Django caches user object - django

Our websites sometimes has around 600 authenticated users trying to register for an event in a timeframe of 5 min. We have a VPS with 1 CPU and 1GB ram. On these moments the site slows down and gives a 502 error.
For that reason I'm using per-site cache with FileBasedCache. This works excellent and stress tests work fine.
But, when people login, they're redirect to their profile. This is the code:
class UserRedirectView(LoginRequiredMixin, RedirectView):
permanent = False
def get_redirect_url(self):
return reverse("users:detail", kwargs={"membership_number": self.request.user.membership_number})
the user is redirect to an url with their membership_number
class UserDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView):
model = User
slug_field = "membership_number"
slug_url_kwarg = "membership_number"
Some users are reporting that they are redirected to someone else his/her profile after logging in.
How does this work? How to prevent user specific parts of the website to be cached? e.g. users also see a list of events that are specific to the groups they are in. In other words, every user should see a different list.
Any ideas? Best practices?

you should be able to vary cache on cookie so that logged in users (assuming cookie based auth) get another cache key.
from django.views.decorators.vary import vary_on_cookie
def my_view(request):


Django CSRF Protection with user-based get request

I have the following "profile" view in my django app:
def user_profile(request):
current_user = request.user
student_profile = get_object_or_404(Student, student_user = current_user)
reviews = StudentReview.objects.filter(target_student = student_profile).reverse()
for stu_review in reviews:
stu_review.review_seen = True
context = {
'user': current_user,
'profile': student_profile,
'reviews': reviews,
'is_logged_in': request.user.is_authenticated,
return render(request, 'polls/profile.html', context)
I was wondering whether or not this code is vulnerable to a CSRF attack. Since profile information is sensitive, and since profile information is displayed based on a user's identity, I wasn't sure whether someone could attempt a CSRF attack to display another user's profile information, or whether Django's middleware would take care of that. I have a number of views that behave similarly, so I want to make sure that this information is not at risk.
GET requests are not protected by Django's CSRF middleware. A CSRF attack is a possibility, but it would not disclose any information.
The way a CSRF attack works is that an attacker tricks a user (the victim) into visiting a specific page. Since the page is visited by the victim, any action on the page may be authorised using the victim's login session, rather than the attacker's login session. But, since the victim visits the page, the response is also send to the victim. The attacker has no way of reading the response (unless other vulnerabilities allow that, e.g. XSS).
In this specific example, a CSRF attack would only be able to mark reviews targeted at the victim as seen, without the victim actually seeing them. You need to decide whether that is harmless or an actual problem.

Django sessions for anonymous users

I want to be able to collect basic stats on the use of a webapp by users, both anonymous and logged-in.
The commonality here would be that using session ids, I could store data for both logged-in and logged-out users, and still be able to link the stored stats to a given session (who the session belongs to is immaterial).
However, I'm running into issues with collecting the session_key, as this does not appear to be set when an anonymous user enters the site (presumably because of the fact Django sessions are only saved when modified.
When I test a view with a logged-in user:
def create(request, *args, **kwargs):
print request.session.session_key
For a logged in user, the session_key is printed. For a logged out user or anonymous user this is None. On first request to the site, the session does not exist and consequently is not available to the view.
My current plan is to create a custom Middleware as a subclass of the official session middleware, but overriding process_request() to instantiate sessions for those who do not have one via
My only concern with this approach is that I'm not sure if it will have unforeseen consequences for other parts of Django - do people have any suggestions?
In a past project I did what you are suggesting but just within a view where I needed to use session_key for unauthenticated visitors. It did not cause any problems in my project:
if not request.session or not request.session.session_key:
# request.session.session_key now set
You can choose to save session every request by setting:
This force django to assign the session key for each session

Why Django 1.4 per-site cache does not work correctly with CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY?

