clear dynamo DB table without specifying any key - amazon-web-services

I want to truncate dynamodb table which can have up to 3 millions to 4 millions of records. what is the best way?
Right now I am using scan which does not give good performance(I have tried to delete only for few records: 3):
DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(amazonDynamoDBClient);
Table table = dynamoDB.getTable("table-test");
ItemCollection<ScanOutcome> resultItems = table.scan();
Iterator<Item> itemsItr = resultItems.iterator();
Item item =;
String itemPk = (String) item.get("PK");
String itemSk = (String) item.get("SK");
DeleteItemSpec deleteItemSpec = new DeleteItemSpec().withPrimaryKey("PK", itemPk, "SK", itemSk);

The best way is to delete your table, and create new one of the same name. This is how clearing all data from DynamoDB is usually performed.

As Marcin already answered, the best way is to delete your table and create a new one. It is certainly the cheapest way - because any other way would require scanning the entire table and paying for the read capacity units required to do it.
In some cases, however, you might want to delete old items while the table is still actively used. In that case you can use a Scan like you wanted, but can do it much more efficiently than you did: First, don't run individual DeleteItem requests sequentially, waiting for one delete to complete before asking for the next one... You can send batches of 25 deletes in one BatchWriteItem request. You can also send multiple BatchWriteItem requests in parallel. Finally, for even faster deletion, you can parallelize your Scan to multiple threads or even machines - see the parallel scan section of the DynamoDB documentation. Just don't forget that if you delete items while the table is still actively written to, you need a way to tell old items which you want to delete, from new items that you don't want to delete - as the scan may start producing these new items as well.
Finally, if you find yourself often clearing old data from a table - you should consider whether you can use DynamoDB's TTL feature, where DynamoDB automatically looks for expired items (based on an expiration-time attribute on each item) and deletes them - at no cost to you.


Efficient way to get and store count of items in dynamo db

I have a dynamo db table with following structure
partitionKey - userId+keyName
sortKey - keyName+itemId
itemData - any object
createdAt - long value
updatedAt - long value
In this table I want to save list of items lets say all unique eatable items found in a shop. As per the requirement I need to find out the count of items in a particular shop. As per my findings I came across three ways to do this
Use Query to fetch count as per this link without explicitly saving count value.
Use transactions while saving items and store/update count explicitly. [We want to add/remove multiple items in a single request]. And later get count using GetItem api.
Use dynamo db streams to trigger SNS and eventually store explicit count in the same table/different table. And later get count using GetItem api.
Latency is important here along with the cost.
You can assume this dynamo db table can have millions of items.
Eventual consistency is fine.
In my view 3rd option looks more efficient in terms of cost, latency. But want to know if my thoughts are correct
Using Dynamo streams to write aggregate data back to Dynamo is definitely the way to go!
This will of course be eventually consistent by its nature, as updating your item and waiting for the stream to update the aggregate are two different non-atomic operations.
A fourth option would be to have something like an ElasticSearch index updated (also by using streams), which allows you to do arbitrary ad-hoc queries.
If you need consistency for your aggregates, you have to use transactions for this, with all the limitations imposed.

DynamoDB update one column of all items

We have a huge DynamoDB table (~ 4 billion items) and one of the columns is some kind of category (string) and we would like to map this column to either new one category_id (integer) or update existing one from string to int. Is there a way to do this efficiently without creating new table and populating it from beginning. In other words to update existing table?
Is there a way to do this efficiently
Not in DynamoDB, that use case is not what it's designed for...
Also note, unless you're talking about the hash or sort key (of the table or of an existing index), DDB doesn't have columns.
You'd run Scan() (in a loop since it only returns 1MB of data)...
Then Update each item 1 at a time. (note could BatchUpdate of 10 items at a time, but that save just network overhead..still does 10 individual updates)
If the attribute in question is used as a key in the table or an existing index...then a new table is your only option. Here's a good article with a strategy for migrating a production table.
Create a new table (let us call this NewTable), with the desired key structure, LSIs, GSIs.
Enable DynamoDB Streams on the original table
Associate a Lambda to the Stream, which pushes the record into NewTable. (This Lambda should trim off the migration flag in Step 5)
[Optional] Create a GSI on the original table to speed up scanning items. Ensure this GSI only has attributes: Primary Key, and Migrated (See Step 5).
Scan the GSI created in the previous step (or entire table) and use the following Filter:
FilterExpression = "attribute_not_exists(Migrated)"
Update each item in the table with a migrate flag (ie: “Migrated”: { “S”: “0” }, which sends it to the DynamoDB Streams (using UpdateItem API, to ensure no data loss occurs).
NOTE You may want to increase write capacity units on the table during the updates.
The Lambda will pick up all items, trim off the Migrated flag and push it into NewTable.
Once all items have been migrated, repoint the code to the new table
Remove original table, and Lambda function once happy all is good.

