I used the clibgen.generateLibraryDefinition to generate the Matlab interface for C++ libraries.
I applied it in a Matlab function and it worked well.
However, when I tried to use it in the Matlab Simulink with the Matlab function block, it gave errors " Attempt to extract field 'i' from 'mxArray'. "
Is that anything I'm missing to add in the Simulink?
function cube = fcn(size_x, size_y, range_x_min, range_x_max, ...
range_y_min, range_y_max, power, ...
transmitter_height, receiver_height, ...
transmitter_position, frequency)
index = clib.Wave.Wave.Index;
radio_wave = clib.Wave.Wave.EMWave;
terrain = clib.Wave.Wave.Terrain(200,200,range_x_min,range_y_min,range_x_max,range_y_max);
index.i = 1;
index.j = 1;
% radio_wave.transmitter.set_power(1000);
% radio_wave.transmitter.set_height(150.0);
% radio_wave.transmitter.set_number_of_discrete_rays(7200);
%code.varsize('cube',[1 size_x],[1 size_y]);
cube = zeros(200,200);
I am trying to test some code that has been generated from Matlab into C++.
To do this I am attempting to integrate and run the generated C++ code back into Matlab.
Here's the function I am trying to use (in Matlab pre-autogen)
function out = getRotationMatrix(aStruct)
out = aStruct.bank_rad*aStruct.heading_rad+aStruct.pitch_rad;
I autogenerate it using this ...
function varargout = AutoGenCode(varargin)
% Here we are attempting to generate a C++ class from a matlab function via a
% hosting function
% initialise
varargout = {};
% create instance of config object
cfg = coder.config('LIB');
% config options
cfg.MaxIdLength = int32(64);
cfg.TargetLang = 'C++';
cfg.CppPreserveClasses = 1;
cfg.EnableCustomReplacementTypes = true;
cfg.ReplacementTypes.uint32 = 'uint32_t';
cfg.CppInterfaceStyle = 'Methods';
cfg.CppInterfaceClassName = 'FrameTransformation';
cfg.FilePartitionMethod = 'MapMFileToCFile'; % or 'MapMFileToCFile' SingleFile
cfg.EnableVariableSizing = false;
%cfg.PreserveVariableNames = 'UserNames'; % Worse
%cfg.IncludeInitializeFcn = true;
cfg.PassStructByReference = true;
thisStruct.bank_rad = 2.1;
thisStruct.heading_rad = 3.1;
thisStruct.pitch_rad = 3.1;
codegen -config cfg getRotationMatrix -args {thisStruct} -report -preservearraydims -std:c++11
To move to another area (\unzipped) I use packNGo
packNGo(buildInfo,'packType', 'hierarchical','fileName','portzingbit')
Now when i try to re-integrate it i am using clib
cd 'D:\thoros\Components\Frame Transformation Service\FT_V2\unzippedCode'
addpath('D:\thoros\Components\Frame Transformation Service\FT_V2\unzippedCode\FrameTransformation')
Where I had to define the < SHAPE > parameter in the defineFrameTransformation.mlx manually to be 1
When i try and use the function I cant pass a structure without an error
A = clib.FrameTransformation.FrameTransformation()
thisStruct.bank_rad = 2.1;
thisStruct.heading_rad = 3.1;
thisStruct.pitch_rad = 3.1;
>> A.getRotationMatrix(thisStruct)
I get the following error
Unrecognized method, property, or field 'getRotationMatrix' for class 'clib.FrameTransformation.FrameTransformation'.
The problem disappears if rewrite and regenerate the function to accept non-structure input e.g. double.
By using the summary function i can see that the call to getRotationMatrix should be of type clib.FrameTransformation.struct0_T
However i can't seem to create a variable of this type.
MATLAB Interface to FrameTransformation Library
Class clib.FrameTransformation.struct0_T
No Constructors defined
No Methods defined
No Properties defined
Class clib.FrameTransformation.FrameTransformation
double getRotationMatrix(clib.FrameTransformation.struct0_T)
No Properties defined
So how is one supposed to pass structures to C++ libraries in Matlab ??? what am i doing wrong.
Note Matlab 2020B, windows, Visual studio 2019
Ah, you were so close to the solution :)
There was a small catch there.
When you are using clibgen.generateLibraryDefinition() you have to make sure that all the type definition are included in the header file. In your case the definition of struct0_T was presnet inside getRotationMatrix_types.h file.
So you will have to include both the headers using below command :
Now you will have to fill the additional details required in the definition file.
