7],likes=z[8],comment_count =z[9],user_name = z[10],user_zomatohandle=z[11],user_foodie_level = z[12],user_level_num=z[13],foodie_color=z[14],profile_url=z[15],profile_image=z[16],retrieved_time=z[17]))
data_r = sqlContext.createDataFrame(data)
d = data_r.rdd.collect()
print d x: list(x)).map(lambda y: self.filter_data(y)).collect()
print data_r
def filter_data(self,y):
s = str()
for i in y:
print i.encode('utf-8')
if i != '':
s = s + i.encode('utf-8') + '|'
print s[0:-1]
return s[0:-1]

How to save features into a file in keras?

I have trained weight matrix, I would like to extract features at each end every layer and store them in a file. How could I do that? Thanks.
Have a look at the Keras FAQ
One simple way is to create a new Model that will output the layers
that you are interested in:
from keras.models import Model
model = ... # create the original model
layer_name = 'my_layer'
intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=model.input,
intermediate_output = intermediate_layer_model.predict(data)
Alternatively, you can build a Keras function that will return the
output of a certain layer given a certain input, for example:
from keras import backend as K
get_3rd_layer_output = K.function([model.layers[0].input],
layer_output = get_3rd_layer_output([X])[0]
Similarly, you could build a Theano and TensorFlow function directly.
Note that if your model has a different behavior in training and
testing phase (e.g. if it uses Dropout, BatchNormalization, etc.),
you will need to pass the learning phase flag to your function:
get_3rd_layer_output = K.function([model.layers[0].input, K.learning_phase()],
# output in test mode = 0
layer_output = get_3rd_layer_output([X, 0])[0]
# output in train mode = 1
layer_output = get_3rd_layer_output([X, 1])[0]
Then you just need to store your predictions in a file using e.g.'filename.npz',intermediate_output )

Training Doc2Vec on 20newsgroups dataset. Getting Exception AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'words'

There were a similar question here Gensim Doc2Vec Exception AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'words', but it didn't get any helpful answers.
I'm trying to train Doc2Vec on 20newsgroups corpora.
Here's how I build the vocab:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
def get_data(subset):
newsgroups_data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset=subset, remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
docs = []
for news_no, news in enumerate(
tokens = gensim.utils.to_unicode(news).split()
if len(tokens) == 0:
sentiment =[news_no]
tags = ['SENT_'+ str(news_no), str(sentiment)]
docs.append(TaggedDocument(tokens, tags))
return docs
train_docs = get_data('train')
test_docs = get_data('test')
alldocs = train_docs + test_docs
model = Doc2Vec(dm=dm, size=size, window=window, alpha = alpha, negative=negative, sample=sample, min_count = min_count, workers=cores, iter=passes)
Then I train the model and save the result:
model.train(train_docs, total_examples = len(train_docs), epochs = model.iter)
model.train_words = False
model.train_labels = True
model.train(test_docs, total_examples = len(test_docs), epochs = model.iter)
The problem appears when I try to load the model:
I tried:
using LabeledSentence instead of TaggedDocument
yielding TaggedDocument instead of appending them to the list
setting min_count to 1 so no word would be ignored (just in case)
Also the problem occurs on python2 as well as python3.
Please, help me solve this.
You've hidden the most important information – the exact code that triggers the error, and the error text itself – in the offsite (imgur) 'screen' link. (That would be the ideal text to cut & paste into the question, rather than other steps that seem to run OK, without triggering the error.)
Looking at that screenshot, there's the line:
model = Doc2Vec("20ng_infer")
...which triggers the error.
Note that none of the arguments as documented for the Doc2Vec() initialization method are a plain string, like the "20ng_infer" argument in the above line – so that's unlikely to do anything useful.
If trying to load a model that was previously saved with, you should use Doc2Vec.load() – which will take a string describing a local file path from which to load the model. So try:
model = Doc2Vec.load("20ng_infer")
(Note also that larger models might be saved to multiple files, all starting with the string you supplied to save(), and these files must be kept/moved together to again re-load() them in the future.)