DynamoDB ConsistentRead for Global Indexes

I have next table structure:
ID string `dynamodbav:"id,omitempty"`
Type string `dynamodbav:"type,omitempty"`
Value string `dynamodbav:"value,omitempty"`
Token string `dynamodbav:"token,omitempty"`
Status int `dynamodbav:"status,omitempty"`
ActionID string `dynamodbav:"action_id,omitempty"`
CreatedAt time.Time `dynamodbav:"created_at,omitempty"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `dynamodbav:"updated_at,omitempty"`
ValidationToken string `dynamodbav:"validation_token,omitempty"`
and I have 2 Global Secondary Indexes for Value(ValueIndex) filed and Token(TokenIndex) field. Later somewhere in the internal logic I perform the Update of this entity and immediate read of this entity by one of this indexes(ValueIndex or TokenIndex) and I see the expected problem that data is not ready(I mean not yet updated). I can't use ConsistentRead for this cases, because this is Global Secondary Index and it doesn't support this options. As a result I can't run my load tests over this logic, because data is not ready when tests go in 10-20-30 threads. So my question - is it possible to solve this problem somewhere? or should I reorganize my table and split it to 2-3 different tables and move filed like Value, Token to HASH key or SORT key?
GSIs are updated asynchronously from the table they are indexing. The updates to a GSI typically occur in well under a second. So, if you're after immediate read of a GSI after insert / update / delete, then there is the potential to get stale data. This is how GSIs work - nothing you can do about that. However, you need to be really mindful of three things:
Make sure you keep your GSI lean - that is, only project the absolute minimum attributes that you need. Less data to write will make it quicker.
Ensure that your GSIs have the correct provisioned throughput. If it doesn't, it may not be able to keep up with activity in the table and therefore you'll get long delays in the GSI being kept in sync.
If an update causes the keys in the GSI to be updated, you'll need 2 units of throughput provisioned per update. In essence, DynamoDB will delete the item then insert a new item with the keys updated. So, even though your table has 100 provisioned writes, if every single write causes an update to your GSI key, you'll need to provision 200 write units.
Once you've tuned your DynamoDB setup and you still absolutely cannot handle the brief delay in GSIs, you'll probably need to use different technology. For example, even if you decided to split your table into multiple tables, it'll have the same (if not worse) impact. You'll update one table, then try to read the data from another table and you haven't yet inserted the values into a different table.
I suspect that once you tune DynamoDB for your situation, you'll get pretty damn close you what you want.

How to update all records in DynamoDB?

I am new to nosql / DynamoDB.
I have a list of ~10 000 container-items records, which is updated every 6 hours:
{ containerId: '1a3z5', items: ['B2a3, Z324, D339, M413'] },
{ containerId: '42as1', items: ['YY23, K132'] },
(primary key = containerId)
Is it viable to just delete the table, and recreate with new values?
Or should I loop through every item of the new list, and conditionally update/write/delete the current DynamoDB records (using batchwrite)?
For this scenario batch update is better approach. You have 2 cases:
If you need to update only certain records than batch update is more efficient. You can scan the whole table and iterate thought the records and only update certain records.
If you need to update all the records every 6 hours batch update will be more efficient, because if you drop the table and recreate table, that also means you have to recreate indexes and this is not a very fast process. And after you recreate table you still have to do the inserts and in the meantime you have to keep all the records in another database or in-memory.
One scenario where deleting the whole table is a good approach if you need to delete all the data from the table with thousands or more records, than its much faster to recreate table, than delete all the records though API.
And one more suggestion have you considered alternatives, because your problem does not look like a good use-case for DynamoDB. For example MongoDB and Cassandra support update by query out of the box.
If the update touches some but not all existing items and if partial update of 'items' is possible then you have no choice but to do a per record operation. And this would be true even with a more capable database.
You can perhaps speed it up by retrieving only the existing containerIds first so based on that set you know which to do update versus insert on. Alternately you can do a batch retrieve by ids using the ids from the set of updates and which every ones do not return a result are the ones you have to insert and the ones where you do are the ones to update.

Django 1.2 PostgreSQL cascading delete for keys with ON DELETE NO ACTION

I have a postgresql database with about 150 tables(it's a Django 1.2 project). Django adds ON DELETE NO ACTION and ON UPDATE NO ACTION to foreign keys at the time of table creation.
Now I need to bulk delete data (about 800,000 records) from a bunch of tables based on certain condition.
Using Model.objects.filter().delete() is not an options because data is huge and it takes a lot of time.
Only sanest options seems a cascading delete, but since Django has add "ON DELETE NO ACTION" it seem like a no option.
So my question: Is there any way to change all foreing keys to ON DELETE CASCADE in an easy way(there are many of them) or something similar.
(I am aware that I can manually write the SQL queries for each table, but that would be a monumental and difficult to maintain task.)
As pointed out in the link which comprises Andrew's answer, if you set this to CASCADE in Django, then Django will go and do the deletes "retail". If it is set to NO ACTION you can create a database-level foreign key definition to handle things. That sounds like a reasonable plan to me.
Be sure you have an index defined on the referencing set of columns for every foreign key; otherwise you're going to see very slow performance. Some database products will automatically create such an index when you define a foreign key, but there are situations where that is not advantageous, so PostgreSQL puts the matter in your hands to optimize as you see fit. (Just as one example, it might not be worth the cost of maintaining the index during normal operations, but be worth building it before a purge and dropping it after.)
One note: ON DELETE CASCADE performs miserably on bulk operations. The reason is that this is done as a trigger. Consequently the way it looks from an algorithmic perspective is:
for row in delete_set:
for dependent row in (scan for referencing rows):
delete dependent row
If you are deleting 800000 rows in a parent table this translates into 800000 separate delete scans on the dependent tables. Even at your best case, with indexes usable 800000 separate index scans will be much slower than one sequential scan.
A better way to do this is to use a writeable common table expression in 9.1 or higher, or to just do separate delete statements in the same transaction. Something like:
WITH rows_to_delete (id) AS (
SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE where_condition
deleted_rows (id) AS (
DELETE FROM referencing_table WHERE mytable_id IN (select id FROM rows_to_delete)
RETURNING mytable_id
DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id IN (select id FROM deleted_rows);
This Reduces to something like, algorithmically:
scan for rows to delete as delete_set
for dependent in scan for rows dependent to delete:
delete dependent
for to_delete in scan for rows referenced by deleted dependents:
delete to_delete
Getting rid of the forced nested loop scan will greatly speed things up.