Once you finish that step, you can use below commands to successfully use the interface
A = clib.mylib.FrameTransformation
s = clib.mylib.struct0_T
s.bank_rad =2.1;
s.heading_rad =3.1;
I could get below output in R2021b
>> A.getRotationMatrix(s)
ans =
Additionally check if you can use MATLAB Coder MEX instead of doing all these circus. You can call the generated code directly in MATLAB using MEX. You can refer below documentation :
If you have Embedded Coder (the line cfg.ReplacementTypes.uint32 = 'uint32_t' suggests you do), then you can use SIL to do what you're proposing with just a few lines of code:
cfg.VerificationMode = 'SIL';
thisStruct.bank_rad = 2.1;
thisStruct.heading_rad = 3.1;
thisStruct.pitch_rad = 3.1;
codegen ...
% Now test the generated code. This calls your actual generated code
% and automatically does all of the necessary data conversion. The code
% is run in a separate process and outputs are returned back
More info is in the doc. If you have tests / scripts already exercising your MATLAB code, you can reuse those with SIL by checking out coder.runTest and the codegen -test option.
I'm creating a game in (modern) opengl, c++, glm, glfw and openvr.h and currently learning from provided example source code (hellovr_opengl_main.cpp). There are apis found in openvr to provide both the view and projection matrices and used in combination would replicate what your eyes would see in real life through virtual reality goggles.
So I implemented framebuffers into my opengl application and everything worked perfectly so all ok there then followed the examples and tried to access the apis from openvr.h myself, and after that failed i downright copied and pasted from their example code the entire hierarchy of everything that was relevant to this problem and called everything in the same order as they appeared from the example and that didnt work either so ive tried everything i can think of and i cant figure it out
Also i use there matrix definitions as they are until it reaches my code where i convert it to glm::mat4, but i did get the viewmatrix working w/o any modification (like column major)
glm::mat4 CMainApplication::GetCurrentViewProjectionMatrix(vr::Hmd_Eye nEye)
Matrix4 i;
if (nEye == vr::Eye_Left)
i = m_mat4ProjectionLeft * m_mat4eyePosLeft * m_mat4HMDPose;
else if (nEye == vr::Eye_Right)
i = m_mat4ProjectionRight * m_mat4eyePosRight * m_mat4HMDPose;
Matrix4 i2 = m_mat4eyePosRight * m_mat4HMDPose;//works!
view = glm::mat4(i2[0], i2[1], i2[2], i2[3], i2[4], i2[5], i2[6], i2[7], i2[8], i2[9],
i2[10], i2[11], i2[12], i2[13], i2[14], i2[15]);
Matrix4 i3 = m_mat4ProjectionRight;
project = glm::mat4(i3[0], i3[1], i3[2], i3[3], i3[4], i3[5], i3[6], i3[7], i3[8], i3[9],
i3[10], i3[11], i3[12], i3[13], i3[14], i3[15]);//doesnt work
project = glm::mat4(i3[0], i3[4], i3[8], i3[12], i3[1], i3[5], i3[9], i3[13], i3[2], i3[6],
i3[10], i3[14], i3[3], i3[7], i3[11], i3[15]);//row>>column //doesnt work
return glm::mat4(i[0], i[4], i[8], i[12], i[1], i[5], i[9], i[13], i[2], i[6],
i[10], i[14], i[3], i[7], i[11], i[15]);//doesnt work
return glm::mat4(i[0], i[4], i[8], i[12], i[1], i[5], i[9], i[13], i[2], i[6],
i[10], i[14], i[3], i[7], i[11], i[15]);//row>>column //doesnt work
return glm::mat4(i[12], i[13], i[14], i[15], i[4], i[5], i[6], i[7], i[8], i[9],
i[10], i[11], i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]);//replace top w/ bottom //doesnt work
Now I am making the leveldb to train caffe framework.So I use "convert_imageset.cpp". This cpp file writes the char-type data only to leveldb.
But I have the float data to write it to leveldb. This data is pre-proceed image data so it is float type data.
how can I write or convert this float data to leveldb.
This float data is a set of vector with 4096 dimensions.
Please help me.
Or not how to convert it to HDF5Data?
HDF5 stands for hierarchical data format. You can manipulate such data format for example with R (RHDF5 documentation)
Other software that can process HDF5 are Matlab and Mathematica.