how to fit a method belonging to an instance with pymc3?

I failed to fit a method belonging to an instance of a class, as a Deterministic function, with PyMc3. Can you show me how to do that ?
For simplicity, my case is summarised below with a simple example. In reality, my constraint is that everything is made through a GUI and actions like ‘find_MAP’ should be inside methods linked to pyqt buttons.
I want to fit the function ‘FunctionIWantToFit’ over the data points. Problem, the following code:
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm3
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import theano.tensor as tt
import theano.compile
class cprofile:
def __init__(self):
self.observed_x = np.array([0.3,1.4,3.1,5,6.8,9,13.4,17.1])
self.observations = np.array([6.25,2.75,1.25,1.25,1.5,1.75,1.5,1])
self.x = np.arange(0,18,0.5)
def FunctionIWantToFit(self,t,y,z):
# can be complicated but simple in this example
# among other things, this FunctionIWantToFit depends on a bunch of
# variables and methods that belong to this instance of the class cprofile,
# so it cannot simply be put outside the class ! (like in the following example)
interp_values = interp1d(self.x,val)
return interp_values(self.observed_x)
def doMAP(self):
model = pm3.Model()
with model:
t = pm3.Uniform("t",0,5)
y = pm3.Uniform("y",0,5)
z = pm3.Uniform("z",0,5)
MyModel = pm3.Deterministic('MyModel',self.FunctionIWantToFit(t,y,z))
obs = pm3.Normal('obs',mu=MyModel,sd=0.1,observed=self.observations)
start = pm3.find_MAP()
print('start: ',start)
gives the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-15-3dfb7aa09f84>", line 1, in <module>
runfile('/Users/steph/work/profiles/GUI/pymc3/', wdir='/Users/steph/work/profiles/GUI/pymc3')
File "/Users/steph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/spyder/utils/site/", line 866, in runfile
execfile(filename, namespace)
File "/Users/steph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/spyder/utils/site/", line 102, in execfile
exec(compile(, filename, 'exec'), namespace)
File "/Users/steph/work/profiles/GUI/pymc3/", line 44, in <module>
File "/Users/steph/work/profiles/GUI/pymc3/", line 38, in doMAP
MyModel = pm3.Deterministic('MyModel',self.FunctionIWantToFit(x,y,z))
File "/Users/steph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 668, in __call__
required = thunk()
File "/Users/steph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/theano/gof/", line 912, in rval
r = p(n, [x[0] for x in i], o)
File "/Users/steph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/theano/compile/", line 522, in perform
outs = self.__fn(*inputs)
TypeError: FunctionIWantToFit() missing 1 required positional argument: 'z'
What’s wrong ?
remark 1: I systematically get an error message concerning the last parameter of ‘FunctionIWantToFit’. here it’s ‘z’ but if I remove z from the signature, the error message concerns ‘y’ (identical except from the name of the variable). if I add a 4th variable ‘w’ in the signature, the error message concerns ‘w’ (identical except from the name of the variable).
rk2: it looks like I missed something very basic in ‘theano’ or ‘pymc3’, because when I put ‘FunctionIWantToFit’ outside the class, it works. See the following example.
class cprofile:
def __init__(self):
self.observations = np.array([6.25,2.75,1.25,1.25,1.5,1.75,1.5,1])
def doMAP(self):
model = pm3.Model()
with model:
t = pm3.Uniform("t",0,5)
y = pm3.Uniform("y",0,5)
z = pm3.Uniform("z",0,5)
MyModel = pm3.Deterministic('MyModel',FunctionIWantToFit(t,y,z))
obs = pm3.Normal('obs',mu=MyModel,sd=0.1,observed=self.observations)
start = pm3.find_MAP()
print('start: ',start)
def FunctionIWantToFit(t,y,z):
observed_x = np.array([0.3,1.4,3.1,5,6.8,9,13.4,17.1])
x = np.arange(0,18,0.5)
interp_values = interp1d(x,val)
return interp_values(observed_x)
Warning: gradient not available.(E.g. vars contains discrete variables). MAP estimates may not be accurate for the default parameters. Defaulting to non-gradient minimization fmin_powell.
