How do I use Hashicorp Vault in Cloud Foundry - cloud-foundry

So I have a nodejs webservice which I push into Cloud Foundry (PCF), then I am storing some credentials in Vault so when a user hits my web service endpoint with some credentials I extract the credentials from the Vault, compare them against the credentials from the request and if the match I allow the request to be processed else I reject the request.
So to install Vault in PCF I use the next command:
cf create-service hashicorp-vault shared foo-vault
Then I create a key using this command:
create-service-key foo-vault foo-vault-key
Then I bind the service to the app like this:
cf bind-service foo-ws foo-vault
I restage the web service and when I print the environmental variables using this command:
cf restage foo-ws
I get this values:
"hashicorp-vault": [{
"credentials": {
"address": "http://somehost:433/",
"auth": {
"accessor": "kMr3iCSlekSN2d1vpPjbjzUk",
"token": "some token"
"backends": {
"generic": [
"transit": [
"backends_shared": {
"organization": "cf/8d4b992f-cca3-4876-94e0-e49170eafb67/secret",
"space": "cf/bdace353-e813-4efb-8122-58b9bd98e3ab/secret"
"label": "hashicorp-vault",
"name": "my-vault",
"plan": "shared",
"provider": null,
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"tags": [],
"volume_mounts": []
So my question is if there is a way to define the backends, token and address?
Thanks in advance for your help.


Want to automate firebase login via firebase CLI and init for a pre defined gcp project. New to automation, is it possible to automate?

Need to automate compound index generation in firebase cli as below
curl -sL | bash
firebase login ##looking a way to automate it
firebase init ##looking a way to automate it
replacing firestore.indexes.json to create index on user and timestamp field as below
"indexes": [{
"collectionGroup": "notifications",
"queryScope": "COLLECTION",
"fields": [
{ "fieldPath": "users", "order": "DESCENDING" },
{ "fieldPath": "timestamp", "order": "DESCENDING" }
"fieldOverrides": []
and run
firebase deploy --only firestore:indexes
to automate firestore functionalities and compound index creation. Is it feasible..?

How can I get the TaskId of a Fargate ecs Container

Similar to this question How to get Task ID from within ECS container? but I want to get the TaskId for my Fargate task. How can you do this? Like others I want this for logging information.
I'm running a Spring App with ELK stack for logging and would like if possible to include the TaskId in the logs if possible.
I actually never got this to work by the way, here is my code:
private String getTaskIdInternal() {
String url = System.getenv("ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4") + "/task";"Getting ecsMetaDataURL={}", url);
if (url == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 env variable not defined");
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<JsonNode> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(url, JsonNode.class);"ecsMetaData={}", response);
JsonNode map = response.getBody();
String taskArn = map.get("TaskARN").asText();
String[] splitTaskArn = taskArn.split("/");
String taskId = splitTaskArn[splitTaskArn.length - 1];"ecsTaskId={}", taskId);
return taskId;
But I always get this stack trace:
Could not get the taskId from ECS. exception=org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 403 Forbidden
at org.springframework.web.client.DefaultResponseErrorHandler.handleError(
at org.springframework.web.client.DefaultResponseErrorHandler.handleError(
at org.springframework.web.client.ResponseErrorHandler.handleError(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.handleResponse(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.getForEntity(
If you're trying to get the task id in Fargate for ECS you make use of metadata endpoints.
Assuming you're using version 1.4.0 of Fargate you can get this via a http request to ${ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4}/task.
An example response from this endpoint is below
"Cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:&ExampleAWSAccountNo1;:cluster/default",
"TaskARN": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:&ExampleAWSAccountNo1;:task/default/febee046097849aba589d4435207c04a",
"Family": "query-metadata",
"Revision": "7",
"DesiredStatus": "RUNNING",
"KnownStatus": "RUNNING",
"Limits": {
"CPU": 0.25,
"Memory": 512
"PullStartedAt": "2020-03-26T22:25:40.420726088Z",
"PullStoppedAt": "2020-03-26T22:26:22.235177616Z",
"AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c",
"Containers": [
"DockerId": "febee046097849aba589d4435207c04aquery-metadata",
"Name": "query-metadata",
"DockerName": "query-metadata",
"Image": "mreferre/eksutils",
"ImageID": "sha256:1b146e73f801617610dcb00441c6423e7c85a7583dd4a65ed1be03cb0e123311",
"Labels": {
"com.amazonaws.ecs.cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:&ExampleAWSAccountNo1;:cluster/default",
"com.amazonaws.ecs.container-name": "query-metadata",
"com.amazonaws.ecs.task-arn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:&ExampleAWSAccountNo1;:task/default/febee046097849aba589d4435207c04a",
"com.amazonaws.ecs.task-definition-family": "query-metadata",
"com.amazonaws.ecs.task-definition-version": "7"
"DesiredStatus": "RUNNING",
"KnownStatus": "RUNNING",
"Limits": {
"CPU": 2
"CreatedAt": "2020-03-26T22:26:24.534553758Z",
"StartedAt": "2020-03-26T22:26:24.534553758Z",
"Type": "NORMAL",
"Networks": [
"NetworkMode": "awsvpc",
"IPv4Addresses": [
"AttachmentIndex": 0,
"IPv4SubnetCIDRBlock": "",
"MACAddress": "0a:62:17:7a:36:68",
"DomainNameServers": [
"DomainNameSearchList": [
"PrivateDNSName": "",
"SubnetGatewayIpv4Address": ""
As you can see you would need to parse the TaskARN to get the TaskID (it is the last part of the ARN if you split by "/".
Amazon do specify the following in the documentation that should be noted.
For tasks using the Fargate launch type and platform versions prior to 1.4.0, the task metadata version 3 and 2 endpoint are supported. For more information, see Task Metadata Endpoint version 3 or Task Metadata Endpoint version 2.
The link in the accepted answer is for EC2 launch type. The direct doc link for Fargate is: The json content seems to be pretty much the same though.

