problem using ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config - amazon-web-services

i am trying to call S3 bucket using python script. i already create the credentials and config file too. using this kind of format in credentials:
aws_access_key_id= my_key_id
aws_secret_access_key= my_secret_access_key
and config file:
i already set my env variable too like this:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
i tried to run this script:
import boto3
# Create an S3 client
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
s3.put_object(Body='testing', Bucket='file-server-datalake', Key= 'test.txt')
and i got NoCredentialsError
is there any way to solve this?


Django Storage and Boto3 not retrieving Media from AWS S3

I am using a development server to test uploading and retrieving static files from AWS S3 using Django storages and Boto3. The file upload worked but I cannot retrieve the files.
This is what I get:
And when I check out the URL in another tab I get this
**This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.**
<Message>The me-south-1 location constraint is incompatible for the region specific endpoint this request was sent to.</Message>
Also I configured the with my own credentials and IAM user
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <secret-key>
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'me-south-1'
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
Please check in your AWS Identity & Access Management Console (IAM) whether your access keys have proper S3 permissions assigned to them.
Also, make sure you have installed AWS CLI and setup your credentials in your machine.
You can try running the below command and verify it.
$ aws s3 ls
2018-12-11 17:08:50 my-bucket
2018-12-14 14:55:44 my-bucket2
Reference :

Get secrets for GCP deployments from KMS

I want to deploy a Cloud VPN tunnel in GCP using Deployment Manager
I set up a deployment script using Python for this and I don't want the shared secret for the VPN tunnel in plain text in my configuration.
So I tried to include the secret encrypted via KMS and then perform a call to the KMS in the python script to get the plain text secret.
The python code to decrypt the secret looks like this:
import base64
import googleapiclient.discovery
def decryptSecret(enc_secret,context):
""" decrypts the given Secret via KMS"""
# KMS Configuration
KEY_RING = <Key Ring>
KEY_ID = <Key>
KEY_PROJECT = context.env['project'],
# Creates an API client for the KMS API.
kms_client ='cloudkms', 'v1')
key_name = 'projects/{}/locations/{}/keyRings/{}/cryptoKeys/{}'.format(
crypto_keys = kms_client.projects().locations().keyRings().cryptoKeys()
request = crypto_keys.decrypt(
body={'ciphertext': enc_secret})
response = request.execute()
plaintext = base64.b64decode(response['plaintext'].encode('ascii'))
return plaintext
But if I deploy this code I just get the following error message from deployment manager:
Waiting for update [operation-<...>]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.deployment-manager.deployments.update) Error in Operation [operation-1517326129267-5640004f18139-450d8883-8d57c3ff]: errors:
message: |
Manifest expansion encountered the following errors: Error compiling Python code: No module named googleapiclient.discovery Resource: Resource: config
I also tried to include the complete google-api-python-client library in my configuration yaml, but I still get this error.
Any idea someone?
To answer your question directly:
# requirements.txt
import base64
import os
import googleapiclient.discovery
crypto_key_id = os.environ['KMS_CRYPTO_KEY_ID']
def decrypt(client, s):
response = client \
.projects() \
.locations() \
.keyRings() \
.cryptoKeys() \
.decrypt(name=crypto_key_id, body={"ciphertext":s}) \
return base64.b64decode(response['plaintext']).decode('utf-8').strip()
kms_client ='cloudkms', 'v1')
auth = decrypt(kms_client, '...ciphertext...'])
You can find more examples and samples on GitHub.
To indirectly answer your question, you may be interested in Secret Manager instead.

Errno 11004 getaddrinfo failed error in connecting to Amazon S3 bucket

I am trying to use the boto (ver 2.43.0) library in Python to connect to S3, but I keep getting socket.gaierror: [Errno 11004] when I try to do this:
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
access_key = 'accesskey_here'
secret_key = 'secretkey_here'
conn = S3Connection(access_key, secret_key)
mybucket = conn.get_bucket('s3://')
I can connect to and access folders in mybucket using AWS CLI by using a command like this in Windows:
> aws s3 ls s3://
<list of folders in mybucket will be here>
or using software like CloudBerry or S3Browser.
Is there something that I am doing wrong here to access S3 bucket and folders properly?
get_bucket() expects a bucket name.
get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=True, headers=None)
mybucket = conn.get_bucket('mybucket')
If it doesn't work, show the full stack trace.
{Update]: There is a bug in boto library for bucket names with dot. Update your boto config
calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection, OrdinaryCallingFormat
conn = S3Connection(access_key, secret_key, calling_format=OrdinaryCallingFormat())

AWS S3 Bucket Upload/Transfer with boto3

I need to upload files to S3 and I was wondering which boto3 api call I should use?
I have found two methods in the boto3 documentation:
Do I use the client.upload_file() ...
import boto3
session = Session(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region)
s3 = session.resource('s3')
s3.Bucket('my_bucket').upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', 'hello.txt')
or do I use S3Transfer.upload_file() ...
import boto3
session = Session(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, region)
S3Transfer(session).upload_file('/tmp/hello.txt', 'my_bucket', 'hello.txt')
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
possible solution...
client = boto3.client("s3", "us-west-1", aws_access_key_id = "xxxxxxxx", aws_secret_access_key = "xxxxxxxxxx")
with open('drop_spot/my_file.txt') as file:
client.put_object(Bucket='s3uploadertestdeleteme', Key='my_file.txt', Body=file)
response = client.get_object(Bucket='s3uploadertestdeleteme', Key='my_file.txt')
print("Done, response body: {}".format(response['Body'].read()))
It's better to use the method on the client. They're the same, but using the client method means you don't have to setup things yourself.
You can use Client: low-level service access : I saw a sample code in

AWS Python script vs AWS CLI

I downloaded the AWS cli and was able to successfully list objects from my bucket. But doing the same from a Python script does not work. The error is forbidden error.
How should I configure the boto to use the same default AWS credentials ( as used by AWS cli )
Thank you
import logging import urllib, subprocess, boto, boto.utils, boto.s3
logger = logging.getLogger("test") formatter =
logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s') file_handler =
logging.FileHandler("test.log") file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.addHandler(stream_handler)
# wait until user data is available while True:'**************************** Test starts *******************************')
userData = boto.utils.get_instance_userdata()
if userData:
bucketName = ''
deploymentDomainName = ''
if bucketName:
from boto.s3.key import Key
s3Conn = boto.connect_s3('us-east-1')
bucket = s3Conn.get_bucket('testbucket')
key.key = ''
CLI is -->
aws s3api get-object --bucket testbucket --key
Is it possible to use the latest Python SDK from Amazon (Boto 3)? If so, set up your credentials as outlined here: Boto 3 Quickstart.
Also, you might check your environment variable. If they don't exist, that is okay. If they don't match those on your account, then that could be the problem as some AWS SDKs and other tools with use environment variables over the config files.
(sorry if my windows-foo is weak)
When you use CLI by default it takes credentials from .aws/credentials file, but for running bot you will have to specify access key and secret key in your python script.
import boto
import boto.s3.connection
access_key = 'put your access key here!'
secret_key = 'put your secret key here!'
conn = boto.connect_s3(
aws_access_key_id = access_key,
aws_secret_access_key = secret_key,
host = '',
#is_secure=False, # uncomment if you are not using ssl
calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(),