Event-Driven Serial Port Read MFC - c++

I am trying to implement an event-driven serial receive in my MFC dialog application.
I am using this class for access to the Win32 APIs dealing with serial ports.
I want to be notified whenever new data is received and from the description it seems like the ReadFileEx function (CSerialPort::ReadExin the Naughter class) could help me achieve this.
ReadFileEx function:
Reads data from the specified file or input/output (I/O) device. It reports its completion status asynchronously, calling the specified completion routine when reading is completed or canceled and the calling thread is in an alertable wait state.
If I have understood it correctly, I can specify a routine (function?) that would get called when serial data is received. But it is the last part that confuses me: "and the calling thread is in an alertable wait state". From the documentation the application can enter an alertable wait state by calling the following functions:
An application uses the MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, WaitForSingleObjectEx, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx, and SleepEx functions to enter an alertable wait state.
Based on this I have the following code in my MFC application:
CSerialPort arduino;
OVERLAPPED overlapped{};
HANDLE hEvent = nullptr;
char command_Arduino[1];
void CTAB1::OnBnClickedButton()
hEvent = CreateEvent(nullptr, TRUE, FALSE, nullptr);
ATLASSERT(hEvent != nullptr);
overlapped.hEvent = hEvent;
arduino.ReadEx(command_Arduino, 1, &overlapped, Run);
WaitForSingleObjectEx(hEvent, INFINITE, TRUE);
However this gives me an unhandled exception:
0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x0000000000000000.
Where am I going wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update: Thanks to all the helpful comments, I was able to achieve asynchronous serial receive in a separate worker thread.
Declarations and definitions:
#define WM_USER1 (WM_USER + 1)
CSerialPort arduino;
HANDLE WorkerThread = nullptr;
DWORD WINAPI SerialInputMotorControl_Thread(LPVOID WndPtr);
Creating the thread:
void CTAB1::OnBnClickedButtonMotorRun()
m_MotorRun.EnableWindow(FALSE); //Disable run button
m_MotorStop.EnableWindow(TRUE); //Enable stop button
//Create worker thread for dealing with serial receive
WorkerThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SerialInputMotorControl_Thread, (LPVOID)m_hWnd, 0, NULL);
Terminating the thread:
void CTAB1::OnBnClickedButtonMotorStop()
if (WorkerThread != nullptr)
if (!TerminateThread(WorkerThread, 0)) //Delete worker thread
DWORD err = GetLastError();
MessageBox(_T("Error: %d", err), _T("ERROR"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
MessageBox(_T("Error: Thread not terminated"), _T("ERROR"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
CloseHandle(WorkerThread); //Clean-up
The thread:
DWORD WINAPI SerialInputMotorControl_Thread(LPVOID WndPtr)
HWND hWnd = (HWND)WndPtr;
char command_Arduino[1] = {};
int prev_command = 100;
arduino.Read(command_Arduino, 1);
catch (CSerialException& e)
if (e.m_dwError == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
DWORD dwBytesTransferred = 0;
char command;
command = command_Arduino[0];
if (prev_command != command)
if (command < 1) {
command = 0;
if (command > 16) {
command = 16;
PostMessage(hWnd, WM_USER1, command, 0); //Send message to GUI
prev_command = command;
return 0;
Then handle the command in the GUI message handler.


How can I show a wait cursor from the moment I invoke the popup dialog until the dialog is visible to the user?