How to find endpoint URL of an API Gateway in AWS

I have made a few API Gateways in AWS.
At this point , I would like curl to the endpoint of each API Gateway in order to start testing. But, I cannot find the endpoint URL:
For example, via CLI, I ran:
aws --profile dev apigateway get-rest-apis --output json
I get: (no endpoint URL)
"apiKeySource": "HEADER",
"description": "API one",
"endpointConfiguration": {
"types": [
"createdDate": 1570655986,
"policy": "{\\\"Version\\\":\\\"2012-10-17\\\",\\\"Statement\\\":[{\\\"Effect\\\":\\\"Allow\\\",\\\"Principal\\\":\\\"*\\\",\\\"Action\\\":\\\"execute-api:Invoke\\\",\\\"Resource\\\":\\\"arn:aws:FOOBAR\\/*\\/*\\/*\\\",\\\"Condition\\\":{\\\"IpAddress\\\":{\\\"aws:SourceIp\\\":[\\\"\\/0\\\""]}}}]}",
"id": "foobar",
"name": "foobar"
you have to deploy the APIs.
you find then the https address in the deployed stage.
or you can use a custom domain name

System.getenv() returning VCAP_SERVICES : "******"

System.getenv() is returning json with VCAP_SERVICES : "******". My cloud foundry java spring-boot app is bound to three services. If I give cf env app_name in CLI, its returning all bound services correctly. Also VCAP_APPLICATION and other fields in returned json are just fine except this one.
A Little background:
I need to get service name, label and plan for all the services bound to my app. I'm new to cloud foundry and spring-boot, so don't know how to use spring cloud connectors in my code.
The value in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable will be a JSON string that you need to parse, and it will give you an object describing all the bound services, including data like name, label, and plan. If you Google "vcap services" or "cloud foundry environment variables" the first result is this doc, and it has a section on VCAP_SERVICES. Here's the example they provide of what this JSON object looks like (after parsing):
"elephantsql": [
"name": "elephantsql-c6c60",
"label": "elephantsql",
"tags": [
"plan": "turtle",
"credentials": {
"uri": "postgres://"
"sendgrid": [
"name": "mysendgrid",
"label": "sendgrid",
"tags": [
"plan": "free",
"credentials": {
"hostname": "",
"username": "QvsXMbJ3rK",
"password": "HCHMOYluTv"
As you suggest wanting to try to to acces this info in your code you should consider the cloud foundry java client, good intro here and its really easy to get up and running. I've found that the api is somewhat limited but its worth looking at -

Aws OpsWorks RDS Configuration for Tomcat context.xml

I am trying to deploy an app named abcd with artifact as abcd.war. I want to configure to an external datasource. Below is my abcd.war/META-INF/context.xml file
<ResourceLink global="jdbc/abcdDataSource1" name="jdbc/abcdDataSource1" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceLink global="jdbc/abcdDataSource2" name="jdbc/abcdDataSource2" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
I configured the below custom JSON during a deployment
"datasources": {
"fa": "jdbc/abcdDataSource1",
"fa": "jdbc/abcdDataSource2"
"deploy": {
"fa": {
"database": {
"username": "un",
"password": "pass",
"database": "ds1",
"host": "",
"adapter": "mysql"
"database": {
"username": "un",
"password": "pass",
"database": "ds2",
"host": "",
"adapter": "mysql"
I also added the recipe opsworks_java::context during configure phase. But it doesnt seem like working and I always get the message as below
[2014-01-11T16:12:48+00:00] INFO: Processing template[context file for abcd] action create (opsworks_java::context line 16)
[2014-01-11T16:12:48+00:00] DEBUG: Skipping template[context file for abcd] due to only_if ruby block
Can anyone please help on what I am missing with OpsWorks configuration?
You can only configure one datasource using the built-in database.yml. If you want to pass additional information to your environment, please see Passing Data to Applications