WARNING:pymc3:Warning: gradient not available.(E.g. vars contains discrete variables). MAP estimates may not be accurate for the default parameters. Defaulting to non-gradient minimization fmin_powell.
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 1070.673818
Iterations: 4
Function evaluations: 179
start: {'t_interval_': array(-0.27924150484602733), 'y_interval_': array(-9.940000425802811), 'z_interval_': array(-12.524909223913992)}
Except that I don’t know how to do that without big modifications in several modules, since the real ‘FunctionIWantToFit’ depends on a bunch of variables and methods that belong to this instance of the class profile.
In fact I 'm not even sure I know how to do that since ‘FunctionIWantToFit’ should then have objects in arguments (that I currently use via self) and I'm not sure how to do that with the theano decorator.
So I would prefer to avoid this solution... unless necessary. then I need explanations on how to implement it...
added on april 9, 2017:
Even without the interpolation question, it doesn't work because I must have missed something obvious with theano and/or pymc3. Please can you explain the problem ? I just want to compare model and data. First, it's such a shame being stuck to pymc2. ; second, I'm sure I'm not the only one with such a basic problem.
For example, let's consider variations around this very basic code:
import numpy as np
import theano
import pymc3
theano.config.compute_test_value = 'ignore'
theano.config.on_unused_input = 'ignore'
class testclass:
x = np.arange(0,18,0.5)
observed_x = np.array([0.3,1.4,3.1,5,6.8,9,13.4,17.1])
observations = np.array([6.25,2.75,1.25,1.25,1.5,1.75,1.5,1])
def testfunc(self,t,y,z):
t2 = theano.tensor.dscalar('t2')
y2 = theano.tensor.dscalar('y2')
z2 = theano.tensor.dscalar('z2')
val = t2 + y2 * self.observed_x + z2 * self.observed_x**2
f = theano.function([t2,y2,z2],val)
return f
model = pymc3.Model()
with model:
t = pymc3.Uniform("t",0,5)
y = pymc3.Uniform("y",0,5)
z = pymc3.Uniform("z",0,5)
with model:
MyModel = pymc3.Deterministic('MyModel',test.testfunc(t,y,z))
with model:
obs = pymc3.Normal('obs',mu=MyModel,sd=0.1,observed=test.observations)
this code fails at the last line with the error message: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'TensorConstant' and 'Function'
if I change 'testfunc' into:
def testfunc(self,t,y,z):
t2 = theano.tensor.dscalar('t2')
y2 = theano.tensor.dscalar('y2')
z2 = theano.tensor.dscalar('z2')
val = t2 + y2 * self.observed_x + z2 * self.observed_x**2
f = theano.function([t2,y2,z2],val)
fval = f(t,y,z,self.observed_x)
return fval
the code fails at the 'MyModel =' line with error TypeError: ('Bad input argument to theano function with name "/Users/steph/work/profiles/GUI/pymc3/" at index 0(0-based)', 'Expected an array-like object, but found a Variable: maybe you are trying to call a function on a (possibly shared) variable instead of a numeric array?')
if I go back to the original 'testfunc' but change the last 'with model' lines with:
with model:
fval = test.testfunc(t,y,z)
obs = pymc3.Normal('obs',mu=fval,sd=0.1,observed=test.observations)
the error is the same as the first one.
I presented here only 3 tries but I would like to underline that I tried many many combinations, simpler and simpler until these ones, during hours. I have the feeling pymc3 shows a huge change of spirit, compared to pymc2, that I didn't get and is poorly documented...
Ok, let's do this by parts. First I'll explain the error messages that you got, and then I'll tell you how I would proceed.
On the first question, the direct reason why you're getting a complaint on the missing parameters is because your function, defined inside the class, takes as input (self, t, y, z), while you're declaring it in the op decorator as having only three inputs (t, y, z). You would have to declare the inputs as being four in your decorator to account for the class instance itself.