A new set of tools called HDFql has been recently released to simplify "managing HDF files through a high-level language like C/C++". You can check it out here
def del_and_create(dname):
if os.path.exists(dname):
def get_img_datum(image_fn):
img = cv.imread(image_fn, cv.IMREAD_COLOR)
img = img.swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(1, 2)
datum = caffe.io.array_to_datum(img, 0)
return datum
def get_jnt_datum(joint_fn):
joint = np.load(joint_fn)
datum = caffe.io.caffe_pb2.Datum()
datum.channels = len(joint)
datum.height = 1
datum.width = 1
return datum
def create_dataset():
img_db_fn = 'img.lmdb'
img_env = lmdb.Environment(img_db_fn, map_size=1099511627776)
img_txn = img_env.begin(write=True, buffers=True)
jnt_db_fn = 'joint.lmdb'
jnt_env = lmdb.Environment(jnt_db_fn, map_size=1099511627776)
jnt_txn = jnt_env.begin(write=True, buffers=True)
img_fns = glob.glob('imageData/*.jpg')
fileCount = len(img_fns)
print 'A total of ', fileCount, ' images.'
jnt_fns = glob.glob('jointData/*.npy')
jointCount = len(jnt_fns)
if(fileCount != jointCount):
print 'The file counts doesnot match'
keys = np.arange(fileCount)
for i, (img_fn, jnt_fn) in enumerate( zip(sorted(img_fns), sorted(jnt_fns)) ):
img_datum = get_img_datum(img_fn)
jnt_datum = get_jnt_datum(jnt_fn)
key = '%010d' % keys[i]
img_txn.put(key, img_datum.SerializeToString())
jnt_txn.put(key, jnt_datum.SerializeToString())
if i % 10000 == 0:
jnt_txn = jnt_env.begin(write=True, buffers=True)
img_txn = img_env.begin(write=True, buffers=True)
print '%d'%(i), os.path.basename(img_fn), os.path.basename(jnt_fn)
The above code expects images from a given path, and the labels of each image as .npy file.
Credits: https://github.com/mitmul/deeppose/blob/caffe/scripts/dataset.py
Note: I had seen Shai's answer to a question, which claims that lmdb doesnot support float-type data. But, it does work for me with the latest version of Caffe and LMDB and using this code snippet. As his answer is way too old, its highly likely that older versions may not have supported float-type data.
I know it is a stupid question, but when changing visual libraries I found a "throuble" with FMX...
My problem is: I need to do my own border, so I set the propriety to Border Style:"None", but the application runs in full screen, also covering the windows toolbar, so I would like a way to resize the application form according to the screen eg.:
mainForm->Height = Screen->Height - 10;
It is possible using VCL, but are there any way to do it using FMX library?
The maximum I conquested with FMX is (I don't know how does it returns values, and the kind of values):
Screen->Size(); // TSize
I've also conquested it now, but I have compiler error:
TSize* Tamanho = new TSize;
Tamanho = Screen->Size();
frmPrincipal->Width = Tamanho->Width;
frmPrincipal->Height = Tamanho->Height - 10;
Error:"E2034 Cannot covert 'TSize' to 'TSize*'"
Finally I've tried to put it on frmPrincipal.h, but the same error:
TSize *Tamanho;
PS.: Other possible solutions to solve the "main problem" are acceptable...
Thanks a LOT!
TScreen::Size() return an actual instance of the TSize struct, not a TSize* pointer. You need to change your code accordingly:
TSize Tamanho = Screen->Size();
frmPrincipal->Width = Tamanho.Width;
frmPrincipal->Height = Tamanho.Height - 10;
Alternatively, you can use FMX's Platform Services framework to access the IFMXScreenService interface directly (this is what TScreen::Size() uses internally):
_di_IInterface Intf;
if (TPlatformServices::Current->SupportsPlatformService(__uuidof(IFMXScreenService), Intf))
_di_IFMXScreenService Svc = Intf;
TPoint size = Svc->GetScreenSize().Round();
frmPrincipal->Width = size.X;
frmPrincipal->Height = size.Y - 10;
I am facing some prob in managed C++, I can fill my ListView , but I am unable to edit specific row at later time
I can fill like
listView1->View = View::Details;
ListViewItem^ itmp = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListViewItem("100");
ListViewSubItem^ itms1 = gcnew ListViewSubItem(itmp, "12:12:12 PM");
I want to implement following VB code in managed C++ , but showing errors
Dim FindlvItem() As ListViewItem // here i am facing problem in conversion to c++ managed
FindlvItem = Me.ListView1.Items.Find("100", False)
FindlvItem(0).SubItems(0).Text = "01:01:01 AM"
I dont want to use foreach loop to save processing
vs.net 2008
You should be able to convert the code almost line for line to C++/CLI. The only problem is that Find will return a collection of list view items, not just a single item.
array<ListViewItem^>^ FindlvItem = ListView1->Items->Find("100",false);
if (FindlvItem->Length == 1)
FindlvItem[0]->SubItems[0]->Text = "01:01:01 AM";
} // if found