I am working on a Django 1.4 project and writing one simple application using per-site cache as described here:
I have correctly setup a local Memcached server and confirmed the pages are being cached.
Then I set CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY = True because I don't want to cache pages for authenticated users.
I'm testing with a simple view that returns a template with render_to_response and RequestContext to be able to access user information from the template and the caching works well so far, meaning it caches pages just for anonymous users.
And here's my problem. I created another view using a different template that doesn't access user information and noticed that the page was being cached even if the user was authenticated. After testing many things I found that authenticated users were getting a cached page if the template didn't print something from the user context variable. It's very simple to test: print the user on the template and the page won't be cached for an authenticated user, remove the user on the template, refresh the page while authenticated and check the HTTP headers and you will notice you're getting a cached page. You should clear the cache between changes to see the problem more clearly.
I tested a little more and found that I could get rid of the user in the template and print request.user right on the view (which prints to the development server console) and that also fixed the problem of showing a cached page to an authenticated user but that's an ugly hack.
A similar problem was reported here but never got an answer:
I can probably write a conditional decorator to check if user.is_authenticated() and based on that use #never_cache on my view but it seems like that defeats the purpose of using per-site cache, doesn't it?
A decorator to bypass per-site cache if the user is authenticated. Based on django.views.decorators.cache.never_cache.
from django.utils.decorators import available_attrs
from django.utils.cache import add_never_cache_headers
from functools import wraps
def conditional_cache(view_func):
Checks the user and if it's authenticated pass it through never_cache.
This version uses functools.wraps for the wrapper function.
#wraps(view_func, assigned=available_attrs(view_func))
def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
if request.user.is_authenticated():
return response
return _wrapped_view_func
Any suggestions to avoid the need of an extra decorator will be appreciated.
Ok, I just confirmed my "problem" was caused by Django lazy loading the User object.
To confirm it, I just added something like this to my view:
test_var = "some text" + request.user
And I got an error message telling me I couldn't concatenate an str to a SimpleLazyObject. At this point the lazy loading logic hasn't got a real User object yet.
To bypass the lazy loading, hence return a non-cache view for authenticated users, I just needed to access some method or attribute to triggers an actual query on the User object. I ended up with this, which I think it's the simplest way:
bypass_lazyload = request.user.is_authenticated()
My conditional_cache decorator is no longer needed, although it was an interesting exercise.
I may not need to do this when I finish working with my views as I'll access some user methods and attributes on my templates anyway but it's good to know what was going on.

Django: any way to avoid querying for request.user on every request?

For my website pretty much every page has a header bar displaying "Welcome, ABC" where "ABC" is the username. That means request.user will be called for every single request resulting in database hits over and over again.
But once a user is logged in, I should be able to store his user instance in his cookie and encrypt it. That way I can avoid hitting the database repeatedly and just retrieve request.user from the cookie instead.
How would you modify Django to do this? Is there any Django plugins that does what I need?
You want to use the session middleware, and you'll want to read the documentation. The session middleware supports multiple session engines. Ideally you'd use memcached or redis, but you could write your own session engine to store all the data in the user's cookie. Once you enable the middleware, it's available as part of the request object. You interact with request.session, which acts like a dict, making it easy to use. Here are a couple of examples from the docs:
This simplistic view sets a has_commented variable to True after a user posts a comment. It doesn’t let a user post a comment more than once:
def post_comment(request, new_comment):
if request.session.get('has_commented', False):
return HttpResponse("You've already commented.")
c = comments.Comment(comment=new_comment)
request.session['has_commented'] = True
return HttpResponse('Thanks for your comment!')
This simplistic view logs in a "member" of the site:
def login(request):
m = Member.objects.get(username=request.POST['username'])
if m.password == request.POST['password']:
request.session['member_id'] =
return HttpResponse("You're logged in.")
return HttpResponse("Your username and password didn't match.")
This smells of over-optimisation. Getting a user from the db is a single hit per request, or possibly two if you use a Profile model as well. If your site is such that an extra two queries makes a big difference to performance, you may have bigger problems.
The user is attached to the request object using the Authentication Middleware provided by django (django.contrib.auth.middleware). It users a function the get_user function in django.contrib.auth.init to get the user from the backend you are using. You can easily change this function to look for the user in another location (e.g. cookie).
When a user is logged in, django puts the userid in the session (request.session[SESSION_KEY] When a user logs off, it erases the user's id from the session. You can override these login and logoff functions to also store a user object in the browsers cookie / erase user object from cookie in the browser. Both of these functions are also in django.contrib.auth.init
See here for settting cookies: Django Cookies, how can I set them?
Once you have proper caching the number of database hits should be reduced significantly - then again I'm not really and expert on caching. I think it would be a bad idea to modify request.user to solve your problem. I think a better solution would be to create some utility, method or custom template tag that attempts to load your require user data from the cookie, and return the result. If the user data is not found in the cookie, then a call to request.user should be made, save the data to the cookie, and then return the result. You could possibly use a post_save signal to check for changes to the user data, so that you can make update to the cookie as required.