On "added on april 9, 2017:", the first code will not work because the output of test.testfunc(t,y,z) is a theano function itself. pymc3.Deterministic is expecting it to output theano variables (or python variables). Instead, make test.testfun output val = t2 + y2 * self.observed_x + z2 * self.observed_x**2 directly.
Then, on "if I change 'testfunc' into:", you get that error because of the way pymc3 is trying to work with theano functions. Long story short, the problem is that when pymc3 is making use of this function, it will send it theano variables, while fval is expecting numerical variables (numpy arrays or other). As in the previous paragraph, you just need to output val directly: no need to compile any theano function for this.
As for how I would proceed, I would try to declare the class instance as input to the theano decorator. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation on how to do this and it might actually be impossible (see this old post, for example).
Then I would try to pass everything the function needs as inputs and define it outside of the class. This could be quite cumbersome and if it needs methods as input, then you run into additional problems.
Another way of doing this is to create a child class of theano.gof.Op whose init method takes your class (or rather an instance of it) as input and then define your perform() method. This would look something like this:
class myOp(theano.gof.Op):
""" These are the inputs/outputs you used in your as_op
def __init__(self, myclass):
""" myclass would be the class you had from before, which
you called cprofile in your first block of code."""
self.myclass = myclass
def perform(self,node, inputs, outputs):
""" Here you define your operations, but instead of
calling everyting from that class with self.methods(), you
just do self.myclass.methods().
Here, 'inputs' is a list with the three inputs you declared
so you need to unpack them. 'outputs' is something similar, so
the function doesn't actually return anything, but saves all
to outputs. 'node' is magic juice that keeps the world
spinning around; you need not do anything with it, but always
include it.
t, y, z = inputs[0][0], inputs[0][1], inputs[0][2]
outputs[0][0] = t+y*self.myclass.x+z*self.myclass.x**2
myop = myOp(myclass)
Once you have done this, you can use myop as your Op for the rest of your code. Note that some parts are missing. You can check my example for more details.
As for the example, you do not need to define the grad() method. Because of this, you can do all operations in perform() in pure python, if that helps.
Alternatively, and I say this with a smirk on my face, if you have access to the definition of the class you're using, you can also make it inherit from theano.gof.Op, create the perform() method (as in my other example, where you left a message) and try to use it like that. It could create conflicts with whatever else you're doing with that class and it's probably quite hard to get right, but might be fun to try.
theano.compile.ops.as_op is just a short-hand for defining simple Theano Ops. If you want to code more involved ones, it is better to define it in a separate class. Objects of this class could of course take a reference to an instance of your cprofile if that really is necessary.
I finally converged toward the successful code below:
import numpy as np
import theano
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import pymc3 as pm3
theano.config.compute_test_value = 'ignore'
theano.config.on_unused_input = 'ignore'
class cprofile:
observations = np.array([6.25,2.75,1.25,1.25,1.5,1.75,1.5,1])
x = np.arange(0,18,0.5)
observed_x = np.array([0.3,1.4,3.1,5,6.8,9,13.4,17.1])
def doMAP(self):
model = pm3.Model()
with model:
t = pm3.Uniform("t",0,5)
y = pm3.Uniform("y",0,5)
z = pm3.Uniform("z",0,5)
start = pm3.find_MAP()
print('start: ',start)
class FunctionIWantToFit(theano.gof.Op):
def __init__(self, cp):
self.cp = cp # note cp is an instance of the 'cprofile' class
def perform(self,node, inputs, outputs):
t, y, z = inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2]
xxx = self.cp.x
temp = t+y*xxx+z*xxx**2
interpolated_concentration = interp1d(xxx,temp)
outputs[0][0] = interpolated_concentration(self.cp.observed_x)
thanks to the answer by Dario because I was too slow to understand the first answer by myself. I get it retrospectively but I strongly think the pymc3 doc is painfully unclear. It should contain very simple and illustrative examples.
However I didn’t succed in doing anything that work following the comment by Chris. Could anyone explain and/or give an example ?
One more thing: I don’t know whether my example above is efficient or could be simplified. In particular it gives me the impression the instance ‘testcp’ is copied twice in memory. More comments/answers are welcome to go further.