So, I want to display a CDialog to the user:
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantDlg::OnOptionsOutlookCalendarOptions()
COutlookCalendarSettingsDlg dlgSettings(this);
Now, the popup dialogue (in OnInitDialog) runs a console application behind the scenes. This console application is communicating with Microsoft Graph.
As a result, it can take a few seconds for the dialog to display.
I execute the console application with this method:
bool CMeetingScheduleAssistantApp::ExecuteProgram(CString strCommand, DWORD& rExitCode)
PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation = { nullptr };
STARTUPINFO startupInfo = { 0 };
int nStrBuffer;
BOOL bProcessResult, bExitCodeProcess;
bool bOK = false;
CWaitCursor wait;
rExitCode = -1;
startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);
nStrBuffer = strCommand.GetLength() + 50;
bProcessResult = CreateProcess(nullptr, strCommand.GetBuffer(nStrBuffer),
nullptr, nullptr, FALSE,
nullptr, nullptr, &startupInfo, &processInformation);
if (!bProcessResult)
// CreateProcess() failed
// Get the error from the system
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
nullptr, dw, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, nullptr);
// Display the error
CString strError = (LPTSTR)lpMsgBuf;
TRACE(_T("Authenticate failed at CreateProcess()\nCommand=%s\nMessage=%s\n\n"), strCommand, strError);
// Free resources created by the system
// We failed.
return false;
// Successfully created the process. Wait for it to finish.
DWORD WaitResult;
WaitResult = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1,
// only 1 wait object
&processInformation.hProcess, // worker thread
FALSE, // stop if any
INFINITE, // no timeout
if (WaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
// Handle windows message
MSG Msg;
while (PeekMessage(&Msg, nullptr, 0, (UINT)-1, PM_REMOVE))
TRACE3("%d %d %d\n", Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam);
} while (WaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0);
ASSERT(WaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
// Get the exit code.
bExitCodeProcess = GetExitCodeProcess(processInformation.hProcess, &rExitCode);
// Close the handles.
if (!bExitCodeProcess)
// Could not get exit code.
TRACE(_T("Executed command but couldn't get exit code.\nCommand=%s\n"), strCommand);
return false;
return true;
Inside OnInitDialog, just before the ExecuteProgram is called, I tried using:
CWaitCursor wait;
But it makes no difference. So how can I show a wait cursor from the moment I invoke the popup dialog until the dialog is visible to the user?
One solution could be to use Modeless Dialog. You can create a dialog which looks similar to wait cursor dialog.
You show that Modeless Dialog just before dlgSettings.DoModal(); statement in your code. Please use TOP_MOST while showing Modeless Dialog.
Finally, hide/close Modeless Dialog from OnInitDialog() once processing is over.
Another approach could be:
Add a public member of asCWaitCursor* m_pWaitCursor in COutlookCalendarSettingsDlg class. Now modify code as
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantDlg::OnOptionsOutlookCalendarOptions()
COutlookCalendarSettingsDlg dlgSettings(this);
dlgSettings->m_pWaitCursor = new CWaitCursor();
Then modify OnInitDialog of COutlookCalendarSettingsDlg to delete instance of CWaitCursor before returning from it.
delete m_pWaitCursor;
I thought I would add an update to this answer that applies in other situations. What you do is use a CPersistantWaitCursor instead. The article provides a little example:
#include "PersistentWaitCursor.h"
void CMyWnd::DoSomeLengthyOperation()
// Create and show the wait cursor
CPersistentWaitCursor waitCursor;
// Do some lengthy operation
// waitCursor goes out of scope and cursor is restored
BOOL CMyWnd::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
if (CPersistentWaitCursor::WaitCursorShown())
// We are showing the wait cursor
return TRUE;
// Let the base class deal with this one
return CWnd::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message);
Look at the article for full details about how it works. But I can confirm that for some of my other lengthy actions this enhanced CPersistantWaitCursor did the trick.

Why semaphore is released but WaitForSingleObject() still stuck?

