Difference pip/pipenv - django

I guess it's going to be obvious in a few seconds but I am fairly new to web development.
I am learning how to use Django and I encountered an issue with allauth after having installed it through pipenv and tried to migrate. I got a lovely ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'allauth'. As I said, I installed it through pipenv and I could see allauth in my .venv/Lib/site-packages file. I have my virtual environment set and activated.
A quick research and thanks to this answer, I solved my issue by "reinstalling" it with pip install allauth, and my migration is now working fine.
What I don't understand is, wasn't it already installed when I did pipenv install allauth, do I need to install everything once with pipenv to get the Pipfile & Pipfile.lock updated and then also install it through pip...?
Obviously, I don't fully understand the difference between pipenv & pip, if some charitable soul would be kind enough to explain this to me, I'd greatly appreciate it :)
Edit: I saw this thread already but either way I am stupid or whatever but it still doesn't make much sense to me.

so, you said pip install allauth fixed the issue for you. But that might be because it installed the package GLOBALLY, and you definitely don't wanna do that.
Rather, you should try reinstalling using pipenv itself. It has happened to me before and got fixed this way.
In case if that didn't work, try removing and re-setuping the virtual env -
pipenv --rm
pipenv shell
pipenv install
Difference between PIP & PIPENV
In a very layman's language,
pip is a package installing manager itself used to install other packages like panda, pillow, django, virtualenv... etc
pipenv, on the other hand, is a package created to simplifies the burden of using virtualenv and pip seperately. (I'm assuming you know how virtualenv works)
You don't need pipenv if you are using virtualenv with pip. But I would anyday recommend to use pipenv because who wants pain right?
To understand more, I think you should also research (google) VIRTUALENV vs PIPENV. That'll definitely help.
Reference URL


pipenv updates all dependencies bringing breaking changes

I'm having problems with an app that uses Django. Everything is in a docker container, there is a pipfile and a pipfile.lock. So far, so good.
The problem is when I want to install a new depedency. I open the docker container shell, and I install the dependency with pipenv install <package-name>.
After installing the package, pipenv runs a command to update the pipfile.lock file and doing so updates all packages to their last version, bringing whit these updates a lot of breaking changes.
I don't understand why is this happening, I have all packages listed in my pipfile with ~=, this is suppose to avoid updating to versions that can break your app.
I'll give you an example, I have this dependency in my pipfile: dj-stripe = "~=2.4". But, in the pipfile.lock file, after pipenv runs the command lock, that depedency is updated to its last version (2.5.1).
What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure you're installing it within Docker? A common cause of pipfile.lock conflicts is installing a package locally instead of within Docker and then when the local environment syncs with Docker it will override your pipfile.lock.
Assuming you're using docker-compose, this is how I'm installing my packages:
docker-compose exec web pipenv install <package-name>
I discovered what my problem was.
I've been listing the dependencies like this: ~=2.4, I thought that was indicating not to update to 2.5 or greater, but that's not true, that only tells pipenv not to update to 3 or greater.
In order to stay in 2.4 version, I must specify the last number version, for example: ~=2.4.0
That way, I'm telling pipenv not to update from 2.4.

virtual env python 3.5 only finds django python 2.7

I have created python 3.5.2 virtual environment ("python --version" confirms that)
but when i try to install django using "pip install django~=1.10.0" I get this message:
Requirement already satisfied: django~=1.10.0 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
How can I get django version that agrees with the python version in my venv?
Personally I use conda to manage environments and I'm not really familiar with virtualenv, but a few things to check.
I bet you need to use pip3 not pip (aka pip2) to install django that way it will be installed in your python 3 env.
Probabily you have already installed django outside the venv with python2.
just write see in the pip list if django is installed.
Then uninstall, enter in the venv and reinstall django with python3
Ok - so I figured out what happened. I have installed django using sudo pip install. Even though I was in the venv (created with python3) this has resulted in reference to django outside the venv. Sooo...it was an interesting thing to learn I guess.

Cannot user easy_install or install pip

I am a noob here. Because I need to use Python 2.7 for work, I created another user login and tried to re-setup my dev environment. I have reinstalled python 2.7 using brew but I couldn't get easy_install or work and my system cannot find where pip is. Much frustration here, hope someone can help!
I have already tried to install pip and the system still cannot find it:

How can I uninstall Django apps?

So I was installing an app in order to bootstrap my Django admin interface, and I thought this app was going to be Project specific but it appears to be installed on a global Django level.
My question is how can I uninstall it if I need to do so at a later date? I wanted my project to be as independent as possible. I was also wondering if there was a way of doing the installation within the project so that people that download my repository will automatically get it.
Also some minor questions are that after adding "add django_admin_bootstrapped into the INSTALLED_APPS list before django.contrib.admin" I was not required to run a syncdb command like we usually are when installing models. I guess this applications doesn't creates tables on my database so that is probably why, but I just wanted to know your thoughts.
I know it is a lot to answer but any clarification is appreciated. Thanks.
If you have installed the django app using pip do:
pip uninstall app_name
Or you have to go manually to your site-packages directory and remove it.
After that,
Remove the app from INSTALLED_APPS. django-admin-boostrapped might have overridden your templates. After you are done, do ./manage.py collectstatic and ./manage.py syncdb
If you're writing something that you want other people to use, and it relies on other packages (whether Django apps or more generic Python packages) it's standard to use pip. This makes it easy to install and uninstall packages, and specific versions of those packages. You can then create a requirements.txt file, which you include with your project. This lets other people know what packages are required, and they can easily install them using pip.
So, first off, install pip.
Then you would install django-admin-bootstrapped by doing:
$ pip install django-admin-bootstrapped
You can also install django using pip:
$ pip install django
If you then do this:
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
you'll end up with a requirements.txt file that lists any packages you've installed with pip, and which version of each. Include that file with your project when you share it with others (on GitHub or wherever). Those people would then do this, to install the same packages:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
It would also be worth installing and using virtualenv – this lets you have separate environments for your python work, so that when you pip install something it's only available in that environment. Then you can have different versions of packages (eg, different versions of Django) in each environment. Virtualenvwrapper also makes some of the common virtualenv tasks a little easier.
It's a lot to get to grips with at first, as I know from experience, but it's worth doing so and will make development easier in the long term.
As to your other question, it looks like django-admin-bootstrapped doesn't have any models, so it doesn't require any updating of the database after installation.

Why won't pip install anything?

Whenever I try to pip install anything in my virtualenvs I am told it is Downloading/Unpacking. My terminal then stays on that line indefinitely. The longest I have left this running was 2 hours (trying to install iPython) without success.
Most recently, I tried installing django in one virtualenv using pip. Once it said Downloading/Unpacking I created another virtualenv in another terminal window and used easy-install to install django and mezzanine. Both installed with their dependencies before there was any movement on the terminal using pip. I left the pip window running for an hour before giving up. I have tried pip install, pip install -v --use-mirrors and their sudo equivalents without much change in the results (-v --use-mirrors spews out a list of urls before stalling at Downloading/Unpacking).
I am using Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 12.04.1 64-bit. I use Virtuanlenvwrapper to create and manage my virtualenvs, if that helps.
I can't find any references to other people having this problem so I expect it's a mistake of mine. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Following #HugoTavares's suggestion I found I needed to install python-dev. I don't know why this helped but it seems to have solved this particular problem. I'm putting this answer on for now but Hugo, if you read this, please post an identical one and I'll remove acceptance on this and accept yours, since you deserve the credit.