How can I detect multiple logins into a Django web application from different locations?

I want to only allow one authenticated session at a time for an individual login in my Django application. So if a user is logged into the webpage on a given IP address, and those same user credentials are used to login from a different IP address I want to do something (either logout the first user or deny access to the second user.)
Not sure if this is still needed but thought I would share my solution:
1) Install django-tracking (thankyou for that tip Van Gale Google Maps + GeoIP is amazing!)
2) Add this middleware:
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
from tracking.models import Visitor
from datetime import datetime
class UserRestrictMiddleware(object):
Prevents more than one user logging in at once from two different IPs
def process_request(self, request):
ip_address = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR','')
last_login = request.user.last_login
last_login = 0
if unicode(last_login)==unicode([:19]:
previous_visitors = Visitor.objects.filter(user=request.user).exclude(ip_address=ip_address)
for visitor in previous_visitors:
visitor.user = None
3) Make sure it goes after the VisitorTrackingMiddleware and you should find previous logins are automatically bumped when someone new logs in :)
If you're already using django-tracking as suggested here, there's a much easier way to implement this:
Define a signal handler:
# myapp/
def kick_my_other_sessions(sender, request=None, user=None, **kwargs):
from tracking.models import Visitor
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
keys = [v.session_key for v in Visitor.objects.filter(user=request.user).exclude(session_key=request.session.session_key)]
Create a listener for the user_logged_in signal:
# myapp/
from myapp.signals import kick_my_other_sessions
from django.contrib.auth.signals import user_logged_in
user_logged_in.connect(kick_my_other_sessions, sender=User)
This will institute a sort of "last user to login wins" system. If you want to allow multiple logins by the same user from the same ip, you can add an .exclude() to the Visitors lookup.
Django's middleware will probably help you achieve this. The issue is that you will probably want to allow multiple anonymous sessions from the same IP address, even authenticated sessions for different users, but not authenticated sessions for the same user.
You'll want to:
Create a user profile model to store the IP address of a user's last login. See Django's Storing additional information about users documentation.
Implement a custom authentication backend. This backend, when triggered and successfully authenticating a user (just call super) would wipe out the user's last login IP in the profile model.
Implement a subclass of Django's django.contrib.sessions.SessionMiddleware class. Implement process_request. If the request.user object's profile model has no IP address, set it and allow the request. If it has an IP, and the IP is different from the current request's IP (request.META.REMOTE_ADDR), then do whatever you like to either log out the other user, or return an error to the requestor.
Update your file so that your custom auth backend is processed first, and so that your custom session middleware is also processed first. This involves updating settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS and settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.
You'll need to do this with custom middleware.
In your middleware process_request() method you will have access to the request object so you can do something like the following:
session_key = request.session.session_key
ip_address = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
Now you know the IP address, so check a model you create that (roughly) would look like this:
class SessionIPS(models.Model):
session = models.ForeignKey(Session)
IP = models.CharField(max_length=20)
So when a session is created or deleted you will modifiy your session ip's table accordingly, and when a request comes in make sure the IP address isn't being used for another session. If if is, then return a Http404 (or something like it) from the middleware.
A pluggable app that can show you a lot more detail (and even includes IP address in its own model) is django-tracking.