UPDATE: I found that the semaphore they are releasing is not the semaphore the monitor thread is waiting! I used cout<<ready to find the semaphore the threads are releasing is 00000394, which is not the handle of the semaphore the monitor thread is waiting for. What is the possible reason for this problem? Thank you!
I am new to multithread programming in Windows. Today when I'm writing my online game server, I try to use semaphores in Windows. It is written based on IOCP so that every message is handled in a separate thread. A game consists 4 players.
What I expect it to do is: when receiving a message, a new thread starts and release a ready. There is a monitor thread waiting for 4 ready, and then releases 4 all_ready. Each thread waits one all_ready and goes on.
The code is here:
CGameHost is a manager for a 4-player game.
ready = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 4, NULL);
read = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 4, NULL);
all_ready = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 4, NULL);
all_read = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 4, NULL);
monitor_thread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, Monitor, (LPVOID)this, NULL, 0);
unsigned __stdcall CGameHost::Monitor( LPVOID p ) // a static function
CGameHost *nowp = (CGameHost *)p;
int i;
WaitForSingleObject(nowp->ready, INFINITE);//stuck here
cout<<"Get Ready!"<<endl; // This is not outputed, which means it stucks in the last row.
ReleaseSemaphore(nowp->all_ready, 1, NULL);
for(i=1; i<=MAX_PLAYER; i++)
WaitForSingleObject(nowp->read, INFINITE);
for(i=1; i<=MAX_PLAYER;i++)
ReleaseSemaphore(nowp->all_read, 1, NULL);
return 0;
void CGameHost::ReleaseReady()
ReleaseSemaphore(ready, 1, NULL);
void CGameHost::WaitAllReady()
WaitForSingleObject(all_ready, INFINITE);
void CGameHost::ReleaseRead()
ReleaseSemaphore(read, 1, NULL);
void CGameHost::WaitAllRead()
WaitForSingleObject(all_read, INFINITE);
DataProcess::Game is the message handler for incoming game messages.
CMessage Dataprocess::Game( CMessage* recv_msg )
CMessage ret;
int now_roomnum = recv_msg->para1;
int now_playernum = recv_msg->para2;
cout<<"Received Game Message: "<<endl;
cout<<"type2 = "<<recv_msg->type2;
cout<<" player_num = "<<now_playernum<<" msg= "<<recv_msg->msg<<endl;
if(recv_msg->type2 == MSG_GAME_OPERATION)
ret.type1 = MSG_GAME;
cout<<"Entered from "<<now_playernum<<endl;
game_host[now_roomnum].SetMessage(now_playernum, recv_msg->msg);
cout<<"Released Ready from "<<now_playernum<<endl;//this is shown
game_host[now_roomnum].WaitAllReady();//stuck here
cout<<"AllReady from"<<now_playernum<<endl;//not shown
return ret;
Your reply will be of great help for a beginner of Windows multithread programmer like me! Thank you!
If I understood your needs, you should probably have something like this..
HANDLE hPlayersReady[4];
HANDLE hAllPlayed;
Create these 5 events, and then on your monitor thread,
do something like this...
// Wait for all players to move
WaitForMultipleObjects(4, &hPlayersReady, true, INFINITE);
// Process move
// Advise players the move was processed...
And on your player thread X
// Make my move
// Advise monitor I'm ready
// Wait for ready to do another move
Well, I solved it myself. The reason is that I used CreateSemaphore again after creating the thread, making the player thread visiting different semaphores as the monitor thread... Sorry for my stupidness, and thank you for telling me so much!

ReadDirectoryChangesW issues

I'am using ReadDirectoryChangesW to watch a directory changes asynchronously, based on this question I implement a function that watch a given directory, but I still get the error message GetQueuedCompletionStatus(): Timeout
void Filewatcher::OpenWatchDir(QString PathToOpen)
QString path=QDir::fromNativeSeparators(PathToOpen);
LPCTSTR Dirname=(LPCTSTR)path.utf16();//.toStdWString().c_str();
dirinfo_t* d =(dirinfo_t*) malloc(1*sizeof(dirinfo_t));
d->CompletionKey = (ULONG_PTR)&somekey;
/* set up */
runthread = TRUE;
d->hDirFH = CreateFile(Dirname,
d->hDirOPPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(d->hDirFH, NULL,
(ULONG_PTR)d->CompletionKey, 1);
DWORD errorcode = 0; // an error code
BOOL bResultQ = FALSE; // obvios=us
BOOL bResultR = FALSE;
DWORD NumBytes = 0;
FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION* pInfo = NULL; // the data incoming is a pointer
// to this struct.
int i = 0;
while ( runthread )
bResultR = ReadDirectoryChangesW(d->hDirFH, (void*)d->buffer,
16777216, TRUE,
bResultQ = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(d->hDirOPPort,
&NumBytes, &(d->CompletionKey),
(LPOVERLAPPED*)(d->o), 1000);
if ( bResultQ && bResultR )
pInfo = (FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION*) d->buffer;
wprintf(L"File %s", pInfo->FileName);
wprintf(L" changes %d\n", pInfo->Action);
qDebug()<<"file "<<pInfo->FileName<<" was"<<pInfo->Action;
memset(d->buffer, 0, 16777216);
errorcode = GetLastError();
if ( errorcode == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
qDebug()<<"GetQueuedCompletionStatus(): Timeout\n";
qDebug()<<"GetQueuedCompletionStatus(): Failed\n";
qDebug()<<"Error Code "<<errorcode;
I need to know how use ReadDirectoryChangesW asynchronously with IoCompletionPort.
Any help please.
There's no reason to use a completion port here, simple overlapped I/O with an event will work fabulously.
The key is to wait for this operation (whether event or completion port) at the same time as all other events (possibly including GUI messages), and only check the status when the event becomes signaled. For that, use (Msg)WaitForMultipleObjects(Ex).
In Qt, you can add Win32 events (used by OVERLAPPED structure for async I/O) using QWinEventNotifier as described here:
thank you guys for your answers, after a deep research and retesting code I solve my problem based on this , I really appreciate your help.

