Google Cloud CDN - cache based on request body, not url - google-cloud-platform

I need to support legacy API, which have constant url and request is differentiate using xml body. Is there any option to use body as cache KEY in Google CDN?
If no, I'm thinking about rewriting requests to add based64 body in url, what do you think about that?

No, Google Cloud CDN does not support using the request body as part of the cache key. Moving the relevant information to the URL would work, but only if the HTTP method is GET or HEAD. (Google Cloud CDN never serves cached content in response to other HTTP methods such as POST.)
There's more information on cache keys at


Is there some equivalent of x-sendfile or x-accell-redirect for S3?

I'm building an API and for some responses it will stream the content of S3 objects back to the requester. I would prefer to serve the content directly rather than redirect to send a 302 (e.g. to redirect to a cloudfront distro).
The default is that I read the file into the application and then stream it back out.
If I were using apache or nginx with a local file system I could ask the reverse proxy to stream the content directly from disk with X-Sendfile or X-Accel-Redirect.
Is there an AWS-native mechanism for doing this, so I can avoid loading the file into the application and serving back out again?
I’m not entirely sure I understand your scenario correctly, but I’m thinking in the following direction:
Generally, Cloudfront works like a reverse proxy with a cache attached. (Unlike other vendor’s products where you would “deploy on” the CDN.)
You can attach different types of origins to Cloudfront, it has native support for S3 buckets, but basically everything that speaks HTTP can be attached as a custom origin.
So, in the most trivial scenario, you would place your S3 bucket behind the Cloudfront, add an Origin Access Policy (OAI) and a bucket policy which permits the OAI to access your content.
In order to benefit from caching on the Cloudfront edge, you will need to configure it appropriately, otherwise it will just be a proxy. Make sure to set the Cloudfront TTLs for your content. Check how min/max/default TTL work.
But also don’t forget to set headers for your clients to cache (Cache-Control etc); this may save you a lot of money if the same clients need the same content over and over again.
As we know, caching and cach invalidation in particular, are tricky. Make sure to understand how Cloudfront handles caching to not run into problems. For example: cache busting with query parameters does work, but you need to make Cloudfront aware that the query sting is significant.
Now here comes the exciting part: If you need to react dynamically to the request of the client, you have Lambda#Edge and Cloudfront Functions at your disposal.
Lambda#Edge is basically what it says; Lambda functions on the edge. They can work in four modes: Client request, origin request, origin response, client response. Depends what you need to modify; incoming vs. outgoing data and client-Cloudfront vs. Cloudfront-origin communication.
CF Functions are pretty limited (ES5 only, no XHR or anything, only works on viewer request/response) but very cheap at the same time. Check the AWS docs to determine what you need.
FWIW, Cloudfront also supports signed cookies and signed URLs in case you need to restrict the content to particular viewers.

Signed Cookies with Google Cloud CDN responds with 403

I am trying to get hls / dash streams working via Google Cloud CDN for a video on demand solution. The files / manifests sit in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket and everything looks properly configured since i followed every step of the documentation
Now i am using an equivalent Node.js code from Google Cloud CDN signed cookies with bucket as backend to create a signed cookie with the proper signing key name and value which i previously set up in google cloud. The cookie get's sent to my load balancer backend in Google Cloud.
Sadly, i always get a 403 response saying <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access denied.</Message></Error>.
Further info:
signed urls / cookies is activated on load balaner backend
IAM role in bucket for cdn-account is set to "objectViewer"
signing key is created, saved and used to sign the cookie
Would really appreciate any help on this.
I just tried the exact python code google states to create the signed cookies from with the following params:
Call: sign_cookie('', 'mykeyname', 'mybase64encodedkey', 1614110180545)
The key is directly copied from google since I generated it there.
The load balancer log writes invalid_signed_cookie.
I'm stumbling across the same problem.
The weird thing is that it doesn't work correctly only in web browsers. I've seen GoolgeChrome and Safari return a 403 even though they contain cookies. However, I have noticed that the same request with the exact same cookie in curl returns 200. I think this means that it does not work correctly in web browser. I'm asking GCP support about this right now, but I'm not getting a good answer.
As a result of several hypotheses and tests, I found out that when the cookie library I use formats and inserts values into the Set-Cookie header, URLEncoding is automatically executed and cookies that CloudCDN cannot understand are sent. Therefore, it is now possible for web browsers to retrieve content by adding it to the Set-Cookie header without URLEnconding.

AWS nginx as a service?

I'm looking for a service that allows me to proxy/modify incoming requests inside AWS.
Currently I am using cloudfront, but that has limited functions.
I need to be able to see user agent strings and make proxy decisions based on that - like reverse proxying to another domain, or routing all requests to /index.html.
Anyone know of a service that within AWS - or outside of AWS.
It sounds like you are describing Lambda#Edge, which is a CloudFront enhancement that allows you to define Lambda functions that will fire at any of 4 hook points in the CloudFront signal flow, and modify the request or generate a dynamic response.
Viewer Request triggers allow inspection/modification of requests and dynamic generation of small responses before the cache lookup.
Origin Request triggers are similar, but fire after the cache is checked. They allow you to inspect and modify the request, including changing the origin server, path, and/or query string, or to generate a response instead of allowing CloudFront to proceed with the connection to the origin.
If the request goes to the origin, then once it returns, an Origin Response trigger can fire to modify the response headers or replace the response body with a different body you generate. The response after this trigger is finished with it is what gets stored in the cache, if cacheable.
Once a reaponse is cached, further firing of the Origin Request and Origin Response triggers doesn't occur for subsequent requests that can be served from the cache.
Finally, when the response is ready, whether it came from the cache or the origin, a Viewer Response trigger can modify it further, if desired.
Response triggers can also inspect many of the headers from the original request.
Lambda#Edge functions are written in Node.js, and are presented with the request or responses as simple structured objects that you inspect and/or modify.


In my use case, API Gateway serves as an HTTP proxy, using default settings following official tutorial.
It's tested working in test console or via curl. But if I access the link in browser or make an AJAX call, I'll get ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED.
It seems that API Gateway corrupt the content. Related issue.
Is there a way to forbid API Gateway changing my content? I set Content Handling to passthrough, but clearly it's changing my content.
Add a static integration request header Accept-Encoding with value 'identity', so that AWS won't tamper your request.

AWS API Gateway + Lambda Proxy Integration Cache Issues

I am trying to set-up API Gateway + Lambda Proxy + Cache and having issues with it.
Firstly it doesn't seem to be hitting the cache. Oddly when I use chrome dev tools to hit it and click 'disable' cache, it somehow does hit the cache! The difference is it sets the cache-control to 'none'. A normal requests it sets cache-control to 'max-age=0'.
Secondly when it does cache, its ignoring the URL parameter as a key so with different querystring values, it still returns the same response.
I have enabled the API Cache on the stage settings, I have also entered the 'querystrings' in the Method request settings as well and turned on the 'caching' checkbox for each querystring parameter.
Any thoughts on this? If this does not work I may have to resort to using Elasticache internally but it would have been great if API Gateway could handle this directly.
My API request are 'GET' requests with querystring parameters.