Enable editing a field in Django admin's list view - django

Consider a model that stores application forms. I would like to use Django admin to quickly view applications and change their status. I would like to be able to change the status of an application right in the view listing all the applications without having to open each application for editing. So, is it possible to make a field editable right in the admin list view?


Can I access my website from Django admin panel?

I am trying to develop a website where I can see the homepage as it is from Django admin panel. The reason I want that is I want to edit the name of the static content like 'Home' to 'All' along with the change of slide show picture. In summary, I want to change the website layout from Django admin panel that is not accessible to users. Is that possible? I just want an idea of how to implement the process.
Static texts you can change in admin panel with different modules:
for example django-rosetta or my own library Django-tof. https://github.com/wP-soft-GmbH/django-tof
But in your case, i think, you want to made something more.
For this case you can use django-flat-pages, already included in Django, if you have a static web-page.
you can edit every element on the page and after save, you can see it on the front.
if you really want to change the django templates, which you use in your views, you can create a simple template editor in the admin panel based on a widget like django-Ckeditor.

Adding multiple items using the raw_id_field popup

I am using the Django admin site and I have a m2m relation which uses raw_id_fields in the admin panel. A user can add an item to the m2m model using the popup window but I would like to be able to select multiple items at once and add them all.
Is this at possible with the current framework or would customisation be needed. If customisations are needed, how would I go about doing that.
django-bulk-admin will do the trick, and it supports other bulk actions in admin.

Add app model in new Page by drop-down select in Django

It is bit complicated so I hope that explain this properly.
I have app which is created within new Page in admin site. In that app I have also drop-down list with my installed apps like on picture.
drop-down of installed apps in new Page
I need someway to add models of selected app dynamicaly by add button at the end of this Page. So if I select app, with add button add model of app below page content, next select second app and add model below app added before. So at the end I will have filled Page with models of apps that I added.
Adding functionality like on this picture or with some add button or add button next to drop-down.
desired functionality
I dont have so much experiences in Django that I can make it self right now. I know that this is possible but I need help of you that you are Django Pro. I really need to make this done.

Django-cms Edit model placeholder before model is added

Is there a good way to implement editing of a PlaceholderField before the model is added to an app?
I have an app with an apphook, and at present one has to create the model in the admin interface, save it (causing it to appear on the website), and then add the CMS content to the already-visible rendering of the model. Clearly this isn't very good.
Ideally I would like to be able to create the Placeholder content 'inline' along with the rest of the model.
What would be the best way to go about this? Is there an existing method, or do I hack the admin interface and the model's save method using the CMS API?

Django admin: two change lists on the same page

I am trying to make an overview page for one of my models I have read through all of http://www.djangobook.com/en/1.0/.chapter17/ and understand how I can add my own custom views for a model to the django admin.
What I am currently trying to do is add multiple filtered change lists (presenting some child models) onto my "overview" page for the model. In these I would like to be able to make use of some of the admin features such as editable fields or actions.
Does anyone have some pointers on how I can best get started with this.
Check this out
He created a proxy model for the original model to avoid the conflict. You can create a new model admin or inherit the old ModelAdmin(as shown in the link)