Safely synchronizing a COM thread

I've done a lot with multithreading in the past, but I'm fairly new to COM. Anyway, here's my issue:
I create a worker thread, which registers as an STA, and creates a COM object. Then the worker thread and the main thread try to communicate with each other. Using CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream and CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream, I can get the threads to call methods on the COM objects in the other thread.
Here's what the worker thread looks like:
void workerThread()
MyLib::IFooPtr foo = ...; // create my COM object
// Marshall it so the main thread can talk to it
HRESULT hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(foo.GetIID(),
if (FAILED(hr)) {
// handle failure
// begin message loop, to keep this STA alive
MSG msg;
BOOL bRet;
while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) != 0)
if (bRet == -1) break;
In the main thread:
// launch the thread
m_worker = boost::thread (&workerThread);
// get the interface proxy
MyLib::IFooPtr foo;
HRESULT hr = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(m_stream, foo.GetIID(), &vp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) foo.Attach(static_cast<MyLib::IFoo*>(vp));
This creates the object (which takes a while to initialize), and allows the main thread to talk to it, and everything is properly synchronized with the COM Apartment stuff. As far as I can tell from reading msdn, this seems to be the right way to do things. Now the main thread can use its proxy to call methods on my COM object, and the worker thread will receive those calls over the message queue, properly dispatching them.
However, what about synchronizing these threads?
Obviously in this case I want the main thread to wait to call CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream until after the worker thread has created that stream via CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream. But how can I safely do that?
From MSDN, I should be using something like MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, so I can wait for my_condition OR new_message_arrived, and then I can do something like:
// verbatim from msdn
while (TRUE)
// wait for the event and for messages
DWORD dwReturn = ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1,
// this thread has been reawakened. Determine why
// and handle appropriately.
if (dwReturn == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// our event happened.
break ;
else if (dwReturn == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
// handle windows messages to maintain
// client liveness
MSG msg ;
while(::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
::DispatchMessage(&msg) ;
But how do I mix boost::thread.join() and boost::condition.wait() with MsgWaitForMultipleObjects? Is that even possible, or do I have to do something else to avoid a race condition?
Your main thread has a message queue (must be, since is an STA host), why not simply post a message to it, PostThreadMessage? Post an user message (WM_USER +X) and your normal main thread message pump can handle this user message as a notification that the COM object has marshaled the interface into the stream and the main thread is safe to call CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream.
I must call out though that with your current design your worker thread does basically nothing more than just run an additional message pump. Any call to any method on your interface from the main thread will block, wait for the worker thread to pick up the message from its message queue, process the call, respond, and then the main thread will resume. All operations will be at least as slow as having the COM object hosted in the main thread, plus the overhead of COM marshaling back and forth between the two STAs. Basically there is no concurrency whatsoever between the two threads, because of how COM STA works. Are you sure is this what you want?
(omitting a bunch of details like number of threads, timeout handling, assignment of a stream/IID/CLSID for each worker etc etc)
in the .h:
HANDLE m_startupDone;
volatile int m_threadStartCount;
worker thread:
void workerThread()
MyLib::IFooPtr foo = ...; // create my COM object
// Marshall it so the main thread can talk to it
HRESULT hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(foo.GetIID(),
if (FAILED(hr)) {
// handle failure
// remember to decrement and signal *even on failure*
if (0 == InterlockedDecrement(&m_threadStartCount))
SetEvent (m_startupDone);
// begin message loop, to keep this STA alive
MSG msg;
BOOL bRet;
while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) != 0)
if (bRet == -1) break;
in the main thread:
m_startupDone = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
m_threadStartCount = <number of workerthreads>
// launch the thread(s)
m_worker = boost::thread (&workerThread);
m_worker2 = boost::thread (&workerThread);
// now wait for tall the threads to create the COM object(s)
if (WAIT_OBJECT0 != WaitForSingleObject(m_startupDone, ...))
// handle failure like timeout
// By now all COM objects are guaranteed created and marshaled, unmarshall them all in main
// here must check if all threads actually succeeded (could be as simple as m_stream is not NULL)
// get the interface proxy
MyLib::IFooPtr foo;
HRESULT hr = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(m_stream, foo.GetIID(), &vp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) foo.Attach(static_cast<MyLib::IFoo*>(vp));

How to catch quit message from another process?

I want to "listen" some other application and decide what to do when it has been terminated.
Edit: The two programs are run on same computer, and i want to know when i close the other program. And then do action in the other program. I cant modify the other program code. I may or may not start the app B from app A. I could identify the app B by its full path to the exe.
As Abyx wrote, WaitForSingleObject (or possibly WaitForMulipleObjects) is the API function you need.
Create an event
Start a (worker) thread
Pass the event handle to the thread -> HANDLE1
Get handle for the process to be watched. See How can I get a process handle by its name in C++? -> HANDLE2
In your thread function call WaitForMulipleObjects and wait for the two handles.
If HANDLE2 fires, do whatever action you want... and possibly terminate the thread.
If HANDLE1 fires, leave the thread. This is for a graceful termination of your application: Before exiting the main (GUI) thread you set the event.
WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);
If you start yourself, the process which termination you want wait for, for example with respect of the CreateProcess, the waiting for the process end is very simple
WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
If the process, which termination you want wait for, is started before you should find the process id dwProcessId of the process and then do following
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess (SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, dwProcessId);
WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);
The searching of the process id can be implemented in different ways depend on which information you know about the process and the knowledge how many instances of the process can be running simultaneously.
For example if you know the filename of the process which is currently running you can use EnumProcesses, OpenProcess and GetProcessImageFileName. Here is the corresponding code in a simplified form:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#pragma comment (lib, "Psapi.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "shlwapi.lib")
int _tmain (int argc, LPCTSTR argv[])
DWORD arProcessIds[1024], cbNeeded, i, dwStatus;
HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
LPCTSTR pszProcessName = NULL;
if (argc != 2) {
_tprintf (TEXT("USAGE:\n")
TEXT(" \"%s\" ExeName\n\n")
TEXT(" \"%s\" TaskMgr.exe\n"),
argv[0], argv[0]);
return 1; // error
pszProcessName = argv[1];
if (!EnumProcesses (arProcessIds, sizeof(arProcessIds), &cbNeeded)) {
// here shold be allocated array dynamically
return 1; // error
for (i = 0; i < cbNeeded/sizeof(DWORD); i++ ) {
if (arProcessIds[i] != 0) {
hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, arProcessIds[i]);
if (hProcess != NULL) {
dwStatus = GetProcessImageFileName (hProcess, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
if (dwStatus > 0 ) {
LPCTSTR pszFileName = PathFindFileName (szFileName);
//_tprintf(TEXT("Process: %s\n"),szFileName);
if (StrCmpI(pszFileName, pszProcessName) == 0) {
CloseHandle (hProcess);
hProcess = NULL;
//hProcess = OpenProcess (SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, dwProcessId);
if (hProcess == NULL) {
_tprintf(TEXT("The process \"%s\" is not found.\n"), pszProcessName);
return 1;
_tprintf(TEXT("Start waiting for the end of the process %s\n"), pszProcessName);
WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);
_tprintf(TEXT("The process is terminated"));
CloseHandle (hProcess);
return 0;
you can just get the process list from OS in intervals you want and take appropriate action